But the next morning's exercise, we are still not any lax, and did not stop because of the community here!

But today the task is still quite heavy! Villas over there, this side of the community, need to prepare lanterns and blessing! Fortunately, there are more children at home! They can help! You can't do a big favor. You can do a small favor! Let them participate in it, is the best understanding of traditional culture!

At this point, both Ding Lin and Ding Yu belong to more traditional people! Antithetical couplets and the word "Fu" are not always posted by themselves. They will be tired to death, but the front door must be theirs. Other people can't start!

Ding Yun's mouth is full! Holding his small fist, he expressed his dissatisfaction with his grandfather and father!

Looking at his daughter's appearance, Ding Yu is feeling a little funny!

Obviously, it's intentional. It's just to win more sympathy points. Why? Because this year's red envelope must be different! I didn't expect that I was young. I had a lot of heart!

But in Ding Yu's opinion, her daughter is not saying that her mind is not enough, but to consider this aspect, it is obviously not her strong point, the one who shakes the feather fan? I feel that the tail on the back has started to shake, and I can't control it at all. If there are two feet on the head, it may be the complete body of a little devil! The little wings are very powerful!

But Ding Chang was honest with the paste at this time. Maybe he felt his father looked at him. He even took the initiative to lift the paste basin inside the handle a little higher, which was a good helper's posture!

At this time, even if you want to lose your temper, you can not find any reason, can only be stifled! What else can we do? become shame? This kind of thing basically won't happen to Ding Yu's body! That's for sure!

Beating kids on rainy days? ha-ha!

After a busy day, many things come to an end!

Just back home, has not stopped down, Ding Yu with the children to the community security guards, they sent warmth! Although this year's time, the family is basically not much rest here, but the children often come back! It's really troublesome for the security and property of the community at the same time!

Originally it was Ding Lin who was doing such things, but now? Ding Yu has come back to take over!

However, this year is quite different from the previous years, that is, Wang An and his brother and sister follow the same. It is obvious that Wang An's position in Ding Yu's mind is by no means ordinary! thus it can be seen!

Although it is said that some snacks, candy! Milk, cigarettes and other things, but the meaning is completely different! And property for the arrival of the Ding family, but also expressed a warm welcome, this time of year, the Ding family people will arrive on time! How can the harmony between the property and residents, is also quite rare!

"Director Ding, when I met Dean Ding, I said that we should do a good job in protection this year! Originally, I thought that our property committee would let dean to come and get involved! But Dean Ding has never had this time! "

"I saw it in wechat group! There are many things about my father! It may be exaggerating to say that one's feet are not touching the ground, but I'm tired in work. I hope you can understand it! "

In terms of property, why do you want your father to come forward? The reason is very simple, that is, the father has a considerable social reputation, but also very good communication, but the father is not nothing, on the contrary, the father's body can be said to have so many things! There is not so much free time to serve the community public!

So Ding Yu explained a little bit!

It's true that Ding Yu doesn't come here very much now, but he can't say that after meeting him, he doesn't even say hello. His eyes are on his head. When he looks at people, he uses his eyelids. This does not conform to Ding Yu's character!

Relatively speaking, Dingyu has no much relationship with the properties of these communities. At most, they are familiar with each other!

In this case, what are you talking to them about? Talk about national affairs? The future development of the farm? Or medical research and so on! It doesn't show the problem at all, it's just fooling the fool!

So talk about each other's topics of interest, the other can feel that they are not high above, are also people! There is no difference. This is Ding Yu's way of doing things. There may be some formula, but at least it will not make people feel so nervous or even at a loss!

Four children are standing in the back position, we all have different feelings, especially Ding Yun and Ding Chang!

In the past, they did not really care about this aspect of the problem, but now the situation is slightly different! So they are particularly interested in this! Look at father's behavior, what kind of difference does it have?

It can be seen that his father's attitude is very good. He didn't look at them with different eyes because of the different property work in front of him. He didn't let them have any strange feeling. There was a simple contact between them, but this kind of contact would not have any precautions or other situations!They even asked their father to smoke. Although his father seldom smoked, he didn't say that he didn't!

There is also storage at home. Relatively speaking, the cigarettes they take over are of a slightly lower grade, but their father doesn't have any dislike. For these people in the property management, director Ding Yu's face saving makes them a little excited!

How are their cigarettes? It's not particularly good, but director Ding doesn't have any dislike. Although they say they don't know Ding Yu very well, they at least know that the farm was made by director Ding, and he is also a medical expert. From the perspective of ordinary people, director Ding really eats what he wants and drinks what he wants!

They don't lack these things at all, even their things are tens of millions of times better than their own!

However, they didn't dislike themselves. The impression left on us is really great! incapable of further increase!

After smoking two cigarettes and chatting for a while, Ding Yu and his party left!

But when she turned around, Ding Yu looked at the little girl who was running and jumping. She had a good time with Xiao lazy, so don't disturb her! As for his son and daughter? They are thinking now!

"What do you see?" Ding Yu seems to be very casual to ask a!

"Dad, they are very respectful, even with a little awe?! But later, I was much better. I was bold in speaking and relaxed a lot! "

Don't say, the observation is very careful! Ding Yu rubbed his finger and was obviously satisfied with his daughter's answer!

"Is this, in your opinion, deliberate affectation?"

The problem is very prominent, even some sharp! Come a little bit fierce, let Ding Yun and Ding Chang two people do not have too much time to think! So I fell into silence for a moment!

"Master?" Wang an couldn't help but be stunned!

Because the master rubbed his head, it is true that he is closer to him, but this time is really too rare! The impression of master is always more serious! Today came such a, let oneself don't know how to deal with!

But I still enjoy this feeling! No, why not! Is a kind of joy from the heart!

"You boy is a bit dull, don't be like me. Your experience is precious wealth for you. Don't let these wealth become your burden. If you are too heavy, you can't bear it. You should learn to put it down!"

"Master, I think life is very good now!"

"You Ding Yu sighed a little. His son and daughter are not too "worry free", and the big apprentice is also heavy hearted. For his age, there are some things that are not appropriate! So Ding Yu also took this opportunity to say two more words! Let him be a little more active!

"Master, don't worry about me! I'm fine! For the present life is very contented! You don't have to enlighten me! "

Walking beside Wang An, Ding Yu snorted, "you boy! Hi! The new year's Eve, do not say that sad words, you are more than Dingyun and Ding Chang, they are a little too naughty and mischievous! Sometimes I look at it with a headache. You are a little hard-working! "

Wang an did not continue to speak, "you still have children, even your own sister, these need to take good care of, you are a little tired this big brother!"

"Master, I don't feel like this! Whether it's younger martial brother or younger sister

"You can't feel the power without being in such a position! Only in such a position, will have such a feeling! Do things fair and just, otherwise we will feel dissatisfied! It doesn't matter once or twice, but after a long time? Sometimes it's troublesome! I am like this, you in the future! It won't be easy to get there

For Wang An of this age, these topics are a bit heavy! But Ding Yu didn't hide anything on this issue, even a little deliberately induced meaning! "Ding Chang has a lot of thoughts. What about Ding Yun? It seems careless, but the heart has its own measurement, who is not what kind of fuel-efficient lamp! You! It may be very hard in the future! "

"Master, you should have a headache!" Wang An is very naughty!

"How are you! I'm just responsible for your growth and education! But I can't accompany you all my life. The road of life needs you to go on your own. It's OK at this stage, but you have also had a lot of contact. Is life? Still need to see the scenery alone, sharing is a good thing, but some of the scenery belongs to their own person! Because everyone has his own aesthetic point of view! "

"Master, if Grandma had listened to you, she would have picked up the broom!"

Ding Yu gave a smile, and he didn't like it! I'm used to it! When your aunt Ding Ding comes back, you will know the difference! She's my sister. I'm a little spoiled to her! But fortunately, she is just a little naive! There is no problem in other aspects. I'm still very kind-hearted! ""Aunt?" Wang an tilted his head and gave himself a good impression, but in the treatment of the master's problem? Wang an couldn't help but tilt his mouth? I don't know the inside information, but I saw the scene at that time! It's a little scary! I really doubt why my master didn't run away at that time?

Back home, a few children obviously can't sit still. Ding Yu doesn't care about it at all!

This is nothing like when I was a child. After I put some things in my pocket, I went out to find friends to play with! But now the environment has changed, it is convenient to contact!

Although it is not like the original time, we are all together, but now a community, together with other students and so on, they are the same, now they are tied to the home, is not so in line with the matter! It's better to let them out. In this way, the family will stop a lot, and the same children will be happy a lot!

However, Ding Yu and Tai Xi stayed at home. As for Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, it seems that they don't have so much leisure time at home. They have their own entertainment activities!

"Is it a little too much?" Looking at the tea delivered by Tai Xi, Ding Yu curled his mouth slightly, "or we two people also go out to wave?! It's too much to leave the two of us at home! "

For the child's father's words, Taixi is helpless! If you were in the capital, there would be no problem talking like this, but now you stay here. Is it really good for you to say so? Don't you think about anything else?

Ding Yu looked at Tai Xi very boring, but also sighed! "Ah! Just talk about it. There's no need to be so angry? " It was a small apology, and then a cup of tea for Tai hee!

"But it's really a lot cleaner!" Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "I seem to think of it all of a sudden! When I was in Beijing, I learned something! How about showing it to you? "

For the child's father's display, Tai Xi sipped his mouth and laughed! It's a great honor for Ding Yu! Busy for almost two hours, but just out of the furnace, looking at the children rushing in from outside, Ding Yu felt that his teeth were about to bite! What's the situation? This is? Is it so opportune to come back?

"Wow, Dad, what's the smell? So sweet? " Ding Chang sniffs his small nose, very surprised and surprised!

The taste is very sweet, but it is not a kind of sweet and greasy. It gives people a very pleasant feeling. Just the taste is already like this! You can imagine what a wonderful thing it would be to eat!

Taixi shook his head, knocked his son's head, and then called on them to wash their hands! Don't keep it! Don't you see that their fathers are going to be furious?

"Didn't expect them to come back so soon?"

Ding Yu said rather bitterly!

Tai Xi saw it in his eyes and wrote it in his heart, but he didn't mean to say it! Can't you see what you've done? But I have tried, the taste is really very good, is also very delicate, the process is very careful, I really don't know the father of the child has such a hand!

It's not that the father of the child doesn't cook. He still likes the fireworks in the world, but it's really rare to see such exquisite things! At least they seldom see it! Anyway, I have never heard of this aspect of things, so now my heart is almost filled!

Things have been tried by themselves, now it's the children's turn to try! As for father-in-law and mother-in-law, they have already placed them! Absolutely can't forget parents because of children, this is a matter of principle!

When the children came out, Taixi had already set up the dishes!

"Dad?! Is this a special gift? "

"Originally, I didn't have your share. It was for your grandparents and your mother. However, seeing that there was a lot of material left over, and adhering to the principle of not being able to waste, I just managed to do more!"

Ding Chang shook his head at his elder brother. I'm afraid his father didn't believe what he said, but they would not expose it. If he really didn't know good or evil, I believe their father will let them know. His means are not bragging!

"Dad, it's delicious!" After trying two mouthfuls, Ding Yun felt that her head could not be pulled out!

Wang An, they don't speak at this time. It's not that they know what they are interested in, but that they have found out too! The food is really delicious, the whole taste bud is going to explode! How on earth are things made?

This kind of cake is not that they have never eaten it, but it is not so delicious and delicious!

Can feel out, things or those things, eggs! Flour and so on! There's no other flavor, but why does it change so beautifully after it's fused together? You can't stop it?!But have been waiting for Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying to come back! Ding Chang didn't know how his father made it. After all, the actual operation is completely different!

Looking at his grandfather and grandmother, Ding Chang's eyes could not help but a light, and then took the dinner plate, carrying things, and ran to the past, courting, "grandfather! Grandma! What Dad made is delicious

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying didn't refuse their granddaughter's kindness. After they tried, they were all surprised!

"Boss, did you do it? It's delicious

Ding Yu looked at his daughter and curled his mouth, "Dad! Mom! If you like, eat more. In the afternoon, Taixi and I have nothing to do, so we do more! "

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