Although in the mother's strong request, Ding Yu did again, this time with the previous situation is different!

The whole family can be said to have been out and observed carefully, but there is no use in observing. If you can learn by looking at it, there will be nothing difficult in the world! Ding Yu's way makes people don't know how to get started!

"Grandma?" Ding Yun pouts in Zhao Shuying's words and pinches her body. Obviously, she is "disappointed" with her father. "Dad cheated. We can't learn this way at all?! He did it on purpose

"Ha ha, I can't learn it either!" Zhao Shuying looks at her son's way, is also very helpless, lets oneself eat two mouthfuls, but lets oneself start to do, is really impossible matter! The technique is too high-end!

Including the temperature control, the accurate collocation of various things, I really doubt how my son did it!

Even in the process, there is no meaning to weigh, that is to use his hand to grasp. If it is his own, he can do this in such a short time? Even with two hands, it's unlikely!

Wang An and Ding Chang looked at each other, the configuration of things is very simple! egg! Milk! Sugar and so on! It's not as complicated as imagined. It's hard to match each other and control the temperature! There is also modulation, so that all kinds of things perfectly integrated together, this is absolutely not one day two days can do!

And more in-depth, in this process, dad used a considerable skill, at least 10 years of skill!

But to say that the total is disappointment, not necessarily, everyone's eyes are showing considerable interest, the father can do things, they can do, nothing more than good exercise themselves, let themselves can go further!

Keep patience, and the things behind will come naturally!

Thinking about things that are too eager for success, it's impossible! In addition to the father at home, other people do not want to think, a few children? In ten years' time, I'm afraid that will be the level now! This or let them work hard, do not relax their own situation, otherwise it is very difficult!

"Send some to your grandmother?! She should love it! " Zhao Shuying obviously thought of something!

For grandma's response, several children also raised their hands! They all want to participate actively!

Ding Yu really doubts that these little guys want to continue to eat? Or want to send things to the elderly, it's hard to say! But I have done so much, it seems inappropriate to stay at home!

Anyway, there are no other things, just go and have a trip! It's just like going out for fun! Originally, I still wanted to let a few children stay at home, but I was coaxed out by my father and mother!

Came to the grandmother's side, Ding Yu and Tai Xi two people give things to present! Very respectful! The old lady in the family really can't afford to offend! Even Ding Yu has no idea!

Grandma tried two mouthfuls, but she gave Ding Yu the face, or Taixi's face! The old lady has not changed her attitude towards Ding Yu's grandson! This point is really quite helpless! Things are not transferred by human will!

"Brother, did you make this?" Hands holding things in the army, a face of disbelief!

If you want to say that this thing is made by sister Ding Ding, I believe that because she usually likes to drum up these things, and the things made are OK, but what I eat today is really frightening myself!

"I did it with your sister-in-law when I was free! Isn't that good? " Ding Yu is so proud!

Zhao Jun is very suspicious. His sister-in-law has never tried his craft. However, listening to Ding Yun and Ding Chang's story, he should have done it by his elder brother. The suspicion in his eyes is even unbelievable!

In my own impression, big brother is a big doctor, and has a very deep influence. Is he a man? Very good, the appearance seems to have so some high cold, but actually still very easy to get along with!

But the vast majority of people are defeated by their brother's appearance of indifference! Do not dare to contact, even if it is the same way, always feel that there is a considerable fear in the heart! At this point, there is a huge gap with sister Ding Ding!

But through this close contact with big brother, we suddenly found that big brother is still very interesting! Even sometimes, there are so many funny than, although the words themselves are not easy to say, but the heart is really such a feeling!

What's more, the elder brother is really so busy, and he didn't mean to give up!

On the plane, after chatting for a period of time, there are quite a number of documents sent over! Looking at their own scalp feel so numb, although the position of the eldest brother is enviable, but the efforts and sweat behind it are hard for ordinary people to achieve!

"All right! You eat less, there are still at home! "Looking at his son and apprentice, Ding Yu was helpless, but his uncle and aunt laughed! They also tasted things, really good, but for such things, they seem to be more loveless! Maybe it's because I'm old. It's OK to try it, but it's boring to eat it as a meal!

They young people like these things. I don't know what they like? Can't eat as a meal?!

Ding Yun puffed up her mouth, but after a long silence, she did not complain to the old lady. However, she also looked at her father. Her eyes were full of cunning eyes!

Slightly hum a, also don't know is to agree! Still did not agree, but no matter how to say, this matter is to deal with down, Tai Xi looked at his daughter, also did not know what to say is good!

Now this time crazy provocation of his father, is really not afraid of anything? To know that their father spoiled is a thing, but if you really educate them, his subordinates are absolutely merciless! When they were so young, they were sent out. At that time, they cried for a long time!

It is true that I also know that this is for the sake of children, but as a mother, I still can't help the bitterness in my heart. Now I think it may be a bit ridiculous, but under the circumstances at that time, how could I bear it?

So now looking at Ding Yun's situation, Tai Xi really has some worries! Such crazy provocation of their father, you know, they are quite different from Ding Ding Ding! Who knows what will happen next?

When she came back from her grandmother's home, several children went to see Zhao Shuying and Ding Lin. Ding Yu sat on the sofa safely. She didn't need to prepare dinner by herself. She just needed to carry a mouth!

"I heard there are quite a few fireworks on the farm?"

"Well!" Ding Yu nodded, "they are all cold fireworks, which are more beautiful, but the way they are set off is quite different from ordinary fireworks. The big guy is more happy, and the farm side also agrees! I took a look at it

Ding Yu doesn't pay much attention to the farm here. Relatively speaking, there are still some farms that are too small!

The farm may put the report on Ding Yu's desk, but Ding Yu basically won't pay too much attention to and give instructions. If Ding Yu does this! How can the leaders on the farm look at the problem? Dealing with problems?

"It's said that the preparation is not small?" Because there is nothing free, so Ding Lin also asked two questions!

Naturally, the family also has considerable preparation. In the past years, I have tried it myself. Although it is a little troublesome, the fireworks are very beautiful, which is quite different from the traditional fireworks! Because it's Spring Festival! So I asked two more questions!

"It's said that we have prepared a lot of things, and we are happy together. Our life has improved a lot in the past two years. At least, we should relax under such circumstances! Can't always be tight with their own spirit, will put themselves tired down, are people

"People oriented, this is a good thing! We must insist! Never give up halfway! "

Have been waiting for a few children with small four eyes, they rushed over, Ding Yu and his father chat is the end of the paragraph! Little four eyes are a little better. They are a little bit uncomfortable, because compared with the villa here, they are a little bit restrained. It's not like the villa, where you can enjoy yourself!

But they are obviously very sensible. At this time, Sahuan is not so simple as being educated. How about the big devil? Even if it's a big bear, it won't be too easy for them. A slap on the ground is just a matter of waving! It's so simple!

Dinner is still relatively rich, but before this, a few children prepare food for the big bear and the little lazy. It's Chinese New Year! They also follow the Chinese new year, so a person gets the way of chicken and dog ascending to heaven! It's very simple and simple!

After they had prepared something for Xiao Siyan, several children, including adults, washed their hands before they began to prepare for dinner. There were countless things on the table in the house, which were basically prepared by Zhao Shuying and Tai Xi.

Several children expressed their thanks for it! Then began to eat, but there was no fight! But what's on the table is like the ebb tide! Fast reduction! It's so scary to see it!

Ding Yu's situation is known to all at least, but a few children, like a small rice bucket, those things go into their stomachs, but the stomach can not see too many changes?!

"Dad! Tomorrow is new year's Eve! "

The chopsticks inside Ding Yu's hand slightly stopped for a while, "so?" That's a bit of an idiot!

"Dad, are our red envelopes ready? I hope this year is very special! " The last few words, Ding Yun almost bit his own teeth to say, also do not know why to be so?!

"Oh Ding Yu finished speaking, how many children have not yet? Zhao Shuying's eyebrows are up! Obviously, the older son's answer made him very dissatisfied! Perhaps feeling the pressure of his mother, Ding Yu curled his mouth slightly!It's just lucky money, and it's not something that can't be done. Why does your daughter value it so much?

In addition to Ding Yu's family, there are several different ways to educate children! Guide them in the right way! You don't need to be hard on them!

And a few children also formed their own good habits, although there is money in the pocket, but they never mean to spend money indiscriminately! At this point, Ding Yu is quite proud!

After dinner, we have no other activities! Tomorrow is new year's Eve! But this evening when can see quite fireworks, stands in the window position, the distant sky fireworks are quite beautiful!

Feeling that his thigh is different, Ding Yu hums his nose, and so is his little four eyes!

One person and one dog are not satisfied with each other, but now this time xiaosiyan squats beside Ding Yu! Ding Yu is holding the chest with both hands, standing beside the little four eyes, but it is very harmonious! Except for mutual neglect!

"Dad, do you eat fruit?"

"You will be gallant Ding Yu took up a piece of fruit, which was a big face for his daughter! "But is your performance a little too obvious? Come on! What is it? How can you be so persistent? "

"Dad, this should be considered personal privacy?"

Ding Yu is helpless, looking at the side of the small four eyes, this guy, is really a licking dog, now this time to come to the platform! What do you mean? Do you really think you can't give it to me? Right? It's too underestimated!

"It's quite well prepared. Your mother and I have prepared it! So what? "

What kind of things to give them, Ding Yu can think about for a long time, is not perfunctory! It's not that if you give them a red envelope, it's over! That would be superfluous carelessness! Too insincere!

"Dad, hee hee!" It's the same thing again. Anyway, it's playing tricks with my father. My father won't give me anything!

Is this really your own cotton padded jacket? It's not black heart cotton, is it? Ding Yu looks at his daughter suspiciously!

The next morning, early in the morning, we could hear the sound of firecrackers outside! The children in the house can't sit at all. They get up when it's not light!

Ding Lin is with the children to go out with the firecrackers, do not know where the interest! In no way, Ding Yu had to go out with him. When he came out, he saw many old people coming to the designated place together!

Greeting each other is very happy! Ding Lin's popularity is very good, and the children in the family are also the envy of other old people, who are more traditional people! If you don't set off some firecrackers, I always feel that the new year is bad!

Several children are quite busy. They are very interested in cold fireworks because they have different lighting methods with traditional fireworks. Soon they are quite ready. Looking at the shooting device not far away, Ding Yu really doesn't know what to say. However, it is a good memory to record this situation!

Because the sky is not completely bright, so when the fireworks are set off, the effect is very good! Very beautiful!

Wang An and the little girl, they two people look at these fireworks, is very happy, especially the little girl, there jump and listen!

A lot of people gathered here soon! They are also attracted by fireworks! We say hello to each other! Many people also deliberately come to talk with Ding Lin and Ding Yu and his son! Although at this stage, the Ding family is no longer living here in the community! But the feelings between each other are not too much change!

Breakfast is quite different from the past. Several children gather around their grandmother and mother to see the effect of their shooting. It has not been edited yet. If it is edited out, it may be more beautiful. We should know that they almost went out on land, sea and air. This effect is not ordinary!

"You! Get used to them?! Even drones! Are we going to use helicopters at night? "

"Good! Seeing that they are very interested in this, the shooting is also very artistic conception, the important thing is that they learned a lot in the process, and did not make other things come out! "

Ding Xitai has no choice but to defend himself!

In fact, I don't really have an opinion on this matter, but I have a little so-called little jealousy, so I bite my ear with the child's father in my spare time! Compared with the privacy, there is really no eye-catching!

To be sure, these children don't mean to disturb them!

"Dad?" After breakfast, Ding Yun lies on his father's back and says something in a low voice! The sound is very low! Obviously, there are some small concerns!After thinking about it for a while, Ding Yu murmured with her daughter for a while. Then Ding Yun jumped off the sofa and ran away! Almost hit Taixi who delivered tea!

Tai Xi is helpless, he wants to shout, but considering this year is the new year, or forget it!

And she was so excited, now interrupt her always have so some not very good!

But this daughter! I'm not a lady at all. I've considered this problem for a long time! It's like a crazy girl! The father of the child doesn't care, he doesn't know what to say!

It must be inappropriate to suppress her nature, but it should not be too wanton! Right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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