Just after noon, the family began to do quite a lot of preparation, the evening needs more busy things! If you're not ready now, you'll be in a hurry at night! If there is such a situation, it is really a joke!

Even Ding Yu can't be the so-called master now, but a few children are very quiet now. They don't know what to do in the room. But without them to make trouble, it's much cleaner!

From another point of view, it's really that people are not used to it! They are usually very noisy, without them, even a little lazy, they are a little wilting!

As for Ding Yu, he and his father pushed all the fireworks to the place where they were set off. After all, it was not so convenient at night. There were a little more things. It was absolutely impossible for one person and two people to complete this!

After placing it, cover it again and place it there! However, the property of the community is very concerned about this! Even they are in person to help, anyway, there is nothing else!

"Lao Yu, don't you have a rest today?" Ding Lin is very warm to say hello!

"Several of us are on duty today. What's more, our homes are on this side of the community! There is no rest and no rest. It's convenient for everyone! We are also at ease. Hello, everyone, we are all right! "

The property management helps to move these things. After all, the Ding family has sent quite a lot of things here. The so-called taking hands is short! Short mouth! You can't just take things and don't work. It's a bit of a shame!

Although Dean Ding said that he didn't have much time to come back today, when something happened to find him, he basically didn't have any second words. You should know that he was a great president and had a good son, which can be said to be successful. But even so, Dean Ding is still as usual, even he can be like this. Why not himself?

While his father was talking, Ding Yu's mobile phone suddenly rang. Ding Yu was really surprised at this!

Although today is new year's Eve, but now this time to pay homage to the early years, is it a little too early? What's more, not many people know their mobile phone number, because this is a private mobile phone!

Looking at the caller ID, Ding Yu was very happy to connect the phone, still the sentence, "Hello, I'm Ding Yu!"

"Brother Yu, I'm Zhao Hongyang. Hello!" Zhao Hongyang's voice is still very loud, but there are some small uneasy taste between the words, "I don't know if you are busy, so I'll give you an early spring festival in advance."

Ding Yu thought about it for a while and then snorted, "do you believe it yourself? If you have something to do, say it

It's ridiculous to pay New Year's greetings at this time! I'm afraid even Zhao Hongyang doesn't believe him. Ding Yu didn't mean to exchange greetings with Zhao Hongyang. Instead, he started asking questions directly!

If you have something to say, just say it! There's no need for that bullshit!

"Hey, brother Yu, I also know that this time is not suitable!" But Zhao Hongyang also did not have too much procrastination, why? Because to the feather elder brother son's understanding, he is very clear, the feather elder brother son is not a person who likes to dally!

"In fact, there are two things. One is a friend of mine who has some physical problems and can't bear it all the time. He has found countless doctors and doctors and has thought of countless ways to spend money! But it still has no use. The second thing, Yu Shao, do you still take students? "

Hearing Zhao Hongyang say so, Ding Yu snorted, "I've brought two students, graduated from Beijing University. I'm more optimistic. They are practicing in the hospital now! Another is Liao Hai, who is from here. I think you should have heard about it! When my student? Ha ha

Zhao Hongyang couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva! I really thought about it! Because the person who told himself about this situation has also explained this aspect of the problem! "Brother Yu, I can't refuse the situation in his family. However, this is not the most important reason. It is mainly because when I went out and wandered around, it was someone who pulled me. I must remember this human relationship. If I forget my origin, it is really not a human being!"

"All right?" Ding Yu gave Zhao Hongyang such a face, "if you have time, take it to have a look! But I said it in advance! If you can pass the test, there is no problem. If you can't pass it, then don't blame me for not being affectionate! These two days in the community side! Firecrackers are not allowed to be set off in the villa

"Really? Yu Ge'er, the farm belongs to you Zhao Hongyang exclaimed!

"Because of this, I came back to the community. If I could not set an example by myself, what would the people below think about this? They don't keep sheep in private? "

"Yu elder brother son, did not say Zhao Hongyang really admire this. I'm afraid it's hard to do this step if you are yourself. It's one time to ask others and another to ask for yourself! Can't be compared!

"But really, I've seen those cold fireworks! I even started it myself. It's beautiful"The problem of environmental pollution still needs to be paid great attention to. We are also making changes in succession to achieve a one size fits all approach. From the temporary situation, it is not realistic and needs to be taken step by step."

However, Ding Yu did not sigh for too long, "tomorrow will definitely not work. The day after tomorrow, I will go to the old lady's side! Fourth or fifth day, right?! Come and have a seat if you have time

"Come on! Yu elder brother son, this time gives you trouble again

See my father, this side has been cleaned up! Ding Yu also hung up the phone here! "Who? I called so early! " On the way back, Ding Lin asked casually!

"Zhao Hongyang!" Ding Yu said, "he didn't know where to find it. He asked me if I was going to take the students? What's more, it's an old patient for many years. Let me have a look at it! "

"Take the students? You said this matter, I actually remembered! Previously, Guo and Li also called in person. How are your students now? When I came here, I didn't listen to you at other times. But Liao Hai, who stayed here, has made great progress! Let's all be so surprised! You can't hold it down at all

"I've seen Liao Hai! I've read his paper, too! It's not bad. He has made considerable progress. It seems that his family has given him considerable resources. Relying on our hospital here, there is still a lot of difference. We need to give him a lot of opportunities. But we can't deny that the overall quality of our hospital can't catch up with those big hospitals! "

"Yes, but his foundation is very good and excellent. It's not easy to find a teacher like you. However, teachers need to teach them how to be a good doctor. Morality is very important. Liao Hai has no problem in this respect, but I don't know about other students."

"Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng are both good. I'm still strict with students. At least I have quite a test. There are not too many good students. Just like brother Yang, one is enough!"

"That bastard is now the chief director! It may be a lot worse to go to other places, but it's enough for us! It's up to him in the future! "

"I think it's OK, but I'm a little short of qualifications, but he's not suitable for his age! If you go to a big city, if you don't want to go up or down, it doesn't seem appropriate to let him down! "

This is the most practical situation. It is not Ding Yu's deliberate pinching or shirking. It has nothing to do with this! After all, now we have a family and children! It is not a time to be alone. There are too many problems and things to consider now! You can't help it!

To say that he is an ostrich is just a muzzle gun! If you really put it on the position of Yangfan, you can't last a week, then you'll cry for your father and your mother! That's for sure!

Back home, several children still did not come out, looking at Tai Xi's appearance, Ding Yu was so curious, but did not wait for Ding Yu to approach. Tai Xi took a warning look at him, which made Ding Yu a little confused? What happened?

"Everything is ready?"

"Well! It's all ready! You can have a rest in the afternoon! But they are not idle, in the room chatter! The one who is busy is called a great one. Those who don't know think they have any big projects? "

"Then don't disturb them! Let them play by themselves! "

However, Ding Yu and Tai Xi are not idle here. They are preparing gifts and red envelopes for the elderly and children at home. The red envelopes need to be appropriate, and the gifts should be appropriate. This still makes Taixi have a lot of trouble!

"I heard that something was sent from the capital!" Taking advantage of not paying attention, Tai Xi said in a low voice!

"I know, in the morning, I hung up my grandparents and they were in a good mood! As for Dad and mom, it's very good! There are not so many things to handle at home! So don't worry! "

Ding Yu knew what Tai Xi said, so he comforted her and said that she didn't need to think about these things. She could handle them by herself! No problem!

Before the evening, several children came out of the room with strange smiles on their faces! It's very strange to see all the people. What's the situation?

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying looked at the four children and showed their satisfaction! Children around them, although a little noisy, but children? This is what it is. If you are not active, how can you behave?

When we were about to have dinner, some of the children changed into new clothes. The red clothes were on their bodies. They were very happy! And the style is very pleasing! You know, their new clothes are more than one, but wearing them is more traditional and more lively!

Seeing the decoration of several children, Dinglin and Dingyu soon changed their clothes. The whole family should be neat and tidy, which is more suitable! Even we still have time to take photos for thinking!Today's dinner is a little late, and there is more than one meal tonight. Now this is dinner, and there is another meal at midnight. For his father Dinglin, this is the tradition left behind. Other people are willing to abide by it. He can't interfere in this matter, but he must abide by it. This is a matter of principle! No ambiguity!

Since his father insisted, Ding Yu naturally would not object. Every place has its own tradition, and the situation may be different after a mountain. Therefore, there is no need to ask for anything forcibly. On this point, Ding Yu is very indifferent!

When eating, the Spring Festival Gala is also the official start!

For a few children, they are just watching the fun! The interpretation of the meaning is not so clear!

Ding Yu told them carefully! Several children listened very seriously, and even began to ask questions from time to time. Taixi's eyes were watery, and he led to know some of them, but he never interpreted them so deeply!

It's hard to be the father of a child. It's hard for Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying to look at each other. They are all satisfied now. The children at home have a good education and development, which is what they most expect!

When the song and dance performance was in progress, Ding Lin raised a glass, and Ding Yu picked up the glass in front of him. There was very little wine in it. But today's special situation is different, so Ding Yu is also an exception. Zhao Shuying and Taixi are the two people who drink wine!

As for several children, they drink fruit juice. They are not old enough to drink. Now drinking can cause great damage to their health. Ding Yu has done a lot of experiments and explanations for them!

So they didn't mean to be contaminated at all. What's more, they tried it in the original time. It's really loveless. I don't know why my grandfather and dad still drink these things. What's more, they still have delicious ones?

After dinner, the table was cleaned up by several children. Even after cleaning the table, they even gave some small performances to the parents and elders in the family. It was really a surprise for the four of Dinglin and Dingyu!

Whether the performance is wonderful or not is not so important. What is important is that they enliven the atmosphere! What's more, their performance is still very brilliant! The camera next to them clearly recorded their performance!

Sitting at home, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan both took out their mobile phones and watched the performance above. They were very interested in the video!

But soon the two people looked at each other! We all know each other very well! If several children perform in front of them, what is it like? I think it's really a little pity!

However, a few children wear festive clothes, the performance is also quite distinctive, the boss can send these to me, it is also intentional! However, Wang Yang obviously saw something. He gave a sign to Wang Xiaogang. Wang Xiaogang soon showed it on TV. The effect is more intuitive and obvious!

The program time is not very long, Wang Xiaogang drum his mouth, quickly took out his mobile phone, began to communicate with his brother and sister, such a funny thing, unexpectedly did not take him with him, a little bit of resentment!

When it was midnight, all the family members were out, and the people from the community came to the square one after another! Hand in hand greetings to each other! Very peaceful! Even many people give these children red envelopes! There may not be too much money in the red envelope, but the implication is different!

Of course, Ding Lin and Ding Yu are not idle. They are all quite prepared. They are all sent out to the children. They are all people in this community. The so-called distant relatives are not as good as their neighbors. They integrate very well. They are like herding sheep without seeing the children in the whole community! All over the place!

Relatively speaking, the number of firecrackers released this year is relatively small, but there are more fireworks here! When the fireworks were lit, the whole night sky was lit up! Almost all the children cried out! It's so beautiful!

Zhao Shuying is holding Ding Lin, and Tai Xi beside him is also holding Ding Yu. Looking at the fireworks in the sky, it's hard to describe the atmosphere with words! It's not only the people in this community, but also the people from other communities!

As for the children, they couldn't be seen from the beginning, and now they don't know where to run!

However, we don't need to worry about their safety. The fireworks are set off in fixed areas! We are very familiar with these children, not only they, even other children, but also prohibited near the fireworks setting off range! Every family has children! If anything happens, no one can bear it!

I've been waiting for the fireworks to be set off! Only a few children came back with sweat on their heads. They need to shoot. What's important is that they become the children leaders of the whole community. There is still a big gang behind them! It can't be broken!

When he saw Ding Lin and Ding Yu, he felt his head and laughed!Have a little bit of fun! That's why I'll be back at this time! But Zhao Shuying and Taixi two people, hurry to wipe their sweat, afraid they will catch a cold! At the same time, there are also some blame, why not pay attention to it at all?

Each family is in good condition with each other, and then they go back to their respective homes, but they all go back with laughter. At this point, there is really some unique feeling!

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