Several children pay New Year greetings to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. Ding Yun is very excited and excited!

Fortunately, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are quite prepared. Previously, they scattered a lot of red envelopes outside, but that red envelope was given to other children. Now it's their turn to give their grandson and granddaughter. Naturally, it's different. First of all, from the thickness, there is quite a difference! The difference between heaven and earth!

All four children have a share, and they are all the same, there is no difference!

But besides the red envelope, there are other things that Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying deliberately selected! OK, this is not so important, because it represents the expectations of the two old people!

Even Ding Yu and Tai Xi have quite a red envelope. From the perspective of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, they have always been children, and there will be no difference. At least they have the status to say this! Even if Ding Yu and Taixi are old and eighty! In front of them, still children!

But it is obvious that what is given to Ding Yu and Tai Xi is more moral. After thanking him, Tai Xi holds Ding Yu's arm in his hand, which makes him happy! Ding Yu is very helpless appearance, oneself can't how? As for it?

Comparatively speaking, the things prepared by Ding Yu and Tai Xi are a little flashy, but who are Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying? They will not be because of this have any emotion, or do not understand, but is excited!

Some of the children did receive the gifts, but it is obvious that this link is not over!

Ding Yun slowly holds his father's thigh, and then takes out a score sheet, which records in detail their achievements and progress in the past year! Even their expectations and prospects for the New Year!

When he saw these, Ding Yu couldn't help but aim at the same group of them. He saw some other things from them. If he said that there was no Tongtong and Wang Xiaogang in it, he would never believe it!

And Ding Yun and Ding Chang, including Wang An's brother and sister, look at their father and master with pathetic eyes!

Hesitated for a period of time, Ding Yu handed the things inside to his parents, let them enjoy it!

After all, I have seen it with Tai Xi just now!

I know the progress they have made, but the children's grandparents are not so clear!

No wonder these bunnies have been stuffy for such a long time before. It seems that they are quite prepared! This preparation work is really good, so that I don't have too many expectations! Unexpectedly at this time hit oneself a surprise!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying look at the things handed over by their eldest son, very serious! Even nodding! If it wasn't for the granddaughter to record all these, they would not even know that the children in the family had made such progress!

If you let other old guys see this! They can't envy the drool?

"Boss, I think these are very good! Their four children have made considerable progress

Ding Yu looks at his father to press things down, and he knows how it happened! So he leaned back on his body, looked at his father, and nodded his head slightly. Then he looked at Tai hee sitting beside him, but he didn't get much response!

I don't know whether it's a guilty heart or something else? I don't know!

Ding Yu didn't mean to go deep into it at all, but looking at the things handed over by his son, he hummed a little, but reluctantly wrote his own name. His father and mother were ready to go! Together with Tai Xi, his attitude is not clear! Under such circumstances, he has become a loner!

All means are OK! How could I come out with myself! A little bit fierce! Don't deny that they are a little clever! The important thing is that the timing is very good!

If Ding Yu doesn't agree, it's no big deal. It's impossible for the family to criticize Ding Yu Hengsheng because of this. However, at such a moment, if Ding Yu says no, it will affect the harmonious atmosphere in the family!

Ding Yu is still very knowledgeable, but it is because of this that he has been "calculated" by several children in his family!

When several children saw Ding Yu write his name, they almost cheered. Why?

To a certain extent, this is the beginning of defeating the great devil! But after considerable layout and calculation, the "thrill" in this is absolutely not enough to be humane to the outside world! Now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief! Looking at the big devil, he seems not so concerned about it! Hee hee!

However, they haven't been waiting for how to talk. Their mobile phones are also ringing one after another, with SMS! Wechat and so on! There are even quite a few calls coming in! Get it! I'm afraid we can't cope with it without a moment and a half!

Tae hee used his fingers to point on the forehead of the four children! This time they have passed the customs! But there are still risks after the event, and they are still very big! I'm afraid I will be dragged down along with myself!But fortunately, the father-in-law and his mother-in-law are busy now, and the phone calls are not stopped. Even his own side is the same. Everyone is scrambling for the so-called good lottery!

When Ding Yu came back to God, several children had already run away! Even went back to bed to rest early! Relatively speaking, although they know a lot of people, but can endure this time, absolutely not so many!

Looking at the small four eyes standing up, Ding Yu held back not giving it a foot, because he was very suspicious. If he gave it a foot, he might come up and give himself a bite! No guarantee!

Now is the Chinese new year, I don't want to affect the mood too much! So let it go this time!

Look at a few children, they are already sleeping! Ding Yu tidied up the bedding for them and looked back at Tai Xi. She was the same. They looked at each other and left quietly!

"These bastards!"

Tai Xi is pulling Ding Yu's arm, and the whole person is hanging on Ding Yu's body! I am also involved in this evening's affairs! Now if you don't pay more attention, who knows how the old master will deal with himself? It's hard to say!

Ding Yu is helpless. After Tai Xi came back, he didn't have any rest at all. Is this a thing? Who is right? Or who is wrong! I don't want to do this! After thinking about it, Ding Yu came to his body and gently played it on the forehead of Taixi! Let you disobey!

Although he was sighed, Taixi was a little excited, and even took the initiative to take a breath on Ding Yu's face!

I played it for a while, which showed that the master didn't take this as a thing at all! There is no meaning to put it in the heart! You should know that your heart has been very nervous, no decline, now good!

But now it's too late! It's time to rest!

But even so, Ding Yu still gave Tai Xi a massage for two times. She returned home during this period of time, but she never got a rest! You know, when she was over there, she never touched the spring water with ten fingers. When she came back, she became a little woman! Don't you understand what's going on here?

Taixi didn't know how he slept, but when he got up in the morning, he was fresh and fresh! The fatigue on the body completely disappeared, and I felt like taking the elixir!

However, before waiting for his clothes on the bed, Ding Yu came in with a tray in his hand and placed a bowl of soup on it. He didn't know what it was. It didn't taste too much!

"I cooked it for you in the morning. Mom and dad have already prepared it! After drinking, wait a moment to wash and gargle! Otherwise, the taste will be a little stronger, remember to use hot water, do not use cold water! Just rinse it out! "

Ding Yu's account is very careful! The best time for Ding Xitai is to hold on to his own time, but it's not a good time for Ding Xitai to have a good time! Fortunately, I got up earlier!

Some of the children got up very early. They washed and changed their clothes again. They set off fireworks and firecrackers last night. They were still contaminated. However, when they looked at Ding Yu, they still felt guilty!

Ding Yu looks at the four children standing in their own depth, is to take out the prepared things! Then bring them separately!

"In the new year, the new weather does not require you to become king. After you become king, you will be able to grow up healthily and happily. This is the most simple wish and the highest aspiration."

After taking them with them, Ding Yu looked at them carefully and nodded his head slightly! Not bad! "

Thank you, Dad

"Thank you, master!"

"Thank you, uncle!"

All kinds of praise, as if without money! Throw hard to Ding Yu! Ding Yu snorted!

"All right! Don't flatter me! The previous thing is still good, although a bit opportunistic, but at least it was achieved, but the cost of this follow-up may be a little bit big! But it's not a big deal! "

Let them be at ease! Otherwise, I'm always worried. Who knows what the situation is?

Several children are giggling, it is obvious that they can defeat the big devil, or very happy, and look at the meaning of the big devil, it seems that there is no intention to investigate! All of a sudden, we almost want to release ourselves!

New year's Day! A few children have nothing to do, but Ding Lin and Ding Yu are quite busy. Even Ding Yu's mobile phone is already boiling hot! Come in a lot of calls, also make a lot of calls out!

It is true that Ding Yu is a slightly dull person, but relatively speaking, the interpersonal relationship is relatively broad! So it's just a kind of leisure. You can't visit in person. Can't you call me?!The next day, the whole family packed up and went to pay New Year's greetings to the old lady!

The old lady is very happy this year. Why? The little meatball on the bed is a good illustration of everything! Even if it is the army, there are so many can not get involved, after all, his parents are still waiting there! My grandmother is too tight to take care of!

They say hello to each other, but Ding Yu's treatment is not much different from the previous one. At most, it is the time to say hello! Well, it's a response to Ding Yu. It's a rare thing to see. The former Ding Yu didn't have such treatment!

"If you don't take care of your baby's pimples, come here?"

"Hi! Don't mention it Zhao Jun's helpless and aggrieved face! "In the past few days, I haven't been able to do anything about it, but my son has already started! But it's basically in the hands of my grandmother and my mother, OK? We are relaxed! It's really relaxing! Even from time to time I've been trained! "

Sitting in the room of the army, Ding Yu's expression was slightly surprised!

Think carefully, it seems to be a common sense thing! At the beginning, my parents didn't seem to give in too much. Sometimes they didn't let themselves get involved in it. I was afraid that there would be any problems and situations!

"I was in the same situation at the beginning, but fortunately, the conditions at home were good, and then I was relieved! These two days at home, you two people more aggrieved, that is to say Ding Yu talks from the angle of a person who came here! "Now if we refute it, the old people will not be very happy. Some of them are empirical remarks, and we really need to learn from them! But some? Ha ha

It's not that Ding Yu deliberately provoked. It's not like this. It's just a way of doing things!

"We have no experience either, but fortunately, elder brother and sister Ding Ding have helped a lot!"

There is no embarrassment and no wringing. The work and family of the two are very satisfactory. There is no dissatisfaction. People need to be satisfied!

Father and mother also often educate themselves, Zhao Jun's heart has quite a feeling!

If there is no elder brother and sister, can he still stay in the capital? It's impossible. Even if it's going to the capital, Hukou and houses, it's not something you can handle!

What's the situation like at home? Don't you know it?

A few children didn't mean to make trouble. They were surrounded by a small meat ball at this time. We all have a lot of interest in this little guy. It's fun! Even about to eat! We are still reluctant to give up!

Ding Yu still didn't eat too much lunch. This is also the result of many years' habit. It's not that he can change it in a day or two. What he didn't think of was that his uncle didn't drink too much, and even just tasted it! This makes Ding Yu feel quite surprised. What is the situation?

"Uncle, are you ok?! I don't think there's anything wrong with your body? "

My aunt couldn't stop laughing and covering her mouth! Afraid to spray out! "He! He didn't let him hold the baby these two days, if you didn't come! Maybe in another two days, this wine can be given up! "

As soon as we heard this, we immediately burst into laughter. For the sake of the children, our second uncle should have such perseverance. It is really a rare thing to see! After drinking so many years of wine, from the original Sanbai to the present special offering, my second uncle has never said that he has no fault, no matter good or bad!

But now, for the sake of the children, it is hard to bear it down. It is really amazing!

From another point of view, my uncle really likes this child. If it wasn't for today's family, and Ding Lin and his family, maybe my uncle would not have picked up this wine cup!

"Nothing! I am busy these two days! Don't listen to your aunt The second uncle quickly explained that!

It's a little late to say this! But this face still needs to be saved!

However, people regard this as a joke, and will not really laugh at my uncle, just like Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying! They are also from that age! How can you not understand the situation? Even at that time, they enjoyed it. Now I think it's still "aftertaste"!

But even after dinner, the Ding family did not mean to leave, and the old lady did not want to go out.

I didn't even mean to call on my old sisters. I just looked at the meatball like this.

As for other things, she did not put it in her heart at all!

What son and daughter-in-law, daughter and son-in-law? It has nothing to do with yourself!

As for grandson and daughter-in-law? Yeah! It's OK. At least I can see it. As for grandson? ha-ha? At most, it is to give Tai Xi and the children a smile, which has been taken care of by the old lady!

At this time, we don't need to talk to the old lady about any reason. Even if it is reasonable, it's useless! What's more, is it really appropriate to reason with such an old lady?"Big brother, there is no news over there?"

"Don't mention her! If placed in the past, I may have to run back tonight. Anyway, the traffic is more convenient, but now it is much better! Plus two kids, it's not too small! Always can't be just by her small temperament, a little too outrageous! It should be almost home by tomorrow

Although the interval of one day, but the meaning is completely different!

On this issue, both Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying agree with their eldest son. This girl! Some things are really spoiled! But fortunately, he is not bad! That is, Cao Zhen can stand her small temperament! If it was someone else, I'm afraid I would have called back to my mother's home! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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