In the fourth day of junior high school, Zhao Hongyang called in the morning! It's not a general positive!

You can also see that Zhao Hongyang's body is still under considerable pressure! Otherwise, it would never be!

But if you come here now, it's not in the community, but in the villa! The environment here is better! And the new year is over, this side is more suitable!

After getting Ding Yu's permission, Zhao Hongyang took a long breath! "Lao Yang! Brother and sister, we have a deal! This opportunity is not easy to come, Yu Ge'er, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, that is not born that kind, end is fierce! Especially in TCM! It's even better, but more often it's hidden without leakage. When you do surgery, you can't help but let brother feather personally control the pulse! At least I haven't heard much of it! "

"Brother Zhao, no matter what happened this time? You are all my brothers Yang Rui and his wife are very grateful to say!

Zhao Hongyang immediately looked at the rich fat man beside him, "my old brother, after going there, brother Yu must be tested. We have all met Liao Hai before, and we also have some understanding of the situation. We all hope that the child can have a promising future. With brother Yu, it is not said! Even if you miss this opportunity... "

"I understand, brother. This opportunity is won by you. Li Zhao will be your son in the future."

Then he pointed to the young man next to him, "you come here, your uncle Zhao has won you such an opportunity. I believe that Yu Shao is who you should be clear about. Now that the network is so developed, you should also have some inquiries. You can show me your position!"

"Godfather!" Young man bows to Zhao Hongyang! There's no twist at all! From the perspective of this posture, it should have experienced considerable experience, otherwise it would never be so hot! "It's hard for you!"

"Good! Good boy

Then he also looked at everyone and said, "if there's nothing wrong, we'll pass by."

"No! Brother, let's just take this thing, isn't it too much? We all know the relationship between you and Yu Shao, but that's you. We'll take such a small gift in the past. It's too shameful! It doesn't make sense! If this is said, how can we behave in the future? "

Yang Rui and his wife also nodded and said yes! There are so many things that I can't take!

"Hi!" Zhao Hongyang, who stood up, shook his head. "You know little about brother Yu, and the same is true for Dean Ding. If you take the important gift in the past, I'm afraid you can't even enter the door! Listen to me, yes

Zhao Hongyang didn't ask them to bring heavy gifts at all. He had already prepared for them! A group of people drove to the villa side, "by the way! Yu Ge'er's family has several children, but I don't know how it is! "

Came to the villa side, as expected, saw a few children, they are not far away happy to play, there are a few dogs, around a few children turn not listen! Seeing the visitors, several children looked up at the past! Not too many accidents, no so-called panic!

Wait for Zhao Hongyang and them to come down! Several children under the leadership of Wang An, Qiqi say hello! Very cultured!

For Zhao Hongyang's red envelope, they all took it down, but other people's red envelope, was declined! Although they were brought by Zhao Hongyang, what about that? Take down Zhao Hongyang's red envelope, no problem. They are very familiar with each other. There is no other doping! But accept other people's red envelope, the matter is another matter! They all have their own judgment!

Although several children did not receive the red envelope, but when we look at a few children, their eyes are quite different!

"Brother, how can the children in Yu Shao's family educate so well?" When talking, Yang Rui is very exclamatory, stretch out his thumb! They have a special preference for children!

"Although there are not many students in Professor Yu Shao, I have seen a few! Outstanding, just like a fairy When talking, we entered the villa together! Although the villa is not small, but the nannies here are not as many as imagined! You can't even see people for quite some time!

"Happy New Year!" Ding Yu stood at the door, slightly arched!

When they saw Ding Yu, they rushed forward and asked for a happy new year! Zhao Hongyang also introduced one by one! Ding Yu is the first to look at the young man! "Wang An, come here for a minute!"

"Master!" Wang An is very respectful to stand in front of Ding Yu's position, not humble or arrogant!

"Take him! Tell him how to do it! Three hours! You are responsible for what he needs

Li Zhao follows Wang An to leave. Ding Yu presses his hand. "I have prepared some things for him, whether he asks other people or looks for answers from books and so on! Fine! Wait three hours for him! "

Also did not wait for Li Heng and Li Zhao father and son to talk! Ding Yu immediately turned to look at the Yang Rui couple! "Yu Shao, fat brother is my brother! If it hadn't been for him and Dayang, I would have been begging at the South Gate today! ""Well!" Ding Yu slightly nodded his head. After watching for a period of time, he called out his own son and daughter. Soon, they also took things! "Male left, female right! Let me show you! "

Ding Yu's style of doing things is like this, straightforward, not so much fancy!

After feeling the pulse for a period of time, Ding Yu looked at the two people carefully, "Lao Zhao, they sent some things to me in my garden. You can help me! My side is not so convenient! "

Zhao Hongyang was stunned, and then he stood up. Li Heng, the fat man beside him, stood up with him, "anyway, I have nothing to do. I'll help you! Make sure it's clean

What they said was too clear! I'm not a fool. Stay here now? Pure is to find the so-called uncomfortable, if you can not see such things clearly, then you will not come here today.

When there were only two of them left in the room, Ding Yu leaned back against his body.

"There should be no physical problems and conditions for both of you!"

"Less feathers?" Seeing that Ding Yu didn't have any reaction, Yang Rui continued to say, "domestic and foreign hospitals have run out! The examination has been done countless times. No matter what kind of methods and methods are adopted, there is no problem, but I just can't bear it. If there is another two years, there will be no chance! Thank you for your kindness

Ding Yu's hand is placed on the armrest of the sofa, ring finger and index finger can't stop beating! Obviously thinking about something!

"Some things can be done, but some things can't be done!" Ding Yu is very abrupt to say a word!

"You have to pay for it!" After that, he took a look at the couple in front of him and said, "do you understand?"

Couple two people show a Leng, then the face is also a big change, "cause and effect! There is a cause, there is a result! "

Ding Yu's words are very secret, but it is obvious that the couple are thinking of something! But Ding Yu didn't want to continue to be this prodigy! "The heart disease also needs the heart medicine medicine doctor, seeks the person to be inferior to seeking oneself!"

"Yu Shao, what should we do?" Women are very careful to speak! Some of my husband can't speak now! Pale!

"If you want something, you can't do it!" Ding Yu said, "but these are illusory things. Can we do them or can't do them? Go and see your own? Have a rest?! If you go out now, it's too cold to hurt your body. Let brother Zhao prepare something for you? "

Called a little girl, with her whispered two words, the little girl jumped to run away! She is not restrained at all now. She seems very happy in Ding Yu's side!

Zhao Hongyang and Li Heng came to the garden. Looking at the things placed there, they all laughed, "I didn't think there was such a thing in Yu Shao's home?! Feeling a little bit unexpected? "

"I can see that your elder brother is no longer doing farm work now! What a normal thing! Previously in the farmyard there, we also personally started to do things by ourselves, the taste is not ordinary! Just waiting to eat, it's no fun! "

Neither of them talked about the villa, because it had nothing to do with them!

"It's easy for us to say, but what about Li Heng?" Zhao Hongyang or worried to ask a sentence, when talking, is also to the villa side to see! "I don't have anything. At most, brother Yu said something to me. Anyway, I'm thick skinned. If I can't, I'll come with the tiger lady of our family to make amends to brother Yu! This is nothing

"As a father, I've tried my best to pave the way for him. If he can get into the eyes of Yu Shao, let alone the golden mountains and silver mountains, it doesn't matter if he dissipates his wealth! We are the head of our family, we can do this step already! As for the rest of the way, it has nothing to do with us! "

"I don't think the child is good! I don't know how about the assessment? " Zhao Hongyang also sighed, "but brother Li, let's talk about it. Brother Yu's eyes are a little high and a little picky. I think you've seen Liao Hai's situation! If it is, it will be good. If not, you will also

"What are you talking about?" Li Heng took a look at the past and said, "we brothers, who are with whom, you say this is deliberately killing me! I just don't know how to measure it? Today to be able to visit, I have been burning high incense! I will certainly remember your kindness! We are all human beings, not animals, not bastards

When they were talking, the little girl with a hat came running over with a little dog, a Qiutian dog, which was sent by Dashan and Tanaka family. The little girl picked one for herself, which is the one following her now!

However, the training is not complete yet. It may take quite a while!

"Uncle Zhao, Uncle Zhang!" Greeting a, this just looked to Zhao Hongyang, "uncle, please help, uncle Yang inside to prepare a soup! The specific materials are here! ""Strange?" Zhao Hongyang couldn't help but shout out. After seeing the contents on the mobile phone clearly, he nodded, "come on, this one looks good! No shame! If other complex things really can't be done, but this is absolutely no problem! I'm an expert too

Next to Li Heng is also with the small kitchen this side, there are many things in the room, there are special nanny! Zhao Hongyang for not too much enthusiasm, the same is not cold, give people the feeling a bit too indifferent!

Soup such things do not take too long, but boil out of the things or a little less, Zhang Heng has been watching in silence! Yu Shao's family rules are really strict!

But I can't see how luxurious it is, or even too ordinary!

Is it normal? In Zhang Heng's point of view, how many are so abnormal, too ordinary! You should know that even if you are in your own house, it is absolutely more luxurious than here. What's more, when you just enter the villa, you can feel it. How do you say the layout here? It's not as rich as you can imagine!

If from the consideration of a home, it is good! Very warm!

But from the point of view of feather less's identity and status, it seems that some of them are not suitable! However, such a thing in their own head to think about it! Say it? Do you think of yourself as a thing? Or don't take Yu Shao as a thing? I'm not a stupid bird!

The soup was sent over, but Ding Yu didn't stay here! However, he didn't mean to see Li Zhao. After giving him three hours of time, he needed to do this Kung Fu. He didn't need such a moment and a half!

After Ding Yu comes back again, Zhao Hongyang and the four of them have recovered as usual! Ding Yu slightly nodded his head. He said hello and sat down again in his position!

"Li Zhao may have to wait for a while! Wait a second! If you don't mind it, would you like to have dinner here at noon today? It may be a little simpler! "

"Yu elder brother son, then we disturb!" Other people dare not answer, at least not at random. After all, they are just following Zhao Hongyang. If they answer, who knows whether it will touch Ding Yu's nerves, something hard to say! No one knows whether this is a stay or a farewell!

At noon, it was just a few of them. There was no Taixi and no children!

Li Heng has feelings for this heart! Previously, Zhao Hongyang went to the villa next to him. What did he do? Does this need to be said? Maybe I went to say hello to Yu Shao's family! He can do it like this, but it doesn't mean he can do it on his own side! two different matters!

Visiting the family members of the Ding family shows that the relationship between Zhao Hongyang and the Ding family is more intimate than imagined. People can freely enter and leave here, but what about their own side? Although said this time through Zhao Hongyang's relationship to walk here, but I'm afraid it's just this time! Next time there will be no such luck!

This time I have put all my luck on the bet, either big or small, success is a good thing, even if it is a failure! I have tried my best! There is no regret to say so! People? Can not always live in their own dreams!

The lunch was very simple. Ding Yu didn't eat too much. There was wine on the table. But except Zhao Hongyang had a drink, others didn't mean to start!

"Yu elder brother son, this big new year's day, you also do not make an exception?" Zhao Hongyang seems to be persuading people to drink, but actually he is telling others that Yu Ge'er doesn't drink because they are here! It's because he always is! There is nothing to say without face! We don't need to worry about it!

"Used to it!" Ding Yu said with disapproval! "But in the past, the farm sent some, if you like, to take some back. Except for the farm, there is basically no outside to see, basically all the farm workers Digest! They like these things very much

"Not to mention, some old brothers have given me some, but not many. They all work here, and they really haven't heard of other channels spreading. I don't know how many people in our city think about this good thing! My feather elder brother son, you this is to give me a shot

"My father and uncle may drink some, but I'll make more! It's used as medicinal wine! Still has the quite effect, but now drinks the words to have slightly so some waste! If the time is right in the future, you can have a taste of it! "

Ding Yu said it was plain, but Li Heng could smell the wine! Although he is not contaminated, but he is a veteran soldier, for drinks, is also a senior expert!

Whether from the taste, or from the hops and other aspects, are impeccable, better than those on the market those hundreds of yuan of wine is too much too much! I have heard some news in this aspect before, but I don't care so much!

In my opinion, it may be just a gimmick, not so wonderful, but from now on, it seems not like this! If it is not because the situation is not appropriate, you should try anything you say!Can only be when going back to Zhao Hongyang there to try! Li Heng does not know why he suddenly got up this interest, to know now the most concerned thing, should be his son is! He hasn't come out yet?

After having dinner, Li Zhao finally came out of the room. For three hours, Li Zhao was in the room! Ding Yu's questions are not so many! Li Zhao thought of a lot of ways and methods, asked his teacher! Students and so on, feel their head is about to become paste now! It's turning too fast!

There are some things you can do! But there are some that you can't do now!

When he came out of the room, Li Zhao felt his head buzzing, because in his own opinion, the answers he handed in were not so satisfactory, let alone mention other people!

Is this paper a little too difficult? This question? Li Zhao is really not thinking like this! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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