"Dr. Liao, I brought you some fruits and snacks! When you're free, you can add it! Look at your work, it's really tiring! Not a bit of leisure! "

Li Heng's words are very open-minded. After all, Liao Hai with his son does not know so much about the situation. Under the current situation, he needs to grasp the most important contradiction! Just hold on to Liao Hai! As for his age? I've already broken the law! It's enough to know that he has his own son!

Liao Hai is not so interested in the things placed here. Let the nurse on one side take it away! These nurses are very interested in this! But also to Li Heng point a head, two people one after another into the office side! Li Heng took the door of the office with him!

"Dr. Liao, you're in trouble!"

"Sit down, please! Drink water? " He took a bottle of mineral water and put it in front of Li Heng. What he drank or not, he needed to do so! This is the basic principle of dealing with people!

"Dr. Liao?! Thank you No matter what the situation was in the past, but now Li Heng is still with you carefully!

"I went to my Shigong's house to pay New Year's greetings. I met my teacher and discussed with him some things about Li Zhao."

"Dr. Liao, what should I do? Don't worry. I have no complaints at all!"

When he said this, Li Zhao almost clapped his chest!

"Ha ha, I think you misunderstood Mr. Li!" Liao Hai shook his head at Li Heng. "Li Zhao's basic situation is OK, but there are some deficiencies in some aspects, but it's not that they can't be corrected. I have made a plan for him to try to completely change these problems and conditions in half a year or a year. There is no room for any problems."

"Dr. Liao, you're in trouble!" When talking, Li Heng also stood up!

Liao Hai pressed his own hand. "Mr. Li, Li Zhao's situation needs to be adjusted. There are some things that he still doesn't know. It's better for him at home to lay a good foundation for him. This is his advantage, but also, it's the best that things come naturally, because we still need to see his own in the future."

"Dr. Liao, give me some advice. I'm a layman!"

Is Li Heng really a layman? Different people have different opinions on this issue! To know that Li Zhao is his own son, to pay something for his son, this is nothing at all! As long as he has a good future!

"I don't dare to point out. I just want to say a few words from my personal experience! I hope to be able to introduce him! "

Liao Hai is very calm! "I have two senior brothers, one is Guo Li Guo and the other is Shen Mingzheng. They both work in the capital hospital. What about me? It's working here! "

What do you mean this is? Li Heng is a little silly! Is Liao Hai's speech intentional? He is quite dissatisfied with Mr. Ding Yuding. He is also a student. Both of them work in a big doctor, but he is in such a small place!

In the face of this situation, Li Heng is a little afraid to answer! Because I don't have an accurate judgment on the matter. In such a situation, it's better to be silent than to speak a thousand words. So I still listen to what Liao Hai says! It's better not to take a stand on your own side, otherwise if something happens, it will be bad if it is passed to whose ears!

Liao Hai looked into Li Heng's eyes and saw the evasion in his eyes. He also pursed his mouth and laughed, "Mr. Li must know something about my family. What about me? To be more presumptuous, I'm in a famous family. Most of my family is in the medical system. Even my grandfather is a little famous! "

"I've heard of the old man. He is absolutely the best in the province! No face to see! What a pity

"Because of my family, I am more or less proud of myself."

"No! Absolutely not! Dr. Liao, you are a young talent... "

However, before he could wait to say two words, Liao Hai took the initiative to interrupt! "At that time, I was also angry, but fortunately, the teacher had a better understanding of this matter, and it took me two years to adjust! It's very funny to say, even a little embarrassed! "

It seems to be a joke, but Li Heng's heart is like a kettle that has been opened! It was originally thought that Dr. Liao was quite dissatisfied with Mr. Ding, so he said the previous words, but now it is not like this at all!

Oh, my God! Fortunately, I didn't say anything just now. If I said anything, I'm afraid I'll really regret it! However, he has heard that Liao Hai highly praised his teacher, Mr. Ding! I can see the light in his eyes!

"Dr. Liao, you are absolutely worthy of admiration. You are famous, and you can put your waist down! I feel sorry for being fat! "

Liao Hai did not answer Li Heng's words, "what about Li Zhao? Similar to when I was at the beginning, although he is not in a famous family, but I believe Mr. Li's home is also a big family! But Li Zhao's performance is still very good, better than expected, we can see that Mr. Li's family education is very strict! ""It's not worth mentioning. It's not worth mentioning. There's no way to compare it with Dr. Liao's family!"

Li Heng is very modest to say, how people say it is someone else's business, but he must wake up a little bit!

"Li Zhao's living conditions are very good, which will inevitably cause some problems in his growth process, which everyone will have! If you say to do other business, it may not matter! But what about being a doctor? It will become a considerable constraint and will never be allowed! I hope you can understand, Mr. Li! "

Li Heng thought seriously, "Dr. Liao, everything is troubling you!"

"How about being a doctor? In addition to medical ethics, but also need to have a good physique, in this point, the teacher's requirements are very strict, there is no good body, the rest is nothing, exercise does not mean that you will not be sick, this is impossible, but it can be very good resistance to the arrival of disease, in the face of disease, can be a good recovery! What's more, some of his habits also need to be changed. I will make a plan for him, but I hope Li Zhao can complete the plan independently. We can all be the guides, but he still needs to go on his own in the end! "

"I see!" Li Heng nodded heavily, "let Mr. Ding and Dr. Liao suffer!"

When he spoke, Li Heng also stood up and bowed slightly, "I, Li Pang, would like to say thanks first. No matter what the final result of the matter is, I have no complaints from Li Pang!"

"The teacher is very interested in Li Zhao. He told me that Mr. Zhao has never spoken to him. Even if it's a small soldier's business, general manager Zhao has never talked about it! "

Liao Hai naturally understands these worldly sophistication. Why does the teacher value Li Zhao? It's not to say that Li Zhaozhen is so excellent that it can't be added. It hasn't! It's mainly because Zhao Hongyang came to the door! So the teacher gave Mr. Zhao a face, that's all!

But what about things like this? That's just for once, that's it! There is no warning in the words, but the attitude is more than words! Li Heng doesn't understand everything! So I nodded my head heavily!

Coming out of the office, Li Heng found a free place to light a cigarette for himself! Now I need to clean up and think about how to explain some things to my son!

Smoking in the hospital is obviously not appropriate! What's more, I need to stay alone for a while now. It's good on the car! Be able to think about it well!

When his son had lunch, Li Heng called his son to the car! "Dad

"I just talked to Dr. Liao for a while, you boy! Good luck! But for the time being, you are lucky, as for the follow-up? It depends on you. Your father, I have tried my best

"Dad! I know what to do! "

"Come on! You boy, I don't know yet! " Looking at his son, Li Heng laughed, "Mr. Ding's things need to be seen by yourself. Dr. Liao hailiao, you have also made considerable contact with him. You have seen what he is like! How about it? "

Li Zhao did not immediately answer his father's words, but thought for a period of time, "originally thought that he should be of extraordinary family background, coupled with Uncle Ding's reason, so that he was able to stand in this position, but after two days of contact, it was found that everything was just my imagination!"

"How deeply do you feel?"

"Yes Li Zhao couldn't help nodding, "it's just the appalling kind. At the beginning, I didn't understand whether Dr. Liao was deliberately putting on airs, but later he found out that everything was just ordinary for him! How to describe it? Dr. Liao is here. It's like practicing in seclusion! "

"You boy also have today?" Li Heng feels very interesting!

"Dad Li Zhao was so blushed, "but I saw a lot here and learned a lot. Although the time is very short, the harvest is really too much!"

"You have such a feeling, I'm also at ease. Since things are stable, I'll have a meal with your uncle Zhao. The next thing depends on your own! Mr. Ding, you can't pick it up now, but you must respect Dr. Liao. Do you hear that, he is also from a famous family! "

"Dad Li Zhao gave a strange cry!

Li Heng opened the bank and handed it to his son, "take it! The conditions at home are not bad. Since we have reached this stage, what can I do? I'm afraid there will be only some financial support left in the future! "

"Dad! I don't have any other expenses. What's more, I still have money in my bank card! "

"It's different from school and home! You are studying here. Who knows what will happen? There is no need for big fish and big meat! But it is necessary to invite nurses and doctors to drink milk tea and have a meal! "

"Dad, I have money in my pocket. If I have this Kung Fu, please buy uncle Zhao a cup of tea! This time, I have no time for these two days! When you have time, go to see Godfather again"You son of a bitch!" Li Heng photographed his son twice, "seize this opportunity and do a good job. I won't say much about Mr. Ding's situation."! Said you will also feel so upset! Go ahead! It's not good for you to stay here all the time. If you have any problems, call me or call your Godfather! "

After Li Heng walked this way, he also called Zhao Hongyang, "my brother wants you to have dinner and arrange a time!"

"Come on! There's nothing wrong with me, but drink a lot of wine! I've been drinking a little too much these two days! "

The place arranged is quite quiet, basically can't see any outsider! After all, convenience!

"I had a talk with Dr. Liao hailiao earlier, and Xiaozhao's case was basically determined! Then it's up to him! " When speaking, he took up the wine on the table and poured himself a full cup, "brother, you have too much credit in it. I won't say anything thank you for it! Look at my brother's performance in the future

After that, Zhao Hongyang was not allowed to refuse and drank it all at once!

"Hi!" Zhao Hongyang quickly stopped, did not let Li Heng pour the second cup of wine, "brother! Brother, are you killing me or what's wrong? If you do this again, I will not have the face to continue to sit down! Don't you know what I'm doing? What I can do, I must do my best! It's all for the children, not so much attention! "

After a cup of wine, Li Heng was also more anxious to drink, his eyes were a little red!

"Ah! Lao Zhao, I'm a few years older than you. You should know what's going on at home. But it's impossible for me to climb up to Mr. Ding Yuding! I know this very clearly in my heart, and I also know what is the situation of Li Zhao in my family. He is not so good as that! "

"It's all for the children, it's not said! If one day, I beg for the children under your door, you can't care, right? Since I have such a convenient condition, it is definitely obligatory! That's not said! "

"I know clearly in my heart what happened when the two of us met. I didn't think that you could hold out such a hand. Today, I'll talk about the disclosure. I've found a lot of people for this, and I've asked many people. Many of them are the people who I paid the same amount. But what's their attitude? It's all bitter tears

"Brother Li, everything is over! Don't we have the best result now? In that case, we need to look forward! There is no need to think about those messy things. Although Li Zhao's affairs have come to an end, we can't say that we can completely herd sheep! It's like a son of a bitch in our family. He doesn't have any worries. His wife has it! The house and the car! But since we can still work hard, don't be idle. For a bigger one, we should make some contribution to the country and the people, and to a lesser extent, to make life better, isn't it better? "

After saying that, Li Heng also laughed happily!

"You've really learned how to follow Mr. Ding! The words are different! "

"Look at what you said. At the beginning, it was also because I was close to Zhu Zechi, and I also learned from brother Li. After you learned from you, I didn't think we should be fooling around! You are my guide. Without you, how could I be today? I always remember this kindness and never forget it! "

"I won't say the extra words! It's a little too hypocritical. How about my brother in the future? Just watch it! If there's anything wrong, you can talk. If I fart, I'll be a bastard

"Yes! Brother Li, I'm so ashamed of what I said

"There's one last thing. Li Zhao's business is basically over! The rest depends on his own. It is obvious that there are some inappropriate things for me to continue to stay. Therefore, I must go. The faster I go, the greater the benefit to Li Zhao! Li Zhao should not be able to stay here for too long, but for the rest of the time, I'll bother you, godfather

"Yes! I don't dare to say that it's all mine, but don't worry, as long as I'm still standing, I won't let him have any problems! But don't worry, we don't have so many messy things. The situation in the city is very good now! Yu Shao is still there? They're not blind in hospitals! They are smarter than us

Zhao Hongyang is to take up the wine cup, pour out not a lot of wine, two people touch each other!

Neither of them had any other thoughts, so they didn't have such a saying of persuading people to drink!

After dinner, Li Heng didn't make any stay. Zhao Hongyang arranged for the driver to send Li Heng away. Originally, he thought he could have a rest for one night. But judging from this situation, he didn't mean to stay, and he couldn't force himself too much! All for the children!

His side pour a little bit better, the son-in-law in the house has a daughter-in-law to look at him! Really good effect!It's also lucky that Yu Shao takes care of her. Otherwise, she and her mother will know what education is?! As for the soldiers? What future does he have in mind? Don't bother!

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