"How many of you want to go out?" Looking at the children in front of them? Ding Yu asked! But the question is not a question! Just ask casually!

Their situation is not so urgent. Ding Yu doesn't mean to keep them here! It's time to let them out to see the scenery! It's not a time to be tied at home all the time!

There is no follow-up to what happened before, which makes Ding Yu feel very interesting! Now to let it out, to see the reaction of the outside world is also a very good thing!

After thinking about it, Ding Yu raised his finger. "I'll give you two basic requirements. Go to the capital and visit your family. The second is to go to your grandmother's side! Have a look

"Dad! We have made arrangements and preliminary plans! " Ding Yun said in a big way! Obviously, what Ding Yu said is in their plan!

"Well, I don't have any problems here! I won't move! Say hello to me

Taixi, who was serving tea next to him, was worried, but after the child left, he said in a low voice, "can you continue to stay here? Anyway, there is no other situation now?! If you can't go to my place, I'll go back to Beijing and have a rest for two days

Ding Yu shook his head. "I've already called you! What's more, if I go to your side at this stage, the impact will be too great. Although I'm going to visit the old man, anything will be interpreted in my position. As for the external affairs, I don't want to pay attention to them at this stage! "

"There's nothing wrong with me?! It's understandable at home, but in the capital? "

Their own things will never become a drag on the existence of this is certain! The family is particularly satisfied with themselves and their children's father. They also know that their own situation is not so suitable for children. If the children are placed there, they will never reach the current level. This is certain!

"I'll talk to mom and Dad! I think they've got quite a few things ready! " Seeing that the father of the child did not want to mention the meaning of the capital, Taixi did not continue to insist!

For his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Tai Xi is particularly grateful for that kind of heart! The value of things is not so important as imagined. What matters is that the father-in-law and mother-in-law have this idea!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people for the children out of this matter, the mind is very open, "boss, you don't follow together?"

When eating, Ding Lin was very casual and said a word! "There is nothing at home, and you can't stay at home all the time! Taixi is back for the New Year! Even if you used to say hello, it's such a thing! "

"Dad! Mom! I can't go through now. If I do, there will be a lot of noise. Some things you know are not so clear. There are quite a lot of implications. I'm not a person who can't tell right from wrong. "

Ding Yu is very patient to do the explanation, one side of Tai Xi is to respond to the nod!

Ding Ding and Shang Nan have a look at each other! "Dad! Mom, you don't have to comfort this thing! There is a lot of involvement in it. If the elder brother really moves, it will cause considerable passivity in China, even if the elder brother is going to see the old man! But the impression to the outside world is really different! There will be quite different interpretations! "

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are both slightly apologetic. They look at Tai Xi. They are not big families, so they don't have so many rules. Just close the door and say it!

The discussion was over soon! First go back to the capital, make a plane to go back! Ding Ding and Shangnan also need to go back. If they stay at home and look at them, they are angry. It's not that they are angry with Shangnan. Shangnan's son-in-law can't say that! But Ding Ding looked good two days ago, but now the more you look at it, the more you feel, the worse you'd better go!

And the army and their family, also leave together! Just more convenient!

"Dad, we'll come back with presents!" When she left, Ding Yun called out with her own voice. She could feel that she was so excited! Ding Yu didn't feel anything, but for Taixi, it was a little embarrassing! Why is her daughter so wild?

Ding Yu waved and got on the bus after all the family left! "Why are you going?"

"Nothing. Go to the hospital! Didn't Zhao Hongyang come here before? I've brought a student here! "

"I heard Lao Huang talk about it. How about it?" Other things, Ding Lin really did not have such a heart, but related to the hospital, Ding Lin is also interested, angry Zhao Shuying really want to give him a foot! The boss cares. It should be, but you have retired now, OK?

The old guy really doesn't know how to enjoy happiness. Forget it. Don't talk about him! How to love how to go!Ding Yu was smiling at his mother. "I just went to have a look. Now it's Liao Hai who has made a series of plans for him. I'll go and have a look. After all, Zhao Hongyang introduced him. This face still needs to be given!"

"All right! I won't go there! " I know this thing, care about no problem, but let myself go to the hospital, his wife is still here, come on, night is not able to go to bed so simple!

After Ding Yu said hello to his parents, he drove to the hospital!

If you park your car in the parking lot, there are a lot of parking spaces, but relatively speaking, there are a little more cars! Economic conditions have improved in the past two years! The most direct reaction is more cars!

After the Spring Festival, the patients also came to me! During the Spring Festival, we are not willing to come to the hospital, except for some special circumstances, but now the Spring Festival has passed! Not so much attention!

But when Ding Yu just walked into the hall, someone said hello to Ding Yu from afar!

"Hello, director Ding! Are you free today? "

"Ah! Hello Ding Yu looked at the doctor and nodded and said, "there is nothing at home. The children have gone to see their grandmother! I'm free. Come and have a look! How was your new year? Is everything ok? "

"Very good!" It's obvious that Ding Yu is so excited! Ding Yu didn't go to the hall. There were a little more people at this time! If you go down the hall, unless you take the stairs, you'll have to wait to be squeezed into a can!

The number of doctors in the elevator is not so many, but because it is also a common channel, so there are many doctors. When you see Ding Yu, you all have a little excitement. Ding Yu is in a good mood!

"So much time today?" Finally came to Yang Bo's office, Ding Yu also sent a breath! Everyone is a little too enthusiastic! Let yourself really have a little fear!

"The children are gone! I don't have anything to do at home. Come and have a look. I heard that the dean is in a meeting? "

"Yes! I have an operation right away. Someone's coming to me! So come down first! But by this time the meeting should have been finished! " Yang Bo is a little surprised to see Ding Yu! "It's mainly about the new year's work. I need to work hard and make some arrangements for the new year! There's no big problem! "

"It's so leisurely today, isn't it?"

"I'll see the Dean first! We'll talk about it later! " Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse!

"Yes! I will not disturb you any more! But I really do not have time to accompany you, the top has been waiting for it! Liao Hai, not to mention, is very busy with Li Zhao in the operating room. I'm afraid he doesn't know you're here yet! "

Ding Yu didn't want to let the hospital here fly! Come and have a look and say hello! After all, Li Zhao has come, but he has never appeared. It seems that some of them are not appropriate!

Yang Bo contacted him. After putting down the phone, he said hello to Ding Yu, "the meeting is over! I asked! Dean, they're free now! I won't follow it! Get you a little nurse

The last sentence is obviously happy with Ding Yu! Although Ding Yu glared, Yang Bo didn't take it as a thing! Even went out of his office with Ding Yu! It can be seen from this that the relationship between Ding Yu and Yang Bo is very good!

The little nurse saw Ding Yu and Yang Bo, their eyes were shining, but it was more because of Ding Yu. Look at this meaning, Ding Yu is the meat of Tang monk. If possible, he really wants to go up and have a bite!

Associated with the opposite endocrine nurses have come to stroll around, the head nurse with a black face was directly pulled back, just like pulling his own dog! I haven't had time to start. What do you little foxes want?

This time, Ding Yu did not take the elevator, but took the stairs upstairs. When he came to the dean's office, he knocked on the door twice and looked at the two people in the room. He also called twice! However, the two people in the room saw Ding Yu and stood up in a hurry. They even took two steps to shake hands with Ding Yu!

The Dean jokingly said, "doctor Ding, is the sun coming out from the West today? No wonder I always hear Magpies in the morning! Sure enough

"Come and give a new year to the two presidents! There's nothing at home, so come and have a look! "

"Lao Huang, do you see that our heels are not touching the ground, so is our doctor Ding? Very leisurely! What do you think we should do? Can't you just give him a break? "

"President, it's rare that director Ding is free today and can guide our work!"

Dean can joke with director Ding Yuding, but it doesn't mean that he can do the same. Fortunately, director Ding doesn't have his eyes above the top. He even flatters the dean's words. He envies this very much!

"Come on! Stop grinning! Have a lunch together The Dean looked at Ding Yu and said! Seeing Ding Yu nodding, he was also relieved. "I'll come to you at noon. Lao Huang and I need to go to the municipal Party committee to report on our work. We'll come back to have dinner at noon. We'll talk to you about something! The rest is whatever you want. Anyway, this is your back garden. If you are happy, you can tear it down. I don't have any opinion about it! "I really don't mean to be polite to Ding Yu, and Ding Yu also eats this set!

"Come on, you two heads of the hospital are busy. I'll go to the operating room to have a look. Do you want to prepare anything else at noon? I don't know, but it's OK to fry two dishes!"

Words have not finished, was coaxed away by the president! Looking at the back of the old yellow is also some gaping, if it is their own words, is absolutely dare not do so! After all, I don't have the prestige of the president!

After Ding Yu came to the hospital, because of the different departments, the relationship between Ding Yu and Ding Yu was not so close. At most, it was a familiar face! On this issue, the most obvious is Yang Bo!

He is Lao Ding's student, can also be said to be Lao Ding's successor! Take over the old Ding's position does not count, even now can continue to develop forward, and there is no resistance!

Why is there no resistance? Look at the people standing behind them, Ding Lin and Ding Yu and his son! I don't know how many people are brought out by Ding Lin here! And Ding Yu? Not to mention it! Who dares not to give this face? Are you kidding? Do you want to continue to mix up?

However, the good thing is that director Ding is not a proud master. He even behaves quite easygoing. He doesn't mean to be difficult in his own affairs. He still needs to continue to maintain this relationship. Even if he can't become a person like Yang Bo, he should at least maintain it!

When Ding Yu entered the operating room, he cleaned himself up, including washing and changing clothes! Then walk into the operating room. It's not that you can get in and out of the operating room at will. That's not responsible for the patients!

Yang Bo nods when he sees Ding Yu! "Who! Do you want to do it yourself Ding Yu asked casually!

"The old father-in-law of the old king of social security can either go to the provincial capital, or we can find quite a number of people in the provincial capital, but the operation is not so big, and the conditions here are very mature! But I personally start, may be more at ease some! There's no big problem! "

Ding Yu saw two eyes, not what is too big surgery, is the prostate problem!

The reason why I came here after I came here is also because of the relationship between Ding Yu and Yang Bo! He came to say hello. If he could help, Ding Yu would never be stingy. Even if he didn't help, Ding Yu came to the platform himself!

After waiting for the treatment to be finished, Ding Yu said hello and left the operating room!

"Director, how good is your relationship with Dr. Ding?" Next to a help is very envious of said! "How many people can't come to see Dr. Ding come on his own initiative?"

"I was brought out by the old director. At that time, I was also a silly boy. The old director taught me by hand. This feeling is immeasurable. Without the old director, I don't know where to drink today? Later, when Dr. Ding came, we helped each other. In fact, he helped me more! "

"Director, why don't I have such luck?" Yizhu sighs!

"You've got the professional stuff ready for me! Other things will come naturally! Didn't you see Liao Hai? How long is this? He can stand on the operating table in an orderly way! How long have you been! "

Yang Bo's words are also hate it, in fact, there is no way. After all, they are a county-level city. How many talented people can be recruited here? A county-level city hospital, even if it is better, is not attractive!

Under such circumstances, it is even more difficult to cultivate the follow-up talents. Fortunately, the conditions in the hospital have improved in the past two years! In addition to the relationship between director Ding Yuding and the fact that there are quite a number of people who have come here. In addition, the reason for the farm now also attracts quite a number of talents!

However, if these talents want to take off, they can't do it in one day or two days, or one year or two years. It needs a process, not eating today! It's impossible to get fat tomorrow!

After all, no one is a genius like Ding Yu, and no one is a monster like Liao Hai. The two of them grew up on hormone, which is not comparable to that of normal people!

To a certain extent, both of them are not human beings. They are human beings!

Ding Yu has entered Liao Hai's operating room. Now he can perform the operation alone. If there is no activity in his hands, it is impossible. After all, Ding Yu is Ding Yu, Liao Hai is Liao Hai, and the hospital is also responsible for the patients!

Once there are any problems and conditions in the operation, it will not only involve the problem of human life!

"Teacher?" Liao Hai obviously didn't think of it. However, with his good psychological quality and doctor's quality, he still stood on the operating table without any pause! Now the world is vast, or the largest patient!

Ding Yu nodded his head. "I just went to see director Yang Bo's operation. I heard you were here. Come and have a look!"Just come and have a look, there is no other intention! And Li Zhao, who is standing on one side as a small Valet, is obviously a little nervous! I dare not move now! And to a certain extent, he was afraid that Ding Yu would look at himself!

Because these two days I have been tortured a little bitter! Originally the heart inside hair empty, now good! Even worse, under such circumstances? How to deal with it?

When Li Zhaoyu was waiting for him, he felt like he was standing beside him! It's really nervous!

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