Ding Yu looks at him like that, while Liao Hai continues his work in an orderly manner. He does not have any influence because of Ding Yu's arrival, but Li Zhao next to him can't do it!

Although uncle Ding didn't say anything, Li Zhao felt that he was about to sweat! You should know that this is the operating room, or very cool, under such circumstances, you still have such feelings, can you see the heart to what extent?!

After watching for quite some time, Ding Yu slightly nodded his head and was very satisfied with Liao Hai's operation! "The performance is good, the incision is very beautiful, don't care too much about the speed, that shouldn't be what you are pursuing at this stage, steady and hard! Do remember! Hand stability is good, but also need to strengthen this aspect of exercise! You can't get carried away! "

"Yes, teacher, I understand it!" Ding Yu started the final stitching in person. From the point of view, this should be done by other people below. But Ding Yu's hands-on work really brightens everyone's eyes!

It's technology! Instead of saying that Ding Yu came to Liaohai platform, there is no such reason!

The stitching speed is very fast! Li Zhao was stunned! What's the speed of NIMA? What's the speed of NIMA? What's the extent to which you can do it if you look at the wound?

"We all know the story of the oil peddler, even when we were young. We are only familiar with it! But if you want to achieve this step, what you need is a lot of hard work. If you don't start, you will never know where the difficulties are! Even if it's starting! Can this be achieved? It also needs time and thought! "

Liao Hai is OK, Li Zhao's head is like a kowtow bug! There's no stopping at all!

Out of the operating room, Ding Yu did not follow up, but motioned to Li Zhao. Li Zhao followed Ding Yu's back honestly. This is the big guy! Uncle Ding did not say anything in the operating room, but out of the operating room, who knows what he will face?

Looking for a quiet place, Ding Yu stood there, as upright as a pine! Although Ding Yu didn't exert any pressure on Li Zhao, standing in front of Ding Yu, Li Zhao was a little bit like a little quail!

"Are you nervous? Why? " What Ding Yu asked was very abrupt! Also very targeted!

"I! I? ...。” For a while, Li Zhao didn't know what to say! Some words do not really know how to deal with it? You should know that even when Dr. Liao is facing uncle Ding, he is still a little nervous. He can still see this, let alone his little sparrow!

Isn't this an eagle in front of you? It's the level of the golden winged ROC!

Now you ask? Isn't this intentional?

"As a doctor, it's good for you to keep Mount Tai in front of you without looking pale. It's very irresponsible for you to stand on the operating table like this. How can you wait for someone to rescue you? Or watching the patient die Ding Yu's words are very strict!

"If you delay one second, you may cause indelible damage to the patient, including death. At that time, you told me that your legs were shaking. In that case, what kind of doctor would you be? Just go home and carry the baby!"

"Sorry, uncle Ding."

"This is the hospital!" Ding Yu's eyes are a little sharp, so Li Zhao dare not look directly at him!

"Director Ding, it's because I was quite negligent in my previous study at school. Dr. Liao pointed out some problems and conditions for me. I'm gradually changing them. But I'm afraid of your sudden assessment, so I'm very nervous in my heart!"

If there is a saying, please explain the situation quickly! No one knows what director Ding in front of him will say next, so admitting his mistakes is more practical than any rhetoric! If you are really eloquent, you will certainly regret it later. My father and Godfather have warned themselves, and Dr. Liao hailiao also said so!

"I don't care about school affairs, but my requirement is that before you leave school, you need to make up all the loopholes for me. I will find someone to assess you. He is a relatively rigid person! I hope you can make it! "

After that, Ding Yu turned around and said, "and I've read Liao Hai's plan for you. I hope you can complete it. If you don't have a second chance, are you clear?"

"Yes, Dr. Ding. I know it!" Did not make any guarantee, because Li Zhao is very clear and understand, now any guarantee is of no use and significance, specific or should be put into practice!

Because he is the godfather brought over, so in front of this doctor Ding! Director Ding! Uncle Ding gave himself a chance! But if you say you don't take this opportunity, I'm sorry! All for nothing!

Because he still needs to have dinner with the two deans at noon, Ding Yu went to Yang Bo's office. Of course, he can open an office alone, but there is no need for him! I'm not here to show off!Hearing the sound of the door, Ding Yu looked up at most! Yang Bo was laughing!

"Ah! I said, your chief director is a little too strict, but I heard! Li Zhao was reprimanded by you before, you know, he is still a student in school now! After all, there is still quite a gap with Liao Hai! Don't mention him! Even when Liao Hai is facing you, he is still a little nervous! "

The people who followed Yang Bo closed the door carefully! I have recognized the person sitting on the sofa! Although this has always been a reclusive person, few civil servants in the city dare to say that they do not know the one in front of them, but this one is too low-key!


"Lao Wang, didn't you operate on his father-in-law? The operation is over! There should be no problem, but after the follow-up, there may be considerable attention! So come here to explain two words! Director Wang, this is Dr. Ding Yuding! "

"Hello! King Yang Bo made an introduction, and Ding Yu stood up. However, the king Bureau was the first to come forward. When Ding Yu reached out his hand, the two people shook each other!

"Hello, director Ding. I've been listening to you all the time. I'm very lucky today."

"Lao Wang, don't be so polite, we won't eat you! Don't worry! I asked the nurse to print the list! It'll be back in about a minute! Just a moment! The old man is in good health! Should not use a few days time, can go home to recuperate! No matter how good the hospital conditions are? They can't catch up with the family and let the patients feel comfortable! "

"You are great doctors. I must have followed the instructions of the doctors."

"I said, doctor, would you like to have dinner at noon? I'm short of money recently. All the small coffers have been harmed! There are too many children at home! One by one, it's like a little tiger staring at my pocket

"Mr. Ding, director Yang, or...!" Wang Bureau some eager to try!

"No, good will!" Ding Yu shook his head, "the two presidents went to the municipal Party Committee for a meeting! At noon, I made an appointment to have a meal in the dining hall. I may have to talk about something. There are other arrangements in the afternoon. What's more, are you sure you want to have dinner with me? "

Yang Bo thought about it and shook his head directly! "Forget it! It's really not interesting to have dinner with you! Especially lunch, which is boring. I don't drink, I don't even move my chopsticks. Anyway, it's all kinds of uncomfortable. Hi! They say it's good to be a doctor! First of all, is it bitter or tired? But this meal is enough to make people speechless

"It's tiring to watch! One of the hard work for outsiders to understand! We all just see the doctor's scenery, but we seldom know what kind of hard work the doctor has paid behind this! Even sometimes it's quite unreasonable! "

"Lao Wang is right! It's like our doctor Ding, who has excellent medical skills, but how about it? No, it's because the industry is suffering from a lot of occupational diseases. I don't eat much at noon. Sometimes I can only supplement coffee or cake with considerable energy. It's not that I don't want to eat, but I don't have time to eat at all! "

Three people chat time is not very long, when knock on the door rings, the head nurse with the information came in, on the whole has been completed! "Director Ding, the Dean has just informed me that you can go to the office when you have time!"

"Brother Yang, Wang Ju, I still have something on my side. Please accompany me!"

Ding Yu is very polite to speak, and before leaving, he shook hands with the king bureau!

"Director Yang, this Mr. Ding doesn't look so cold and heartless as the rumor says! It gives people the feeling that it is very easy to get along with. Just now, I even dare not to go out of the atmosphere, for fear that Mr. Ding will misunderstand me! Even if Mr. Ding is sitting there, he is also a great God

"It's all a bloody rumor. It's not windy and shadowless. Dr. Ding just doesn't like social intercourse very much! In addition, he had a little more things, so his face was a little cold. But in the hospital, who didn't put out his thumb? Not only I said this, but other people would say it too! "

"I always feel that Mr. Ding is a little mysterious when I don't contact him. But after I contact him, I find that it is totally different from what I imagined. We still have quite a misunderstanding about Mr. Ding!"

"There is no way out. Everyone has different interpretations of some of these things, and no one has any idea. Besides, Dr. Ding has no intention to explain any of these things. I have tried to persuade him many times, but what can I do! But he is happy, and no one can stop others, can he

"We are just curious about Mr. Ding, but we really want to speak ill of Mr. Ding, OK? I'm afraid that all the people in our city will start directly. Why are people living in better conditions now! The farm played a vital role, which no one can deny! That's what the common people recognize! "

Ding Yu went to the dean's office. Both presidents have come back! However, they did not mention the previous meeting of the municipal Party committee. Ding Yu has no interest in this aspect at all!"I said Xiaoyu, you just came to the hospital, and you reprimanded Li Zhao! Is it so strict? "

"How fast is the message going?" Ding Yu, sitting down, laughs, but how does the expression on his face say? Why don't you laugh? Maybe it can give people better senses! It's a little bit infiltrative!

"You are a big star in our hospital. How many pairs of eyes are fixed on you and can't be pulled out. I have some doubts. If you say hello, will the nurse below fight for you?"

"You old man, I'll be happy!" The expression on Ding Yu's face is helpless! "Li Zhao's performance is so tense! What's more, there are some loopholes in what he has learned in school, and there are some defects in some aspects. If there is no pressure now, he will not have any motivation! "

"I have seen it twice. There are some problems in some aspects, but the overall performance is still very good. You don't know how to cherish it?" When the president said this, he was very reluctant!

Fortunately, in the hand is the thermos cup, if it is a glass, maybe it will be crushed!

"Without pressure, there is no motivation. He has quite a bad habit. I have asked Liao hai to make some corrections. No one knows what the result will be. If you give him too much sugar, it is better to let him soak in the sugar jar. It is better to let him taste the taste of Coptis chinensis! Better! "

"Yes, but are you so optimistic about him?"

"It's not optimistic. After all, it's hard to refuse. Let's see if he can stick to it! If I can't hold on, it's not my responsibility. I've done my best

"Yes! One thing suddenly occurred to me. I asked Liao hai to go to Harvard general college for an internship for a few months. Then he went to the capital for two or three months, and then came back. This time was counted as his leave, which he would have to make up for in the future. "

"Harvard general school?" The two presidents both breathed a sigh of surprise! "Xiaoyu, this is a little too exaggerated?"

"Not bad, Liao Hai's performance is very good, need to further strengthen him! Although he has made considerable progress through video and surgery, the speed of this improvement is a little bit slow! What's more? This is the reward he should have! Sometimes, also need to let him see how big the sky is outside! How small he is

"Yes! You are really a bit of a big hand, I believe there will not be too many people can refuse! "

First to Harvard general hospital, and then to the hospital in the capital. These two places are not only gilded! In a flash, almost a year's time, Liao Hai's own improvement is absolutely unmatched that kind!

"And I believe that once this news is released, I'm afraid our hospital will not be too quiet for a long time!" The president vowed to say!

Why do you say that? We should know that their side is the county-level city hospital! To know that in ordinary times, even if it is to send their own hospital to the provincial capital that side of the hospital for further study, it is already a very wonderful thing!

But now? Liao Hai was sent to Harvard general hospital and capital hospital! The satellite is so big!

To know that this is not only to Liao Hai has a considerable role in promoting, and also has a considerable impact on the hospital! In the past, the hospital sent a lot of doctors to the provincial capital for further study. However, judging from the current meaning, it is not impossible to make progress!

Next to the president Huang, this time the nose is panting, there is no way not excited, why? The old president has begun to let himself be in charge of hospital affairs in succession, and the matter in front of him will obviously fall on his own body!

My God! Want not excited, want to calm down, but how calm? Don't you see that the hand of the dean's side has begun to shake? Together with the thermos cup that he always held in his hand, this time has been placed on the table top, continue to hold it on the hand, it is not so simple as sprinkling water!

"It seems that we should have asked the canteen to prepare more things earlier. It's a pity!" The old courtyard took a long breath. The shock brought by this thing was a little bit big! I have so many reactions between the moment! "But you don't drink, otherwise there are two bottles of good wine in my house for decades!"

"Dean, if you want to pay attention to the liquor in the house, just say so!"

Ding Yu's words are a little direct, even some fierce! "How old are you? How do you like this one all of a sudden? It's not easy! "

"I've drunk that wine twice. It tastes good, and there's no other adulteration. It's good to make wine at home, but you boy! It's a waste to keep it! Why don't we old guys take it and have a taste

Sigh! Ding Yucai then said, "there is a little stock at home, but the stock is not so much! It's basically used to make! There are also some treasures. There should be no problem for you to taste the fresh wine. As for the new wine, I'm afraid it will take quite some time. After all, this wine is digested internally! It's not external, so brewing is quite special"Never heard of it?" The Dean glared at Ding Yu!

"Wine making also needs to pay attention to time and timing, otherwise it is easy to affect word-of-mouth. An uncle in my family is one of them, but he has instilled quite a lot of knowledge about this aspect to me, and I also have a certain understanding! When the new wine comes down! I'll leave you two jars. There's no problem! "

"Two jars are not enough!" The dean is a bit of an inch! "It's always necessary to make some, and there's still some autumn wind! Xiaoyu, we don't take this one, do we? I spend money, you say this number, I will not take counter-offer! "

"Will you spare me?! That thing is not leek, cut a stubble to grow a stubble again, did not say so! How about that? "

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