In fact, Ding Yu and the Dean are joking with each other, but from this we can see that the relationship between Ding Yu and the dean is extraordinary. It does not mean that everyone can make such a joke with Ding Yu!

Next to the old yellow is also in, he can't so with Ding Yu unscrupulous talk! I don't have enough qualifications!

Fortunately, Ding Yu didn't isolate him. There was no need for him. It is true that Ding Yu has always been indifferent, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu is really unsophisticated! "Mr. Huang, you are going to take over soon! Two tables in total?! Are you happy with me? "

"Director Ding has spoken! I'm sure there are two tables at home, but I hope Dean Ding and director Ding will come together! "

"Yes! It's another autumn wind! " Ding Yu looked at the Dean, "Dean, do you think this is really good? It's all the teams that you brought out. The results are like this one by one. It's a little speechless! "

"I'll take this lunch, can I?" There is no intention to continue to grind with Ding Yu. If you continue to speak, who knows what will happen? It's not sure! Other people won't, but it doesn't mean Ding Yu won't!

No one is short of a meal, let alone in the canteen! However, when the two big men and Ding Yu entered the canteen, they still caused considerable fluctuations! The two big men are OK. Although they say they are superior, they often see too much! It's not surprising that there are already some! But Ding Yu is really the master who sees the head but does not see the end!

"Xiaoyu, have you heard about the hospital?"

"We have news from the provincial Party committee." It's a good guess. Seeing the two deans nodding, Ding Yu pondered for a while, "I can help you with quite a lot of things. After all, I should still stay at home during this period of time. However, the work may have to start gradually. It is not so leisurely in normal times."

"But this matter still needs quite a time, at least needs to go through the quite procedure, this matter will have Lao Huang to prepare specifically, I am already an old fellow! In this matter appears to be a little powerless, you are also our hospital came out! The future of the hospital must still need you! "

"If there is anything wrong with the hospital, I am bound to do so." In this matter, Ding Yu did not have any refusal, even nodded to deal with down, some things? Still need to realize the good description! At least it's easy to talk about now! There will be other problems in the future!

In the evening, Ding Yu just went home for a short time. The security guard of the house came forward! Looking at the security action, Ding Yu frowns slightly!

"Sir, did someone spread this on the Internet? Now it means to look up! "

Ding Yu took over the tablet computer and watched it for a while. The corners of his mouth twitched! The expression on the face is also gradually beginning to get cold, "it is a very interesting thing, looking for a few children? It's just out of the gate, and you start looking for it? "

"Sir, at least the feedback from the video is like this! And look at this meaning, it is quite a staff in the guidance! We've identified quite a few people! It's quite a set-up, sir. How are we going to run this thing next? " Security asked for instructions!

"It's interesting to let a group of cannon fodder attack in front of us?"

"Judging from the temporary situation, we haven't found any follow-up personnel. Judging from the current situation, we can't be sure that someone planned it, so it's not easy to make such a judgment!"

Ding Yu looked at the video above, "when I got off the station from the train, someone filmed it. It clearly explained all this. It was very interesting! Apart from this, there is no other opportunity. What's more surprising is that there is no Taixi, no army, and no Ding Ding Ding. There are four of them! Interesting

"It is aimed at the eldest young master and young lady, as well as Wang An and his brother and sister! A child is missing, but look at this meaning, now many people express concern about it! How much of the video has so many to be hot up meaning! The previous New Year's video still has a considerable influence, if someone deliberately to guide? "

Things have happened, and now is not the time to pursue results deliberately. Some things need to be looked at slowly. Don't be too eager for a moment. Have a look and see if there are too many disadvantages! There are even considerable benefits!

"Was it deliberately directed? This problem needs to be discussed. At least, don't make this conclusion at this stage. As for the hot broadcast on the Internet? We do not want to do specific interference, just look at the development of things! Just remind them

Ding Yu quickly made quite a decision! No hesitation for too long!

Security is to turn around to leave, make a considerable arrangement!

Go to the parents there to say hello, as for the children's things, there is no need to tell them! They are worried about this! After dinner, Ding Yu went back to his study. When he sat down, Ding Yu did not immediately deal with the business, but thought about the children!Now to the children's whereabouts revealed abnormal interest, it seems too impatient! Even there are so many impatient, this is absolutely not a common practice, even if you want to take the sword, you can't dare to do so! Wrong way!

From the present situation, things are a little bit strange!

Therefore, it is not appropriate to make any response and response at this stage. It is better to watch the development of the situation! Ding Yu is very interested in this. Does the force behind it sit and watch the development of the matter, or do it to remedy it?

If we don't know before, it's understandable, but now the situation has developed and we don't do any response, it seems too deliberate! Ding Yu is sitting on the Diaoyutai!

Just as Ding Yu was thinking, the phone on the desk suddenly rang. The clear voice suddenly alerted Ding Yu, "I'm Ding Yu!" Apart from a limited number of people, not many people can call in.

"I'm Taixi. We've arrived at the quadrangle. The army and Ding Ding have all gone back!"

Taixi also just learned about the matter, but Ding Ding and the army were there before, and they were not good at showing themselves. After they left, they just called. This matter still needs to be decided by the child's father!

"I know about it!" Ding Yu didn't mean to blame Taixi, "you guys just got off the train, and it seems that people are staring at you! It's a very interesting thing. If something happens by accident, the development speed of the situation is a little bit faster, but if it is deliberately arranged, there are not many ways, so it's good to watch its development! "

"Will it have any other impact?" Taixi is very worried about this! In my heart, there are so many self complains. If it is not my own carelessness, how can such a thing happen?

"Anyway, you've arrived in the capital. There's no problem. I'm looking forward to it!"

"You?" Taixi good hang a breath did not come up, have been so burning! You, a father, have such a mind. What can I do? Now I can say that I am worried!

"All right! All right Ding Yu comforted to say! "It's not as serious as you think. At least from the current situation, there are not too many problems. You don't have to worry about it. They won't go too far!"

"Can you not worry?" Taixi mumbles to himself!

"There's nothing to worry about. At most, it's just to expose a few children. If you think about their identity, even if it's hidden again, too many people already know it! It's just not known to the public! Now, even if it is exposed to the public, it is not a great thing? "

Ding Yu is very patient and doesn't mean to be angry!

What's more, even if you are angry, you should not spread this anger to Tai Xi's body! Two people said in the phone for a period of time, and then put down the phone in their hands!

But Ding Yu's calmness doesn't mean that it's the same outside! Originally, the new year's affairs, has been no small! But it's a pity that Ding Yu didn't have any reaction here! It's a pity that the forces behind the operation of this matter have some pity, because after all, they have not achieved the effect they want!

However, the sudden exposure of the station made everyone feel at a loss. They did not have any preparation in this respect, because it was not their operation at all! The news came too suddenly! Suddenly, people don't know how to deal with it? What should we do now?

As if you don't know? Sit down and watch the development of things? This is obviously not appropriate! Because the people who publish the video and stir up the video have countless ties with them, and they don't think that Ding Yu will not be aware of this matter. It is just the time. Even now Mr. Ding Yuding has already known about this matter!

If Mr. Ding Yuding has already known about this matter, what should we do?

To be more precise, Mr. Ding should have known about this matter. How should they deal with it? Should they sit and watch the matter continue to develop? Or immediately to do quite a response, reduce the heat, this time the matter to the fastest speed to press down, make a new so-called big news can!

Mad! Behind the force now in addition to scolding mother, really do not know what to say is good!

In the past, several children's new year's performances were so noisy, and there was no movement after the event. The main reason is that there is a black pot on the back of the farm. Even if Ding Yu is not satisfied, he can't start with the farm. What's more, it's an oversight, and it's not a big deal!

But the problem is that it's not an oversight now, and no one has come to endorse it! In this case, the power behind is directly highlighted, which is really not something you can deny if you want to deny it!

You know that Mr. Ding has always been a vindictive character, but he did not respond to the affairs of several children. This is not to say that they have succeeded! Ding Yu is dumb! That's not the truth!It may be that Mr. Ding is not ready, or it may be that Mr. Ding has other ideas and opinions!

But now this thing will become the so-called fuse? No one dares to make this guarantee. What's more, it starts on its own side? Who knows if Mr. Ding will follow the trend?

Now every aspect is trying to avoid direct or side conflicts with Mr. Ding, because Mr. Ding has risen! The power in their hands is one that cannot be underestimated!

Is there another reason? Even if this Mr. Ding stops, it will be of great benefit to many forces. In the past, he lost too much manpower, material resources and energy. All of them need time to recover. It is not to say that if the money is replenished in place, the influence can be recovered immediately. It is not like this!

The problem is that Ding Yu doesn't need this at all! Will he start fighting again because of this? What's hard to say!

Even if Ding Yu starts the war again because of this incident, it seems that there is nothing to blame. You've all started to use my children and apprentices as rafts! I didn't react at all? How will the outside world look at this matter? Are you going to ride on my head in the future?

Ding Yu is more able to restrain himself, but it does not mean that he can bear it all the time! Especially such a thing, don't say it's Ding Yu! I'm afraid that anyone would be in a rage now!

All aspects of the news after the summary, quickly made a considerable decision out!

Regardless of whether the former railway station was intentional or unintentional, in any case, this matter is touching the tiger's buttocks, absolutely can not have any tolerance, at least to give Ding Yu an account on the surface, as for the follow-up things? Need to come step by step, now absolutely can't appear any problem and condition again!

Ding Yu's lethality is really so big that people can't bear it!

It's not easy to enter the quiet period. Ding Yu's nest is in his hometown. Now if Ding Yu is released, NIMA's, then there will be a head rolling situation? Shit in your head?

The next morning, everything was gone! You can't see the situation of several children on the Internet! The speed of dissipation is even so unimaginable!

"Sir, this is a summary of what we collected last night! It's incredibly fast

Ding Yu is very indifferent to read the information, and then gently smile, smile how much have so some contempt!

"You can see that there are a lot of unjust ghosts in this?"

"This time, sir, they played a considerable role in fueling the flames!"

"All right! There's no need to be so nervous. Just let them know! Save their heart is also so a few uneasy, there are a few of their little guys! What they haven't seen is to be careful, but this time it won't make them too happy! Not a little bit of action? "

"Sir, where are the young master and the young lady?" For this matter, the security also felt that it was difficult. They were all the children and apprentices of the husband. If there was really a disturbance, how should we deal with it?

"They're just making a lot of noise. They won't do much! Is to let you a little attention, especially Ding Chang that bastard, his ghost idea is originally many! Don't be careless

"Sir, don't you think so?" Security is very suspicious to say!

"This boy! Although Wang An can hold him down, he is afraid that Wang An will find his way. There is a great possibility in this respect. Even after that, Wang An and Ding Yun are in front of him. He won't have any problems and headaches! "

For his son, Ding Yu or boast to have some understanding, his son is absolutely not a fuel-efficient lamp! If ordinary people are a little careless, they will definitely fall into his trap! Although he is still young!

"Yes! Is Wang An's song the same? "

"Yes! Assistant Qu went directly to the capital and had already joined up with Master Wang an! "

"He! The training time is still so short. It's not good to start at the first stage! " Ding Yu rubbed his finger, "but there's no harm in making a fuss. You can't make them suffer injustice, do you? Just pay attention to your sense of propriety

Ding Yu has some helplessness. After all, he is his own child and apprentice. It is not appropriate to spoil him too much, but it is also extremely inappropriate to be too strict. We need to control the balance, but things are never so simple as to say! Need to be measured and measured!

"Sir, do you need any other special treatment?"

"No, there are already quite a lot of people around them. There is no need to worry about this problem. No one can open this gap!" Ding Yu knows what security is worried about, but Ding Yu can be sure of this. Let alone them, even Ding Yu dare not easily move his mind!Because once I do it! At that time, all people will pay attention to their own body, and then it will not be as simple as beating and killing! Because doing so violates everyone's bottom line, and is a situation that no force can tolerate!

"Yes! I see, sir , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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