After several children exercise, they got quite a lot of news!

But obviously, there are some unlikely things to let them forget so quickly! But this time, whether it is Ding Yun or Ding Chang, there is not much movement! Calm, there are some anomalies!

"Ding Chang, what bad idea are you thinking?" Ding Yun narrowed her eyes and said in a deep voice! It's understandable that he can't help it, but what about Ding Chang? He is no honest boy!

"Why me?" Ding Chang called to Tianqu! "But it's a bit outrageous to shoot me like this! Anyway, I am also a jade tree facing the wind. How can I feel the above image so naughty? My image?! Why are you so miserable? Have a look at elder martial brother? What a difference


This is what Ding Yun dares to say. Neither Wang an nor Tong Tong can say it. Joking belongs to joking, but some words should be paid attention to! For example, it's time to make a fuss!

"Well, it's not a big deal, is it? Don't you just show your face? It's common, but today I'm going to visit my great grandfather. Let's go and have a look at my great grandfather and great grandmother first! I didn't come back for the festival! What's more, it's the same with my grandparents. If it hadn't been inappropriate last night, it would have been a long time ago! "

Ding Yun is full of his mouth, other things can be put on the back, but this thing is absolutely not enough to put down! When they came back, Dad had already explained it! What's more, even if dad didn't explain, they would go there. It's too much to drag on the whole night!

So the children did not continue to talk about it. Soon, they went to Suyuan under the leadership of Taixi, and then went to Wang Pu and the old lady with Su Tong!

As for why I didn't come last night, it was too late! I'm afraid it will disturb the rest of the two old people! The two of them are now struggling to develop this situation. If something happens, they will die! On this issue, even Ding Yu has no exception!

Wang Pu and the old lady are very happy about the arrival of their children. They are really happy. There is no hiding. Wang Xiaogang is naturally among them. But obviously, his identity is quite different from Ding Yun and Ding Chang!

I stayed with Wang Pu and the old lady for a whole half day. Later, I left because the two old people were not feeling well! Otherwise, everything will stay!

However, the children did not immediately return to the grandmother's home, only Su Yuan and Tai Xi two people went back first! As for these children, they went to Liu Daochang, and Su Yuan was a little bit itchy! This son of a bitch, he has no business at all!

Liu Daochang is very happy about the children's arrival, but Ding Yu didn't come. The reason is very simple. He didn't even come back to the capital. He came to see himself, which was just an irrational request! And these children come to see themselves immediately after they come back, which means something different!

Looking at Ding Yu's handwriting, Liu Daochang felt a little bit unbearable! Ding Yu's people didn't come, not that he didn't want to come, but because of many other reasons. From the perspective of Liu Daochang, he naturally had a good understanding of Ding Yu, and also knew what kind of character Ding Yu was!

In the capital for so many years, how can you know nothing? It can be said that you know a lot. But the more you do, the more you understand. Some things can't be what you want? It's not that simple! Ding Yu is the same!

Several children have been waiting for dinner before they leave. What they eat in the evening is hotpot, a hotpot from Noda. So many children, it's really not a general atmosphere! No one wants to let them go! You're welcome. The empty plate on the table is also built high!

Several children are like little wolf cubs. They don't know how to be polite at all. It's bullshit to say that they haven't eaten these things. Only in this way can they be so unscrupulous!

But the more like this, the more happy Liu Daochang here, a few children did not regard him as an outsider! Do you need to say anything else?

"Back?" Su Yuan looked at her children, and her face was a little bad, but soon Ding Yun and Wang Xiaogang hugged her thigh. For these children, what kind of way is most appropriate and can solve the problem in the most limited way is too simple!

Su Yuan, who was hugged by her thigh, was helpless. She hated her face. She could only point their forehead with her own finger. She wanted to teach them a lesson, but she could only put it down gently!

Wang Changlin is not at home, he went out to investigate work! I'm afraid I can't come back these days! Relatively speaking, work is more important. As for children? You can watch it any time! Not too many questions!

Looking at the children who came back from washing again, Su Yuan quickly called the housekeeper to bring fruit and snacks to come here! But look at the meaning of children, for fruit has a considerable interest, but for snacks is weak interest! From this tiny detail, we can see that they have good habits!"I heard earlier that when you got off the train, you had quite a bad experience!"

Su Yuan peeled the peel and spoke casually!

"Grandma, it's all in the past! I don't know who shot a video and released it. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. During the new year's day, our performance may be a little exaggerated, so it arouses people's interest. "

"Oh? What's more? " Su Yuan's eyebrows stirred slightly!

"Grandma, it's all over! It's just an accidental act! " Ding Yun looks at her grandmother and seems to be sincere. As for Wang An, she peeks at Ding Chang and finds that he is a bit lazy. She doesn't seem to take this matter seriously!

In the past, I didn't really feel that this younger martial brother still had such a habit, but now I suddenly found that on this point, younger martial brother and master are really very similar! It's all from the same mold!

The master seems to be like this when he encounters something. Basically, it's hard for outsiders to see what kind of overall consideration he has, what kind of worries and ideas he has, what kind of preparation work he has on his side, and what kind of methods will be used in the follow-up!

The more important one, after making a considerable judgment and decision, will stick to it! But will not appear to give up halfway, his younger brother is now such a situation, he obviously has a considerable idea, even made a decision, but even if the grandmother is currently, it will not affect his judgment and decision!

A little headache! Ding Chang may feel something here. He looks up at elder martial brother Wang An, and Mimi smiles! Wang An's expression is very calm. He wants to hold down his younger brother. Obviously, it's impossible. He can only take the overall situation into consideration as far as possible, so as not to have any problems and situations in the general direction!

As for the details? Younger martial brother and younger sister are very angry. It is obviously not appropriate to suppress their anger. Even in their own heart, there are some small anger. How can they be bullied, right?

"Is it by chance, this other said, but it is obvious that the previous action is a little too much!"

"Grandma, if you come forward, some people will say that we are deliberately spoiled. We are not flowers in the flower shed. We still need to receive the sunshine outside. We can't stay at home all the time. What's more, we can't ignore people and make friends. I believe many people are still good!"

Ding Yun comforts her grandmother, but when Tai Xi looks at this scene, there are some twitches in the corners of her mouth. Don't you know what kind of disposition the girl is? It's just a big sister!

I don't know how many times I want her to be a lady, but it doesn't have any effect at all. What's more, her father is quite indulgent to her, giving her a feeling of being a tomboy!

But today I don't know if the sun is coming out from the West? How do you feel your daughter is like a different person! In front of her mother-in-law is such a performance? You know, in mother-in-law Zhao Shuying there, she is not like this! That's crazy! And never hide their own!

But this matter is also in Tai Xi's head inside a circle, there is no meaning to say!

This seems to have some similarities with her aunt Ding Ding, which is straightforward and frank! I don't know if the child's is intentional! But if really like Ding Ding, also not necessarily have what harm, at least give oneself the feeling, Ding Ding Ding is very good! Have a considerable responsibility!

For his granddaughter's performance, Su Yuan is in the eye, even inadvertently, he has seen several other children, Wang An is an atmosphere and stable, he and Ding Chang two small movements, he saw! I didn't expect that he could still hold down Ding Yun and Ding Chang! This is what I didn't think of!

But seriously think about it, but also quite for their own boss feel admiration! Even quite exclamation!

Are your grandchildren good or not? It's really excellent! I don't know how many families in Beijing are thinking about how to give them two incomes in the future. Even when many old sisters are chatting, they want to be able to talk about themselves!

What's more, some families are now preparing for this aspect! After all, Ding Yu is such two children, no matter which one is, as long as they are close to each other! It will be a golden mountain in the future! As for the so-called marriage or not marriage, this is nothing, after all, we are also very indifferent to this!

It is a good thing that our children are excellent! And it's still a good thing, but we can't let them too smooth, for their future disadvantage! But how can we hold them down? This is absolutely difficult!

The father of two children itself is quite excellent, coupled with the training of children is also sparing no effort that kind, not to mention the general family! Even if it is the child that the family raises, also cannot catch up with them two!However, Wang An was found in the boss's hand, and Wang An's performance was also the kind of one that did not live up to the expectations. It really stabilized the situation. Of course, if there was no Ding Yu's instruction, it would be hell!

To be able to hold down Ding Yun and Ding Chang, and even to make them have quite small convincing, it is very difficult for older children to do things, but Wang an did it! Should we praise the eldest in the family? Or should we pay more attention to Wang An?

Although Su Yuan has considerable judgment on this matter, it is obviously not appropriate to make this decision now. At least, the eldest son of the family has his own views and ideas on this matter. What's more, is it his own side? A little too weak! And a little bit can't borrow this force!

The boss obviously made Wang Antang his successor! On this issue, which one is basically not discussed. As for Tong Tong? Don't even think about it! If you move a child, it is equivalent to turning over with the Department of emotion management!

Therefore, Ding Yun and Ding Chang, the granddaughter and grandson, may still have some possibilities, but it is not to say that there is no problem at all! Although this matter is already a commonplace! But now every time I see them, I can't help thinking about it!

Just like this time! He has just moved some ideas in this respect. His eldest son, Tiangao, is far away from the emperor. He certainly doesn't know. As for his daughter-in-law? She won't send the message back for the time being!

But there think, oneself this granddaughter unexpectedly so stand out, do not have any let oneself embarrassed meaning! Even let their own willing to accept, this is better than their father too much! Their father that called a "Leng", he hated gnashing teeth, but there is no way!

"You clever little devil, will you! Now that you all have your own ideas, I will not interfere! " Su Yuan has put this matter down! These little devils are not old, but they have a lot of heart, "but you are all children of our family. If you do something wrong, you will be punished naturally, and you will be severely punished. However, if someone bullies your head, you will be embarrassed! Do you know? "

The words are so clear! Don't talk about the kids! Even Taixi understood it. Come on! Tai Xi's heart has so some fright, never know mother-in-law unexpectedly so fierce! Totally beyond my imagination!

This is totally different from the commercial means! My understanding of this aspect is a little less! What's more, although I said there are two mothers-in-law, but now the situation of the two mothers-in-law is completely different!

If you compare from the heart, I still like my mother-in-law in my hometown. The mother-in-law in my hometown is very straightforward and generous. I don't have so many thoughts and considerations. I do things in the open!

And this mother-in-law in Beijing? Can she feel it, is she for herself? There are always some opinions and ideas, but because of the father's sake, they never mentioned it! And now the children are getting older!

But these things, I know in my heart is OK! The father of the child is very clear about himself and his heart. It is enough for him to face this point! What's more, his son and daughter are about to grow up!

Taixi was silent, just sitting next to him with a slight smile on his face. Obviously, his daughter's performance made him feel very satisfied. Their father educated them very well!

In the evening, everyone stayed at home! A few children soon rest! But the small four eyes is to guard in their door position, there is no meaning to leave! Even if it is the housekeeper of this is also very helpless that kind, because this is already a matter of common sense! become inured to the unusual!

In the morning, a few children don't mean to be lazy at all. They don't have any ambiguity about getting up early and getting up early. They don't have any laxity because this is the capital or grandma's home!

For them, it doesn't exist at all!

Taixi got up very early, and even cooked by himself. The steward was quite dissuasive, although he knew that such dissuasion had no effect! It's not so important whether this young grandmother is more important than her husband or her son. Anyway, other people have such power and confidence!

But Su Yuan didn't get up too late. She was older! The rest time is not so long!

What's more, their grandsons and granddaughters are here today. These children always get up early! If my grandmother gets up too late, it's not very decent. What's more, this morning, I've made quite a preparation!

"Grandma, are you preparing for little chaos?" When Ding Chang saw what his grandmother had prepared, his eyes lit up!

Looking at his excited grandson, Su Yuan is also interested in it. His grandson likes this one, and Wang Xiaogang doesn't have too many hobbies in this aspect!The so-called "little chaos" was also learned by Wang Changlin when he was in office. Wang Yang also had some thoughts about it. As for other children? Hum, stop talking about them! It's a bunch of heartless people! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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