When Wang an turns back, he looks at Ding Chang, who is blue in the corner of his eyes, and tries to bear the smile in his heart!

Ding chang this guy is really deserved, now this time got a beating, is also a matter of common sense! If he didn't get beaten, he would feel a little strange! However, it was unexpected to start with such a heavy hand, but it was Ding Yun who could do it! Boy! Xiao Gang and his sister are not even on the sideline!

But Wang An is still a true book! "Didn't you say you were going to go to elder martial Brother Guo Li?"

Ding Chang, eh, did not know where to find the cooked eggs are rolling their eyes, no way! Who knows Ding Yun should have such a heavy hand, this is not in their own expectations, OK?

Two people are one milk compatriots, as for so angry? Woman! I really don't speak any truth! It is useless to reason with him!

All of his black eyes are hammered out by Ding Yun. There is no reason to say. As for Tong Tong, they are just beating the drum. Dare you? Don't see the next Ding Yun covetously looking, even the next second this fist will fall on their faces, there is no room to consider! Just come here and pretend!

Ding Chang has some doubts. If the elder martial brother went out on purpose, did he expect this step! Because if the elder martial brother is there, Ding Yun will kick himself at most, but he will not do it!

But if the elder martial brother is not here, the situation will be different! Ding Yun can do what he wants! No one else can stop it!

"Ready! However, we still need to prepare some things here. We can't go empty handed! Not so good! "

"I have just called elder martial Brother Guo and elder martial brother Shen. They are in elder martial Brother Guo's house. They haven't had a rest now, but they eat and brush the pot together at night. Generally speaking, it's like this!"

"It's OK. I'll go there earlier. I've heard that there are many treasures in Guo Li's house. I can enjoy it!"

What is appreciation? It's just rhetoric! To a certain extent, they are the treasures of Guo Li, who let such a big man go! Even they have the same hobbies as their age, a little shy!

"Uncle Qu, can you find someone familiar here in the capital? Do not need to have a good relationship, do not need to have much ability, of course, if the kind of idle, better! You need to take care of it yourself! "

"Yes, I know a lot. Although the relationship is not so familiar, it's OK to let them do something!" After hesitating for a moment, Qu he showed a little difficultly, "but these guys are of average conduct. In the most practical words, milk is the mother! No exaggeration at all

"Things don't need to be kept secret for a long time! There are some things they can do! As for other follow-up? Ha ha Now if you give Ding Chang a feather fan, maybe there will be no wind!

"I see!" Qu he nodded his head, but he knew that there must be a follow-up account!

In this matter, they do not need to have any decision, just need to deal with it according to Ding Chang's way!

Wang An has already explained it clearly before! Everything is regulated by him. Everything is handled by him. If you say that you make a fuss about it, you will certainly get Wang an involved! At that time, the director is bound to interfere!

If it is to play with the brain, I have not seen Ding Chang's opponent. He is the director's own son. During his stay with the director, I still know something about the children at home! They are gifted talents. Don't underestimate them because of their age. Otherwise, the end will be very miserable!

Ding Chang and Qu he explained a few words. Qu he went out to find someone! Some things are really more convenient on their own side. Of course, there are other people working in the courtyard, but if you use the staff of the courtyard, you will surely get infected with the director! At least this time is absolutely not allowed!

"Clearly? How do I feel a little strange? "

Here in the hospital, Guo Li couldn't help scratching his head, "younger martial brothers, this is a good thing, but it's so serious, it's a bit abnormal! I always feel that there is something bad in their heart! They don't look like this in normal times! So I feel a little puzzled! "

"Just give the teacher a call!" Shen Mingzheng is indifferent to other things, but it doesn't mean that it is the same for the teacher's things. "The teacher must know about this matter. If you don't make this call, I'll make it! It doesn't matter to the two of us! But younger martial brother and younger sister, they can't do anything! "

"I'm a bad man, you're a good man, aren't you?"

Guo Li is not satisfied with the appearance! "Aren't there many people below me? Previously, there was a considerable amount of news passed over, the news spread quickly, but also dissipated very quickly! I don't know whether it's the teacher or something else. I'm worried about this matter! ""I don't know! Never heard of it! " Shen Mingzheng's voice was a little low, "I don't care about other things, and I can't control them. But younger martial brothers and younger martial sisters come here, I need to manage this matter! If you can't do it, you have to do it! "

"It's bullshit!" Guo Li is helpless! "Forget it! To tell you this is a waste of time! Isn't there nothing on your side? Just go back early then! I drive! I'll call our teacher to inquire about the situation! It's a little bit deep in my heart! "

Also did not avoid Shen Mingzheng, Guo Li immediately took out his mobile phone!

After the phone was connected, the voice said, "teacher, I'm Guo Li. Mingzheng is also here. Is it convenient for you?"

For Shen Mingzheng who came over, Guo Li glared at him, but there was no dissatisfaction!

Yeah? Ding Yu puzzled for a moment, "what's the matter, let you be so careful?"

"Teacher, I heard about my younger brother and younger sister earlier on?! But it dissipates so quickly that we don't know what the inside story is? " Guo Li said very carefully!

Ah?! Ding Yu immediately understood, come on! These bastards are not really fuel-efficient lamps! I thought it was a hospital thing? I didn't expect it was some of them!

"I thought it was you who were in a difficult situation? It's just about some of them Ding Yu said with a smile, "they should have found your head. It's a good idea!"

"Teacher, do you know that?" Guo Li is a little excited!

"How many of them? It's hard not to know! Yes? You know something about it? "

"How much do you know? As you know, I have a team here, although they are not here! But it's still possible to collect some information! The information is comprehensive, but it will not come soon! Even if there is no reaction here, everything is gone

"Although things didn't cause too much impact, how could it be possible for several children to have no psychological fluctuation?" Ding Yu's expression is a little different, "but we can't start this thing at home. You are the same. Let's see how many twists and turns they have made?"

Yeah? Guo Li Leng for a while, immediately understood come over!

"Teacher, I know! They went to my place to play! There are a lot of toys and treasures in my house. Go back with Mingzheng at night and have dinner with them! It's about such an arrangement! "

"Ding Chang! Is a clever, he called you the reason for this call, but also have a test of my idea, has never been a fuel-efficient lamp, I am also a little helpless for this matter! You and Mingzheng two people, do not mix with! I don't know how noisy he will be if he gets involved in it

"Teacher, they are just children, so they are bullied. We don't care if we don't ask, is it a little too much! Mingzheng and I are both senior brothers! I can't think that nothing happened?! Although we are not strong enough, we can still operate one or two! "

"Don't come for me!" Ding Yu warned, "how old are you! Give me that back?! I didn't even say you? What kind of love can not be achieved, we have to get some hand-made toys, did not grow up! How many of their children make a fool of themselves, do you? If you let me know you're fooling around, watch your skin

After humming, Ding Yu then said, "and I have arranged Liao hai to study at Harvard general hospital! Please contact the person in charge! Isn't there a lot of people over there at the hospital? When he comes back, I will arrange him to practice in the hospital for two or three months. You and Mingzheng will take him with you! "

"Teacher, can Liao Hai come out?" This is an unexpected news!

"No! This time the study and practice is not within the time limit of three years? Follow up all need him to make up, his situation is quite different with you and Mingzheng, too proud, need to suppress! Otherwise, he will be able to go to heaven in the future because of his temperament. There is no way to compare this with you and Mingzheng? "

"Teacher, are you praising me and Mingzheng? We will be proud Because there is no problem with younger martial brother and younger sister! Guo Li started his smiley face again! Anyway, the teacher won't give himself how because of this!

"I'm not sure, but you guys, I don't really feel at ease. Be careful. If you dare to get carried away, I don't mind giving you a taste of it!"

Then Ding Yu here is also a button up the phone! While Guo Li listened to the busy tone in the phone, he was smiling at Shen Mingzheng, "come on, we'll cooperate with each other! There's nothing too big for you to worry about now? But I found that the teacher, is not a little partial to you! I call is a reprimand, there is no reason to speak, but know you are next to, even praise you! It doesn't make senseShen Mingzheng's face showed a rare blush and glared at Guo Li, "I'll come to see you in the evening." After that, he pushed the door of the office. He left behind and felt that his younger brother was getting worse! He didn't look like this before!

Several children are about to go out at noon, saying they are preparing some special gifts for their grandparents, but Taixi shows a suspicious expression! Do you need them to go out together? What's more, it's a big idea! Why do they feel strange to themselves?

Just before a few children went out, the father of the child called!

"How many of them are out?" What Ding Yu said is very casual!

"Well! I'm out! All gone! Along with Qu he also went out! I'm a little puzzled. I always feel something is wrong! "

"That's it?" Ding Yu is very sure to say, "although they are not so old, they also have their own unique understanding of some things." Ding Yu didn't explain it very clearly!

But the smart and smart Taixi understood it all at once! But then Taixi's worry came! "It's easy for me to say, but this is the capital city after all. My grandparents, including mom and dad? How to say that? "

"Don't worry! They won't ask! You don't need to worry about it. I have all the things I asked the pharmacy to prepare. It's not convenient for me to go there, so you can do more for me! "

The father of the child has explained it clearly and clearly! Taixi is also relieved, these children! Let yourself say what is good? But originally there were some worries, now? It's all gone!

I just had some care is chaotic, in fact, think carefully, I care about the children, can't the father of the child do not care about this matter? On the contrary, the father of the child can be said to be extremely concerned about them, but this kind of concern will not be revealed!

I don't know how many children will make a fuss? What's more, I didn't find anything. Although their performance was a little bit odd, they must have considered and sketched them before they started to take actions. They would never be like a fool!

But when did they negotiate? How to discuss again! You know, when they get together, there's always a leader, right? Who is the leader? Wang An? Ding Yun or Ding Chang? What's more, what have they discussed?

Although the heart is a little complicated, but at this time let yourself ask these children, they really will not do so, children need to grow up, need to have a considerable understanding of the world, these are a necessary process!

"It's strange that mom didn't ask any questions?"

Ding Yun is full of his mouth, a face unwilling!

"It's not simple. My mother didn't ask about it, which shows that she knows something about this matter, and even makes quite a prediction. Of course, you can also say that mom should have communicated with the great demon! Or what did the big demon explain! I think the latter may be more! "

Ding Yun once again looked at Ding Chang's eyes, always felt that when he started, it was a little light! What I'm thinking now is, do you want to do it again? Maybe the effect will be different! I really want to have a try!

But look around and forget it! The elder martial brother is also here. If you start at this time, you will have a lot of discomfort! If you do it yourself, the elder martial brother will definitely stop you. If you do it yourself, it's because the elder martial brother is not here, and what Ding Chang said, don't you want to understand? He has to explain it!

What's the matter? Is this a deliberate provocation?

Seeing Ding Yun's eyes, Ding Chang Mi smiles for a while, and then says! "Since there is no movement and reaction from the big devil, it shows that what we did is in the big devil's expectation! Along with elder martial brothers Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng, there should have been quite a lot of news! "

This kind of thing, we have never thought will hide the big devil's eyes, but the big devil did not give them any pressure, so everything is so casual!

In other words, within the scope of the rules, you can make any noise! Even a little out of the circle is not say no, but how to control this discretion, this point needs a little attention!

On this issue, Ding Chang is really not so sure. Such a thing still needs to be done by the master brother. If it is himself or Ding Yun, it can be ignited. But I'm afraid the fire is difficult to control! If this is the case, it may be really hot!

"Elder martial Brother Guo said," do you eat hot pot in the evening? I don't know what kind of hot pot is prepared. I'm looking forward to it! I had a good meal with uncle Liu! A little miss! "

Ding Chang's topic changes very quickly, but obviously this time the effect is not so obvious! Without master brother in front, many things are not as good as you can imagine!In the past, I could sit in the back and shake the badminton fan, because at that time, I could think about the problem from the perspective of an onlooker, but now I can't do it at all. I sit in the most central position, coupled with Ding Yun's interruption, so that I am bound to some things!

As expected, the position of the elder martial brother is not one who wants to do it! Involved in too much, their own or a lot of poor ah! I don't know if the elder martial brother has the same idea and irritability as himself when he sits in this position?

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