Some kids went to the buyer! Although they went together, the things they were interested in were totally different!

Even for boys, their preferences are quite different because of their age! Everyone has a love! It's really something you can't do!

When the shop owner first saw some children, he was still a little "excited". It's true to say that this is a toy store. But if you want to say that this toy is for children's play, even if there is a mine at home, it seems that they can't afford to play!

Why do you say that the things here are basically fine products, which are fundamentally different from those coarse and rotten products. There are even some things locked in the cabinet. Those are limited products!

Children of this age are basically bear children, and there are no adults behind them! Really, if you make them angry! Oh, my God?! Who knows what problems and conditions will arise?!

But after observing for a period of time, I found that I was a little too nervous! Although these children are a little excited, but very polite, for the hand to point, but there is no meaning to start! Aiming at this point, it shows that these children have good quality! It's different from those bear kids!

After sitting down, I carefully looked at the children's clothes. It seems that they are not of any brand. On the contrary, they can't find any signs on their bodies, but they are definitely not Taobao goods or the so-called high-quality goods. I can clearly feel the difference in the details!

Why do you see this? I'm also the owner of the shop, OK? The most important thing is the details, because the material is the same! But the details are different, resulting in different prices, coating! Printing and so on! I also learned a lot from myself!

So naturally, I can see that the clothes on these children are very different. Although they are not of any brand, they are definitely more exaggerated than those luxury goods. Otherwise, how could they sit down? I'm not afraid of them now! Because even if it's broken! Worthy of it! Anyway, there is also monitoring here, there will be absolutely no blackmail!

"Elder martial brother, what do you think of this one?"

Children look at the hand in front of them, showing considerable interest!

Looking at the military model in front of you? Wang an doesn't know what to say! Because I don't know that well, but the model looks really good! No more dolls! Clothes! Shoes, including weapons and equipment! too many things for the eye to see!

Take the rifle! Maybe it's the length of one finger! But it's not different from real guns. There are even bullets and clips! Including rifle accessories! Like bayonets and so on! There is no omission!

Why do I know this so well? Because I have really received training in this field, but I can't compare with Ding Yun and Ding Chang in this aspect, especially Ding Yun. She's almost going to call this enthusiast!

"Younger martial sister, what do you think of this one?"

"Ras rail l85a2 rifle! It's a good model, but there's so much rubbish in this rifle When talking, Ding Yun has a lot of scorn! "English stuff, but now? Few countries have this series of rifles, that is, Bolivia! Yugoslavia, and Jamaica, these things may still be used! "

"But in terms of the model, it's still very delicate! However, this rifle is a bit too smack in the face. It is made in England. As far as I know, they are not willing to use it themselves! The new improved model is just to maintain face

Get it! The shop owner sitting not far away is totally stupid at this time! It's the same with the people who shoot the video. This is done by hand. As a result, I was given a military lesson!

"If you want me to see it, the one next to me is better! We are Chinese! The weapons and equipment are excellent! "

"Give me a break?! Elder martial sister Tong Tong received the eyes of Ding Chang, "but since everyone agrees, then choose this one?! Elder martial sister, do you want to collect one? It's fun! It's interesting, too



There were different answers on the scene. Ding Yun turned around and saw that someone had sent out different opinions. For Ding Yun, some people could not tolerate it, and the person who objected was Ding Chang! How can this be?

"We've come to choose gifts for the two senior brothers. Isn't it good to give them both?"

Ding Chang is also a headache! Elder martial brother stood beside him, but he didn't mean to stop him! Is it really good to let yourself dominate everything? Aren't you afraid to let go?

However, this idea is fleeting. It may be possible at other times, but it is really not possible at this time! If the devil knows about this, it's not as simple as taking a meal! At that time, I absolutely know the power of the big devil! I am really afraid of this!Ding Yun looks at Ding Chang maliciously. Maybe in her opinion, her expression is very fierce, but in fact, Ding Yun's expression is so fierce, it is really cute! And all this is close to the record!

"Trouble! Please wrap it up! " Ding Chang checks out with his mobile phone. For himself, the money is still affordable. Relatively speaking, the children in the family never worry about money. Let alone the fund, the profits of his noodle shop are enough for his own expenses! What's more, it's a kind of rich one!

"What's more, you don't have to pack them! Just put it on for us! "

Looking at his mobile phone, the shop owner is a little shocked, what family? Even if there is a mine at home, it seems like this? Only buy what you like, as for the value of things, for them, it is not a special place in the heart!

However, when the shop owner saw the words written on the package, he was stunned, "no?" The shopkeeper is scratching his ears! Is this a gift from Guo Li

"Do you know elder martial Brother Guo?" Ding Yun looks up and down the shop owner? There is so much curiosity!

"Hi! Are you Dr. Guo's younger brother and younger sister? It's a noisy thing. I'd like to talk about it! This is a family. It's really the flood that has washed the Dragon King temple! People don't know a family anymore! "

Shop owner also exclaimed, why? Dr. Guo is a big client of his own! Of course, we know each other because of hand-made! Good guy, the handmade products in his house are more exaggerated than those in his own shop. There are even many high-quality products and limited products that can never be seen in the market!

I also have many good things in this aspect, but I can't compare with Dr. Guo! What's more, Dr. Ding's SUV. Let's not say how the car is. The license plate is not comparable to other people! They also have luxury cars. The so-called Dead house is a wall! A suite in Beijing is not a boast!

Of course, I do business in this area, so I have a lot of contacts with Guo Li. I also have a lot of knowledge about Guo Li. What about other situations? Let alone this, his character is really very good! Being friends is also very bright, there are not so many messy things!

Everyone has their own preferences, people like this, there is no problem, they also like this, and even developed into a business, otherwise, they can't afford to rely on the family!

After all, their own situation is quite different from Guo Li! And today to see these children, their own is to deepen this aspect of feeling! These children's families must be rich or expensive!

To deal with them, we don't need to be too servile. We just need to keep our true colors! I am a businessman! They are customers. They sell good products to them, and they pay them quite a reward. It's normal!

"I haven't seen them for some time! Elder martial Brother Guo always likes this one! So we bought it for him! I didn't expect to see elder martial Brother Guo's friends here? "

"I haven't seen Dr. Guo in half a month! He is really busy

"Boss, is this parcel post?" Ding Chang took a look at his mobile phone, the message has been sent over, that is to say, his planning is basically finished! As for how things will develop next, we need to see the reaction of the outside world! I think it will be a very interesting thing!

"Yes, there are! But there are few such cases! " It's hard for the shop owner to say! "Because a lot of things here are exquisite, even treasures, and the price is a little high. Moreover, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be other problems in the process of mailing, so I always choose to take them by myself! Or we will deliver it to our door in person! After all, I'm afraid it's hard for you to take a look at ordinary things! "

"Ding Chang, what do you want?"

"It's fun!" Ding Chang didn't mean to set up Qi with Ding Yun, "you always need to find some nodes for yourself?! Otherwise, it will be less fun, just like elder martial Brother Guo! He found a lot of fun out of it

Although I don't know what Dingchang really means! But now Ding Yun doesn't mean to stop him! Ding Chang left a wechat message, "if there is anything good, you can contact each other! Send me a message then! "

"Come on! Just look at it! But I don't know what specific preferences you have, after all, everyone has his own different direction, it is impossible to collect all the manual work! This is impossible

"I'll get back to you then!"

The speed of leaving is a little bit faster! When he returned to the car, Ding Chang narrowed his eyes slightly, which was similar to Ding Yu. It was really the same as father and son!

"It's a little bit faster! Are you so sure? "

"It's hard to say if you are sure of it!" Ding Chang said, "but if you don't do anything, nothing will happen. You have to do it! Will have the quite possibility! As to what effect it will cause and whether it can meet the expectation? It depends on the specific means and adjustment, because things are changing all the time, and they are never the same! ""I feel that you are a bit wordy. This is not like you in your usual time."

In the face of Ding Yun's provocation, Ding Chang slightly turned the corner of his mouth. If he was not in this position, he would not understand the difficulty of sitting in this position! I don't know how the elder martial brother sits on this position calmly?!

It's no problem to let yourself sit once or twice, but if you want to sit in this position for a long time, forget it?! At least not at this time! Too much trouble! Too much effort!

"Why don't you take this seat? It's troublesome, OK? " If other people's words, Ding Chang may even want to satirize two sentences, but Ding Yun's words, or forget it? If you fall out with her, the end will not be too good! You can even use a positive tone to express that it is definitely a very troublesome one!

"I see! Shall I say it? " Up and down looked at Ding Chang, Ding Yun did not want to continue provocation, at least now this time forget it! If you really give the matter to yourself, the other saying that trouble is not troublesome. It mainly comes out of thin air, and there is no control over the matter. If you stick in one hand, the whole thing will be turned upside down!

Seeing that Ding Yun didn't mean to continue to provoke, Ding Chang knew that his tricks must have been fully understood! No one is a fuel-efficient lamp. It is impossible to drag Ding Yun into the water! It's strange that she didn't get angry in the past! But now? There was no reaction at all!

Obviously, she was also aware of the danger!

Came to Guo Li's residence, although Guo Li is not in, but there are still people in the family to receive these children! Even very well prepared! "Wow, elder martial Brother Guo, it's really extraordinary here!"

"It should be said that elder martial Brother Guo's preference is really unique!"

Soon we were also attracted by two men in armor! Handmade should be made according to the proportion of real people! Then wearing armor, very powerful, also very attractive!

After we asked for gloves, we started to feel it! "Who knows what armor this is? It feels like the ancient one! " Ding Yun is a bit chirpy! Obviously, the armor here still attracted her considerable interest, otherwise it would not be so!

"I don't know?! But it looks very powerful! But it should be modern craft, right? " Wang an speculated, "even though the armor is good at the original time, it will not be so shiny and delicate!"

"No way! There should be quite a number of methods to investigate, but for this aspect is really do not understand, is looking very show! I don't know where elder martial Brother Guo got it from! And I'm afraid most people don't like it?! What's more, the instruments on your hands? It seems that they are the ones that don't open the front! "

"This is the capital! The management is strict in nature. What's more, elder martial Brother Guo is not a martial arts learner. Even if he is a martial arts learner, he doesn't have a long spear, so he needs to open the front. Can't you do that? "

Standing on the stool, Ding Chang looks at the blade of the spear and the glittering silver, but in fact? It's a sticker package. No wonder it's so stylish? It's really hard to find out at a distance! Look at this craft, I'm afraid no one can make it! There is quite a standard!

However, Ding Yun and the little girl obviously didn't stay in front of the armor for too long. There were more interesting things to put there. It was really a dazzling array, and people couldn't help but wonder!

"Elder martial brother, I found that our elder martial Brother Guo is really good enough. Although we say we like it, we will never reach such a level? Just the things in this room, I feel that no one can afford to play! Even a little exaggeration To be able to say such words from their children's mouth, it can be seen that it is general!

But for Guo Li, I really like it. It has nothing to do with other things!

And Guo Li's property? The growth rate is also a little bit fast. In addition to his teacher Ding Yu, he has his own team and so on. Otherwise, why do so many people value him? In other words, who is like him, will be covetously watched! Never let go!

At present, these things in elder martial Brother Guo's house should be his pocket money. As for other aspects, there may be some expenses, but this expenditure may not keep up with the growth rate of his assets! That's for sure!

Of course, it's hard to say whether elder martial Brother Guo has any other hobbies. After all, we don't know much about it. Ding Yu can ask about some things, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu will ask about all things!

Even the children in the family, Ding Yu is the same! What should be concerned about should be concerned about, but should not be concerned about. Ding Yu has always been very generous. Children need to grow up, and they should not be bound up!

Bondage can only make them too depressed, and the consequences of repression? Dare not imagine!

"Elder martial brother, I feel that elder martial Brother Guo has a lot of collections!" Children for some of them expressed considerable interest, such as the aircraft carrier placed there and frigate and so on! These have aroused their own strong interest!The fighters up there! Helicopters and soldiers and so on, are lifelike!

It's exciting just to look at it!

"It's a bit messy, but fortunately, the difference between them is very clear, but from one room to another, I feel like I'm in another country! Very different! Our elder martial Brother Guo has a wide range of hobbies! But that's one thing! I feel like at least five figures! Even more expensive! "

"No matter how expensive it is, it's worth it!" The child is very sure to say! The expression is very excited!

Wang an blinked her eyes. She could see that her younger martial brother was from different backgrounds. Her hobbies were quite different. She was also interested in it. But how can I say that? It will never be as profound as Tong Tong! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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