However, when these children appreciate Guo Li's armory, there is already a lot of noise outside!

The video about Ding Chang and their children has been exploded again! And this time it's quite explosive! The distance is closer, and the appearance is also quite clear and prominent!

When Su Quan knew the news, he was stunned for a moment, because as far as he knew the news, there had already stopped! Now this time, suddenly, the matter of a few children has burst out. What do you want? One, two, three, four, one more?

Although I am in charge of European affairs, it doesn't mean that I don't know something about domestic affairs. Even because of my special reasons, some news will be sent to my office!

"What is it?" Su Quan patted his head? "Is that stupid? It doesn't matter if you gave me a slap before, but now I'll give you a slap again? It's not the right way

"Chief Secretary, we all feel that things are not right. The previous things have been obvious mistakes! Our intelligence and management department has also cleaned up a group of people for this purpose. They are all the objects of our serious concern. At this time, it seems that they are doing it on purpose again! "

Su Quan was stunned for a moment, intentionally? Why do you feel so familiar with this road? After thinking about it, Su Quan's eyes also slightly turned for a while, "this is quite interesting!"

"What do you mean, chief secretary?"

"I'm not in charge of this. What's the use of looking for me?! Get out of here

"What?" The following people have so some do not understand the appearance, to know those children but call you a uncle, you even if you are not, ask a total should be it?! What's more, one of the children is from our intelligence department! You're just like this! Is that really good?

"If you're a fool, you're a fool. Get out of here!" Su Quan said with a smile! Direct to their subordinates to get rid of! But at the same time, he also picked up the phone on the desk, "Lao Jiang, I'm Suquan!"

"I know it's you! But what do you mean? But how many children are involved? "

"Don't you feel a little familiar with it? I mean the context of this thing? "

"It feels like our director Ding's way, but how to say that? It's a little too young! "

"I think so! That's it! I was in charge of the European division. I was not supposed to be involved in such things, but where did they go? I really don't know! "

"When I went to Guo Li's, I heard that I would have dinner with Guo Li in the evening. On the whole, the news was like this!"

Lao Jiang on the other side of the phone is also clear. Although this matter is like the style of director Ding Yuding, from the current situation, it is more likely that several children will do it themselves! As for why? The reasons for this can be understood on the whole! It's all wolf cubs! If you are a wolf, how can you not eat meat?

"Mr. Su, I have a lot of people here, so there should be a considerable click through rate. What do you say?"

Su Quan really thought about it, "forget it! It's really too much for them to call me uncle and grandfather. It's really hard to talk when they meet in the future. After all, their situation is quite different from that of Ding Yu! "

Is there a hidden meaning in this discourse? It's very simple. I don't have too many problems in catching Ding Yu's wool! There won't even be any other situation, but if you put your mind on a few children, what will happen? It's really hard to say! After all, everyone knows Ding Yu's character!

Lao Jiang knows what Suquan means! Also understand the hidden meaning of the words, offending Ding Yu is not a terrible thing, even a common thing, but using a few children to make a raft will be difficult to explain in the future!

"What a bad uncle you are? But this uncle is qualified for his duty

Said two strange words, each other is hung up the phone!

However, these little wolf cubs are very interesting. They even come up with such a way! Ding Yu is really in the same line, but we can't deny that there is intentional element in it. As for why they do this, the reason should be very simple!

After all, they are the parties. They say to start from the beginning and stop when they say stop. What's the matter? When we're toys, aren't we? If you want to play, you can play with it. Clay figurines are also a little angry!

"Look! The video was put out! " Ding Chang, who has always been concerned about this matter, called out!

Ding Yun's reaction was the fastest, others followed, and soon their mobile phone screens began to show the scene and pictures at that time! Don't say, the click through rate is rising relatively fast, look at this posture, want to fire up, that is, minute thing!

"I don't know what kind of reaction will come next, but the shooting effect is still very good, isn't it?"Ding Chang intentionally didn't mention Ding Yun. You should know that the protagonist in the whole video is Ding Yun, and other people are supporting roles. It's better not to let Ding Yun make trouble at this time. Who knows what will happen next. The elder martial brother has no intention to participate in it! He is very carefree!

You can't hold down Ding Yun, so you'd better not provoke her!

And dad? I don't know whether he was satisfied or not when he saw the video? It's hard to say! I really don't dare to make this guarantee. After all, the great demon king has a quite precedent!

Or to deal with the immediate things, as for the subsequent things? should be regarded as a different matter!

As for the position of elder martial brother, please forgive yourself?! Now, even if you are seeking to sit in this position, you will never sit on it. Are you kidding? It seems like a beautiful position, but actually it is? It is a kind of miserable, at least for myself, it is so!

Who is willing to do, he must be the kind of hand in hand, without any hesitation!

Even in Ding Chang's opinion, I'm afraid even the elder martial brother has the same idea. But what can't get rid of things? You can't get rid of the younger martial brother and younger martial sister pit at home? Right? They add up to only four!

"Sir, this is the general situation?"

Ding Yu looked at the video and couldn't help sneering. He showed some concern for the matter, but he didn't mean to get involved in it. After reading it, he sipped his mouth slightly, "too young!"

"Sir, from now on, the effect is very good!"

Security is not a fool. You can make any comments on several children. You should know that they are all the children and apprentices of Mr. Zhang. Naturally, this identity is different! As for the gentleman, he can say that the technique is immature! But I can't!

But from another perspective, whose children can do such things, even those college students, do they have such a mind, such a mind? So relatively speaking, the performance of several children can be said to be particularly excellent, OK?!

"All right! Don't talk to them! Since they have made a considerable decision, let them solve this problem by themselves! We don't have to get involved! Save them to say we're meddling

"Sir, would you like to transfer our staff?"

"No more!" Ding Yu waved, "the housekeeper is in the capital! If there is anything, he will handle it properly. After all, we are far away from the emperor Tiangao! Some things should not be mixed up at will, it is not so appropriate! "

You know that place is the capital, but not other places. Now the heat has risen? I believe that all aspects should have received considerable news, but judging from the current situation, they have no response? This itself is a matter worthy of attention, I believe that many people's eyes are focused on the body of several children!

Ding Yu's judgment is still very correct, for example, Su Yuan expressed considerable concern about this matter! When I got the news, I was furious! what do you mean? Previously made quite a thing, there is no movement in the home, are quite restrained! But now again? What's wrong?

But soon Su Yuan's anger dissipated. Why? What a strange thing!

You know, those kids are the boss's baby, absolutely sharp heart! Son, daughter! Nephew! And apprentices! All are admitted by Ding Yu. Did those guys really eat leopard gall? It's been a while before, but now it's still noisy?

The first time, Ding Yu didn't do it once, but now do you do it again? Think the boss is really a good talker?

So this thing is not right, serious wrong! What's more, such a technique is a little rough. Even if you really want to do something to those children, you should not repeat it like this!

"Go and find out what the children are doing at home?" Su Yuan said hello to the steward at home!

"Elder sister, I have already asked. They went to Dr. Guo Li Guo and said that they had dinner with Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng in the evening. Generally speaking, they had to go to Guo Li's house, so they prepared some gifts for their two senior brothers. It was also for this reason that they were photographed!"

"There's something wrong with it." Su Yuan looked suspiciously at the service personnel! "If they didn't know the situation in the past, they will not at this time. There is no response from the boss?"

"It's not so clear. In any case, some children still stay with Dr. Guo Li Guo without any action!"

Su Yuan slightly nodded his head, "and how does the technique of this matter feel so familiar?" When he said this, Su Yuan murmured to himself. After thinking about it, he took out the phone and called Su Quan. Other things Su Quan didn't know, but if he said he didn't know, he would really be angry!"I'm Su Yuan. Are you free?! I want to ask you something! "

Listening to Su Yuan's tone of voice, Su Quan knew how it happened! "Well, don't tell me, I already know what it is! You grandmother! Just sit and watch the play! You don't have to be so concerned about other things. Don't you see that my uncle is sitting still? "

What do you mean? Su Yuan blinked his eyes. It was obvious from his speech that Su Quan knew about the matter, and even had a deep understanding of it! Even to this matter good maintains the quite attention!

"I don't think it's the boss who made this thing? Are they the children? "

"Ha ha!" Su Quan laughed. "It's really hard to say, but as far as I know, this matter is presided over by Ding Chang, which should be the hint of the boss. Otherwise, it is impossible for his lazy boy to take the initiative to sit down. So what is the matter? Just watch

"Don't you tell me earlier?" Su Yuan's words are all complaints!

I'm worrying with myself here, but now, I'm just worrying about it! No wonder they didn't come here today. They still have this idea? No wonder you feel so familiar with this technique? This is basically a copy of the boss's routine, can't you be familiar with it?

"I see! Tell me as soon as possible what's going on, so I won't worry! "

Put down the phone, Su Yuan's heart is also secretly scolded, these small conscience, the loss of their own or so worried, the result did not think that the thing is that they were provoked out! I didn't expect these little wolf cubs to eat meat now!

As expected, it is the seed of the Wang family! The end is extraordinary! Now Su Yuan is a bit proud!

Think about it carefully, if the boss is involved in it, it is absolutely to bully the small, and even quite worthless! Although it is said that it is a famous teacher, in order to find the face of several children, but it is not good to say!

But now a few children do it by themselves. Although the method is a little old-fashioned, it is absolutely practical. It is worthy of being brought out by the boss. There is also that this time it was presided over by Ding Chang, a child. It's interesting! I don't know how Wang An is going to think about this matter. The boss must have a good explanation for him!

From this point of view, the matter itself is really good to get involved in it, if really involved in it, do not know how it is a situation! Although the boss didn't show up, there must be some arrangement behind this. Wang An was not allowed to preside over the matter, but Ding Chang was asked to preside over it. This itself has quite a problem!

I want to know the inside story, but it's obviously impossible now! My own boss! Hi!

However, this matter is really quite interesting. After finding out the situation, Su Yuan has a lot of thoughts. At this time? How will these little wolf cubs handle this matter? To know that the previous time a slap, now this matter is not a sweet date can solve!

After the investigation, the forces behind that side felt that their eyes were blackened. NIMA's, together with this one, was directed and performed by others, and it was the kind of performance that was clearly performed! Just give yourself a hand! It's too shady, isn't it?!

Pretend you don't know anything? You're kidding. After all, they've provoked this thing! Now pretending to know nothing, that is to find a suitable excuse for Ding Yu's trouble! Previously, whether intentionally or unintentionally, he slapped Ding Yu on the face!

Now a few children make this matter, for the unknown all people, this is to give Ding Yu a slap on the face! Slap left! Right one slap, what's wrong? You think Ding Yu is a good bully. Anyone who comes here can bully Ding Yu, right? Do you really think Ding Yu has lost all his teeth?

Now feel touch Ding Yu's buttocks is not so enjoyable! You have to come up and give Ding Yu two big mouths. Anyway, Ding Yu doesn't dare to do anything about it?

Don't make such a joke! Ding Yu's fellow is definitely not napping. Even now his eyes are round, he has already ground his claws and is ready to move!

Some of the previous measures are too abrupt! They thought it was over! But they didn't expect that Ding Yu should have expressed something earlier, even if it was an attitude!

In that case, Ding Yu won't make full use of it, but what's the use of saying this now? A few wolf cubs are eager to try, waiting for someone to come! They also talk big! Mad! This is a riot!

Ignore everything and let things go on? You want to fart?

Ding Yu is not easy to hibernate, for such a thing to Ding Yu to uproar? So all the previous work is in vain? Who knows what Ding Yu is doing behind this?For a long time, Jin did not have any movement. He disappeared from Ding Yu's side for such a long time. He must have acted, but we have not detected it now!

According to reliable information, Jin was not ignored by Ding Yu! Or be destroyed by Ding Yu! He has quite a lot of things to deal with, and other people Ding Yu is not so relieved, so deliberately chose Jin!

Just from this point of view! I know that Ding Yu's plot behind her will never be too small! But the problem is that we have been unable to detect, which makes people have some doubts!

Therefore, it is absolutely unwise to provoke Ding Yu now! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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