So now things are very clear! Just stop it! Don't continue to spread this influence!

They did it before, but they didn't say anything later! Just take it for granted that it's over! I didn't expect these little wolf cubs to be so shameless!

If you don't pacify these little wolf cubs, will Ding Yu in the back jump out? Is it really hard to say? No one dares to make any guarantee for this! After all, they are all valued by Ding Yu!

Think about it carefully. Do you have a God's law? Originally, I thought Ding Yu was shameless. I didn't expect that he was born, raised and educated. It's not a good bird! Follow him! All of them can't fight, and they can't be provoked!

What's more, when you are so young, you start to smoke without virtue. If you are older, what will it look like?!

Dealing with a Ding Yu has been quite difficult, now it's OK! How many little wolf cubs have emerged?

But now backhand is ready to deal with these pups? It's really inappropriate. We have discussed this issue a long time ago. This is the bottom line that can't be broken! Even Ding Yu did not dare to move the bottom line. He did! It's a suicide!

Even people like Ding Yu need to be cautious! What's wrong with them? There's a horn on the head! Or a tail on the bottom? Since there is no more? Ding Yu did not dare to stand up, you stand up?

Don't think about anything else now? Get in touch with those wolf pups?!

There is no problem that can't be contacted, that is, whether the price is appropriate or not! That's it!

Refer to their father, this time the hand will not be too light! If you can, one-step solution is the best! If we can't solve the problem one step at a time, the longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be for them!

In the evening, Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng came back a little early! But there are a lot of things in the hand! It's all for these kids! Shen Mingzheng can be a little bit worse, but Guo Li's relationship with these children is really good! It can be said that there is no difference between each other!

Guo Li has never regarded himself as an adult, and has never thought Wang an they are children! At this point, Shen Mingzheng still seems to have some tradition! Of course, this is determined by everyone's personality, but it is really hard to force!

"Hi! Is today a lucky day? " When Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng saw the gift, they were all overjoyed. How much was the price of the thing? It was really not what they cared about! But the meaning is absolutely different! It's hard for their children to have such a mind!

"Of course Ding Yun is a little outstanding at this time! "What we choose deliberately is for the two elder martial brothers!"

Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng took a look at each other! The gifts are very good for you! To be able to do this, the teacher's teaching of children can be said to be a great contribution! Although they didn't see how busy the teacher was, they actually felt it!

After all, they are also doctors and have a good understanding of this profession!

What's more, their teachers are not only doctors, but also many other things to deal with! And their teachers even take advantage of their spare time to give children education so good! There are so many unimaginable!

Thanks to so many children, soon someone cleared the table! There are a lot of food on it! And almost all of them are high-end ingredients! These children had a hard time coming. They didn't treat them well. Some of them were sorry! What's more, for Guo Li, such an opportunity is very desirable!

The teacher took care of them so much, but never found too many opportunities to repay! On the contrary, they are often taken care of by teachers! So when these children come, Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng are both very enthusiastic!

"Well, do you like anything?" Guo Li is still that pair of careless appearance, even nerve big bar!

"If you like it, take it away!"

"Elder martial brother, don't take people's love! Let's have a look! But if we keep it, let's forget it! Just like it for a while! There is no way to compare with you! Can feel out, you are the true love

"Ha ha!" Guo Li laughed, and even looked arrogant, "absolutely, I collect all the boutiques, but the more important reason is that I like it very much! Your elder martial brother Mingzheng doesn't like this. I don't know what he thinks? I was thinking of giving him some! It's good to keep the collection! "

"Will you spare me?! I still think that the gifts from younger martial brothers and sisters are better! I like it better. Your things don't have any vitality. They are dead objects. It's hard for you to like them so much! "

When he spoke, he deliberately revealed his wrist. The gifts from younger martial brother and younger sister had been worn by him on his hand! Is this not intentional? I didn't expect Shen Mingzheng to have such a sultry time!Guo Li felt a little bit itchy, Shen Mingzheng this guy, unexpectedly gave himself such a hand! Asshole! But I haven't got a chance to find myself!

There are a lot of things on the table, but everyone doesn't mean to drink water. Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng don't drink much at ordinary times, so we can have more beer! But the liquor aspect basically does not do any contamination, they have not yet reached that age, moreover also quite does not love this!

The juice on the table is freshly squeezed. It tastes good! The atmosphere is also very active!

But the people waiting outside, their mood is not as good as imagined! Now entering Guo Li's home is absolutely not a matter of common sense, and even offends Guo Li for this! You know, that's not a good character! He hasn't been inflated yet, but he can't be underestimated!

At the beginning, he was involved in it and cheated some forces. It was a tragedy! Even now I still feel a little chilly! Who would have thought this guy would be so deceptive? There is no need to have any other performance in the future, even if it is only once, it will be enough to leave the history books!

What's more, no one came to trouble Guo Li afterwards! Why no one came to trouble Guo Li! There is such a great God as Ding Yu on his head. What's more? It's a bit too humiliating!

Even if you want to find the venue back, you should start from Ding Yu's body, but from Guo Li's body, it's not enough to be shameful! Any more? I'm really afraid of such a thing again. What's more, Guo Li is still a doctor, some people? It's really not to be provoked!

Why this time suddenly mentioned Guo Li, because this is his home, direct intrusion is certainly not appropriate, now this time or find some familiar people! It's good to say hello, isn't it? This is also to give a few wolf cubs a wake-up, not too abrupt situation!

This is the most secure way, now this time don't have a sudden change! I can't bear it!

Guo Li, who answered the phone, didn't have any change on his face. He was waiting for the phone to be put down!

Just looked at Wang An and Ding Chang, "outsiders are waiting! It's really strange! I invite you to dinner, but there are still people waiting outside. Things are a little different! "

"Elder martial brother, is this really good?" Ding Chang's eyes are quite a little sad!

Guo Li blinked his eyes and thought for a while before he spoke! "Speaking of this matter, I feel a little bit self-conscious. In those days, the teacher led me to do some things together. At that time, I was confused and stiff, and even now I think about it, I feel a little strange! Did I really make it? "

"Elder martial brother, when you were in that year, you were very powerful?"

"You laugh at me, don't you?" Guo Li glared at his eyes and said, "you've pissed your pants! You may have such confidence in your heart, but I didn't have it at that time! I'm just a stupid person! That is to say, fortunately, the nerve is a little bit thick, and the teacher is also interested in this point! "

"Don't you just say your big deal is over?" Shen Ming is on the side to add a sentence!

"Get out of here Guo Li didn't have a good temper and scolded, "since things have happened, then there is no other courtesy to say! Now that we have chosen to start with, what is the so-called love? What's more, when we talk about love, do they talk about it? "

Wang An and Ding Chang looked at each other. From this speech, we can clearly feel other problems and situations. Obviously, elder martial Brother Guo should have been instructed by the great demon king. Otherwise, would he say such a thing? Basically, there are not too many possibilities!

"Elder martial brother, you are a little wilted!" Ding Chang small vent some! However, this matter is to remind oneself of a wake-up! Some things still need to be made faster decisions, can not be too pinched, this is bound to cause considerable impact, my father! I don't know what the situation is!

"Elder martial brother, it's a little too much to ask them to hand in a note. Doing things is doing things, and being human is being!"

"You! Still enough! I know! "

Anyway, about the teacher's things, his side has revealed out, Ding Chang so to do, pour is very good! However, it is not good for him to comment on this matter face-to-face, and even stepped on Shen Mingzheng. Some things he doesn't understand, he still needs to give him a reminder!

At the beginning, Shen Mingzheng really did not know. Therefore, because he had no interest in this aspect, he was very confused. But because he had already known the context when he was in the hospital, Shen Mingzheng responded to it the second time! It is not particularly slow, at least there is no mistake!

The original time hit a slap, give a sweet jujube also can! Not now, but! Even if you give an orange, it can't solve the problem. Who let you neglect and get caught?Whether there is a lion to speak up, or to ask for money on the spot, this matter is really not enough for outsiders! Anyway, a few kids have dealt with it by themselves! This is to let the forces in contact with them feel so stupid! Ding Yu, is this guy so relieved about these children?

It can be felt that Ding Yu didn't mean to be involved in the negotiation process. Ding Yu didn't mean to be involved in the negotiation! It's all about letting go of your children and letting them make this decision on their own!

This is to let their side have so many difficult to do! Too much pressure, a bit of bullying children, but whose money is not windy, what's more, who knows whether these children will speak big, hard to say things!

But follow up? Still can barely accept, a little meat pain, but not as painful side of the heart of that kind! I don't know whether these little wolf cubs are intentional or unintentional! However, judging from the information we have learned, it is indeed the same as Ding Yu!

Can't say just right, even a little bit too much, but it's not a kind of nonsense!

It can only be said that Ding Yu gave them a little too good! Even the good ones are too much! Nima's, have a Ding Yu is already quite excessive thing! But Ding Yu's affair is not over yet? Now there are a few little wolf cubs behind you. Ding Yu, you are too much! My hair is going to be pulled up!

But this kind of thing also in the heart secretly scolds a few words, now may not have so much leisure to attend to such matter! Have this time! Let's close it up? Think about the heart is also really angry, things are not made by them, the results still need them to end, there is no reason?

But there is no reason, things still need to be done, but to do so, must pay a considerable price! Previously, it was cleaned up by China's intelligence department. You know, they all spent money! It doesn't mean that we can cultivate them casually! Another bunch of trouble!

"Yes! The harvest is really unexpected

Ding Chang hum, anyway, the matter is almost over! At this time, there is no need to worry about many other aspects! It's no big deal to challenge Ding Yun! "Don't think about it! This time, the silver is a little bit too much, at least for us children! "Br >

" so? " Ding Yun looks at Ding Chang, but there are some moves! Although it seems that this time the matter seems to be over! But there are still quite a lot of implications behind this, so we can't take it lightly at this time!

"So! Who's better to look for here in the capital to carry this black pot Ding Chang hit his head with his hand. There are quite a few objects in his mind, but it's really hard to say whether it's suitable or not! I need to think about it. I can't do things with my own preference!

Wang An is still beside do not speak, but it is a look at Tong Tong, he has not yet how to reflect over! Associated with Xiaogang is the same, two people are still in the small shock, why? Money for them, a little bit so much, although they have never been short of spending, but this money is really a little more!

Of course, the reason why I see Tong Tong is not the reason in this respect. How much can I guess what Ding Chang is thinking? But this topic will not be mentioned! However, Ding Chang is still so bad. At this time, he even wants to let his uncle carry the black pot. What should he say? That's your uncle!

But I really do not deny that it is the most appropriate for my uncle to carry this black pot! Even the most appropriate!

Because my uncle's job is very special, and his identity is also special, and now he is in the capital! All the things come together! Is there anything more appropriate than this? period!

"You want to say uncle, don't you?"

Ding Yun's reaction is relatively fast! "No wonder you have deducted such a large sum of money. You have already made plans in this respect, but do you think your uncle and grandfather will accept it?" But in the middle of the conversation, Ding Yun snorted, "this is a stupid answer. How can my uncle refuse to accept it? No matter how small a mosquito is, it has meat

"It's still early now. I can make a phone call to my uncle and grandfather. I haven't visited my uncle since I came back. This is a gift?! What's more, I didn't hear any news from other aspects. I think my uncle and grandfather have done quite a lot of work. I don't have any credit or hard work, right? What's your opinion? "

"I don't have any opinion!" Wang an took the lead in showing his attitude! It can be regarded as an example!

Tong Tong and Xiao Gang, as well as little girls are also holding their own hands! This matter has got everybody's unanimous agreement!

"But the money is still a little bit more! Isn't it? "

"Come on! There will be no interest in this from the devil! Don't even think about it! " Ding Chang rolled a white eye, "if the big devil is interested, I'm afraid he has already started! Big brother"I can't help it! Ding Yun and you have the most say in this matter! "

The expressions on Ding Yun and Ding Chang's faces were slightly bitter. They didn't expect that things would eventually converge on them. Is it really good? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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