However, there are some problems in letting Su Quan's uncle carry a black pot. Do you think this money is a lot? But why do people carry this black pot for you? Haven't you seen money? Or what?

Just because it's your uncle and grandfather, they're going to take the blame for you? What do you think? If you change to Ding Yu, maybe there is still this possibility? So what about this thing? Still need to communicate!

How to communicate? This thing? Really need to think about it, at least need to find a reasonable excuse to go, can not how how how to huff on! Otherwise, it will be them who will have bad luck in the future! That's for sure!

The great devil will never be vague on this issue!

"Dad, our business is basically over! I'm going to my grandmother's house tomorrow. What else do you think needs to be explained? " When talking, Ding Chang is careful!

The purpose of the call is not simple, and there will be something involved after! So we need to be extra careful and cautious!

Even Ding Chang still can't live to grope for the hand string above his own hand, to eliminate his slightly nervous psychology! This is facing the great devil! Who else is it? This pressure is naturally different! It's not as easy as you can imagine!

"You have a good idea? Let's talk about it! " From Ding Yu's words can clearly feel that he is not so happy now! So the tone of speech is not the same naturally!

"Dad, we're going to ask Tong Tong to say hello! I don't know if such an arrangement is appropriate? "

"It's a good idea!" Ding Yu didn't have a good breath of hum, "pour still really gave you to use the acme, but how do you balance this relationship? This time I let Wang an take the initiative to let things go to you. Now Tong Tong needs to give way to you. What's the matter? Because you are my son, you have the privilege? "

Is it reasonable! For his father, Ding Chang feels that there are so many speechless!

But Dad's words do not mean that there is no problem at all! This time, my father let elder martial brother Wang an out of his position. Elder martial brother Wang an didn't have any disclosure, and he didn't have any thoughts in his heart!

The elder martial brothers all know this very well, but their mutual understanding can not solve all the problems! How does the outside world view this problem? At least they can't stop being moved by foreign things!

"You haven't solved Wang An's problem, and now you have thrown Tong Tong out again! This is how you do things?! The benefits are all your own, but you are really good enough! "

Ding Yu's speech is very severe, with considerable criticism! Ding Chang's side is not too much voice, because he is also considering his father's ideas and opinions to himself!

"I'm sorry, Dad, I think too much! It's not so easy to sit in this position. We need to grasp the balance and consider many other problems! I'm so confused! So that there is a considerable deviation! "

"Apology is the most useless, I want to see how you do it!"

After saying that, Ding Yu hung up the phone, the end is a kind of happy, this let Ding Chang slightly have so many teeth, he really did not expect, will be such a result! But Dad's words, also let oneself recognize a lot of problems!

Put the mobile phone to the side of the position, Ding Chang a long breath! Look at the people who are going to gather around! Ding Chang put his hand on his wrist! Let's bow to you! It's a serious one!

My father inherits Taoism, and the children in my family are also deeply influenced by it! Therefore, Ding Chang is bowing, not clasping hands. This is a strict difference!

"Please give me a little time, I want to consider the problem comprehensively! But before that, I need to apologize to you, especially the two senior brothers. This time I have so much ego! Did not take into account the feelings of senior brother Wang An, and then did not consider the feelings of elder martial brother Tong Tong! Is this my problem? "

Looking at the movement of Ding Yun's reaching out, Ding Changbai has a look, he is not feverish and confused! I really think so!

"So please give me some time. I'm thinking about how to make up for this mistake! Now it needs a little time. I promise I will sincerely apologize to you before I go home! "

Wang an looked at Ding Chang and nodded her head slightly. Obviously, after Ding Chang called his master, it was not only that there was no result, but also that he was criticized abnormally. This is certain! Otherwise, younger martial brother will never be like this! Younger martial brother is very smart, I don't deny it, but sometimes it is too smart!

In fact, there are not so many other ideas in my heart! Let's get our place? I have never felt any difficulty! You know, sitting in this position, you need to consider too many things! From the very beginning, I knew that although I didn't sit in this position for a long time, the pressure on my back was really not small!It has nothing to do with age! If it is possible, it may be related to life experience!

At this point, Ding Yun and Ding Chang are quite different. Maybe their own masters have a good understanding of this. After all, I still know something about the master's life experience! However, it may be because of this, the master and apprentice have quite tacit understanding, even do not need to deliberately say hello!

It's like this time! The master didn't call himself at all, and he didn't call the master at all, but the two people cooperated very well and directly put Ding chang into it! Even now, he is still very confused! This is very interesting!

What's more, this is also an account given by the master!

Some things can be done, but some things have been chosen to do! Then it is necessary to pay a price. Even if Ding Chang and Ding Yun are the sons and daughters of the master, they are the same. There is no difference between them!

On this point, the master does not have any bias!

Even to exaggerate a little, the master did not stand on the side of Ding Yun and Ding Chang, or even stood on the side of himself and the children. It is difficult for him to be a master. He still needs to consider so many things!

After all, there is Wang family behind the teacher! There are many other forces!

I'm afraid that is precisely because of this aspect, so the master has always been the right to educate children, has never had any meaning to let go! Now I want to think about such things, I feel very headache, how will the teacher there? as one can imagine!

The higher the position, the more things need to be considered! Even if it is a teacher, can not be too self indulgent!

When you make a decision, you also need to have a lot of courage. Now you still have too much difference! There are too many things to learn! However, there is a sentence to be said, I am lucky to find such a good master!

In the back of the car, Ding Chang some autistic, legs cross knee sitting in the position above, do not know what is thinking of?!

Ding Yun feels a little dull. She is holding Wang Xiaogang and ravaging her! Wang Xiaogang did not dare to have any action, there is no way, the elder sister in the home is absolutely a bully! No one dares to provoke the existence! Anyway, I can't do it!

As for other people, can they? ha-ha! I hope someone will stand up to challenge, but now even Ding Chang is autistic! Want to push yourself forward? What do you think? I will not deliberately find myself this uncomfortable!

Little girl and Tong Tong two people behind, you poke me, I poke you! Both of them have so many carefree! Especially the little girl, she is thinking about how many dolls to buy for herself and how many lollipops to buy for herself. Besides? I really don't have any other ideas!

I usually have no one in charge of their own expenses, even their own brother is the same, I also have no other preferences! At most, I hope to have some dolls. As for lollipops? That can only be said to be entertainment, I will not forget to prepare for everyone!

"What? Wake up? "

When Ding Chang shakes his head, Wang an asked anxiously!

"Hi! I didn't think much about it! I just thought too much! I doubt that the devil is on purpose Ding Chang slightly has so some bared teeth, "but although the thing said is successful! But there are too many flaws in it. Now I think it's even ridiculous! But it's even worse there. They've been bluffing! "

"What they didn't see was that they were scared by us!" Ding Chang is helpless, and even has some weak interest! "They were frightened by the great devil! Although the great demon king is not in the lake now, there are legends about him everywhere in the lake. If it is a mixed up one! This name is not generally loud! At best, we're just a fox in disguise! And I'm afraid I'll be ridiculed behind the scenes! "

"Is this envy or jealousy?" Wang An said something funny!

"I don't know what I feel. There may be envy, but there is also considerable longing. As for jealousy? I can't say that there is no such thing. Although he is my father, I really doubt how he did it? It's really hard for people to think about it! Can we do it ourselves? "

"It seems that you think a little bit too much!"

"Hi! I don't know the danger if I don't sit in this position. Elder martial brother, I have some doubts! How on earth did you do it? This time I almost forget myself! If we continue to sit in this position, I can be sure that we will never return! "

"It's not as exaggerated as you think! It seems that this test given by the master has made you have a very good growth. This is a rare opportunity! " Wang An said it truthfully!

"Elder martial brother, I feel like walking on thin ice now. I'm not bragging about it! It's a bit of a joke! " Before entering the courtyard, Ding Chang said in a low voice, "elder martial brother, I'm not saying that I won't give up the money. Although it's a lot of money, I don't really care too much, but I know that it will be very embarrassing to take it out like this!"Obviously, Ding Chang has considerable consideration! This also proved that when he looked at the problem, he was much broader! It's not as narrow as the original!

"People are not so concerned about money! But if we really take it out like this, it's easy for us to say on our own side, but the external affairs will still be very troublesome! Some things still need to pay attention to consider the way to deal with problems and methods! Three people become tigers. At least we can't do it like master! "

If you want to know how to slander your master, your ears are about to be cocooned! As well as his apprentice, the first disciple of the door is like this. You can imagine what the outside world is like!

But such things really dare to get in front of the master, and there is the outside world seemingly slander, but in fact what? Some things do not say too straightforward, that is really too boring!

And the master? He doesn't need to look at such things any more!

This confidence is not boasting, but years of hard work! What has been paid? How much did it cost? The people who know are not as many as you can imagine! Of course, it will not be as few as you can imagine!

"Back?" See a lot of children, Tai Xi is very dissatisfied with the point of his own son, some things he already know! Well done! I am very satisfied!

"Why don't you go and wash yourself?! Everything is ready for tomorrow morning's plane! Don't worry about it! "

"Mom, we have quite a lot to do here. We may have a rest later, and you are tired! Go and have a rest first! We'll have a rest after our discussion! What's more, I have a little harvest today. I have prepared a lot of things for my grandfather and grandmother. I heard that my uncle has been very lazy recently, and we are also quite prepared! "

"Forgive your uncle?! He knows you're past! I don't know how to be nervous yet

This is not a casual remark. My brother mentioned it several times and even kept inquiring about the news. What is the reason? The reason is very clear!

When two children were young, they fought with their uncle, and their younger brother was the one who suffered a lot!

However, this is a follow-up. What I am more interested in is what these children are preparing for? However, although I am quite interested in this, I have no intention of asking questions! They are now quite independent and independent, and there is no harm. When they realize this, they are almost leaving the University!

They can understand this now, which is enough to show their excellence and growth!

After washing, several children gathered in the small room! Everyone's posture is different, there are lying down, there are also sitting, and even if sitting, it is not the same! Wang An is sitting on the chair, while Ding Chang is sitting on the ground! We do not have any particular attention, a little bit relaxed and comfortable!

"Take a look at this time. As the leader, I seem to have made considerable achievements, but in fact I have made quite a mistake, and even can't get it back!"

Ding Chang didn't hide his own problems, he said it truthfully! Several children also listen very carefully,

the children who can sit here are very proud, including the little girl. Although she is not Ding Yu's personal disciple, her treatment has never been any deviation, but the poor is just a name! And now is in Ding Yu's side, can be said to teach by example!

Perhaps there is no way to compare with her brothers and sisters, but if it is really taken out, it is also very excellent and outstanding!

"Well! The analysis is good, can realize own question, this one responsibility is worth praising! "

Ding Yun's pretentious speech is not as many opportunities as you can imagine! If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, you will not have this shop after this village!

Ding Yun's gag solved the embarrassment of the atmosphere!

"But it was wrong! But some things have already been decided, that is, Tong Tong went to see his uncle. The pot is a little too big for us to memorize. So I will make a considerable compensation to Tong Tong after this! I will make a considerable compensation for you! I wonder if you have any other opinions on this? "

"I won't use it!" Some children blushed to say!

"This is what you should do! After all, you are responsible for this matter! " Ding Chang is very attentive to say!

"It seems that I don't have much sincerity and sincerity to compensate with funds. I still have a considerable stake in the noodle shop. Of course, if you have other ideas, I can open up some more! Personally, I'm still optimistic about the development of noodle shops. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! "

Ding Yun is moving! But did not wait to speak, was Ding Chang to block the road!!

"Ding Yun, you are not in this range! The shares you purchased this time can not operate the highest shares purchased by any one person, because you are already the major shareholder of noodle shop! You're not just taking advantage of the fire! "Hum! Ding Yun snorted, you think I have no other way to say so, right? It's so simple! I can use many other ways and methods! What's more, I still have a lot of cash flow in my hand now!

Wang an looked at Ding Chang suspiciously. If he was just playing with his heart, none of them would be Ding Chang's opponent. If he followed his tail, he would have been a fox for thousands of years! This is to give themselves the most intuitive feeling!

I feel that there must be problems in this, but what is the problem, I really don't know! I don't know how Ding Yun will think about this matter, but in my opinion, this trap? Ding Yun may fall into it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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