Soon the negotiation is over?!

Ding Chang is an exclusive lawyer invited to come home. This is not a difficult thing! Belong to the home standing!

Ding Yun is to continue their own small movements, and did not because of Ding Chang's warning, on the retreat, for her, this is simply impossible! Ding Chang wants to play the so-called trick with himself, he is still early!

Tai hee soon learned about the situation, she was a little surprised! What is this?

Noodle shops are developing very fast, and now they have entered China! Now, the two aspects of the development of their own shares are not troubled by the situation! A little unexpected!

What's more important? Ding Yun this time the girl absorbed shares quite big, even with Wang An to be equal! Wang an occupies a considerable share, this matter oneself can understand, but Ding Yun this wench rises what coax? What do you think?

But Wang An is not the most occupied, occupying the most is Tong Tong! What's all this and what? Nonsense?

Although Taixi knew it, but there was no interference! They have made quite a decision. They must have been involved in quite a number of reasons. It's hard for them to interrupt too much? I believe that they have their own judgment. As for whether they will explain it to themselves in the future, will they? There is no need to ask now!

Noodle shops are their own business. How they want to deal with it is their own business!

Even when they need it, it's not a big deal for them to take out their own industries! Anyway, in addition to their own things left to two children, is there anyone else?

The father of the child has never had any interest in this aspect! Even ignore it! Their own industry in South Korea has an extremely high degree of autonomy! In my opinion, these industries will be Ding Yun and Ding Chang!

As for how these industries will be handled in the future, it depends on their preferences! I don't really care about it. Can I manage their future? It's impossible! Along with the child's father, this is the same opinion and idea!

After the communication between Su Quan and Tong Tong, he called Ding Yu at the first time!

Are you kidding? I know what they mean by their contribution! But if it is not the existence of an unjust big head behind, you want to let yourself carry this black pot? What do you think?

Yes, they are their uncles, but what about that? Feelings to feelings, work to work, this is two things, can not be confused together, other people will not care about this, but they will absolutely not!

"Boss, it's me! No rest, right? "

"So?" Ding Yu's voice is a little low. Obviously, for his uncle's initiative to call, Ding Yu's mood is definitely not as good as imagined, because his uncle has too many precedents!

"The boy just called me! Look at this situation should be Ding Chang's meaning, young, but this mind is really a lot of ah! What's the matter? Take me for the black pot? I'm such a bully? "

For his uncle's shameless, Ding Yu really has quite psychological preparation! So it's not as unexpected as I imagined. At most, it's a hum! I don't want to grind my teeth with my uncle. It doesn't work!

You should know that he is still the child's uncle, and Tong Tong is from the Department of emotion management. In such a case, his uncle can come to the door! Therefore, it is impossible for him to talk about the so-called affection!

Since you don't need to be affectionate, just have something practical!

Su Quan didn't think his nephew would be so happy, but for Su Quan, there was no good meaning or embarrassed to say so! Of course, I won't break some of the so-called bottom line, which is not good for Tong Tong to explain! After all, Tong Tong is the future of the emotional management department!

Really, if you leave him a bad impression? There are so many difficulties in the future!

I can believe my nephew's character, but is there something? Still need to pay attention to considerable propriety, can not be too shameless! "Tong Tong, they donated a lot of money, but they need to have a proper way, otherwise it will not be easy to explain!"

"What else?" Ding Yu's tone is totally business!

Latent meaning is also very simple, what conditions, you say! I'll just listen!

For Ding Yu's unusual cooperation, Su Quan's heart is really a few murmurs! This guy is so easy to talk, from another aspect, it also shows quite a problem! His good feeling for the information management department tends to be no more! From the perspective of reflection, is it too harsh and excessive?

Although the time is very short, but Su Quan's head inside is extremely fast rotation, you know, can't let things go to the dead end at once! This time, my side also took a considerable advantage, and now I got a bargain, but how could I think that my nephew would be such a situation?After all, Ding Yu's performance is not in his expectation now!

"In fact, there is no big deal. Anyway, these children call me uncle and grandfather, but the matter is mentioned by them and must be properly solved, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble!"

It's better to appease Ding Ding Yu at this time! This guy is just a donkey. He can't walk and go backwards! Really if the situation to collapse, for their own side there is no benefit!

"They are too young to have much experience! But now that things have come out! Then, to talk about specific solutions, to avoid such things is to indulge them! "

Get it! Suquan is also understood, come here! This is talking about yourself!

"In fact, there is nothing too big to say. Several staff members have been trained very well in your side. We are also very interested in it. It happens that your work is not so busy! In addition, your side of the staff also have a lot of practical experience! Why don't they give them training? "

Why let Ding Yu's people train them instead of letting Ding Yu die in person!

If it is said that Ding Yu will end up in person, it is a bit too much to ask! What's more, his nephew is not really idle, this matter how much or know some! Under such circumstances, it is better to seek the second best!

Of course, there are also quite a small abacus. On the one hand, these guys under Ding Yu's hands have experienced considerable actual combat. Whether they are in the wild or in the city, they are all masters among the masters! Another aspect? Of course, I also hope that there will be talents like Hou Tianliang among them!

Let's talk about the first one. It seems that there are not many opportunities for us to do it, but if we do, it will be almost a life and death situation! And those people who are taken down by their nephews are all from the battlefield. They have their own unique skills on their hands! May not learn, but at least know how to deal with!

As for the second one? The possibility is extremely small, but who knows? Right?

Why don't you use the people in your bureau! Does this problem need to be explained? The Bureau has already done quite a lot of training for them. Ding Yu is a small stove here! To show these people the world!

"Yes, I see! Let's get somebody over here! A month's time! "

Ding Yu's answer is very happy, there is no hesitation, there is no so-called shirking! Think of it as outsourcing work for the guys below you! This is also a kind of adjustment for them!

Their subordinates are many, and their wages are also very high, but the relative dangers and temptations they are facing are unimaginable! All the time under high pressure, for their spirit is also a kind of devastation, so they need to give them considerable mediation, can not let them always be in such an environment!

They are responsible for themselves, and they also need to be responsible for them. This is mutual! Because of the money, so people block their own bullets? Are you kidding? They are also dead!

Of course, this is a bit absolute! But don't look at Ding Yu's usual face, but he is still good!

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Su Quan was a bit silly. He didn't think that it would be a thousand obstacles in ordinary times. He agreed so quickly! Is the sun coming out in the west? No way! It's already evening!

If you don't think about it clearly! There will be a ridge in it. What about in the future? It's not very good to talk about! Although he said he was Ding Yu's uncle, he was still the child's uncle? But in this case? Are you an uncle? ha-ha! Some words don't need to be so straightforward!

From the point of view of the truth, Tong Tong and they are all good intentions. The so-called "letting themselves carry the black pot" is purely imposed. In fact, there is no such thing at all! But what about yourself? I always feel that if I don't take the opportunity to give Ding Yu some so-called means, I feel extremely uncomfortable in my heart, even a little bit difficult!

But from now on, his behavior seems to be really so some evil Ding Yu, his nephew sometimes is a little too sensitive! I don't mean that I have to talk about the so-called conditions, I just want to try his words, but who ever thought it would be like this?

But do you really want to say regret? I don't think so!

But his nephew really valued those children! For their training is really sparing no effort that kind! I even know the whole story of the matter! Did not think that his nephew so bold!

Of course, there are some flaws in dealing with this time. However, things are still successful in the end. It's just that there are some small problems in the process, with the result? It's not as rich as you can imagine!

However, considering their age, it is enough. Even if it is the vast majority of people, I'm afraid they can't do this. As for the follow-up ending? It can't be said that they are wrong! Just let them down!When he thought of this, Su Quan gave a slight hiss. He seemed to suddenly understand why Ding Yu had promised so happily! Even without any hesitation!

This bastard! Su Quan secretly scolded up!

But now I can choose people! Too many people are not good! Not suitable, but too few words, the same is not appropriate! Pick 20! Divided into two groups, some members are suitable for performing tasks above the surface, but some people are! It's not suitable to be exposed on the surface!

When a few children get up in the morning, there is no slackness or laziness. The courtyard is very large and everyone is doing a lot of exercise! Now everyone's way of exercising is quite different! Of course, some traditional postures still need to be maintained, and they are the main body of their exercise!

Taixi didn't understand this very well. She didn't mean to interfere. However, the father of the child designed some actions for himself. It was a little difficult for him to do. Sometimes he needed the help of an assistant to complete it. But after finishing these actions, he felt refreshed and wonderful all day long!

What is the reason, I really do not know, because my understanding of this is not so profound!

My assistant has tried, but apart from being tired, I really don't feel like this. What's the reason? The action is the same! There is no difference. Even breathing is the same as yourself, but it has no effect. It's strange! Anyway, I can say this is particularly surprised!

However, there is no need for her assistant to worry about it. She will certainly get a considerable reward after following her for years. When her assistant knew about this, she didn't ask for any material reward. She didn't have much interest in the company's share bonus, house or car, etc!

She wants to be like herself! Be able to learn the process of exercise!

And for this reason, she is willing to serve her entire family for 30 years, even longer time is not that can not be considered! And she promised that she would never pass this on without permission!

I have discussed this matter with the father of the child. To be exact, it was his request. The father of the child seriously considered it. He even had a conversation with the assistant. As for the result, I still don't know, but it seems that the effect is quite right! Otherwise, my assistant will not be so excited!

I don't know about this, but I know one thing, that is, the children in the family have already taken the lead in this respect, even earlier than themselves!

Like bow and arrow! My country is also a big country of bows and arrows. Despite some problems and situations in some aspects, the development of bows and arrows in South Korea is still very popular. As for the bows and arrows of their own children? It is quite different from Korean bow and arrow!

All their bows and arrows are specially made, and they have always been customized by one person. After the customization, the father of the child should carefully check them and must meet the appropriate conditions to collect them! Generally speaking, two or three of the ten bows and arrows are suitable, which are already very good!

This is not really the archer's problem, but because the child's growth is a little too fast! After they grow up, the bows and arrows that they exercise need to change. For this point, they can understand it very well. After all, after all, after knowing more, they know more! I'm not too ignorant!

However, these things are generally not seen by children, and they are not allowed to be touched by others, even their mothers are the same. After all, those things are quite dangerous. What's more? The father of the child talked to himself about this problem, and he also knew the power of it!

When they all finished their exercise, washed and had breakfast, they went to the airport! Everything is so orderly, a few children are very young! Especially their daughter and little girl, together to sing a song!

Their own children have a considerable artistic cell, which I have known for a long time! Their new year's day performance, I still remember very clearly, this point is not inherited from their father, if really like their father, Taixi feel chilly!

"It's over at last!" After the plane took off, Ding Chang gave a strange cry!

Several children are also chirping, a little excited appearance!

But Taixi did not say anything, because the father of the child had already communicated with himself! Some things can be known by themselves! They don't need to know yet! As for when to let them know and how to let them know, the father of the child has his own decision!

"Your grandparents are ready! We are waiting for your arrival. As for your uncles, they are also very hospitable Last two people, Taixi said very much!

Ding Yun and Ding Chang looked at each other, and they naturally knew what their mother meant by saying this! Hee hee! Uncle hasn't seen you for a while! It is said that these two years are very romantic!But if you think about it, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. My grandfather's industry has developed quite a lot over the years. I'm afraid it will be my uncle's in the future! With his mother's help, he didn't walk sideways, which was quite unexpected!

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