The children went to their grandparents' side! Ding Yu can relax here! Don't think about their problems for the time being!

This time, there are quite a few flaws, but we need to consider that they are children after all, and there must be many problems in thinking and the overall situation. These are to be cultivated, not to say that they are really gifted and know everything! omniscient! It's impossible! If you come by yourself, of course, it will be better to deal with it, but is that meaningful?

As for the family may be quite dissatisfied, but for Ding Yu, carrying the pressure hard should not have too many problems! What's more, Tai Xi cooperated well with herself on this matter, which naturally led to considerable opinions of her at home, which is certain! But fortunately, her main body is not in the domestic side!

So there are not too many problems! When time goes by, it will stop!

As for what happened to my uncle? May be quite excessive, but considering that he is already a recidivist! I don't think so! Get used to it!

Of course, the victim of this one? ha-ha! They think that they can have a considerable action, but from the current situation, the possibility is not as big as imagined, they still want to pacify themselves and drag themselves! If they can stop, everything is easy to say!

From each other's point of view, such a small matter is not worth mentioning at all!

What's more, a few children's affairs are also due to the fact that they didn't reach a tacit understanding in this respect before, or they were caught by Ding Yu. If they could be well prepared in the previous time, they would not be intimidated by Ding Yu! There's no need to bear a considerable loss!

However, compared with the past, such a loss is not worth mentioning!

It seems that the meat hurts, but actually it is not put in the eye. If Ding Yu lifts his finger a little, it may be more than the price, so this time it seems to be losing! But in fact, we are still at ease!

It's like a sparring! And the effect is quite good, to a certain extent, it is also a trial to Ding Yu's bottom line!

Ding Yu received a notice in the morning. The 20 team members were divided into two groups! Come in the morning! How to judge the efficiency? A little too efficient!

Two teams. Part of them are being shunted to the prison? There is quite a cooperative relationship there! As for the other part? To the farm side? There are quite a base, and the internal security specification is also very strict, for the grasp of security measures is also very good! It is a good arrangement to divert some personnel to this side!

"Sir? Do you want to be tough for them? "

Ding Yu's mouth slightly has so some twitches, these subordinates are a little bad! However, Ding Yu didn't waste too much time because of the incident. It was not worth it. He just nodded to the security guard and looked at him with a slightly excited expression. Ding Yu was smiling slightly. The guys who came here?! But I have suffered!

Almost to noon, his mother called the phone, it is clear that my uncle to the deployment of things, or leaked! I don't know whether he was intentional or unintentional! However, in Ding Yu's opinion, the possibility of deliberate will be greater! Because those guys who went to prison were going to the open-air route!

"It's said that your uncle has made quite a move. Is it true?" Su Yuan's tone is full of discontent, but it's not for his eldest son, it's all about Su Quan!

"Nothing, just let the team come for a trial training. I have quite a lot of personnel here, and they all have very rich experience! After all, it's appropriate! " Ding Yu's answer is a little bit smooth! After all, things have already happened. It's useless to mention these things now. Why? Do you like to make small reports?

What's more, if you really stir up trouble among them? What's the matter? Will there be any good results? In the end, is it not affecting the harmony of the whole family? What's more, this matter is the tacit agreement between my uncle and myself. There's no need to involve the child any more. It's not to say how much you pay. It's not related to this!

Although Su Yuan didn't know the whole story, he still knew something about his son. What's more, he knew a lot about Su Quan. His son said so bland that there must be some unknown situation in it. He didn't know whether it was really the same as his imagination!

"I've heard that the children in the family go faster. What's more, I've heard from other sources that they've made quite a difference this time. But before I know the inside story, they went to their grandparents?"

It is obvious that this speech has a little inquiry! There are so many meanings to cheat Ding Yu, but from another point of view, Su Yuan should know some of them! That's why I choose such an opening!"It's no big deal. It's just that they're making a fool of themselves, but people don't want to see them as they do, so the matter is solved quickly! This is the general situation! "

Su Yuan can clearly feel his son's voice! The eldest son has absolute control over this time, without any deviation. The purpose of this time is very simple, which is to let these children get considerable exercise! That's it!

Although said for this time thing, may pay some, but is definitely worth!

As for what has been paid? Does this problem need to be addressed? When they want to go there, they don't want to go there!

He never liked such things, but he was always forced to accept such things. This time, it was not like helplessness, but there must be quite a way to do it!

"I don't care about other things, even if I don't know anything, but I have the right to know about children's affairs." Su Yuan thought for a long time, almost biting his own teeth!

The greetings are over! The next step is to get to the actual situation!

He did not want to deprive Ding Ding Yu of his rights, nor could he do this. To know that Xiaogang's grandson has been taken away by his uncle and his eldest son! I was really dissatisfied, but finally accepted it! I don't mean to be unreasonable, but there are some things that my grandmother has the right to know!

You can't know nothing, can you? So how does the outside world look at it?

No wonder! It is because of such a thing!

But there are no other things behind it. Let's not say this, but this entry point is really good! Let Ding Yu have some exclamations! But he is not as for such a thing, turn over, it will appear that he is too small bellied, not to mention this person is his own biological mother!

"These children have been locked up for quite some time! The overall performance is not bad, at least now we can still live in their own calm, in which the best performance should be Wang an! He was valued by me from a very early time. However, due to other reasons, he has never been allowed to show up. At most, he is allowed to come and live for two nights! "

What can Su Yuan say at this time? His eldest son had Wang An for a long time, but he has always been a kind of one that is not disclosed. He has also inquired about quite a lot of information from other aspects. The security department has known about this matter for a long time, but they have no intention to take the initiative! After all, they also have a certain understanding of Ding Yu!

I have my own abacus in my heart. I don't want to take my abacus out for a cool? Hum!

"I think Ding Yun and Ding Chang are also very good!"

"The two of them grew up in such an environment. It seems that their performance is very good, even quite excellent, but there is a considerable gap from the real excellent. Wang an does not say that there is no problem at all, but he is on the road of growth, relatively speaking, I like Wang an more!"

Su Yuan felt the corners of his mouth twitch two times. He had some doubts about whether his eldest son was intentional! He knew that he was talking about the three children in the family, but he mentioned Wang An to himself! What's the matter? I feel like I'm not doing well. Is that what I mean?

"I heard that Ding Chang was the leader this time."

Don't you say Wang An is excellent? Why is this time standing in front of not Wang An, but Ding Chang, which is not to say that there is no reason for it? How do you explain this matter? It's not that Su Yuan was deliberately more serious, but that he felt that his breath was held in his own heart, which was very uncomfortable!

"I gave Wang an a lot of hints and gave Ding Chang a chance to choose. Wang An is very sensible and has a good judgment on the overall situation. As a senior brother, he needs to consider more. Ding Chang is a slippery guy. He is forced to take this position because he has no choice. The overall performance can only be said to be average! Far from Wang an! "

This is what you want to know, not what I mean! So if something happens, there's no reason to find your head, right?

But from the meaning of this discourse, Ding Yu has some intentional elements in it!

Su Yuan is no longer twitching at this time! But I feel that my back teeth are itching! Is this really your own son? Why do you feel so "hateful"? I really doubt that if he sits in front of him now, can he control himself? Hard to say! It's really irritating!

"I think this time Ding Chang's performance is very good, worthy of praise!" Su Yuan is still a grandson who supports himself!

"I've already called him! His tail has been pulled off by me

Ding Yu and Su Yuan's mother and son are fighting fiercely!"You?" Su Yuan really wants to scold, the child has made considerable achievements, you when the father's encouragement is also considered! What do you think of it? What's in your head?

Su Yuan felt a little out of control! After thinking about it, I also asked the steward to send me a cup of chrysanthemum tea. The taste was quite fragrant. If I didn't order chrysanthemum tea, I would have some doubts. When I wait for a while, I will be furious. It's hard to say!

"Ding Chang and their young age, they should be encouraged at this time to build up their self-confidence! Your way is a little too rough! It will definitely hinder their growth! "

There was no too much fuss. Su Yuan had some recuperation. Although he was very angry, he could not lose his sense of propriety because of his anger. This is not appropriate! What's more, that is his eldest son!

At least at this time, he is still reasoning with himself. If he is not reasonable, what should he do then? Absolutely stupid, so let's put this anger down?!

"Encouragement is right! But it's definitely not at this time, especially at Ding Yun's side. It's time to give her some color to see! This time, Ding Chang has learned a lot. Everyone has done a lot, but she is a little greedy! This is not a good thing

Su Yuan took a deep breath and felt that he could not continue to speak! If you go on, maybe you will explode! "If Ding Chang and Ding Yun have any problems, I am still a grandmother."

Such a serious threat? It seems that this time the family is really quite angry! Ding Yu didn't express disapproval, but thought for a while! "They are all the same children, all need to grow up, everyone has their own different experience, now pamper them, there will be no good end!"

"I didn't say to pamper them, but your way is good for their growth?"

Now Su Yuan means to fight for every inch of land! It's the one you don't want to let go! Ding Yu really did not think that his mother would have such a mood, this is what he did not expect!

But Ding Yu didn't mean to compromise! These children at home have a good understanding of them. Now is definitely not the time to indulge. If we indulge them, the consequences can hardly be imagined!

"It has considerable advantages!" It is said that, but Ding Yu did not mean to explain! "Maybe now it seems that there are some cruel, but their future is bright after all!"

"I don't listen to what you said. If you continue, I will mobilize the forces in my family and take over the children! This is what I said! I said hello to the old man and told your father

Get it! Ding Yu didn't expect his mother to be so tough. Why? Ding Yu has so many do not want to understand, is it because let Ding Chang they personally come out? Or?

Mother hung up the phone, Ding Yu slightly twisted his mouth. At first, it was still very good. Who would have thought that there was such a contradiction now that Ding Yu didn't have much preparation!

Ding Yu, of course, will not negate all his own problems! As for his mother? If you can explain it, you'd better explain it. If you can't explain it, you should do it first?!

Other issues can be compromised, but there is no room for discussion about children. This is Ding Yu's bottom line. It is not to say that the other party is his own mother, so he can negotiate. This is absolutely impossible!

With the first time, there will definitely be a second time! So Ding Yu will abide by this bottom line!

Su Yuan on the other side of the phone was very happy when he put down the phone, but the development of this thing seems to be out of his expectation! My previous time, or there are so some too impulsive!

Knowing this at home is really not bragging, but the fact!

There is no problem that the family agrees to carry out strict education for children, but everything should be in line with the actual development, not to say that you should treat them harshly or even put them in the abyss!

If this way is a little careless, the consequences are extremely serious! Can not bear!

There are also some people in the family who want to test the boss's meaning, but who ever thought the boss had no intention of compromise in this respect, even if it was verbal! How hateful!

It doesn't seem like this to say that the boss is independent and can't listen to other people's opinions. But in some things, he is really extremely stubborn, which is hard to let go!

We should know that Ding Yun and Ding Chang are his own sons and daughters. He treats them like this! To what extent has his heart been ruthless?Originally, I thought the boss was very stable. After all, he trained a lot of talents, but now, it's still a little bit worse! Do not deny that his way is good, but applied to their own children's body, extremely inappropriate!

This time Ding Yu can be said to be a serious touch to the bottom line of the home, this thing can not be so in the past!

The problem is that although the family has shown some tough stance, Su Yuan is still in charge of this matter, not Wang Changlin, or Wang Pu and the old lady. What are the reasons? Do you still need to say?

If Wang Changlin comes forward, the matter has reached the edge of rupture! And Wang Pu and the old lady if they come forward, then it represents irreparable! That's when the real head is big! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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