Ding Yu's dissatisfaction with the old lady is obviously not very clear, but the Xia family felt certain power at this time. What about the military affairs before? Has let the Xia family have so some sensitivity, now? It seems that there is a cold wave blowing over, although not close, but the cold is about to permeate the whole body.

Xia family has so many unknowns, so Xia Yang has already joined a big force. This is also a trial of Xia family. I thought there was nothing wrong with it, but now? There's another noise. What's the matter? Now this time, who on earth is the Xia family hand, the hand? Which side is it?

What's more, is this matter related to Ding Yu? The Xia family wants to know about these problems, but the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't go out of the gate two doors and doesn't step forward. What's the matter with Ding Yu? It has been infuriated in many aspects. If we continue to attack Ding Yu, I'm afraid it will be more than just anger.

But the problem is how to know who is standing behind Ding Yu? This is also a problem for Xia family, that is to say, it is a dilemma. If you want to deal with Ding Yu now, you will die more happily, or even plainly. If you continue to stretch, it is just chronic death.

However, it is not as simple as imagined. Even if the Xia family has this plan, other people will not agree with it. However, it is quite humiliating for the Xia family to live like this. It is just a small Ding Yu, which makes the whole Xia family helpless. What a shame.

Xia Yang also hated this thing. At the beginning, he fell into a trap. He didn't expect that there was still no way to get rid of it. He was dragged dead and there was no way. I thought that I had broken away, but I thought it was not like this at all. I had so many false alarms.

But what about Ding Yu? Oneself already is quite afraid of, at the beginning? Although his father stood up, but to a certain extent, it seems that some of the family forces have to give up their own, if they do not give up their own words, then they will not be in such a situation now.

This is simply certain. Politics has never had any kinship. Some of them are always interests. At the beginning, they were recognized because they could create value and use value. However, after Ding Yu's incident, although he said that he could create value, there was not much value to be used.

Now let yourself continue to test Ding Yu, that is to completely drain his own value. As for what kind of situation will be after the value has been squeezed out, there is no need to explain it. Xia Yang has seen too many such things. Everyone who leaves the earth is in the same rotation. The family and even the forces behind will push out another generation For myself.

What about this situation? I hate it, but I have some helplessness. If I want to get rid of this bureau, it's not a general difficulty. If I can't get rid of it, what about the future? I can only be a playboy, and I don't have the identity to challenge Wang Jianguo any more.

What about the relationship between Wang Jianguo and himself? It may change suddenly. In the original time, everyone was hard to get along with each other. But if you say that you are really defeated, the relationship between them will change fundamentally, because they are no longer antagonistic.

On the other hand, what he got was just Wang Jianguo's pity. In addition, he really didn't need to make other explanations, because the result was like this. So now Xia Yang is also thinking about this issue. How can we break the game? Can I break free from this vortex?

"What are you looking for me for?" Wang Jianguo also looked up and down at Xiayang, but then he also took a bottle of mineral water and put it in front of Xiayang, "say? Our relationship seems to be a little hostile to each other! Anyway, it's not as pleasant as you imagine. You come to me. My little sweetheart is a little fluttering! Who knows if you have a kitchen knife in your hand behind your back. I'm really worried about it

"I'm in trouble!" Xia Yang's spirit is not as good as expected, "what about the family? What's the attitude of many people towards me? I want to replace them. I need to find a way to get through the difficulties in front of me

"It's a strange thing. You can go to the one behind you. Besides, I've already said, what's the relationship between us? It's not as friendly or even hostile as you think. If you're in trouble, it's a happy thing for me. At least I'm very happy now! "

"Is it true?" Xia Yang also asked, "although the relationship between us is hostile, but you think I fell down, for you, is it really a good thing? At least I don't look like that

"Well, I know what you're going to say! Wang Jianguo is not a fool. What about Xia Yang? Are there two representative characters, even those who belong to the benchmark, what about each other? It can also be regarded as a comparative understanding. What if the Xia family pushed out other people of their own? Wang Jianguo is not familiar with it!Although each other is an opponent, it does not mean that we can not cooperate with each other. This is exactly two times. Now Xia Yang is paying attention to this aspect. "But Xia Yang, you also know that I should. I have a public office in my body, and continue to get involved in these things? It seems that there are so many people who are not engaged in serious work! "

This is true, but from another perspective? It is to discuss the conditions. If you come to me to talk about this matter, why should I cooperate with you? Although I am not familiar with the new one, there may be various troubles in the process, but what about that? Some things? It depends.

"You know I can't bring anything of value now!"

"That's a white wolf with empty hands. I'm afraid I can't persuade Ding Yu about such a thing!" Wang Jianguo directly shook his head, "you may know Ding Yu, or you may not know Ding Yu very well. This guy is a strange person. From my personal point of view, he has not seen much interest in you, at least now it is like this!"

"Is that what I am worth mentioning?"

"It's impossible to say that, relatively speaking? Can the contradiction between you and him really be greater than that between the Ma family and the Song family? But until now, have you seen Ding Yu attack the Ma family and the Song family? There is no such thing. Compared with the humiliation given by the Ma family and the Song family, yours is nothing! "

"This is exactly what I feel puzzled about. How do you mean it?"

"I don't know, but I have consulted some people. Sometimes the fear of the unknown is more terrible than death!" When it comes to this? Wang Jianguo also deliberately laughed, "of course, this is my personal point of view, you may feel, perhaps not feel, but I just said that, who knows?"

After listening to Wang Jianguo's words, Xia Yang's first reaction was to feel his neck. He didn't know why he felt chilly. He really didn't say it. He really made himself shiver. He always felt a little trance about it all the time.

Now what happens after Wang Jianguo has made this matter clear? Xia Yang is also a sudden reaction, although Ding Yu has not started, but Xia Yang? However, I still dare not relax the pressure in this aspect. I feel a sword hanging on my head all the time, and I don't know when it will fall down.

Now it dawned on me that Ding Yu did not have any action, but this one is more deterrent than that. Is he not afraid? Ding Yu has the power to be honest with himself, but what's the use of being afraid? And Ding Yu is nothing to do, and then look at you from afar, so that you have been in this anxiety.

This kind of taste is really too troubling, anyway, now Xia Yang's life has been tossed to half, now it seems that Xia Yang also has some understanding, why Ma Jian has been in the capital, originally because this guy is timid, from now on, it is not like this.

I'm afraid Ma Jian doesn't understand how it happened until now. Maybe it's the old man of Ma Jian's family? After understanding this matter, if Ma Jian was really released, it might be that the white haired man gave the black hair man. What about the capital? In any case, Ding Yu needs to avoid some.

But what can the horse family do if he understands it? If this matter is not solved, then it may always be out of such a situation, hoping to resolve each other's gratitude and resentment, but hope to distance from reality? It's quite a distance.

What's more, Secretary ma? It seems that there are still some resentment, at least for the Ding family. The old man of the horse family has no idea what to say. He is already in fear here. What about his son? It's just this thing? There is no way to express it.

What happened in the Spring Festival? Finally, he let the old man give a breath. His slightly stupid son finally understood how things happened. Of course, this may have something to do with Ding Yu. He couldn't help it, so he stretched out his finger and crushed it.

"Is this cat eating mice?" Xia Yang's face was a little embarrassed. On the one hand, he was afraid, on the other hand, he was so ashamed. He didn't expect that Ding Yu would play with himself like this. This is really hateful.

"What you said has nothing to do with me. I just made a guess in this respect. It seems that you still don't know much about Ding Yu. I think you should know more about Ding Yu when you have time. If you do, you will suffer a loss. You know how to deal with it!"

After communicating with Uncle Kong, he seems to have understood Ding Yu's mind. This guy doesn't kill people, but he's such a Yin man. It's really painful! This is definitely more painful than death. Even if you want to break free, it means that you can't get rid of it. What's more? There is no future trouble.Did Ding Yu do it? No, but Ding Yu's not doing it is more disgusting than doing it. If you say that he has a kitchen knife in his hand, Xia Yang doesn't mind cutting Ding Yu directly at this time. If he can beat him, he still can't. another thing is that he really has the heart to kill him.

He really didn't feel that he was deliberately bluffing Xia Yang. Ding Yu really did this, but no one could grasp his handle and tail. No wonder uncle Kong said so about Ding Yu. His insidiousness is not what ordinary people can imagine, but he is also strange. How did he make it?

"Just wait here to die?" Xia Yang also looked at Wang Jianguo, "this is not my style. In fact, I went to him earlier, and he didn't give me any reply. It may be that someone in the family has already guaranteed this aspect, and my value is very low."

"I don't want to see you fall! However, I have promised Ding Yu that you must step on the bottom of your feet, but relatively speaking? This is two times, and can't be compared with each other! " After saying that, he also took a deep look at Xia Yang, "but you know, I'm still willing to do the painful things."

Wang Jianguo didn't give Xia Yang any guarantee, but what about his words? I'm afraid no one can answer the question of where the news came from. But one thing is certain. It is definitely not the hands of the military or the forces behind Wang Jianguo.

Hearing Wang Jianguo say this, Xia Yang not only did not have any relaxation, on the contrary, his mind was raised all of a sudden. How big is the power behind Wang Jianguo? Xia Yang can't say clearly about this question. As for the military? What's more, it's not clear. Now another force is coming out.

And what about this force? Even behind his family, he felt great pressure. Xia Yang's face was so pale. He thought about countless possibilities. But he really didn't think that there was such a force behind Ding Yu. Why didn't you be tough at the beginning?

Typical pockmarks are not pockmarks, but pits! At this time, Xia Yang didn't know what to say. "Do you think it's OK for me to talk with Ding Yu? I think this is the best time. After all, Ding Yu has not left now, and what about me? At least there's a chance! "

"For an egg?" Wang Jianguo was not polite at all, "you don't even have the conditions to move me. What conditions can you use to move Ding Yu? Previously, Ding Yu didn't move you. In addition to giving certain pressure, there is another reason that there is a family behind you. If there is no family, ha ha!"

Although Xia Yang's predecessors were five or six, why did he look like this? It was not because the family supported him. Everyone didn't give him face to Xia Yang, but gave face to the Xia family behind him and even the family. If we said that the family did not support him, Xia Yang's life would be extremely miserable.

In other words, even in China there is not necessarily his standing position, and for Xia Yang, such a situation is not acceptable to him. It is absolutely more fatal than killing him. Now Xia Yang is trying to avoid such a thing, but the problem is that his feet seem to be sliding into the abyss step by step.

Although you know some behaviors? Is drinking poison to quench thirst, but can how? At least it can be saved, can't it? It seems inappropriate to wait for death there, at least not what Xia Yang hopes to see.

When Xia Yang left, Wang Jianguo also laughed, but he didn't mean to be moved by him, and there was no sad situation of a dead rabbit or a dog. This guy was definitely looking for himself, but think about it? It seems that there are their own responsibilities. At the beginning of digging, I seem to have moved two shovels.

There is also a problem: where does the force behind Ding Yu come from? The actions of the Xia family can be seen by themselves. It can make the Xia family actively express their own attitude. This force is absolutely a very important one! I really have some doubts.

But what about Ding Yu? It's not just weird. What about him? I know something about it, but do you really want to elaborate? This problem does not dare to make a guarantee in this respect. But which one is behind it? What is it now that we stand up?

This really makes people feel surprised and curious. After thinking about it, Wang Jianguo also called Ding Yu and said, "if you're OK in the evening, I'll treat you to dinner! Just the two of us

Ding Yu said, I don't know whether he agrees or disagrees. Wang Jianguo feels a little itchy and helpless in his heart. This guy is really. Sometimes, I always say one sentence and hide ten thousand. As for the rest? Let yourself guess!

As for whether it is right or wrong, the question is unknown. If you want to get the answer from Ding Yu's mouth, forget it! At least Wang Jianguo has no confidence in this respect.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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