In the evening, Ding Yu really didn't find a place to eat. Ding Ding Ding already had an appointment. She was alone. Since someone invited her to dinner, she also saved herself a person to eat. What about the place to eat? Beijing hotel.

Ding Yu is a taxi, senior or not. These Ding Yu really don't see much in his eyes. At least he doesn't care much about it now. When he came to the private room, Wang Jianguo had already been waiting there. When he saw Ding Yu, he also stood up and said hello. His third brother was alone. He didn't see the sea. It was a little strange. You should know them Both of them have always been mengbu's and Jiao's.

After Ding Yu arrived, things were brought up one after another. Ding Yu didn't mean to be polite. There was a bottle of wine on the table. Wang Jianguo motioned to Ding Yu. Seeing that he didn't mean this, he also poured himself a cup and ate with Ding Yu. This was one of the few benefits. There was no need to persuade him to drink.

"Come to me in the afternoon! He showed his sincerity When he said this, Wang Jianguo was also Commenting on Ding Yu's expression, but the problem was that Ding Yu's face did not change at all, and he only cared about eating his own food.

Then he looked up and looked at it for a while

This said Wang Jianguo good hang a mouthful of blood spurt out, this guy's thinking jump really let oneself have so some reaction not come over! "What about Xia Yang's reaction? The beginning of this time seems to be very big, even the Xia family began to give up Xia Yang, I don't know whether they are too sensitive, or feel what! I feel a little abnormal. "

"What does it have to do with me?" Ding Yu also pretended to be ignorant.

Wang Jianguo is really a little confused. He can be sure that this matter has something to do with Ding Yu, but the problem is that the relationship is one aspect, which side is the power? This is another problem. It's not from our side or from the military. This force is hiding a little bit deeply!

"Boss! Now the Xia family has already reacted like this. What can make the Xia family react like this will never be a small matter. This problem is obvious to all! " Wang Jianguo also said anxiously, "not everyone is the same as you can sit on Mount Tai."

"Such a reaction! Shouldn't it? " Ding Yu also snorted, "but it seems that I didn't do it. Even if I did, I wouldn't do it in such a way. Maybe someone is looking at the Xia family and it's not very pleasing to the eye."

What about Ding Yu? How many have guessed some things in this respect. At this time, in addition to the Wang family, in addition to their own grandfather and grandmother, who will move the Xia family, and even let the Xia family react in this respect at the first time. This is the power of the rich family, and it is really not everyone can underestimate.

"Your brother is brave enough!" Wang Jianguo was also quite helpless to say, "the impact of this incident is extraordinary, even I have some fears. At the beginning, I was also related. If I really came to the door, would I have the same fate as Xia Yang's son of a bitch? I'm careful. My liver is jumping very hard

"I said whether you are concerned about yourself or Xia Yang, or that the rabbit died and the dog was sad. You saw Xia Yang's appearance and felt some threat?" Speaking of this, Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, "or do you think that Xia Yang, the enemy on the surface, is better to deal with than you imagined?"

"It's both."

Hearing Wang Jianguo say so, Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, indicating that he knew what was left? There is no need to continue to say, Wang Jianguo's heart is also a sigh of relief, "by the way, previously uncle Kong said, people like you can't be released, once released, it's easy to have problems!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu also said, "maybe! But it is also because of this, so I did not stay at home to continue the disaster, you did not see that I have been staying abroad? It's also a very interesting thing to say. How about doing things? There are not so many constraints! "

In fact, Wang Jianguo admired Ding Yu very much. Many dandies, big and small, have contacted too much. Are they in China? You can do whatever you want. After all, there is a sky on your head. But do you go abroad? In addition to being able to drink, everything else is grass chicken.

The simplest example is that it's very difficult for them to make money to support themselves. In the end, it's good not to be made clean. But what about Ding Yu? It's just a single person, but what about the current power of others? A lot of people are Wang Er Xiang Bei.

People don't rely on domestic resources at all. This is also an important reason why the Xia family didn't dare to continue to stretch out their hands at the beginning. If they want to take Ding Yu, the problem is what do you use to hold Ding Yu. He has a bit of industry in China, but that industry is not even a fraction of his wealth. Taking advantage of it has any effect, and it also offends a lot of votes People.Other people don't know. Wang Jianguo still knows about it. He has huge financial support, so what about Ding Yu? Not afraid to turn over. Thinking of here, Wang Jianguo was also stunned for a moment. This time, someone made a move. Is it because of this? Ding Yu took the high-rise route?

But think about it? There is a possibility in this respect, but this possibility is definitely not as large as imagined. On the one hand, it is because of the rich and powerful dandies? How many are still reserved, if it is this group of guys to come forward, did not see will give the Xia family so much pressure.

What's more, if this is really the case, there will never be any news. Every circle has its own rules. If someone really stops this matter, it's normal to say hello to all the people in the circle.

If it is not a person in the circle, then Ding Yu may buy people from the upper class? This thing is a little bit ridiculous. Will the military sit and watch this happen? The military is not a fool to do something that is impossible at all. It will never ignore it.

Because Wang Jianguo acts as a liaison, he has his own unique channel for things. But it is precisely because of this that he is extremely confused and puzzled. What is the reason for this?

Anyway, so far, Wang Jianguo is completely helpless, since can not find this reason, then come to find Ding Yu! I hope he can give himself an answer. Otherwise, his hair will fall so much that I don't want to be bald when I'm young. Although I say that a smart head doesn't grow hair, it's not what I like.

Just as the two people were talking, a dull sound came, and then the door of the private room was smashed open. Ding Yu looked back in surprise. The reason for his surprise was that this was the capital hotel! It doesn't matter whether you hit your own face or not. It's important that you don't want this sign in the capital?

What's more, today is Wang Jianguo, the third brother of Wang Jianguo, who invited himself to dinner and listened to the voice just now? What about kicking the door directly? For Wang Jianguo, it is definitely a kind of provocation. Considering the two reasons, Ding Yu is very surprised. It seems that there is a good play to watch today!

When he heard the voice, Wang Jianguo's face also changed suddenly. When he invited Ding Yu to dinner, someone came to smash the floor. The sound of kicking the door was too familiar to him. He often did such things, but what about such a shameless thing? And this is the occasion? They really rarely touch, people live a face, a tree live a skin!

Ding Yu looked back and looked at Wang Jianguo. Looking at him angrily, he also laughed, "I said three brothers, what happened in the past? It is not easy to see such a scene in a novel, TV or movie. I didn't expect to be in the scene today! I'm also open today. "

Wang Jianguo is also not angry to see Ding Yu, this guy is really able to piss off people! What did he say just now? He has already indicated his attitude. He will definitely stand on the sidelines in this matter, so what about your third brother Wang? Don't think about pulling yourself into the water. It's unrealistic at all and impossible.

Looking at several people coming in, Ding Yu also picked up the cigarettes and lighters on the table, but he didn't mean to smoke. He took the lighter and knocked on the cigarette box while turning the lighter. There were some old gods in the meaning, some of which were incomprehensible.

"Mr. Wang, you are very leisurely! It doesn't taste spicy here Taking a look at Ding Yu, who was sitting on one side of the table, he just looked at it. He didn't care too much. Then he sat in the opposite position of Wang Jianguo and said, "you've given my cousin a job and let him eat rice bran in it! It's very kind of you to eat and drink here

Ding Yu still sat there without saying a word. After hearing the girl's words, she also took out a cigarette and then motioned to Wang Jianguo next to him. Wang Jianguo was also very obscure. Ding Yu glanced at Ding Yu. Wasn't this guy intentional? It's too provocative to give yourself cigarettes at this time.

Seeing that Wang Jianguo didn't mean to smoke, Ding Yu took care of himself to point it on himself. However, this action made the girl sitting down take a slightly unexpected look and did not see each other. At least in his own influence, he did not have any impression of this guy. However, seeing the performance of the family member, it seemed that he didn't care at all.

"Qiao Jun himself has committed a mistake, whether from the law or from the foul, there are unforgivable reasons!" Wang Jianguo said solemnly at this time. What if it was other people? Wang Jianguo really did not have to go back to pay attention to, but in front of this? I have to explain myself.

Even if she kicked the door in, he still needs the same, it is true that he is very unhappy, but in front of this? Some of them can't afford to offend, "are you? I heard that he has paid back the money. Can't you Wang Jianguo give this face? Everything can still be talked about! At least for now. ""No, we can talk about other things, but this is a business and can't be discussed!" Wang Jianguo explained patiently, "what's more, Qiao Jun is also involved in other problems and situations. As a direct leader, I need to be responsible for this matter, so there is no room for this matter to talk about!"

"Cut, I have asked someone to bring Qiao Jun out!" After that, Ding Yu shook his head slightly on one side. For a moment, he didn't even know what to say. Even if he was a big family, he couldn't do it?

From a simple analysis, where does this put the so-called law? From Wang Jianguo's point of view, regardless of revenge or other purposes, at least he used legitimate reasons and legal means. But what about the lady in front of him? If people are mentioned, they will come up with it, and they will treat national laws as a joke.

If you look at it from this point of view, it is absolutely dizzy to do so, and even there are some pit fathers, but what is the specific situation? Ding Yu doesn't know, so he doesn't have any right to speak. So what about this time? It's better to watch the change, let alone have something to do with yourself?

Since it has nothing to do with yourself, why should I participate in it! "You have brought up people. It's your business. It has nothing to do with me. I'm only responsible for what I should be responsible for." What about Wang Jianguo's words? This attitude is commendable.

What's more, what about the posture? Actually, there are some people who want to do something about it. As for whether they will do it or not? Don't know, Ding Yu at this time is also slightly back his body, Wang Jianguo sat beside Ding Yu, so naturally also saw Ding Yu's action.

Just when Wang Jianguo was in a daze, a teapot had already been thrown at him. Wang Jianguo subconsciously hid himself, but then the people behind him also went straight to Wang Jianguo, and even the girl who had talked earlier was also rushed to the front. Wang Jianguo's end was slightly miserable, and he was pressed on the ground and kicked a good meal.

In the process? Ding Yu doesn't have any intention to pay attention to. It doesn't depend on Ding Yu. It depends entirely on Wang Jianguo on the ground. Since he has already indicated it, he is too lazy to stretch out his hand. It's really meaningless to reach out with these guys in front of him.

After these people had kicked him, Ding Yu also stood up and helped Wang Jianguo up. He also handed the handkerchief beside him to Wang Jianguo, lit a cigarette and handed it to Wang Jianguo. Then he sat down on one side and quietly sat there. This surprised those who had beaten people before.

"Not before!" The girl who spoke also took a glance at Ding Yu, "how to address it?"

"Forget it! I met by chance. I'll talk about it later! " Ding Yu was very direct and refused, and then he also looked at Wang Jianguo next to him, "is it me to send you off, or do you take a taxi by yourself! Don't eat this meal. It's almost finished anyway. " Ding Yu really doesn't mean to be fussy. At least at this time, he doesn't have the idea of this aspect.

Wang Jianguo looked at Ding Yu pitifully, "are you just watching? Is that too much? "

"No!" Ding Yu is very innocent and said, "in fact, I just closed my eyes, really!" This sentence directly makes other people laugh. This guy is really interesting!

Look at this dress up? It's OK. It's not as bad as you think. It's also pretty good. The girl nods, "well, it's obedient. I'll spare you this time." After that, he continued to focus on Wang Jianguo, "Wang Laosan, don't think you can do whatever you want when you are on the official career!"

Ding Yu also nodded slightly, but what about this nod? But there are so many sarcastic tastes. Why do you say so? It seems that Wang San Ge doesn't do what he likes at this time! But in front of this girl unscrupulously in doing some things, it is true that you are extraordinary, it is true that your family is famous, but these are not reasons.

Even if it's a fight between children, you should be a little bit measured, bullying things like that? It can be done, but it also depends on how to do it. It is not like this in front of us. What's more, now that Wang Jianguo is already a person on the official career, how can other people look at this problem with such a slap in the face?

It seems that the nature of this problem is no longer a fight between children, nor can parents cover it up with a so-called ignorance. These are the results of Ding Yu's analysis. However, no one knows what the truth is. At least at this time, Ding Yu is not very clear about the problems and the situation.

What about the rash analysis? It also makes Ding Yu feel very interesting. The way revealed in it really makes people feel so quiet, but it makes me quite surprised. The family situation of the little girl in front of her is absolutely extraordinary. What about the bottom line? Naturally, she knows.And what about this time? Obviously, she broke some hidden rules. Under such circumstances, she still did so. What is the reason? Ding Yu is also really feeling that there are so some can not understand, there is a sentence how to say, you city people really can play! Anyway, I'm still in a fog. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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