What is Ding Yu's attitude towards Wang Jianguo's being beaten in the face? It belongs to the kind of indifference, but what about Wang Jianguo's action later? It seems to have other meanings. Anyway, what about the people on the scene? Basically did not understand, but Wang Jianguo looked at Ding Yu with a little consolation in his eyes. Of course, he understood Ding Yu's meaning.

In this event, did Ding Yu not reach out? No, Ding Yu reached out, which can't be denied. Otherwise, Wang Jianguo may still fall on the ground now, but does Ding Yu extend his helping hand? If Ding Yu really wants to do something about it, how about these people in the room? None of them are rivals.

But the problem is that Ding Yu restrained himself. There are reasons for Wang Jianguo, and of course there are other reasons. For Wang Jianguo, there was a loss of face for Wang Jianguo, but he didn't see any bad thing. He didn't expect that a person like the little princess would come in person, which was not in line with the plan!

However, it is consistent or inconsistent. Everything has happened. Although he said that he was beaten, it is not a bad thing. Even to a certain extent, this is really a consequence of his expectation, but this consequence is for Qiao Jun? A little bit sad.

Just as Wang Jianguo sighed, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, and then he saw a man like a childe coming in. When he saw the visitor, Wang Jianguo also narrowed his eyes a little. He also carried a baseball bat in his hand and beat it in his own hand as he walked.

"Wang Laosan! Let's meet again! This time, it seems that the situation is a little different? " The visitor also grinned grimly, and then beat the baseball bat on the table directly. The bowls and plates on the table also jumped at once. What about the dull sound? Also let Ding Yu slightly wrinkle up his eyebrows, a little bit so harsh.

"Qiao Jun, it seems that you should not be here now! Don't you think so? Now it's still time to correct it! "

"Is it? My grandfather is here today, and told you that if you don't beat your shit today, this matter will not be finished! " After that, he also snorted, "come on, kowtow to my grandfather first. Maybe he will be a little lighter after a while. You can rest assured that he can lie down for a year and a half! I'm not going too far. "

After that, she rushed over directly with a baseball. Even the whole person was across the whole table. When she saw this situation, the girl also called out and beat Wang Jianguo. However, Qiao Jun came here in person. He didn't think of it, and he was so crazy.

You want to know what happened before? He has so many mischief, can be in the scope of understanding, but Qiao Jun such behavior? There are so many entrapment, although said that he has stood up, even pulled a, but did not pull, random Qiao Jun is also a club swung down.

Seeing this scene, Ding Yu shakes his head. Although Wang Jianguo has already responded, what is the reaction? It was a little slow. Ding Yu saw it clearly, so he didn't mean to move. However, listening to the dull voice, he knew that Wang Jianguo's arm was broken.

"Qiao Jun, you are crazy! Do you know what you're doing? "

"Elder sister, you don't care about me. I'll let this grandson know how powerful it is today!" Then he swung the baseball bat in his hand. Ding Yu also looked at Wang Jianguo and found that his eyes were very firm. When he fell down, Ding Yu picked up a spoon on the table and gently threw it out.

For Ding Yu, this strength may not be the biggest, but this strength is to let Qiao Jun's hand change the direction, really did not hit Wang Jianguo's body, and Qiao Jun? Because the power of the hand is too big, the direct wheel is empty, and then the whole person is swung up the strength to bring down, oneself to topple.

"NIMA's!" Qiao Jun is not stupid. Looking at the spoon on the ground, he also slowly wants to get up, but the problem is that the strength just now is too big, so that he has a little bit of waist to flash. Does he want to get up alone? It is true that there are so many troubles, can only be humming, while shouting, "that who, help me!"

Looking at Qiao Jun's appearance, Ding Yu also shakes his head, and then goes to Wang Jianguo's side position. Seeing the sweat on his forehead, he said, "are you unlucky?" After touching two, Ding Yu also sighed and said, "fracture, you are guilty! For a hundred days, be ready to lie down honestly

Wang Jianguo wanted to pick up the cigarette on the table, but his arm was shaking. The pain was not what ordinary people could bear. Ding Yu took the cigarette, put it in Wang Jianguo's hand, and lit it for him. "You see, that's why I don't want to come back. Even your third brother Wang is so Zhou Bad, others? "

Speaking of this, Ding Yu is also a sarcastic smile, and immediately also Wang Jianguo to carry up, "friend, report a number?" When the girl saw this scene, her eyebrows were also deeply wrinkled, and she beat Wang Jianguo. This matter can be regarded as a child's mischief.But Qiao Jun came, and even broke Wang Jianguo. This matter is too involved. Qiao Jun is too impulsive. It was a small matter, but now? This is a little more subtle.

Wang Jianguo also snorted, "the jade family is a little more than Wang's! Too many of them After saying that, he also looked at the girl. After looking at her for a while, Ding Yu was allowed to help her to leave. However, Qiao Jun, who was there, still meant not to give up.

"Wang Laosan, NIMA, stop for me. If you don't explain it to me today, you don't want to leave!" After saying that, he also looked at Ding Yu, "which bird are you? I didn't even see you! Sun Tzu, if you are wise, please kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake. If I beat you, I'll be dead! If you want to shrink your head back, I can think about it

Ding Yu sipped the corner of his mouth and thought for a long time. Then he said slowly, "do you think I'm wang Ba? What about the way of swearing? It's really the first time I've heard of it! " When talking about this, Ding Yu even laughed. The smile made people feel suspicious. This guy is not having a problem with his head!

"And me? It's just that I came to eat. The matter itself has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to be involved in any relationship with this matter? What are you doing? It's your business. It's really hard to kill people. I can't see such things as this from an outsider! "

Having said that, he also helped Wang Jianguo to go out of the door. But Qiao Jun, who was over there, could bear the anger and immediately covered his waist. He just sat down and relaxed for a while. There was no big problem. After getting up, he picked up the baseball bat in his hand and hit Ding Yu's back head.

When Ding Yu heard the wind behind him, he knew the situation, and then he was lucky. Then he gave up his position and let the baseball bat hit directly on his back, making a very dull voice. The girl over there was also completely angry, "Qiao Jun, are you crazy?"

After that, he also went forward and took the baseball bat out of Qiao Jun's hand. Then he slapped Qiao Jun twice in the face, but what about Ding Yu? There is no reaction at all, even if the pace did not stop, directly left, such people continue to say, there is no sense.

Looking at Wang Jianguo leaving, Yu Mingyue also bit her teeth slightly, "take Qiao Jun with you, and don't allow him to leave my sight. If necessary, you can take some measures!" Because I already feel that something is wrong.

Previously, when I asked Wang Jianguo for trouble, this matter can be seen as venting one's anger. Even if someone talks, he won't give himself any good. Qiao Jun is right or wrong. This matter will not be discussed. But what Qiao Jun went into was made by you Wang Jianguo! So it's your fault to find me.

But Qiao Jun suddenly came out, the nature of this matter is completely different, this can not only drag themselves in so simple, even the jade family has been dragged in.

According to many people's understanding, if it was not for the support of the jade family, how could Qiao Jun be released? We should know that he is still in the special custody stage. Judging from what we know, what are some problems? It is already true. Otherwise, Wang Jianguo would not have done anything to Qiao Jun.

But now this special detention stage, Qiao Jun not only came out so simple, but also wantonly retaliated! If such a thing is really said, how will we think and see? The jade family is really a little more than the Wang family, which can override the national law. Otherwise, how could such a situation occur?

"What do you mean, sister?" Qiao Jun is also very dissatisfied with that. When he talks, his mouth is full of wine gas. Obviously, he has drunk a lot of it. The taste is really not bad in general.

Looking at Qiao Jun's appearance, Yu Mingyue slapped him in the face. Originally, she wanted to vent her anger on him. This is a personal grudge. But when you think of him coming out, it's just that you come out. But it makes the whole thing too bad. "Go check who is with Wang Jianguo, and see what hospital Wang Jianguo went to?"

Now, even if you send Qiao Jun back, it will not help. After all, Qiao Jun started to fracture Wang Jianguo. Some people have witnessed this matter and want to deny the fact that they can't deny.

It didn't take long before news came. When hearing Ding Yu's name, Yu Mingyue also hammered the car glass next to her with her hand. It's no wonder that he was Ding Yu! But I'm afraid it's just because of Ding Yu that things are in trouble, even in a big way.

Xia Yang and Zhong Yun had heard about Xia Yang and Zhong Yun before. Whether they were trapped or not is not so important. The important thing is that because of Ding Yu, there was a big disturbance. I didn't expect that Wang Jianguo would invite Ding Yu to dinner in the evening. What's more, he met him.When he came to the hospital, Dingyu had accompanied Wang Jianguo to do the examination. Dingyu was a doctor. So he had some understanding of this aspect. Wang Jianguo's situation was not very serious, but whether he was immediately operated on. This also needs to be seen. Dingyu also made an examination for himself by the way.

Actually Ding Yu is very clear that he has no problems and conditions, but do so? It is an attitude question. After finishing, Dingyu also went to see Wang Jianguo and looked at his lying on the bed. It was funny that "I said you are not worth the stick?"

Wang Jianguo looked at the direction of the door, and saw Ding Yu nodding, and then said, "value! Of course, this is a big problem. What about Qiao Jun? It was just one of the little stumbling blocks. I did him. It was a choice without any means, but it was also through the evening, and I was successfully picked out! "

"It's too hard?"

"Bullshit, I think it's like this, I think it's just a hit! But it was a good time to think that Qiao Jun would come to cheer up. I need to have a good one for a hundred days. The rest of the work has nothing to do with me. To say that, I really thank this guy very well! "

Hearing this, Dingyu also has so many can not stop their own smile, Wang Sangge is really too oily, he can only describe it. Obviously, what about this move? The bigger one is that Wang Jianguo has perceived the danger, but what about the danger? It is also accompanied by huge gains.

At the beginning, Wang Jianguo let himself sink into the whirlpool and pull Qiao Jun down the horse. What is the credit for this? It's not a big one, but at the same time? It also puts him in a great danger, which is not reported to be coming immediately. It is so sudden and even so dangerous.

But is it because of this ferocity? Let him successfully solve the trouble after, now Wang Jianguo just need to lie in the hospital, things to open a good head, this credit book can not be enough Wang Jianguo a pen, and this one? Even quite thick.

"Is that guy a little silly? Or because of the family? " Dingyu also felt that there were so many puzzles. Under the circumstances, if it was not stopped by Dingyu, the gang hit Wang Jianguo's head, and undead was also a half disabled effect, and he really had so many doubts.

"Stand on the tree and take a cool! The big family children are also good and bad, and what's more, this one? That is, it's just a hanging edge, but what about it? They are all jade people, I don't say it? Jade home! It's not a little more than the king's! "

"More than a little more than your family?"

"You're not kidding me?" Wang Jianguo was also very dissatisfied to stare at Dingyu. "We, the king's family, don't take it out to joke, remember the previous hospital where Grandma Wang? That's the king's family! At least representative, it's just a relatively low-key, so some things are not known to outsiders! "

"In this way, jade family is very oxfork, I haven't heard of it before!" But from Wang Jianguo's words, Dingyu still felt some problems, more than Wang family! I'm afraid it is not only literal, but also has other extended meanings. It is too obvious.

Just when he spoke, he was also a sound of footsteps. He saw Wang Jianguo nodding to Dingyu, and then closed his eyes. Looking at Wang Jianguo's appearance, Dingyu felt that he had some funny things, but it was also a no fault. He did a whole set of plays, and even more, such things.

Dingyu also sorted out his clothes. When he was just checking, he took off his clothes. When Dingyu cleaned up his clothes, yumingyue also brought people in. It seems that there are so many hurry coming, "Dr. Ding!" Jade Mingyue looks at Dingyu sitting there, and also sighs to say hello.

Looking at the appearance of yumingyue, Dingyu also slightly points his head. Only this is, there is no other performance. He is not so familiar with her, and at night he gets another baseball bat. It has been quite a face for her without turning over. What else would you like?

What about the other people seeing yumingyue? All need to point and waist, after all, jade moon identity is different, but Ding Yu? There is no such meaning. The relationship between the monarchs is as light as water. In fact, the most important point is that Ding Yu has nothing to ask for. Since there is no demand, there is no other necessity.

"Dr. Ding, I'm sorry for this at night!"

Dingyu has no attitude to show you. How do you say I listen to that is, and there is no much relationship with me. Anyway, I have informed the family. After the family comes, I will quit. The matter is so simple. As for what situation you are facing, this question depends on your own plan!

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