Several children are very happy with their grandparents, and there is no other worry and worry at all

in addition to quite a few visits, the children do not have any other special activities. It is not forbidden, but the place there is a little bit narrow, and because of the system, the children are a little bit uncomfortable!

They also went to several big consortia and Xiangguang's company to have a look, understood the quite situation, broadened their horizons!

By the way, write a report, express your feelings, and at the same time make a considerable estimate and so on!

Don't mention such action, it really aroused the interest of South Korea! Because their own children, even if they have graduated from college! There are few who can do this! Stop writing reports! Even if they go to inspect the consortia and the company, it is difficult for them to do it!

A few children are not perfunctory, of course, nor spy on secrets. They have nothing to do with them. They just want to understand the context and operation of them. After all, they have a different world outlook! Values and consciousness!

The so-called philosophy, for them, may be a little more profound, but it does not mean that they do not know anything. Philosophy is a world outlook and methodology! Do not require in-depth understanding, but also can not know what is?

If we don't even know these things, their visit and investigation are just to see the scenery! There is no practical significance! This is why so many families in South Korea are very interested in this!

To be able to form a family and consortium, they all have considerable ability and details. No matter whether they are developing or declining, they have their own vision! And they are quite original vision!

Several children didn't show off their family status, what kind of toys they had, or went to the paradise and bought some beautiful clothes. These things were too superficial! Not for them!

What they reveal is their own knowledge and recuperation! This is not a day two days can learn, nor a day two days of time, can be applied to practice!

But throughout Ding Yu's children, and then look at their own children, why do you feel that their children are so annoying? There is even an impulse to be killed directly. You know luxury! Have fun! graceful but not showy! have nothing to do! Never want to improve themselves! Make yourself better!

When these consortia got up, Ding Yu was just a baby? Even Ding Yu is just an embryo! But now? Ding Yu's consortia, together with the next generation, are so excellent? There is no way to bear this!

All of them are children. Why are your children so good and our children so bad?

People die more than people, which is true at all! We should know that the major consortia have spared no effort in the cultivation of children. The price paid by them is no less than that of Ding Yu. Why is Ding Yu training better than them! Why?

If only Ding Yu is better than them, this can be understood and accepted! After all, there's always an accident, isn't it? But you are not a good guy! Some of them can't be tolerated!

But if you want to do something to these children, forget it! No one dares to break this bottom line! No one will make fun of his own life! Also will not take oneself to make this joke!

Even their dry Dad! Dry grandfather, the United States is also indifferent to this attitude, is it possible that these sons and grandsons dare to attack Ding Yu? When they don't need Ding Yu, their grandfather will let them know that death is not the most terrible!

We should know that the whole South Korea is under the protection of the United States, and so is the army! Don't say that Ding Yu has nothing to do with this. On the contrary, although the major consortia from South Korea vie to win over, what they should collect is to take it! But the relationship between each other is such a thing!

Wave when you can use it! Come here! Don't use your hand. Give me a foot. Get out of here! be an eyesore!

There's no way to compare with Ding Yu. It's true that people and Ding Yu are the real ones!

It's very normal to have several children in and out of the military base!

Of course, this is just a rumor in some aspects. There is no actual evidence to prove it!

The U.S. Army in South Korea is almost the father of South Korea! How good is the relationship with other people? This is another way to say, but we must have a good relationship with this father! Otherwise, a fight is a kind of white fight!

Other things may not be able to explain quite a problem, but the whole South Korea has only nominal jurisdiction over the US forces stationed in South Korea, which is enough to explain all the problems! More directly, sons are nominal and dare to judge their fathers, but in reality? If they dare to do this? Do you want to go home?

After returning home, their father is not the name of the above son, do not hit you a half dead, this is light! The club education will definitely let you know that your father will always be your father, and this will never change!However, a few of the things that are still there are quite a few circulation in a small range. Basically, there are not many reports and news in the whole large-scale area. It can even be said that there is no one at all! There are so many people who turn a blind eye to it! So these kids are happy too!

Some children are happy! But Wang's side is really angry, Su Yuan again called the past, did not contact his eldest son, assistant answered the phone! Made a considerable explanation!

But in Su Yuan's opinion! His eldest son is to hide directly! Don't answer the phone at all. Leave a message if you have something. You will call back when you have time!

Isn't this intentional? It's just anger!

But Su Yuan didn't have any way. It didn't help to vent anger with Ding Yu's assistant! The object of service is Ding Yu. He didn't hang up his phone. He just looked at the face that he was Ding Yu's mother. If we really cut out the reasons, Wang Changlin's wife's face didn't play a very important role! At least not the decisive one!

"What does my mother mean? How did you drag both of us here? "

When he was about to enter the courtyard, Wang Yang whispered to his sister! "I'm very busy these days, and I also need to take care of Qiuyan at home! Not so much time

"Come on, don't make excuses for yourself! I don't believe you don't know anything! " Wang Li was very dissatisfied with kicking Wang Yang. Fortunately, she was wearing more clothes now. Wang Li felt that she was kicking on her overcoat, which did not have much influence!

Wang Yang is slapped, he is aware of some of the situation, but the specific inside information but really do not know it!

"My mother and elder brother have made some conflicts, which can not say who is wrong! It is not the problem in this respect, but the ideas of each other are so different! If there is really any contradiction, this is really very easy to solve, but the concept is not the same! This is troublesome! "

Wang Yang is also twisting his mouth, the face is all difficult for the expression, the second sister said so, he has completely understood over, this matter? It's not so simple to say! There is nothing to do with right or wrong about the issue of the struggle for ideas, but sometimes it is more terrible than contradiction!

"Isn't that nonsense?" Wang Yang looked around and said in a low voice, "this is not something you and I can be involved in! What's more, if we have something on our side, just go home and discuss it! How did you get to the courtyard? "

"What else can it be for?" Wang Li also sighed. Her mother was obviously not in a good mood. Otherwise, she would never come to the courtyard! To a certain extent, it may also be necessary to test whether the quadrangle will turn her out! This matter is noisy, let oneself say what is good?

Even if the elder brother is too much and does not know etiquette, he will not do such a thing! And even if big brother really did! Is it impossible for the housekeeper of the courtyard house to be a fool to stop his mother from coming in. If this is passed on, it is not enough to show off? Is her mother really angry?

But the difference between inside and outside the courtyard is really a little big! It's like changing the world! There is a special staff responsible for taking over their coats, and the housekeeper is concentrating on the tea, as if he is indifferent to everything!

The old lady came over here, no matter what the reason is, just treat it as usual! Don't offend! But also won't too much to please what, as for the reason why the old lady came over, what is the relationship with the husband, this problem is not what I should care about now! The focus of contradiction should not be here!

Why do you do this? The reason is so simple!

I serve my husband, not the Wang family. I must distinguish between the primary and secondary!

What's more, the relationship between the husband and the old lady comes from their own mother and son. If they are involved in the relationship, there will be some contradictions between the husband and the old lady, but it does not mean that they will always be like this! If Mr. and Mrs. make up? Where are you? Right?

So the housekeeper sits firmly on the Diaoyutai. If there is anything, he is responsible for spreading a message among them. There is no problem, but if he has any opinions, he will not make a statement! This is the purpose!

"Mom Two people with one voice called out! Then he said hello to the housekeeper!

Big brother is not in the courtyard! They two people came to this side, the total can't do any attention to the courtyard here?! You know, this is the residence of big brother! Deng Rong is also the housekeeper of big brother! Two people can't understand etiquette at all!


The housekeeper nodded his head at two people, and then there was no other words. He made tea attentively!

"I want to talk to you about something! You know about your big brother? "You know that?! Instead of knowing? The meaning of this is completely different! Wang Li and Wang Yang looked at each other, and then they looked Su Yuan, "Mom, I heard some news!"

"When I call you, he doesn't answer. I'm surprised. What's the matter? Have a problem with me? "

Su Yuan's voice is a little sharp, but Wang Li and Wang Yang are not surprised to say how their mother is? But the news itself, big brother actually refused to answer the phone, what is the situation? Has the contradiction between each other reached such a point? I haven't heard of anything else in here?!

I look at the housekeeper again, but what about the housekeeper? Two ears don't hear things out of the window, but they are quite interested in the tea in front of them? I don't seem to hear it at all! That meaning is very clear, you say your, as I do not exist! No problem!

"Mom, what happened? Big brother is not such a person

Wang Yang didn't hold back. He took the lead to open his mouth. From his own understanding, although the big brother's personality is very strong, it doesn't mean that the elder brother is really reckless, just like the grandfather and grandmother there? From the point of view of the truth, we have already done so many things for my grandfather and grandmother, so we went to their side? Now who can do it for a time?

But the problem is that the elder brother has never visited the house since he said that. Even every year, his grandfather and grandmother go to his father and mother, or come to the courtyard. From this incident, we can see the big brother's personality!

But those things also have a reason, now how to say? Big brother and his mother are so noisy that they don't talk to each other any more! Is the big brother aspect reason, or is the mother aspect reason! You know that they are a battle of ideas, but you can't make such a fuss, right? Right?

Wang Li coughed and took a look at Wang Yang! "Mom, what's the opinion at home?"

"What opinions can you have at home? Who can give you your big brother? You can do it, or am I such an old lady? "

It was for Wang Li and Wang Yang, rather than for the housekeeper. It let him spread it to Ding Yu's ears. However, the housekeeper's face did not change. He was still playing with the tea in front of him, and his attitude was kind!

"Mom? Big brother there things to communicate with each other, things need to talk about, but now between each other may not be so convenient! So there is quite a misunderstanding! "

What can I say now? Say mother's wrong, or say big brother's wrong? It seems that they are not appropriate, not to mention the two people's concept of the dispute, this is not a day or two things! I just didn't expect that the reaction at home would be so big this time!

"Communication? Well, I can't communicate with each other! " Su Yuan's tone was not good. "I'm an old lady. I beg him. People don't mean to answer the phone. How can we communicate?"

Hmm?! Wang Li took a look at Wang Yang and nodded at each other!

"This is the big brother's fault! Other things are OK to say a little bit, but he refused to answer the phone, there is a problem indeed What Wang Li said was very direct and did not pay attention to whether the housekeeper was in person!

Heard his second sister finish, Wang Yang is also a response to nod! Very agree!

Hearing his son and daughter's attitude, Su Yuan also nodded slightly, expressing satisfaction! If the daughter and the younger son also stand on the side of the eldest son, there is really no way to live on their own side!

"Butler? Big brother, are you busy there? I'll make a phone call! "

Deng Rong slightly lost his mind for a while, and then said with a bitter smile! "I haven't been able to get in touch with you for a few days! In the morning, I called specially, and the assistant answered the phone

"Can't you?" Wang Yang is unbelievable, but think about it, is it necessary for the housekeeper to lie at this time? It seems that there is no need for this aspect at all?!

"It's true, but I don't know exactly what's involved in it!"

Previously, I explained this by myself, but the old lady couldn't listen to it at all. I felt that it was a bit too much of a bull's-eye! Such things, their own is not good to comfort what, to a certain extent, there is not too much need!

If you are willing to believe, you won't ask too much about it. If you don't believe it, you will say nothing, right?

The old lady and Mrs. Tai are quite different. As for the husband's wife, it is the same!

Wang Li took out the phone to call in the past, or assistant to connect the phone, big brother did not have any meaning to show up at all!

"Mom, I'll try someone else!"

Wang Li didn't know who called, but the housekeeper didn't make any action. She knew something about her husband. This time? It's just a coincidence! It's really not a deliberate escape!Of course, Mr. Zhang also has the meaning of a little Qi, which I can see more or less by myself! It is only deliberately covered up, even if we know! I won't say anything!

After nearly an hour, nearly two hours, Wang Li finally got a call!

Looking at her mother, Wang Li shook her head slightly!

"Mom, there seems to be something really wrong with my elder brother. I heard that I didn't mean to go back to live in these two days. I've been on the farm all the time, and the farm is under martial law! No considerable personnel are allowed to approach! Very strict? "

"Well? What's the situation? " Su Yuan couldn't help but be stunned. At the same time, he also looked at the housekeeper, but the housekeeper was still in his original manner. The old God was making tea, and everything else was a little indifferent! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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