Wang Li thought about it for a while, and soon figured out the problem!

His mother asked a little bit of questions, the housekeeper had no way to answer! As far as I know, the housekeeper occupies a very important position in the elder brother's system. He knows everything, but it is the same kind! But mother such question, let housekeeper have no way to speak!

Because if the housekeeper answers, he is deliberately divulging some information, which is certain!

How can the housekeeper, who can sit in such a position, divulge important information? Not even the so-called hint! If even he has the meaning of this aspect, then the whole architecture will definitely have problems, which is certain!

"Mother! Don't worry Wang Li comforted for a while, then turned to look at the housekeeper, "housekeeper, the work of elder brother there should be very busy?! It's very rare to see such a scene after big brother goes back

The Chamberlain's eyelids lifted slightly! Think of a little time, nod!

"This time it's a little bit special! Sir, this is very important! So it's a little busy! "

That is to say two words, but from the housekeeper's mouth, people feel inexplicably heavy!

Su Yuan is not so serious now! "I haven't heard of any such information!" Still still skeptical attitude! Who doesn't know your housekeeper is Ding Yu's man?

But carefully think about it, although there are some contradictions between myself and the eldest son because of the children's affairs, they are not in such a situation. The eldest son's personality is a little strong, but he is not stubborn enough to listen to advice. What's more, if this matter is really discussed, it's not easy to say or listen to it!

He couldn't have known it at all. In such a way, Su Yuan's pent up spirit dissipated a lot!

"Steward, I heard that there are quite a few people in my uncle's side! Is it because of this? "

"I know about this. Quite a number of security personnel have also discussed with them, and I have seen the relevant arrangements! In addition, there are some serious situations in the past, so some people are not serious about the situation in the past

After all, this matter is not so important! The team that entered the farm was aware of it, but the housekeeper didn't mean to expose the team!

Some words can be said by themselves, but if some words are said by themselves, they should be responsible! When the time comes, the intelligence department will really come to the door! It doesn't matter if you come here, but how do you handle it? After carrying this black pot, the trouble in the future will never be too small!

If there is such a situation, I will die!

"When will the boss's work be finished?" Although Su Yuan said that he was worried, his tone of speech was very stiff and contradictory. On the one hand, he was concerned about his eldest son, on the other hand, what about him? Is to own eldest son has quite opinion, quite mood, all mixed together!

"And I heard that the farm is not far from where he lives! It's only a few minutes. His work is so busy that he can't even spare this time? "

The housekeeper gives tea to everyone. Isn't that what the old lady said on purpose? Anyway, as far as I know, sir, there is not only no time to go back, but also no rest in these two days! It's not that you don't want to, but you can't!

But now this time, the old man even took the initiative to ask for trouble. How can I say that? If you really want to tell Mr. Chen, it's not that we can't do it, but that there is no such need at all, OK? At this time, we must not let other things disturb and distract him!

However, I don't intend to explain this matter to the old lady. Some things can be explained clearly, but some things can't be explained clearly at all, and the more explanation, the more trouble it will be. It's better to do nothing!

"My husband's work is a little busy, and now I can't get away from it! The news I know is limited. After all, I'm not there anymore! " The housekeeper calmly explained a sentence! A little bit redundant!

Su Yuan took a deep breath! "What about the children? Does the housekeeper know? "

"I know something about it!" How could such a thing be concealed from the housekeeper? I am in charge of all these news, and in terms of security, I need to report to myself all the time!

There is a reason why we should record all these seemingly useless messages! It doesn't mean that they are doing so-called idle work. It's not like this at all! From some small actions and habits, we can find the problems and conditions encountered in the process of children's growth, so as to correct them in time!

These are not so simple to say, but need considerable process!Mr. Zhang's pay in this respect can be said to be regardless of the cost, regardless of the cost of that kind! Maybe in the eyes of many people, this is unnecessary, even useless. At the beginning, I felt a little redundant, but now? Deng Rong has no feelings in this respect! Even deeply shocked by this!

Ding Yu's love for children is not to say how much delicious food or fun they have bought, or what excellent environment they have provided, but through subtle education to slowly influence them, so that they can fully grow up, time-consuming and labor-consuming, and it is an investment regardless of cost!

But to be able to foresee, the future children will definitely be very excellent, this is no problem!

To know that children's education, is absolutely not to hit a meal, or scold two, can change over! It is not to say that there is no such situation, but relatively speaking, it is too special, children need to be slowly educated! The process is slow!

At that time, I also made this kind of problem, for the children in the family? Always hope that they can perform better, more outstanding, more prominent, give themselves a long face!

But now I don't go to see it like this! Children are not so educated! Need to find their flash point, after all, every child is different, can't just pursue what they are not good at!

What's more, children have a lot of self-esteem, they are all living people, not your toys!

As for the gentleman is not a bit too strict, too standard? This question? Different from person to person, why did Mr. Wang An and Tong Tong Tong take over instead of other children? That's because Wang An and Tong Tong are suitable. Other people's children are not suitable!

The so-called inappropriate in this does not mean that other children will not become excellent talents in the future. It is not such a thing! It's the way the teacher educates will have a serious conflict with other children! This is the fundamental reason!

And this kind of conflict will destroy other children!

As for the situation on the old lady's side, regarding this question? I have quite a judgment in my heart, but I will never tell this judgment. The starting point of the old lady is no problem, but this way is absolutely not suitable, at least for Ding Yun and Ding Chang!

Maybe Wang Li and Wang Yang are well educated, but what environment and situation are they facing? And what kind of environment will Ding Yun and Ding Chang face in the future? Facing different situations, the choices made are also different! Now relax! What about the future? How to deal with it?

Does the old lady also know and understand this matter? This problem Deng Rong is not good to do a considerable guess, there is no need to do this aspect of the inference! It doesn't make any sense! Or that sentence, I am the housekeeper of my husband, nothing to do with others! It's so simple!

Maybe the Wangs have considerable power in the capital, but what about that? I am an ordinary common people. I left the capital and went to other places to live. I couldn't stop myself drinking water and eating! Can't stop their yearning for life, can't Wang family still let themselves not live?

In a more vulgar word, Wang family can control the sky and the earth, and can also control their own shit fart? Even the emperor Laozi seems to be unable to manage so many things! So nature does not need to have too much care! This is the attitude of the housekeeper!

"By the way, housekeeper, I heard Xiao Gang say that they have been very busy in the past two days, and their knowledge has grown a lot!"

"I don't know much about this?! If you talk to me about collection and fiddle with flowers and plants, there are not too many problems! " The Housekeeper will not fall into this trap of words. Are you kidding? Why did the old lady come? Now, when we talk about this issue, where are we?

"Xiaogang called me and visited Li Jianxi. It seems that he also went to other consortia! It's quite beautiful! "

For such a thing, Su Yuan did not need to deny too much! If it is their own words, really can not do, after all, the national conditions are not the same! If there is such a situation in China, it will definitely make headlines! beyond all doubt!

I feel chilly when I think about this situation. But what about abroad? But it seems very normal, and the media did not have any news in this respect, so we can see that it is general!

What's more, he knows who Li Jianxi is, but the problem is that Li Jianxi knows who he is? Want to go to their headquarters to stroll around, what do you want to do? At least, if you want to do this at home, you need to pay a little bit more, which is not appropriate!

To put it bluntly, it is so simple!

"Mom, I think it's very good! For their children's growth has great benefits! I have so much envy Wang Li didn't cover up her own ideas in this aspect, but revealed some directness!

I also have two sons, but these two sons do not have the treatment of Wang Xiaogang! Even the other children at home do not have this treatment, which really makes people crazy!I have expressed my views on this aspect with my elder brother. Although he has not denied it, his attitude is ambiguous. I can understand this, but understanding is understanding. I am always ready to move in my heart!

When Wang Xiaogang was still ignorant, he was taken by the elder brother! It can be said that it is brought to the big by one hand. Ding Yun and Ding Chang have this treatment at home! Even Wang An and his brother and sister do not have such treatment, after all, they are monks on the way!

But look at Wang Xiaogang, and then look at the two children in the family. This starting point is not the same, and the future development is naturally different! That's for sure. You worked hard! But they work harder than you! There are even better conditions in the outside world. Now we are one step behind. In the future, even if we use flying, we will not be able to catch up with them!

As for the mother's worries? Wang Li's face toward her mother, but her heart is closer to her brother!

In Wang Li's opinion, the mother's starting point is good, and her mind is not wrong, but it is not suitable for the development of modern society. The elder brother seems strict, but in fact he is responsible for the children. Can't the elder brother really support the children? Are you kidding? Even if it's another 10 or 8, or 180, there's no problem!

But the elder brother did not do so. For Ding Chang and Ding Yun's unusual intentions, we should know how much the outside world envies their two children. The mother's side is actually like this! Maybe there are problems and situations that I haven't considered, but I don't intend to say it directly!

And even if you really want to say it, you won't say it in a quadrangle like this! After all, the Butler is still there? He's a big brother's confidant, and he's also a confidant among his confidants! Don't make fun of this aspect, otherwise it's easy to have problems, and it's a kind of big problem!

The future of their children still depends on their uncle. They and Shangnan have good ideas in education, but are they really suitable for children? I do not know! What's more, two people's time is not as abundant as imagined, which is quite a problem!

If Wang Li gives up her job, Wang Li doesn't have much complaint. If she can educate her two children well, everything is indifferent, isn't it? But standing in Wang Li's point of view, self-examination, really can not do this, their own education for children, do not have too much confidence!

They can teach children quite a lot of things at home or in business, but the effect of those things on their own growth is far from that of big brother! It's not an equal level at all!

What's more, whether it's from home or business? For the two children caused other aspects of the impact, this is no way to ignore, more straightforward to say! The negative impact may be greater, and even worse. After all, is the environment here in the capital? Or too much influence people!

Even Wang Li is the same. She does not deny that under the influence of the great environment in Beijing, she has developed many bad habits, but she is already an adult! So there will be evasion quite often!

But the question is, what about the two children in the family? Can they avoid this? It's hard! Even quite difficult!

So I still think it is necessary to hand over the two children to the elder brother? It's true that they can't look like Wang Xiaogang, but there's a saying that if you're close to the red, you'll get black, right? In the end, it can have a considerable impact!

And as far as I know, big brother is a very strict person! If he really means to get started, then he will never give up halfway and stick to it in the end, but he has not achieved this goal until now, and even has a considerable distance! It's a pity to have so many people!

However, I will never give up the efforts in this respect. Those two are my own sons!

As for your mother's side? It's not to say that Wang Li is a superficial response, not the reason for this!

From the perspective of family, I need to stand on the side of mother! There is no problem. Of course, this is also because the elder brother is not present now. Of course, even if he is present, he will do so. I believe that he will understand himself! There is no way!

As for Wang Yang? Hum! Wang Li is a little disdainful! Even a little angry!

This guy is silent and seems to take the initiative to stand on his mother's side, but what about the actual situation? He's already quite dependent on him! Xiao Gang's question has not been mentioned at present. Does this not explain the problem?

Now this time, no matter what kind of choice Wang Yang makes, it will not affect Wang Xiaogang's position, nor will it affect the follow-up things! Wang Yang has a lot of confidence in his heart! This is the reason why I am angry!

If you say you are like Wang Yang! I now have the courage to directly overturn the courtyard to the ground, when the eldest brother will not be unhappy, on the contrary, he will praise himself very much!But the problem is that they are not! So I can only hold back, otherwise how about?

There is a way to go, there is no way to die? There is no such reason!

So Wang Li is a little indifferent to Wang Yang! Look at your mother again!

"Mom, it's not what you think it is! If you say that the elder brother is really what you think, if the others don't say, I will not recognize him as the elder brother when I am a younger sister. There is no elder brother like him! It's not like words , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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