Hearing this, Wang Yang looked at her and was stunned! How dare you?!

If you say this at home, there is no problem, but if you put this in the courtyard of the elder brother, the housekeeper is still sitting next to him! You are so brave, are you really hairy?

But on second thought, Wang Yang really admired his sister! Insightful! This word is not only to please his mother so simple, even to a certain extent, but also to his big brother to play a guaranteed ticket! Can be regarded as from another aspect to please own big brother, has the level!

She has absolute confidence in her eldest brother, so she dare to have such expression!

The housekeeper took a look at Wang Li unexpectedly. She didn't expect that she should have such a performance. It was really unexpected! But think about it, it seems not so strange!

Whether it is Wang Li or Wang Yang, their relationship with Mr. Wang is very good! There may be some differences with Ding Ding Ding, but we need to consider that their positions are different!

However, if two people do not speak and one speaks, it does not mean that there is a gap between them. There are quite a few reasons for this! At most, Wang Li's speech is a little out of his own imagination!

Wang Li can say something at this time, but it is extremely inappropriate for Wang Yang to say anything now. Whether it is the old lady or the husband, he will not be particularly satisfied! So his silence is the best result! This is the decision of the superior! But we can't say that Wang Li is wrong! The nature is different!

"All right! Don't yell! What a big man! In two days, the children will be able to play soy sauce! "

Although the tone of his voice was a little discontented, I could hear that Su Yuan was extremely satisfied with such an answer! As for my son? Hum! Give him a look, let him understand it well!

"Housekeeper, are things new? Good leather! It's a good thing to look at

It's not a wise choice to provoke your mother and sister at this time. However, if you talk to the housekeeper, you can't talk about the elder brother directly. Instead, you need to find the so-called focus. It's like the string of string that you're talking about. At least as far as you know, you're interested in it! And there has been no dissipation!

"I just sent it to you two days ago. I have a good foundation! There's a lot of interest there, sir! "

When it comes to other things, the housekeeper doesn't have any interest in it, but is it a string? On the other hand, Siheyuan also has quite a collection here. It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. It doesn't mean that you have to pay attention to your family background or other aspects, depending on your preferences and mood!

It's just like adjusting your mood and playing for the sake of playing. It's not like you're being played by cultural relics. It's two levels!

"Big brother, I think it's all the same. I've seen the cultural games that big brother has done, and I really have some doubts. Do you want to say that these things are really valuable? It seems that some of them are not worth mentioning! But after the big brother's hand, good guy! It's like it's been beautified! What you see is exciting

The real situation is like this. The elder brother doesn't mean that he only has two or three pairs of walnuts a year, as well as some other cultural games. After two months, it is even better than the two or three years' careful care. There is no place to reason, OK! Still really is envies not to come!

I used to have this kind of hobby, but now the situation has changed, and the things I play have become so different! But in retrospect, is there any trace left? I seem to have played it! It was thrown to one side!

It seems that a lot of good things are treasured, but actually they are placed there, basically there is not much significance! Sometimes even show off the interest is not! Because staying in one's own hand is a dead thing, not like a big brother's hand. Looking at those things, you will feel spiritual!

But what happens when things are in your hands? Is it for display? Seems to have forgotten the original intention!

What about that feeling? It's as if a priceless thing is placed here, and it doesn't show its value at all. Instead, it's because of it. When the debris comes into my brother's hand, it's shining!

It can also be seen from this that there seems to be a considerable gap between each other, and the gap is getting bigger and bigger!

"Sir, it seems that he has no intention but to be at ease."

Point out the problem in one sentence! Now Wang Yang's family also has a considerable collection, and he has been identified several times. The value of things is very good. There are no too many problems in the inheritance!

Of course, Siheyuan also has its own collection. Although Mr. Chen is not very interested in it, he can't say that he doesn't have any details of this aspect, does he? The second Miss often came here to search, and did not let the quadrangle collection here reduce, but increased a lot!On this point, several children have also been very good edification, what is called inheritance, this is called inheritance, and it needs to be affected, instead of saying that one sermon can let them go deep into it. It is not such a thing at all!

Like is like, do not like is not like, reluctant!

"No way!" Wang Yang sighed, "yes! I heard that Xiaogang also has a little collection of his own. I really doubt if this child is playing elegant! Hard to say! I'm quite interested in it, but how can I say that? I was a little too young at the beginning, but it's a pity to think of it now! "

"I've seen some!" The housekeeper responded with a nod, "it's interesting. After all, he's still young, and his favorite things are a little different! This takes time! You can't be in a hurry! "

"Steward, you're in trouble After finishing his words, Wang Yang looked at his mother and sister, and Wang Yang said thoughtfully, "housekeeper, or? Do you suffer again? To arrange a meal, my mother's mind has dissipated a lot! "

"No problem! I've got people busy! Today, master Gao is here! "

Many of the cooks at home are on duty, not to say that they are stationed in the courtyard yard every day. There is no need for them. They are also too restrained! Absolutely is a kind of destruction to human nature! In this case, it is very necessary to have a good rotation! Everyone is so happy!

Wang Yang's request is not particularly difficult for the quadrangle. Even if he doesn't mention it, he will take the initiative to arrange it. Otherwise, if the outside world knows about it, it will definitely be said that it is his butler's problem!

Su Yuan looked at Deng Rong and his own son. Although his son said that he had a very good growth, he didn't have to look at the housekeeper! There is also a problem, his growth is completely brought out by his big brother! But in the end or the general knowledge of that kind, did not let themselves too disappointed!

It's a bit too much to do with my eldest son, but I still need to keep a close relationship with my eldest son at home, and my son is the best link. As for Wang Xiaogang, there is no relationship between Wang Xiaogang and things!

The younger son can't directly express his opinions and ideas like Wang Li. Even if he is to make himself happy, he can't do so!

From this point of view, the younger son is a lot of success, but still need considerable experience is! Relatively speaking? He was able to grow to this point, but also completely beyond the imagination of himself and his family!

After all, what was the situation at home, I was the most clear! Although the husband was released, and still a more important position, but at that time is basically the end! Basically, it's impossible to come back!

However, who could have thought that the eldest brother suddenly emerged, and his husband could also come out, and the whole family was rejuvenated. But the growth of Wang Li and Wang Yang was definitely delayed because of this!

Otherwise, how could Wang Yang be spinning outside without entering the system? Up to now, he has not entered the system, that is to say, he can not enter the system in this lifetime! At most, it's just banging on the side drum!

Everything at home? I still need to see Xiao Gang in the future! Only he can support this burden!

But fortunately, although there is considerable pressure, but the husband is now standing in the front, the home is also able to give Xiaogang shelter, as for the eldest son there? What do you mean by this jerk? Although he is not in the same mind with his family, as long as he stands there, he is the most solid wall. This is really not something that can be expressed by himself!

But even so, Su Yuan's heart still has quite a complaint, and look at this meaning? I'm afraid it's hard to eliminate it for a moment and a half! Even take root in my heart!

But the atmosphere was soon broken! Security came to the Butler's side position, whispered in the Butler's ear said something, Butler's waist slightly up! Turn your eyes twice!

"Old lady! I have something on my side. Go to deal with it first. Let Wang Li and Wang Yang take you for a walk to relax! A lot of things have been put on the house recently, so you should give it to me

"Well! You go to work Su Yuan doesn't know what happened, but it's not a small thing to make the housekeeper move! What's more, if you obstruct yourself, it's a matter of how much! After all, this is a quadrangle, not your own place and territory. If someone gives you this face, don't let yourself down this step!

Although it is said that this is the place for the eldest son of his family, who let himself and his eldest son have quite a contradiction now?

"When did it happen?" After that, the housekeeper left!

The security guard looked at the time on his watch. "Twenty six minutes ago, when we received the message, it was already 22 minutes! It was a little sudden! I don't know if it has something to do with my husband! ""Have you contacted your husband's people?"

"Yes, we have already sent out quite a notice, but Sir, there is no response! I informed the housekeeper as soon as possible! "

The housekeeper took a little breath. The incident was a little sudden. I don't know what kind of situation is there!

"According to our emergency plan, we should handle it properly and keep in touch with Mr. Zhang! There's no need for too much action! Everything should be stable! "

Why so much attention? There's a reason for that! Mr. Zhang knows more or less about his plan. Although his knowledge is not so comprehensive, he is on the side of the capital and is responsible for considerable dispatching. Otherwise, he can not know the news and situation. Fortunately, he has quite emergency measures here!

Emergency use, that is to say, these may be planned! Of course, it may be out of plan!

No one knows whether it happened unintentionally or deliberately! No one can tell!

Unintentionally, it may be a little better, but if it is really deliberately targeted, then there are many problems in it! So at this time, the housekeeper has expressed considerable concern for this! This is what he should do!

However, this incident happened after the old lady came to the courtyard. Could it be that the arrival of the old lady led to this matter? The housekeeper is really not good! After all, there are not many people who know about this matter at home! The outside world also needs to do the quite judgment to this time matter!

Mr. A was suddenly "nervous" and didn't show up for several days. Even his residence and work place were strictly protected. This must have been quite a move, otherwise it would never have been like this!

But no one knows what is involved! What's more, Su Yuan took Wang Li and Wang Yang to sit down in the courtyard? What happened? Is there something special going on here?

So now, at this time, the Wangs deliberately let Su Yuan come to the town? Is it not that there is no possibility of this aspect, even the possibility of this aspect is very large? Is it because of the children? So Ding Yu is going to do something else?

However, if you think about it, you will feel that this judgment is not correct. It is totally wrong. The child's affairs have been understood before! If Ding Yu now uses this matter of the child as the starting point, it is too far fetched! This is not Ding Yu's character at all! It's not his style!

It's not that Ding Yu pays attention to propriety in doing things, but that when he does things, he is very careful!

If you use children as an excuse, it will appear that Ding Yu is too tasteless! It is hoped that Ding Yu can do such a thing, but he is not such a person at all!

But this time a little too unexpected, two or three days of time have no Ding Yu any news! Along with the directors under his hand, it seems that he has entered a certain state. Obviously, Ding Yu has a big thing to do!

How long has Ding Yu been calm? This is absolutely nothing in the past, so there must be something hidden behind this thing! Now to understand, to explore! Even if it's something to pay for it!

It's like marching and fighting! After the other side has quite the movement, own side is needs to maintain the quite rational and the restraint, cannot react excessively! But you can't do nothing, just wait for others to call your door. If you react at that time, daylily is already cold and it's too late to do anything!

But this also needs to pay attention to the way and method, who knows whether Ding Yu is intentional?

It is to make a seemingly fierce reaction, but wait for his side to take the initiative to come to the door. If he really does, then he will follow the trend. After all, Ding Yu has too many precedents like this! It's just one of the countless. You really need to take good precautions!

After waiting for a while, the housekeeper got the response from Ding Yu. Just keep it! There is no need to have any fierce reaction, now this time is really not too much need!

As for the previous tentative response? It doesn't belong to the radical one, and there won't even be any so-called improper. At most, I want to see what kind of reaction Ding Yu will have!

If Ding Yu takes it too seriously! Then it shows that Ding Yu must have some action here!

Of course, it's not that Ding Yu's arbitrary disposal means nothing!

If Ding Yu said to handle this matter at will, it means there must be some other follow-up. Do you need to dig deeper? It's like talking about Kim? He has been hiding for such a long time. Will he take advantage of this thing to suddenly come out? Not so easy to say! In the end, we need to work harder!

Want to know how many people are scratching their ears for this matter, even their hair does not know how much fall!But without any effect, gold disappeared like a ghost! If you don't know how much force you want, you can't find any trace of it. If you don't know how much force you want, you can't find it!

A person to hide something, need a hundred people to find, not to mention still such a living person!

Jin is quite different from ordinary people. Before he went to Ding Yu, he could only say that he was excellent. However, after he went to Ding Yu, NIMA's was completely transformed into another person!

What a change! People can not accept that kind!

He is Ding Yu's security supervisor. To be more practical, if you want to solve Ding Yu, you must first disintegrate Jin. But the problem is that you can't even find him now. What else do you talk about is Disintegration?

Is this guy going to shut up? Or went to some other place, how do you give us some news!

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