The sea took a deep look at Su Yu and their little couple. How much do they know about their situation! Especially Su Yu's wife, but I don't care much about Su Yu's situation!

Why? Su Yu's situation was known at that time!

The so-called "knowing" and "caring" are totally two different concepts. Ignoring is not taking it as a thing at all, but knowing? To a certain extent, is to this person has the quite interest and the understanding!

But look at the meaning now, Su Yu is taking other luck now!

What's more, it should be Ding Yu's side. Aunt Su Yuan has this ability, but the problem is that it's not enough to rely on Aunt Su Yuan's ability and family status! Only Ding Yu has such a big hand!

Otherwise, he will come out now, and he won't be beaten too little! At least as far as I know, the relationship between three brothers and Suchen is good!

"Good thing! Marry a good wife! It's true! I really do

"Let big brother Haige laugh!"

"Not really." The sea shook his head. "At this point, I really envy. The so-called family has a good wife and men don't get into trouble. It's not so simple to say. Since ancient times, I don't know how many people have been destroyed in this matter. But Xiaobao, should you hurry up?"

There was a burst of laughter, not to mention that the sea still has two brushes, but this also has a lot to do with his experience. His family is very good, but he did not follow the normal line, but opened up a new path. Although it seems that he is not a vassal, but a free world!

However, the sea does not mean to be involved in the specific things. It is a matter for him to have a friendship with Ding Yu. He mentioned this matter to his third brother. Although he scolded himself, he could hear what it meant. So he did not have any taboos!

Otherwise, what if those guys drag themselves out of the office? There are countless ways and means to escape this thing, it is a simple thing! It's not that difficult!

The reason why I came here is because of Ding Yu! After all, Ding Yu saved his little life at the beginning, and he and his third brother could say that they watched Ding Yu rise with their own eyes. In this process, they didn't make much effort, but they got too much reward! Let them all feel a little numb on their scalp!

If there is something about the Wangs, they may reach out to help, but they will never go too far. But if it comes to Ding Yu's business, even if it's on daoshan mountain! Under the sea of fire, are not said, the friendship between each other is out of the place! Don't involve any so-called interests, or other false things!

On the other hand, if something happened to him and his third brother, Ding Yu would never stand idly by!

Years ago, the third brother went to Ding Yu's side and even met with each other for a drink! Let oneself good one's envy, oneself have no such opportunity! The main thing is not too much time!

I can't find Ding Yu to drink with nothing, can I? It's not that I don't want to. I have a good job, and Ding Yu's side is the same. If it wasn't for the third brother's special reason, they would not drink together!

"Yes! I heard that the third brother went to the elder brother's place, this time it can be said that the clouds are on the rise! "

"Hi! I would like to find a chance to call everyone over and get together well! What happened? Third elder brother over there busy heel does not land, me? It's a mess, too

Although it is mutual exclamation, but the things revealed between the lines have a considerable meaning! It's not to say that we are really standing here in a disorderly way, how can things be, who are not so idle in the imagination!

After everyone talked about it, they left by car! Of course not back! It's just the end of the story! Now stop. If you are tired next time? Or if there is any other interest, what should we do if we have nothing?

What else can we do? Come back and continue. Can't you understand such a simple thing?

In other words, find a shady place to talk about the conditions. If the conditions are satisfactory to them, there is no need to say. Go back to each home! Go to your mother. If the conditions are not suitable, you're from there. Get out of here! It's so simple!

Quite a lot of news is also gathered to the courtyard, now the information is developed! There is no need for so-called people coming and going. How can there be so many troubles? And this side of the courtyard? Although it is said that Ding Yu has become a place to live, but the facilities inside can be said to be everything! The end is not to be underestimated that kind!

It may be a little exaggeration to say that neither flies nor mosquitoes can fly in here, nor is it airtight, but there are quite a few of them to say that there are strict security here! It just doesn't show much!

Su Yuan takes a look at her daughter. Wang Li shakes her head slightly. She comes to the courtyard more often than her mother. She is very familiar with the courtyard, but now, everything is just the surface! There are so many things hidden behind this! And I was blinded by the surface!What's more, today's contact with the housekeeper has given him a deeper understanding. This old guy is really bad enough and can live calmly. With so many housekeepers coming to the quadrangle, I'm afraid he is the most calm! But think about it, if it is not this calm words, he will not come to this position!

Just follow up? In the future, I still don't want to turn around here in the courtyard! Who knows if there are other ideas in the housekeeper's heart, and these years, he seems to have done a bit too much!

Say, oneself is elder brother's younger sister, and still kiss younger sister, ding ding that younger sister? It's just a kind of joint relationship, at least in my own opinion! But between oneself and Ding Ding Ding, seems to have the so-called high and low!

This makes Wang Li have some shame, but there is a trace of insight behind the shame!

Su Yuan, who was sitting next to him, looked at her daughter's appearance. She was a little puzzled, but before she could speak, she saw that the housekeeper had lit the incense and shook her head slightly at herself. Her movements were very gentle and there was no sound. After lighting the incense, she left in person. Even when she left, she also indicated to Su Yuan!

"Butler, what's wrong with this?" Su Yuan is far away from the position, this just low voice inquires up!

"Sir, it's hard to ask for opportunities and to see them! If you catch it, you will catch it! If you can't grasp it, you can't catch it, and you can't insist on it! It's hard for us to learn from ourselves and benefit from it! " When the housekeeper talks, he has endless feelings!

Now Wang Li is absolutely not dazed or bored. She wants to encounter such a scene, but she has never had it. Her husband mentioned to herself that she may have an opportunity, but the chance is something that can't be seen or touched. Maybe the next moment will come, and maybe she can't ask for it all her life!

Su Yuan looked suspiciously at the housekeeper, and then looked at his daughter, look at her appearance, is obviously in a daze!

"Old lady, some people can't find this chance all their lives. Some people know the tricks, but having the tips doesn't mean that they will be able to enter the gate. Even quite a lot of time, we can only stand at the door and can't get in. Because Wang Li is backed by many people, she has a lot of pollution and a little chance!"

"Back to everyone?" Su Yuan seems to understand something!

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, old lady. I didn't stay in the courtyard for a long time. But when I was with my husband, I knew something more or less. If I knew it, I knew it! I don't know, how to explain, and I don't understand. More frankly, some people suddenly seem to have changed another person! The state of life has reached the point of seeing mountains as mountains, which is very extraordinary! "

"This is a way of practicing Zen. It is transcendent and holy! From saint to fan! No one is holy But then the housekeeper also laughed bitterly, "I can explain the truth, but let me do it concretely, I can't do it!"

"Zen? Isn't this a Buddhist thing? I remember the eldest brother seems to be a Taoist? Are you learning this? "

Su Yuan had some doubts. After all, as far as he knew, Taoism and Buddhism were totally different beliefs!

"Just two different ways of practice! It is not to say that their things are monsters. We should learn from them! Just absorb enough nutrients! I've seen things from Taoism and Buddhism, and I've got quite a feeling, but I can't reach the level of enlightenment. My practice is not enough! "

Su Yuan felt a little toothache. He had a little bit more things this day! This has nothing to do with the so-called superstition. The eldest son is a Taoist, but he is not superstitious. He is very sure of this, but there are quite a few things in it. If you don't understand it, then don't follow the nonsense!

"Housekeeper, I'd like to ask, where is the boss?"

"Can't say, can't say!" The housekeeper gave a little smile, "what's the point, sir? I can not peep, random speculation will cause their own palpitations, if the heart is disordered, the body can not sit upright, the body can not sit upright, the buttocks will be crooked, hands and feet will move disorderly! The whole person collapsed! It's not far from death

How could Su Yuan not understand such a simple explanation!

Sure enough, the housekeeper the boss chose for himself is definitely not for nothing. Although he lives in the courtyard, he is also a sleeping tiger. Like a kitten, it is just his image! If you show the so-called real body, you don't have to do it. You can scare a lot of people by opening your mouth!

"Wang Li has such an opportunity? This girl is very popular! They're already motherfuckers! I don't know the weight yet! "

"Don't say that Wang Li has such a chance. It's not Wang Yang and Xiao Bao who can compare with each other. For example, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao may dig out a piece of jade after digging a mine for three years. However, if Wang Li goes there to travel, she may pick up a piece of jade! This is a personal chance, it can't be compared! "Su Yuan stood at the gate of the garden and thought about it carefully. Wang Li, the child, really makes people feel that she can't say it. In popular words, the girl's life is not so good!

When she was a child, she and her husband left the capital, and she followed her father. Because of her father's sake, she was a little bit reckless and arrogant, so she didn't walk sideways, but it seemed to be almost the same. When the family was a little lonely and could not hold on, the boss came back! Later, she found a husband, and her family background was prominent. The important thing was to get along with Wang Li! Even gave birth to twins! This really is not jealousy two words, can explain everything!

What about the boss? Wang Yang is no different from him! They are all born in one family! Are the same parents, but Wang Yang did not have such a life!

With myself and my husband, I was very careful, and even I was affected by it. The most precious time was wasted! Did not fall down solid foundation, later or because the boss came back! He found another way! But even if it is like this, it is also walking with trepidation, step by step carefully, who is going to argue with?

Each person has his own destiny. This remark really makes people don't know how to comment on it!

"Butler? Wang Yang and Wang Li, including Xiao Bao and Su Yu? There are so many not very sensible, don't look at them have a family and business! Some things are not so steady, but you have to pay more attention to them! "

"Old lady, you are serious!" For such things, there are still quite a few in the mind of the big tube family! "Sir, I'm looking at them all! Anyway, sir is not a god

Su Yuan couldn't help but be stunned by this remark. Isn't it God? The second half? Isn't it a fairy? It's not God. It's easy to understand. God doesn't care about feelings! As for the so-called immortal? One man gets the way, the dog rises to the sky! Say half a sentence, leave half a sentence, really is the character of the housekeeper! It's really the same as my eldest son!

If it was not for the contradiction between myself and my eldest son, I would not have known so many things!

However, it is obvious that these should be given by his eldest son. If not, will the housekeeper say these things? Don't even think about it! It's impossible! The ravines in his heart can't be explored to the end! Even if you have the most advanced tools and instruments, it is the same!

"Then I will trouble the housekeeper! It seems that those people outside are a little impatient to wait! "

The housekeeper snorted! "Old lady, the more impatient they are, the more interesting it will be!"

Su Yu is a Spartan character, and for him, he is an expert. There is no need for Wang Yang and Xiao Bao to show up! All they need to do is watch the play!

Although Su Yu did not have any interest in the previous events, the subsequent negotiations gave Su Yu another insight, which completely broke his own boundaries and imagination!

Although it was said that the world had become materialistic, Su Yu felt that he had not lived in vain because of such a unique discussion? There is Wang Yang and Xiaobao two people, this attitude is very indifferent, simply did not regard as a thing!

I didn't think they were so wonderful before. Isn't there a big brother in front of them? But now Su Yu really doesn't think so? I seem to miss a lot of things! I don't know if I can get it back?

For a while, Su Yu suddenly had this idea. He didn't know how to sprout such an idea. Anyway, he did! Some things are not clear and the road is not clear!

But anyway? Even if Su Yu and his lions opened their mouths, the matter would have been solved within an hour. No one knows when Ding Yu, the evil dragon, will open his eyes. If he does, the food will be bad!

However, it seems that Ding Yu still has no meaning in this respect! I don't know what kind of idea is in his heart, but this ridge must be the one that can't pass!

"Old lady, Wang Yang, their affairs have been solved!"

The housekeeper's face was calm and could not see any change! For the housekeeper, those things are Pediatrics, and they don't need to show up by themselves. As for the guys outside, ha ha!

"Then the Housekeeper will be in trouble."

The people waiting in the car outside are constantly wiping the sweat on their forehead. It's not hot, it's because of worry, but because of fear! If things are handled carelessly, then the consequences of waiting will be earth shattering!

Offending Ding Ding Yu doesn't mean that it can't be done. It's nothing more than fighting with each other, or even choosing a place to film. It's a very simple thing, and it's not that we haven't done it!

But offending the Wang family, the Su family and the Zheng family, such a thing is really too difficult! It's even more painful than offending Ding Yu. Do you really think that the power of the three schools is for nothing? Are you kidding?What kind of power is there behind the three? What are the arrangements?

In the dark, there is no more than you hit me, I beat you, kill the matter, there won't be too many problems! But the disputes on the surface are even more terrible and shocking than killing them! If it really rises to a certain height, it's not the problem of one person and two people. All the pieces are Pediatrics!

No one dares to be vague in such a matter. We should know that no one else can be seen outside the courtyard or even the whole street! Waiting for the final news, Wang Li can not answer the phone, but the housekeeper's phone has not been put down, as for Su Yuan there is more so! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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