Seeing someone come out of the car, and the courtyard door is also opened a gap, quite a lot of people are greatly relieved! I don't know what's going on? But at least the progress is good!

No one knows what discussions are going on inside. When they look out, the four people's expressions of frustration will know that this negotiation, or the result, will have a great impact on them. Otherwise, they will never be the expression in front of them!

But it's a good thing to have the result. At least, it's the past to use Su Yuan as a raft!

No matter what happens in the future, Ding Yu can't find trouble with this matter any more! This is the rule! Even Ding Yu can't break him at will!

There is no way, the people under the hand do wrong things, then the people above need to top up, who let the people below you do wrong things, you are about to poke down a big hole in the sky! Can I spare you in such a situation?

When Wang Yang and his wife came back, they were very cautious and careful. So did Su Yu, who was roaring with cattle. He even took the initiative to pull his wife back. This is not quite like Su Yu's style!

Su Yuan's face, sitting on the chair, didn't show much excitement. This time, he borrowed the wind from his eldest son! Think about it is also very angry, what is the purpose of their own come over? It's the eldest son, but now? Earth shaking changes have taken place!

Some words I really can't tell the younger generation. I need to go back to discuss with my husband. There are some things I need to ask about my husband. When I came to the courtyard this time, I saw a little more things!

At the same time, I have another understanding of siheyuan! From the point of view of the truth, this situation should not happen, but in fact, the inside story of the courtyard is a little bit thick, thick people can't see clearly!

How many years has Ding Yucai come back? He shouldn't have such details? Is there any other problem?

At the thought of this, Su Yuanru sat on the needle felt and felt as if she had been caught by a kitten! It's itchy!

"Mom, where's the second sister?" Wang Yang looked around, not the courtyard where they had been sitting before!

"There's something wrong with her. Don't disturb her!" Looking at his nephew again, "Su Yu, your little couple's performance this time is very good! It's worth praising. It's not a bad thing to practice more, but pay more attention to the ways and methods next time! Do you know? Don't be so aggressive? "

"Gu?" Su Yu is a little hippie, looking at really want to let people give him two slaps!

"Don't give me that. I won't eat it!" Su Yuan snorted! A little speechless to his nephew's scoundrel! "Before, your elder brother gave your daughter-in-law some things, that is, some jewelry. As for your things, I have buckled them down! I'm so impatient! It's not like words

Then he looked at his niece and daughter-in-law, "you! Look at him a little more. He will be a father in two days! You are a daughter-in-law. You should be more disciplined! What's the matter? I'll support you

"Thank you, aunt!"

"All right! Things here are almost the same! All went back to their homes and went to their mothers! And don't disturb your second sister. She stays here and doesn't know when she will wake up. I think she is a bit of a demon! "

In suhai's home, Hua Xiaoying looks at the things she has sent, and she feels a little bit surprised. Then there are some flushes on her face. What's the meaning of sending things to her daughter-in-law? Do you deliberately hit yourself in the face?

When Su Hai comes back, he looks at the things on the table and his wife. The corners of his mouth twitch! But he did not speak, but pursed his mouth, took off the hat and put it well, this is his habit!

After a new change of clothes, Su Hai came out and sat there. He didn't look at his wife at all. He didn't mean to talk. Instead, he sat on his sofa and looked at him directly!

Hua Xiaoying's body couldn't help jerking two times, "OK, I know the previous thing was wrong! But what does he mean by Su Yuan? To humiliate me with these things on purpose? My mother-in-law is not good enough, and her mother-in-law is impeccable? I know they are up now! But there is no one like that

When talking, Hua Xiaoying did not dare to look directly at her husband, but peeped at him. Seeing his eyes, she couldn't help but shiver, and then quickly turned her head away! "I didn't do it right! But should she tell me when she's doing this? "

Su's body leaned on her? Stupid as a pig

"Suhai, don't go too far?" Hua Xiaoying's anger rose all of a sudden!

"Too much?" There is no anger, no anger, it is very insipid, but the indifference revealed in the words makes Hua Xiaoying don't know why, and her heart starts to shrink up, and the expression on her face is also quite unnatural! At the same time, when looking at her husband, it is quite unnatural!"More than that, I haven't said it yet." Su Hai is calmer than ever!

"You don't know what Su Yu looks like. You don't know. Wang's family is willing to take a hand. It depends on the Su family's face. To be exact, there are two reasons. One is that I am a member of the Su family, and I am a benefactor to our father. Is the other reason? It's because of my nephew, sometimes he doesn't seem to have too much weight in his work, but it's still fairly fair. No one can say why! "

"That shouldn't be in this way, right?"

"Well! Today, let's open the window and tell the truth! " Su Hai's indifference makes Hua Xiaoying's heart twitch again! For this reason, Su Hai also specially rolled his clothes sleeves! "I am responsible for Su Yu's growth to this day! It's a big responsibility. The son is not the godfather's fault. This is my problem! "

Yeah? Hua Xiaoying feels that something is wrong! You know, suhai has never mentioned this aspect of the matter, now suddenly said, let yourself a little bit can not accept!

"Su Yu can't carry the future of the Su family. He has no military experience. Even if he wants to go in now, he will only be a puppet in the future! It doesn't work! Su Quan has no interest in this aspect at all! Otherwise, it would not be in the same position as it is now! "

"To Suchen?" Flower Xiaoying immediately gnash teeth up? The facial expression is even so some ferocious! Anyone can take over, but only Su Chen can't accept it!

"If you are stupid, are you really stupid?" Su Hai is very disdainful to say! "Su Chen is not following the military line at all. Does he want to take charge of this force in the future? Do you think it's possible? He can't! "

"What do you mean This word Hua Xiaoying said casually! I didn't go through my head at all!

"How I do it is my own business. I just want to tell you something about Su Yu." Su Hai woke up all of a sudden, and took a look at Xiaoying. He couldn't help humming, "what else do you want to know? Don't ask if you shouldn't ask! I'm not going to say, you know, there's no good in it! "

"Yes Hua Xiaoying is also cruel! "Why did you let Su Yu take the lead? You said that Su Yu was a little frustrated, I admit. But this time he came back and changed a lot. You didn't see what they wanted this time? And Ding Yu, I don't deny that you are good and he is excellent, but what do you mean this time? "

Su Hai clenched his teeth and said, "why let Su Yu come out? Because our daughter-in-law is excellent, but if it goes on like this, Su Yu will be abolished! Let Su Yu come forward this time, because he is the most suitable one. Su Yuan thinks a lot about this time! "

"Don't worry, listen to me! Su Yu doesn't even need to show up in the future, but his position has been placed there. He is equal to Wang Yang and Xiao Bao. This is the signal from the quadrangle. His daughter-in-law is one of them. This is true, but she is the daughter-in-law of the Su family and Su Yu's old woman! What else do you not understand? "

"Why didn't Wang Yang and Xiao Bao show up? Let Su Yu rush forward with all his strength, and it will not be them who will die at that time! "

"Short sighted, let Su Yu sit in the center of the town, can he sit? Give him a chair. It's OK! If Su Yu really sat there this time instead of standing up, what would other aspects think? Su Yu is a man in a nest? Really, if you stand up, it's not bullshit? If you want to sit down, you need to have real skills. Even if you are pretending to be, you also need to stand up and give an account to everyone! This time is an explanation

"As for whether this is the meaning of the Wang family or that of my nephew, I don't know yet! Generally speaking, that's what you have to say! Say it all together

Hua Xiaoying is a little dumbfounded. He really didn't think about it, or didn't think about it at all. He felt that letting Su Yuchong in the front position was Ding Yu's revenge on his son. After all, he had this criminal record, which is not the first time!

"Who knows what your nephew is paying attention to? He is such a person, said to be a family, not see a few times throughout the year, even ask for a door to see! The threshold of their house is shoulder high

"What's the matter? In your way? " Su Hai snorted, "if you were a cow, you would have been flying! The earth can't hold you! Isn't it? "

"What do you mean by sending these things here? I don't have a good foundation at home, but I don't have to humiliate me like this. I'm still her sister-in-law of Su Yuan. She does it like this? "

"You really give yourself a long face!" Su Hai felt that he had never been so calm! I should be very angry now, but why not be angry now? Is it too angry! After reflection, it seems that this is not really the problem?

Because of the sudden pause, Hua Xiaoying felt a little strange, because she found that her husband's face had changed dramatically. Her face was red, white, purple and colorful, just like a kaleidoscope! But now everything is gone, at most it is a little white! That's it!What's more, since he came back, Su Hai's words have been holding down his emotions, like a husband who has not been released from the gate, but now he suddenly calms down, as if everything is not enough to attract him, and there is no provocation! He's calm!

What's the situation? Hua Xiaoying doesn't know how to deal with it! He should be very angry now, and even scolded himself. But why did he not express this aspect at all?

"Things should have been sent from the courtyard! That's what my nephew meant Su Hai took out a cigarette and lit the cigarette in his hand calmly. After taking a puff, he put his hand on the armrest of the sofa! The body leans back slightly, and the whole person is slightly tired!

"Not all the same!" Although Hua Xiaoying still insists on, she has already called the housekeeper. After all, her husband's identity is different. There are doctors specially equipped in the family. Hua Xiaoying has some worries! I feel that something is wrong. My husband's performance is very different!

"The meaning of the siheyuan sent here is completely different from that of Su Yuan." Su Hai explained that she was very patient. "It was sent by Siheyuan, which means Ding Yu wants to tell the Su family that Su Yucheng will not become a tool? This is another saying, but the siheyuan has no intention of leaving the Su family out! The three families are one. It used to be like this, and it will be the same in the future! "

The doctor and the attendant trotted along the way! Even the breath is not so uniform! Did quite a check for Su Hai! In addition to a little high blood pressure, other are still relatively normal!

"Chief, your blood pressure is a little high. Pay attention if you feel coma or other conditions? ... "

before I finished, I saw Su Hai waving his hand! After all the others have left, Su Hai continues to speak, which is still very smooth. It makes people feel a little scared, even chilly. Hua Xiaoying looks at her husband and doesn't know why. He is so strange now!

"The three in one thing, the Su family is lagging behind! The relationship between Suchen and the boss is good, but he can not represent the Su family, this is for sure! At least for now. As for what will happen in the future, it's not clear now! "

Feeling a little bit of taste, Su Hai made a cup of tea by herself. Hua Xiaoying wanted to help, but she was shunned by suhai. She didn't mean to let her start! Although it is a small action, but let flower Xiaoying not from the face of a change, this in the past, is never before!

Sitting down again, Hua Xiaoying can't help but lean to suhai's sofa. Just now, he sat a little far away, but now even if he is sitting close, Su Hai still has no difference! There is no meaning of rejecting thousands of miles away, but there is no other response, all of which is so insipid!

Insipid is tasteless, all of the same!

"Su Yuan is my sister. No matter whether the relationship between you and her is good or bad, she can't use such things to practice you. She thinks too much! What's more, she's in the courtyard now. Su Yuan can't take out these things. Only the courtyard can take them out. I've already said the meaning of Ding Yu's taking out this thing! It's for the Su family, but also for the outside world! This is also one of the purposes of sending it! "

After a sip of tea, it was a little hot, but it couldn't warm Su Hai's heart. "This time, someone took Su Yuan as a raft. If the Su family didn't get involved, the outside world would certainly make a lot of noise. At that time, the Su family would be very embarrassed. Su Yu's performance was very" impulsive ". This was not on the pole, and there was no overt performance If Su Yu has any problems in this matter, he will be covered by the courtyard! "

"I didn't think so much!"

Su Hai slightly um, and then there is no meaning to speak, smoking and drinking tea! Her eyes closed slightly, and she didn't know whether she was resting or thinking about things. She was a little unclear. Hua Xiaoying, who claimed to know her husband well, was also a little surprised. What's wrong with her husband today?

Happy? Absolutely not? My side is almost a mess! But anger? When I came back earlier, I still had some feelings in this aspect, but now he is not angry!

"Old Su, wait a minute, Su Yu and their little couple are coming back! Just called me. I'm going to make something to eat? What do you want to eat? I'll prepare it for you

Su Hai didn't agree or disagree. To put it bluntly, she was indifferent. How do you like it? If you want to do it, do it well! Do not want to do, I will never have any reluctance!

Su Yuan and his couple came back faster, but before they got to the door, the housekeeper whispered to them! Although I don't know the truth, the chief is very angry after he comes back!

"Dad! Mom! I'm back

Su Hai looked at the couple, slightly nodded his head, looked at the expression on Su Yu's face, nodded his head, looked at the things in his hands, "where did you come from?""It's given by the housekeeper. It's a bit reckless this time! But after feeling very empty, especially the next thing, let me have a little different feeling! I don't think the previous events are interesting! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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