Su Hai leaned forward his body, string, and box, these things are not his son's favorite!

"Why do I give you something like this? As far as I know, your brother likes it very much?"

Then he pointed to the things on the table, "it's from the courtyard, it's for your daughter-in-law, but from now on, what you get should be the most special! It's even unexpected. It's hard to think about it! "

The couple sat down under the sign of their father. Su Yu sat on his father's side, while his wife sat beside Hua Xiaoying! They complement each other!

"Should my performance be OK today? So it gives me a chance to be quiet Playing with the string on his hand, Su Yuan looks bored! "It was exciting at first, but after that? Think about it, it's a shame to think about it! What the hell! I wonder what I've done myself? "

"I'll tell you? Their family... "

Hua Xiaoying said this on purpose, hoping to see her husband's reaction. If he is still angry, he will definitely refute himself, but he has not got any response from her husband! He did not look at his own meaning, did not deliberately take any posture, and even deliberately waiting for himself to speak! Nothing there?

Su Yu looked at his mother with disbelief. Judging from the meaning of her words and the news sent to him by the housekeeper, his mother was obviously dissatisfied with her father. His wife had carefully analyzed these things with her on the way back. She did not mean that she didn't know anything at all!

"Mom, you're worried! In fact, everything is very good! I don't think it's meaningful. The main reason is that I feel that the things I did before are just humiliating to our Su family! It's all bullshit, but a smart person wouldn't do it like this, but let me change all of them now. I don't think it's possible, but I'll do it slowly! Dad! Mom! If you have time in the future, all of you will look at me and give me more advice! "

Hua Xiaoying is stunned. Is this his own son? How could he say such a thing?

Su Hai also watched for a period of time, "what's in the box?" Direct to the topic to shift! There is no succession at all! For Hua Xiaoying, it's a bit of a slap in the face!

"I don't know!" Su Yu's answer is very simple! "Wang Yang said," when I think I can open him, I can open it! Then you can walk into the courtyard by yourself, instead of having someone to take it with you now! I think this test is very interesting. Big brother is more severe, but it's not that he is inhumane at all, but his expression is very difficult for ordinary people to accept! " When he finished speaking, he shook his head helplessly!

This is strange! Do you know that Su Yu is not intelligent enough? Nonsense! It is definitely a kind of slander to the Su family, but is he a normal person? It seems that it is not so accurate, always feel the shortcomings of what!

Anyway, there are all kinds of things to say. This is also the reason why Su Hai has been conniving, but today's situation seems to have changed a bit! Did you pretend it on purpose? Su Hai really does not have any assurance! I'm just very sober now, as for others? ha-ha!

"It's OK. It's up to you!" Some things can be concerned about, but some things care too much, it is obviously not appropriate! It's like the thing in front of you! Do not need too much to tangle what, there is no need!

"Dad! Mom! Today's thing is a little special, I don't know how to deal with it! At that time, I was really stupid, but now I think of it, it's a little aftertaste! "

Yeah! Su Hai slightly hum a, and then lean on the sofa, where closed eyes, and not too much to pay attention to the meaning! A little too old God is there, so Su Yu doesn't know how to deal with it. Hua Xiaoying looks at her husband and her son, but she shakes her head slightly!

The husband's situation is very wrong, in the past, the child came back! Either reprimand or look at each other coldly, but it will never be as indifferent as it is today? It's not indifference. It gives people a feeling of indifference and tastelessness! I can't tell what the reason is? It's weird anyway!

"Dad?" Su Yu called tentatively!

"You can do it yourself! This time, things are OK, not perfect, but for you, it is also a great progress! However, under such circumstances, I want to be able to enter the courtyard. From my personal point of view, my daughter-in-law is more likely! It's true that you sit in a chair, but because of the present situation, you can only sit down. But what about the future? I do not know! Cherish it

Su Hai directly made the matter clear! There's nothing to hide!

"Because of your chance, you're the only one?! In the end, there is still some affection, but don't waste it! Because you don't have a third chance! You know what I meanAll the people in the room knew how things happened. At first, Su Yu made a muddle headed thing. Now it's the second chance! As for the matter of Su Yu's return, it is not included in it. This is because of his grandfather's relationship, so now is Ding Yu's second chance! Not a third chance!

The so-called again and again, absolutely not again and again! Give you the opportunity, you have not been able to grasp well, then in the future if there are any problems and situations, then I am sorry!

"Dad! I don't have the confidence in this aspect, and I don't know if I can stick to it. I'm afraid that such a thing will happen in three minutes. After all, it's not so strange that such a thing happens to me! "

Su Yu is very straightforward. Hua Xiaoying beside him looks at his son. However, he has never seen this situation in his son. What has he experienced today? Why has such a big change taken place? Suddenly wake up?

"I can't supervise you all the time. It's unrealistic. If there's anything, you can discuss with me. The decision I made is the most correct, but it can give you considerable experience. Of course, I think you can ask Wang Yang and Xiaobao for advice. If possible, you can call your elder brother With! "

"I dare not!" Su Yu didn't cover up his "cowardice". He had a call from his elder brother, but he never called his elder brother. He just didn't dare, because he didn't know what to say at that time!

"It's normal, but if you have courage, you will find that sometimes you think a little bit too much! The reality may be totally different from what you imagine! "

Su Hai slightly yawned, and I don't know why. I felt a little tired. I was sober before. Although I was not so excited, I had never been so sober. But after waking up, I felt a little trance! I don't know what the reason is!

"Dad? Dad It's not right to look at my father! Su Yu jumps up, but shakes twice. Su Hai still doesn't have any response. The attendants and doctors rush over at the first time, and they start to deal with the emergency!

"How's it going?" The house is not in a mess, but they are impatient! After all, suhai is the soul of the family! Now all of a sudden it's falling down! I can't bear it!

"The chief has stabilized for the time being! However, the situation is still unknown. It is temporarily stable, which does not mean that there are no other problems. We still need to do some follow-up inspections, which can not be completed at home! "

After hesitating for a while, the doctor then said, "the blood pressure of the chief was a little unstable before? Now the situation is not so good, so we need to be quite prepared! "

"Doctor Shan, is there a big problem?" Flower Xiaoying the whole person has so some shiver! I know what happened to my husband, even my son and daughter-in-law. Although they don't know the truth, they can still guess!

"It's not clear at present. The home equipment is not so complete, but the problem is not so big. Maybe it's a moment of anger. If you explain it in popular terms, it may cause some blood vessel rupture. But according to my personal observation, there should be no big problem!"

The first time the family came to the hospital! Su Hai didn't think of such a thing!

When Su Yuan received the phone call, he couldn't sit still! After all, that is his elder brother, but today his actions and actions seem to have no conflict with the Su family! Why does big brother have a sudden illness? He also called himself before, and those words he said at that time also appeared in his mind!

Did you quarrel with your sister-in-law? In addition to this aspect of the reason, I really can not think of other!

When he came to the hospital, he looked at all the people waiting outside. Su Yu also quickly won! "Gu, why are you here? They said there was nothing wrong with it! You don't have to go there in person! "

"How is your father? How could this happen all of a sudden? Have you checked it? "

"Yes, I have. Now they are waiting for the results. They are waiting there. I will come to meet them. For the time being, the problem is not so big!" Su Yu is also with his aunt's side position, together to the ward side of the walk!

"For what? It can't break out all of a sudden, can't it? " While walking, Su Yuan asked eagerly!

"We don't know. When we went back, we said a few words to my father. He was very happy to feel it. But without two words, my father didn't have much reaction! The doctor at home said that my father's blood pressure is a little high! Let him pay attention, there is no other problem besides this! "

When she saw Hua Xiaoying, she looked very nervous, even afraid! When he found Su Yuan, his eyes were a little dodgy! I dare not look at each other with Su Yuan!Su Yuan can see how it happened! She must have had a fight with her big brother! Two people quarrel with each other, their big brother is angry, so it will lead to this situation now!

But now is not the time to argue about these issues! Let's take a look at the big brother's situation?!

"What's going on there, big brother?" Now there is no need to have any blame, also do not need to say anything else, there is no need! For the time being, we still need to take a look at big brother's situation, and then talk about other follow-up problems!

"The doctor said there was nothing too big! It's not cerebral hemorrhage, the brain problem is not big, it is a little high blood pressure, now has begun to deal with, other checks are still in progress! No other obvious symptoms and problems were found! "

Although Hua Xiaoying made a lot of explanations, these explanations were not enough. Soon the attending doctor also came to see the two ladies!

"Judging from the examination results just now, the problem is not so big, there is no dangerous situation such as cerebral hemorrhage. It is just that the blood pressure is a little high, which leads to other abnormal reactions of the body, which makes us angry and anxious! However, considerable attention should be paid in the future. If this happens again, it will be difficult to guarantee whether there will be other situations? "

"Thank you, doctor!" Hua Xiaoying and Su Yuan said with one voice!

When she comes back again, Hua Xiaoying stands at the door of the ward, hesitating! My husband is in there! But I don't know whether I should go in or stay here at this time. I don't know!

"What's the matter, big brother?" Looking at the hesitant flower Xiaoying, Su Yuan slightly frowned and asked in a low voice! Su Yu and his wife are in the room! You don't need to worry about it! Just can take advantage of this free time to ask two, willing to say, better, not willing to say, they will not force what!

"I had a little bit of a brain before! Su Yu and his little couple went to your side. I heard something. I couldn't control it at that time! So I said a few words and did some things. Your elder brother scolded me, but I didn't understand. My idea at that time was that you used Su Yu as a gunner, so I didn't pay attention to your elder brother. After he came back, he said something to me. At that time, he was very angry. I could see it, but then it changed suddenly! When Su Yu and his little couple came back, he did not say a word, but fell down! "

Get it! With their own imagination can be said that there is no difference! What's good for you to say?

If someone else did it! I can understand, but I'm Su Yu's aunt, and I'm my aunt. Can I push him into the fire pit? What's more, at that time, Su Yu and his younger couple went to a courtyard house. Didn't their eldest son want such a face? Is he able to do things that are painful to relatives and quick to enemies?

He's not trusted by you? What's more, he was so hated by her?

However, Su Yuan didn't mean to say such a thing at all. He had given her a step down. It was meaningless to argue with her or argue with her! Give her steps, that is because lying on the hospital bed is his eldest brother, that's all!

"There should be nothing wrong. Big brother still has a good measure!"

When they heard the sound of footsteps, they both said hello to Su Quan, who was walking fast! "What's the matter, brother? I just got the news on my side! "

"Why are you here? Nothing is going on for the time being After hesitating for a moment, Su Yuan then said, "I heard from the doctor that I was dizzy and a little excited. Today was a very happy thing. After all, Su Yu is a promising child. I think the elder brother should also be because of this! Too happy

With that, Su Yuan also nodded his head! But who is Suquan! Can he know what's going on in this? But the explanation given by Su Yuan is really reasonable. At least it is a better explanation to the outside world!

The so-called domestic ugliness should not be publicized. Is it difficult to talk about the problem of Hua Xiaoying? So Su Quan slightly nodded his head! There is no need to tangle with this aspect of the matter! It's good to give a qualitative analysis directly!

"Hi! Even if it's happy, it's not like this? I'll take a look first! "

Straight into the door to go in! Su Yuan and Hua Xiaoying follow closely! Hua Xiaoying did not speak, but for this statement or very agree!

"Big brother, what's the matter?" Looking at the elder brother on the hospital bed, he was sober at this time, "I just heard that Su Yu performed well today, and you are not so excited? At the beginning, there were some problems, which no one would deny, but people will gradually improve! "

For his brother's explanation, Su Hai's expression on his face moved and said with a smile, "it's a joke for you!" Can hear out, this saying is meaningful, "OK, no big problem, just a little excited! I've heard the doctor's explanation just now. I'll observe here for one day and go back tomorrow! ""Health is the capital. It's a happy thing, but you've scared everyone!" Su Quan has so many complaints said, "if there is anything, just call me!" Looking at the time on the watch, "I don't want to say more! Give me a message when you go home. I'll go first! "

The people did not mean to dissuade him, nor did they feel unhappy because he came and left! After all, the nature of Su Quan's work is different. It is very difficult for him to come here! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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