When Su Yuan returned home, Wang Changlin had already returned! And look at him, it's been some time since he came back!

"I just called big brother, nothing happened! Without saying a word, he hung up! "

Su Yuan took off his coat, handed it to the nanny at home, washed it for a while, and then returned to the dining table. It was already a little late! Wang Changlin also did not eat, but when eating, the two people did not want to discuss the matter, has been waiting for dinner! This is the beginning of the conversation!

"My elder brother was angry with my sister-in-law. Today, I found Su Yu and his younger couple in the past. Our sister-in-law thought I was going to let Su Yu jump into the well! So I did quite a lot of things and arrangements. I was very angry with my elder brother. After I went back, I had a quarrel with my sister-in-law. But I think it's hard to calm down for a moment and a half! "

It's impossible to say that two people are separated. It's not as simple as making jokes. If you say that when you are young, there are no problems. But now you are so old and still in such a position, if there are such problems and situations, then it will not be as simple as watching jokes!

But listen to his wife's statement, the two people's feelings are obviously a considerable problem!

"I have said two words to my elder brother. I can hear that, and I'm not disappointed. But I'm afraid this idea has changed a lot, and I don't know if my sister-in-law will have some understanding."

"The perception is positive!" Su Yuan Tiekou said straight! "But Su Yu's performance today is very good, and the courtyard has made a move! Waiting for such a long time, in the unexpected time to hand! It's a bit of a boss style! "

Finish saying, gaze at Wang Changlin, "but you have nothing to say with me?"

"Well?" Wang Changlin can't help but be a Leng, "how to still involve my head to come?"

"Today, I was taken as a raft. Although the matter has been solved, there are quite a few things in it. I am still very confused. Don't you say anything about it? Give me an explanation? "

"Confused?" Wang Changlin is very puzzled, what can be confused in this? And it depends on your own head!

"There are some things you should know. Even if you don't know them in a comprehensive way, at least there should be quite a lot of information. You should keep it from me at home, right?" Su Yuan is very angry!

"What and what is this?"

Su Yuan's eyes stood up slightly, "you still pretend to know me, don't you? I have asked about the housekeeper, especially what the boss is busy with now? The housekeeper said, you may or may not know. What's the matter? I asked you before, but your answer is very vague? "

Rubbing his fingers, Wang Changlin thought for a while, slightly nodded his head!

"This thing?! I really know something, but there are quite a few reasons why I don't tell you! If the matter is really mentioned, then the impact will be too great! It's a big thing for the boss of our family! It's very big. I'm also surprised by his big hand! Because of this reason, I didn't tell you too much about it! Even intentionally let you not know

"How do you know? My son told you? " Su Yuan is very curious. He is not satisfied with his curiosity. In his heart, there is only the father, but not the mother, isn't he?

"You really didn't tell me that this matter involves a lot. Are you sure you want to know?" Wang Changlin looked at his wife and said, "I know you are very strict, but the relationship is really too big! I don't know where our boss is going? If there is any leakage, it will be earth shaking! "

"More serious than the farm?" Su Yuan seems to have thought of something!

"Even if it's not like a farm, it should be almost the same! It's just a different direction! Very important! It's very important! "

"So much noise?" Su Yuan couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning, "but there is no wind in the capital? What's more, it's no wonder the boss has been sleeping there for so long? Is it because of this? "

"I really don't know, his relationship! It's very extensive. There are all kinds of things. It's really overwhelming. I'm a father of some things. Even after I've seen them, I feel a bit stunned! I was told about this, otherwise, I would be kept in the drum all the time! "

"What a surprise! Do you think Su Quan will know? "

Wang Changlin sipped his mouth and shook his head slightly after half a day! We may know, but even if we know, we will pretend not to know, or even take the initiative to avoid it. However, whether we will help in secret? Another thing is, we can't get involved in the relationship between the boss and his brother-in-law! "

"It seems that this is a big thing! Even if Su Quan knew it, he didn't dare to intervene. It's so common! "Su Yuan doesn't know nothing. Su Yuan can still understand such a thing, but because he can see it clearly, he still has some worries about it! "Why doesn't he discuss it with the family?"

"What is to be discussed?" Wang Changlin shook his head, "after the discussion? How can we keep this secret? This is the reason why I haven't wanted to tell the matter all the time. If it is really discussed! You can't keep the secret then! How much damage will it cause? This is really hard to say! No matter which way it is leaked, it must not be leaked from home! "

"It seems that I think a little too much!" Su Yuan sighed! "His farm has made a lot of people feel envious! Don't talk about it from abroad! I don't know much about it, but what about the domestic side? How many people are watching, my heart is always so some up and down! The family didn't help much at this point? "

"Good! Don't help at home, just watch! This is the best way

Su Yuan understood what her husband meant by saying this. What was the relationship between the boss and his family? How to put it?

Say it all right?! Not really! Because basically, they don't have too much contact with the forces in the family, whether it's factional or other aspects, or even the so-called familiar face. There's no way to compare Wang Yang and Xiao Bao in this respect, or even ignore the one!

But not really? It seems that it is not such a thing. The support given by the boss at home, at least according to his own understanding, the inclined resources are the massive one! This is only what I know, but how many I don't know?

At the beginning, the family was on the verge of disintegration, but the eldest brother took out the funds, and later gave a lot of resources. Relying on the funds and resources, the three families were able to stabilize, and then developed to the present situation!

From the most fair point of view, the eldest brother gave a lot of help to the family, but the three families didn't give the boss anything. Even if there was a meaning in the family, the eldest brother also refused directly. It was a unilateral contribution!

It's not nice to say that if something happens to the eldest brother, it will not involve the three families. But what happened to the three families, basically, is the boss who is in charge of it. It is already impeccable to be able to do this!

Put it on other families or specific people. Who can do this? We all want to scratch in their dustpan, want to take out something, even if it is the size of the needle nose, will be heartache!

At this point, if the boss really does nothing, the family can complain at most, and it is really hard to say anything else. Why? Because the boss doesn't have any demands for the family, just this one can do! What's more, I don't know how many forces are willing to have a good relationship with the boss. To a certain extent, he doesn't need to be at home!

More directly, the home to a certain extent, has become his drag!

"It's been so long? After he went back, he always laid out this kind of thing? "

"I don't know. I don't have much communication with each other in this respect. At most, even if I know this thing, how much do I know about it? It's a bit too much! No idea! So asked me too much, in fact, there is not much practical significance and value! And I'm worried too! Sometimes it will leak out carelessly! "

"You don't know?" Su Yuan looked at her husband, "no wonder he has always kept secret! Hum

"This is not a question of confidentiality. If you don't keep it secret, you will lose your official! If a minister is not confidential, he will lose his life; if he does not, he will become a victim. There are several things! How many people don't know about the boss. You should know how long it has been since Jin, the security supervisor, has not appeared! This is a very serious signal! "

"I haven't heard of him for a long time!" Su Yuan nods, it is obvious that she is also digesting this news!

"Jin can be said to be the most special person around the boss. He is almost inseparable from the boss, but how long has he disappeared! I can't find any news at all. I think some people or forces are forced to have no choice but to take you as the raft today! That's the only way they can do it! "

Su Yuan suddenly realized, "Oh, if I had known this, there would be more than these conditions today?" Immediately Su Yuan also exclaimed, "these guys are too insidious! They did it on purpose. When they went out, they were dejected and thought I had won! I don't know if you don't say it! They can verify something quite by my actions and expressions

"this is why I didn't let you know too many reasons at the beginning. You know too much, absolutely no benefits. The big Butler must be aware of it. He is in the middle of regulation. In the country, besides your eldest son and Kim, that's what he is! It's just that he's almost like the boss. They're all very low-key. When did you hear about him? "Su Yuan shook his head. "I really haven't heard of it. I know it's not easy to enter a quadrangle. But besides, there's not much about the housekeeper. Anyway, it's very low-key. It's even more low-key than you think. Even more often, we only hear about Siheyuan, but we don't hear about the Butler!"

"This housekeeper was selected by the boss himself. He didn't take office at the beginning, and even transferred a housekeeper from abroad. So it can be seen that he is ordinary! Other aspects of the eldest son, to be discussed, but the vision of people is really amazing! Even the factional people are very moved about this! "

"They have their own abacus in their stomachs!"

"It's not so important to play the so-called small abacus. It doesn't matter that many people care about it. We all hope to be able to rely on the boss. However, the boss's attitude can be said to be particularly resolute. No one is given a chance. Whether it's at home or outside, they are treated fairly. They are not alienated, but they are never close to each other When do you think he has so-called contacts with the outside world

"I heard that the relationship on the farm is very good."

"The farm is a farm, and he is him. This is two times. The farm has a very good reputation in the whole North, and many leaders are happy to see its success. Why? The development of the farm is good, and it also helps us a lot. In recent years, the economy of the North has been quite developed, and the role of the farm is still very big! But in private, the boss has never made such an action! What everyone knows! It's said that the boss is a little inhumane! "

After half a dozen words, Wang Changlin continued to say, "it's particularly important to talk about the eldest's family style, which is quite strict. When did you hear of any mess in the farm, no! What's more, the boss's hometown? I think you should also hear about this news! "

For her husband's words, Su Yuan nodded his head. This is the real situation. The boss is very strict! I heard that I had dinner with those rich people and chatted with them. I've seen quite a lot of them! I believe others have seen it!

If all the businessmen can be like the boss, it is really lucky for the country!

Although there is no earth shaking change in the mental outlook there, it is also slowly beginning to change, but the boss does not have any intention of meritorious service. It is no wonder that the above value him so much, not that there is no reason at all!

"In retrospect, the boss's operation is not known to many people, but it will come out one day, isn't it? What do you say then? "

"If he doesn't want to be known, he has a way. As for why he wants to be known, I have some guesses on the whole! I think he is deliberately trying to attract some people's attention and turn their attention to him. This should be the purpose! "

"This child is the same. He carries all the pressure on his own. He always discusses with his family. At least the family can help, isn't he?" In this regard, Su Yuan had a lot of bitterness!

"I don't think the family can withstand such a great pressure. After hearing about his business, I feel that the pressure is high. What's more, the family background is good now, but it can't withstand too many storms. On this issue, I think the boss should have considerable consideration, but he is not willing to mention it!"

, "as like as two peas, you and your father are two!"

Su Yuan did not want to continue to entangle this topic, there is no such need! The husband has never mentioned this aspect question and the condition, he certainly also has the quite consideration! I have all the performance today, has given the outside world a considerable signal!

"Yes! Su Yu's performance is good. I can see that the boss has quite a plan for him, but what about Su Chen? He's always been the boss's favorite

"You! I'm afraid it's a little late! He should have communicated with the boss very early. Even if the boss doesn't have this time, the housekeeper must have communicated with each other. This is an absolute thing! It's impossible for the boss to leave such a big loophole, but to say it, this time, big brother is really mixed with fire and water. Some things are worth being happy, but some things are quite irritated. In such a case, whoever is, needs to go in and lie down for a while! "

On the one hand, the son is finally valued by the most important person in the family and has made progress. This is definitely a thing to be happy about. On the other hand, the wife of the family is acting too badly! Happy! Grief and indignation! Sorrow and worry are mixed together! It's strange that he can do well!

This is definitely not a problem that can be solved in a moment. What's more, if the problem is not solved well, the whole faction may be affected! After all, there are too many eyes staring at it now!

After the death of his old Mount Tai, the Su family stopped fighting! You know, the old man is quite a banner!Although it is said that the three families are one, Ding Yu, who is the most important of the three families, doesn't value the Su family at all. On this issue, everyone can see for all, that is, bringing Su Yu's daughter-in-law in, that is to say, that's all! Then there is no other action, we have considerable doubt about this!

And what about the relationship between Ding Yu and Su Yu? Although we did not explicitly mention what, but what happened at the beginning, who does not know? As for Suchen? He is not so important now. He can't replace the Su family in at least ten years. Even in another twenty years, he will not be able to replace the Su family's face!

But after what happened today, it was another thing! At least it proved that Ding Yu did not abandon the Su family!

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