Since Ding Yu did not exclude the Su family, the next thing will be interesting!

Previously, Ding Yu was just in the layout. What was Su Yu's previous performance? How unbearable, so Ding Yu gave him considerable time, now the right time, Ding Yu is to release Su Yu! Then it was pushed to the front desk!

Under such circumstances, it is not good for us to mention the Su family's affairs. How can we mention them again? Anyway? They stand out together. Who dares to laugh at the Su family now? Are you kidding?

Because whether it is Wang Yang or Xiao Bao, they are just one person!

Is Su Hai to live in the hospital, this thing is a little bit strange, do not know he is intentional? Or is there any other reason in this? The possibility of intentional thinking should be greater!

If something like this happens, I don't want to disturb him in all aspects, so it's more appropriate to go to the hospital. Under such circumstances, it's really inappropriate to disturb suhai too much. As for the follow-up situation, it still depends on the development of the situation! However, today's situation is really eye opening!

No one thought that Ding Yu had such an arrangement. At the same time, he could really calm down his mind! And the Su family? Have been ridiculed for so long, even unbearable words are often mentioned, now the situation is better!

At the same time, everyone's heart is really envious, to know that old Su has passed away! But Ding Yu's grandson is still in love with the old, and he didn't ignore it. This is worthy of exclamation!

After all, Ding Yu does not lack the support of the military. What kind of influence does the Su family have? For the whole military, it's nothing. If Ding Yu really means this, I don't know how many forces will come forward to support Ding Yu and promise to be more powerful than the Soviet family, but Ding Yu refused!

Broken bones and tendons, people pay attention to the family, you have no words!

However, quite careful people, or see the whole thing revealed a little strange! Courtyard Dwellings! Su Yuan! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao! Su Yu and his wife, together with the Su family and so on! To know that each person represents a different identity, the three families and Ding Yu are united together! There is no other thing to say in this, it is really cheating the ghost!

Ding Yu didn't show up for such a long time! Today's thing is for Ding Yu, what is involved in it? You can be said to be particularly curious about this!

But curiosity is curiosity, but not too many people want to explore the meaning! After all, it was Ding Yu, not a cat and a dog. What's more, Ding Yu is a guy who must report his revenge. It's really not easy to be provoked!

He is famous for his temper. When he was in the capital, he seemed to be almost the same, not to mention oppressing people! But this guy is very low-key, usually at most is living in his own courtyard, not looking for trouble, also not causing trouble, but absolutely not afraid of things!

As for the so-called revenge? It's also because someone knocked on the door! He Ding Yu is not afraid of things, you take the initiative to find the door! Can you see him or Ding Yu? At that time, even the capital and interest will be light!

What's more, he has a good relationship with many forces, especially the senior leaders, who treat Ding Yu as a treasure. Why are you interested in Ding Yu?

Even Ding Yu's own family! Wang family! The Su family and Zheng family are also competing to win over Ding Yu, but what is Ding Yu's attitude towards the three? It's a little plain. At most, it's just about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao. Now they've joined Su Yu and their couple. As for others? Where to come and go! Don't bother!

Attitude is too direct! Too obvious!

But even so, we are still flocking to him. It's really the appalling method of his enlightenment! However, it is also high-profile, ordinary people are really difficult to enter his Dharma eye, but the performance of those who really look up to their eyes is also praiseworthy!

At this point, he also set a good example for many of his peers, so we didn't pay attention to whether Ding Yu had a bad temper or whether he had to report his revenge. Ding Yu was not willing to pay attention to it, but were there other people on your head? Can't force you Ding Yu, can't you force other people?

Of course, so to say, there are some too direct, too straightforward!

The actual situation? Everyone wants to be able to have a good succession, but the means of education is really uneven, the idea is good, but there are always considerable problems in this process, since Ding Yu is very convenient, let him come! Although the process to pay a lot, but all is worth it!

So this time, we not only did not have too much inquiry, to a certain extent, we also gave considerable maintenance, and for this matter, we did not mean to deliberately hide, our purpose is very simple, we hope that through this matter, let Ding Yu there appreciate!

Does Ding Yu know? unimportance! Siheyuan is not that important. It doesn't mean that if you do this thing, you should immediately show your merit in front of Ding Yu. If you can't do this, things can't be done like this!This is the best way to imperceptibly influence and step by step. After all, we have studied Ding Yu for so many years, and how much do you know about Ding Yu! He! Is a donkey, but also a stubborn donkey, you want to really choke with him! There will never be any good things, so it's better to talk and discuss. In this way, the effect may be better!

When she got up in the morning, Su Yuan looked back at her daughter and was surprised. Why did she come back so early?

"Have you been up all night?" Su Yuan looked at her daughter's appearance and asked a little curiously! There is no washing on the face at all, left one! On the right, it's a bit like a cat with a striped face! They're already motherfuckers! How can it still be like this!

Wang Li's eyes are very bright and her spirit is so excited!

"I've just eaten in the courtyard. I don't need to prepare my breakfast. I'll come back and wash. It's closer and more convenient. When I go back to the courtyard later, some things still need to be dealt with."

Wang Changlin looked at her daughter, who was so confused, "what's wrong with her? How do you feel like taking the wrong medicine? "

"Don't mention it! I don't know what happened to the courtyard yesterday? " Su Yuan explained all the things about Wang Li yesterday, "if she hadn't come back this morning, I would have forgotten about her! I didn't make it very clear what the housekeeper said! But judging from her situation, there should be no problem! "

"Is that really what the Butler said?" Wang Changlin is quite interested, but after washing her daughter here, she left in a hurry! There is no meaning of staying at all! And here is a place where she settled down! Su Yuan has so many headaches. It's really hard to imagine that her daughter is already the mother of two children!

"That's what the Butler said, and then I left for something else! So the follow-up did not pay too much attention to, she will not have anything to do in the courtyard, this can be guaranteed, but want to find out what is involved in this, this is difficult to do! You don't know what she looks like

Wang Changlin is not too entangled. He knows something about such things, but he knows more or less about the situation of the housekeeper. What's more, he is the boss of his family. He can't have any arrangement in this respect!

He's everybody? It's a little flattering! However, there are quite a lot of research in this area, which is not boastful. Moreover, I am not so clear about what I said. But there are a lot of people here in Beijing who want to get some things out of his small pharmacy. It can be seen from this!

I don't know where the boss got these things. In any case, quite a lot of people are very interested in these things. However, the small pharmacy is not as easy to enter as imagined. After all, there is a lock in front of the quadrangle, which makes the small pharmacy even more difficult!

Of course, if you have the real ability, there will be no problem. The courtyard is very welcome. But I'm afraid you don't have this ability. There's really no face to talk about at this point!

Although he is his father, but in this matter, the boss will not sell his face! Think about it, but also very helpless thing, he is his serious Laozi! Who are you going to argue with?

"I've been staying at home for two days! Things outside are too noisy. I didn't really care about it. What's more, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are looking at such a mess of things! "

Wang Changlin nodded. "It doesn't matter at home. I'm afraid it will affect the boss's affairs. I don't know what's going on with him? He is quite carefree, which makes us two old guys worry about nothing at home

Isn't this a joke? Su Yuan is very dissatisfied with a glance!

But I can't say anything on my side? After all, the noisy things are a little bit big, so it's really not good to mention children's affairs at this time! Now mentions does not have any effect, even has so some intentional disturbance meaning! This is quite inappropriate! How will it be viewed from the outside?

Originally, I was angry in my heart, but now my breath has been let out! And now it's not to say that if you want to mention it, you can mention it at will. It's not such a thing at all! There are so many troubles in it!

What's more, I heard that these children had left their grandparents and gone to Dashan's family for what? I can't say it clearly and I can't arrange it. I can only watch! What if not?

The boss will listen to himself? Are you kidding? He's not even willing to do the so-called superficial things? What's more, I still feel uneasy about the children. After all, the old man's evil is really cruel, even if it is his own son, nephew or disciple, it is the same!

That's what I did! Other people don't want to interfere, nor can they. Although Ding Yu didn't say so directly, how could Su Yuan not understand? And really care about it, I really don't have much confidence!I just can stick to the name of being a mother, teach Ding Yu a lesson, but in other aspects, I really have nothing to say! Some things are not as simple as you think!

This time I was just a little trial, but my son's reaction was particularly fierce. You know, he has not come to an end in person! If we say that his own end, what will be a situation, it is really difficult to say, and then things really can not cover!

Too many people watch, a little careless, it is easy to make big problems!

What's more, when the eldest son was dealing with this matter, he didn't buy any favor at all. He directly brought Su Yu in. There was no other meaning in it! For such a way, although the outside world has different interpretations, but in Su Yuan side, also have their own understanding!

After all, people outside don't know what's going on, but they don't know anything. The eldest son of his family! There is a gap in his heart, and the relationship between him and his family is extremely subtle! If you really get angry, I'm afraid the family will take the lead in chaos!

They will never hold a supportive attitude towards themselves. Their parents will be the first to stand up. Their eldest brother will definitely not say anything. Both Su Chen and Su Yu have been "valued" by the boss. Their future development may be different, but basically there is no need to worry about too much!

He has no worries, naturally need to give his nephew considerable reward! And what's the payoff? Don't Su Yuan understand? His eldest son did not want to hide this matter too much, but also let Su Yuan have so much pain! Too much constraint!

Wang Changlin there for this matter also know is very clear, his eldest son said is with what means? There's no such thing. He's already set it up! As for those things, they are just pushing the boat along the river! And I can be sure that he must have something quite not revealed!

Because his side has no end, even with the old man also has no end, he personally stood on the table, even if it is to win what can be? And what is it now? It also shows that he has considerable confidence!

Under such circumstances, there is absolutely no advantage in continuing the confrontation. The boss has made clear his attitude and there is no compromise. I am willing or unwilling. My way is like this, and there will be no change!

Don't say it's Su Yuan now! Even if it's yourself or the old man there, it doesn't have any effect! You can influence quite a lot, I admit that, but what about my business? I make my own decisions!

In this regard, Wang Changlin sighed that there was no way, and he did not deny that Ding Yu's practice might be good, but the process was too dangerous! It can be said that the family is particularly worried about this! You should know that it is not only simple to have children, but also involves many people, and even the forces behind!

If any of them has a problem, his eldest son will have a lot to eat! From this point of view, the boss doesn't need to be so eager. It's not a bad thing to raise a good one. Moreover, no one dares to say anything about it, but the problem is that the boss simply "doesn't care about it."!

Now the three of them are able to account for the considerable forces! It's not that they have not expressed their opinions and ideas in this respect, nor that they have not tried hard, and even Su Yuan has come to an end in person. But what is the final result? It doesn't have any effect. The boss doesn't have any feelings to talk about!

This time's failure seems to be a draw. Ding Yu has no end, nor does he end up here. But what about the actual situation? My side is really a big loss!

It is true that this will not affect the relationship between the boss and the family, but there are some plans, should also give up!

The boss is always the boss, there is no change! And look at his appearance, also do not plan to have what so-called change!

In the future, other forces will not have to use such an excuse to find the three of them! It's no use looking for it. Everything has been put on the surface, isn't it? No one is blind!

"I went to work! I don't know if I can come back at night? Pay more attention

"I see! I'll call big brother later to see how he's doing? Everything is going well at home. Elder brother, you still need to pay attention to it and restrain your temper! " After that, he sighed helplessly. He didn't know whether to sigh Su Hai or himself. It's not easy to say!

Su Yu and his wife came to the hospital when they were young in the morning. They said what they said last night, but they talked about a lot with their father!

As for mother? It is not easy to say anything, but look at the father's appearance, for the mother, it is not to say deliberately cold, but a little too polite!

Hua Xiaoying didn't have a good rest all night. He had been thinking all night. If it wasn't for Su Yu, they would have come together! There are some really can't hold on! The husband's attitude is still the same, OK? Obviously, you can feel something wrong with it, but can't you say it? It seems that it is not any other matter and problem! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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