"Brother Yu, are you not busy? I didn't bother you, did I? "

When receiving Zhao Hongyang's call, Ding Yu laughed, "where did you come from? Didn't you go to the capital city before? I heard that the housekeeper mentioned a sentence, go away?! What's the matter? Not well served? "

"No, I really can't. That place is not what I can stay here. I feel constrained. I can't sit in a place like that! Just open your eyes Zhao Hongyang was very emotional about this, "the black lady of our family is also a tiger, but when we got there, it was worse than me, just like quail!"

"That place! It's a little different! It's really not suitable for a person like you. It's a little restrained! "

Their relationship with Zhao Hongyang is very good, and there is no need to hide between each other, "what's the matter on the phone? What's the matter? These two days are also irritable? "

"I'll go! I dare not turn on the phone these two days! However, these guys are like eggs. Knowing that your brother Yu has something to do, they let us come to the door. Why? They! Just a bunch of birdmen! I don't have too many problems, but if I erect my fist, I can make sure that I can fly faster than anyone else! "

"It's a little too much!" Ding Yu said with a smile, "OK! In the evening, find two people and have a meal together! It will save you a lot of trouble, but this evening it will be your treat

"Come on! Brother Yu, I'll arrange it! " Zhao Hongyang promised very happily!

"Don't be such a mess, you know, I don't like it that much! It's also quite disgusting! "

Zhao Hongyang naturally understands such things. He has a very good relationship with Yu Shao. He also has some understanding of Yu Shao's family style. He really sets a good example. He is very low-key. To say that he is walking horizontally in this small county, it is absolutely no exaggeration!

However, he has always lived in seclusion, and the places he visited most probably were farms and hospitals. When he was in the hospital, he did not have any airs. This was proved by everyone, rather than displayed on purpose!

At noon, Ding Yu did not eat at home, but went to the canteen of the farm. For this situation, people were very curious and even shocked. But after the shock, he felt that things were too ordinary!

Because this is Ding Yu, he has always been like this! It's not a fake gesture! It has nothing to do with this!

In the canteen, Ding Yu was still the same as usual. When he met acquaintances, he nodded and said hello. Many people even said a few words with Ding Yu in their own voice. They were the old residents of the original time, and they were also the elders of Ding Yu. Ding Yu did not have any strange thoughts! They have their own careful thinking, not surprising!

In other words, a few words with Ding Yu, the face is more beautiful, Ding Yu always does not care about that kind of!

People who have spoken with Ding Yu are proud of themselves when they leave!

Although they will not raise any so-called wages, and there is no extra treatment, but for them, to be able to speak with Ding Yu is a kind of pride in itself! Is a kind of pride! No one else can get it!

However, we all know Ding Yu's habit. He doesn't eat too much at noon, but he may eat a little more at dinner! Personal habits, and other aspects really have nothing to do with it! As for whether it is health preservation, or other aspects of the problem, we have different opinions!

"Do you have time, Mr. Ding?" The new manager is very careful! Seeing Ding Yu nodding and agreeing is to let the people around him come over! Let him stand up!

When he saw Ding Yu, he was very careful about what he said, and even some of them were nervous!

"What do you say?" Ding Yu looks at the middle-aged man sitting beside him. He can see a little nervous on his face, but such a thing seems to be very normal! "Don't be so nervous. I'm not a tiger. I can't eat people!"

"I have something, it's my son's! He just went to university, but when he came back from the Spring Festival this year, he had some physical problems. He found something out of his chest examination. He had already gone to the capital city at home, and the examination here has come out! But there are other situations that need to be done there. I have some worries, but I can't find anyone else! "

Yeah? Ding Yu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, "no! I remember the farm side has applied! They don't do things? " In this regard, Ding Yu is very suspicious. This is the welfare of the farm. If there are staff or family members who have problems, they can apply to the farm side, and the farm will make specific coordination!

But after thinking about it, it should not be this problem. After all, the manager of the farm introduced him here!

"Mr. Ding, it's not because of this. The hospital or the farm is in touch! The main reason is that the doctors we find are in a bit of a condition, and the operation arrangement is a little too backward! After all, the child is still in school now, if you let him suspend school, the delay is not a day or two! That's why I wonder if I can ask Mr. Ding for you! ""No wonder!" Ding Yu nodded his head slightly! "Just a moment, I'll ask you, but I need to make it clear. What about some operations? It's not as fast as possible. It's just like a fracture. Sometimes it's not convenient to have an operation immediately. It depends on the patient's condition to make a decision. "

"Mr. Ding! Thank you Having said that, he should also stand up and bow to Ding Yu!

"No, never, how old are you! At least in terms of age, you are my elder. You bow to me. As the old saying goes, I lost my life a little. If you work for the farm, the farm needs to be responsible for you, right? This is a mutual process! " Ding Yu pacifies the one in front of him!

It doesn't mean that the farm doesn't try its best, but some things are a little difficult for the farm. However, it can be seen from this that the farm has already given preferential treatment to employees! At least not too many enterprises can match the treatment here!

Anyway, his own food has been almost eaten. It is not difficult for Ding Yu to understand the situation! "If you remember correctly, when the farm was built here, you came in! I'm quite impressed! Now at least he should be a group leader? "

"Deputy section chief!" Toward Ding Yu some cautious said a word, that hand does not know to put in where good! Although I have seen Ding Yu for countless times, I really haven't had much contact with Ding Yu at close range, especially when I talk to Ding Yu so much now!

"Are you still dressed in such rags? It should be true that you don't forget the origin, but it's not like that, right? "

"Mr. Ding, to tell you the truth, the family was very poor. There were not many brothers and sisters in our family. I served my father and mother. At that time, the house was sold! With a lot of debt, other children will sell a new set of clothes when they celebrate the new year. However, our children learn to wear a suit from childhood to junior high school, and buy a suit from junior high school to high school. I didn't know how to survive at that time! "

Ding Yu sent a message. Now he can only wait. There is no other way. He can ask himself, but he can't ask others to be the same as himself! This is two times!

"The situation should be quite improved now." Ding Yu is very patient to say, talk to the people below, don't be arrogant, especially at this time, what they need is comfort, don't give them too much pressure, they are all human beings, living people, just like themselves!

"Better! The original time of physical suffering almost! However, she can still work. I'm afraid I can't make any money. After coming to the farm, my family is very hard-working. However, she is a technician, and her salary is higher than mine. She has asked for leave recently! Children's affairs always need to be handled by someone! "

"It's hard! If the family has difficulties, we can respond in a timely manner. To a large extent, we have made considerable contributions to the country. After all, we make clean money, pay taxes legally, and maintain social stability. This has our part in it. When we are small, the family is harmonious! Happy! Life has a head

The tears from the corners of the eyes of middle-aged people simply can't stop flowing out, "did you make contributions to the country! I don't know, but I think the farm really gives us a head, at least makes our life better

Even if you wipe with your hands, you can't wipe your tears away! "The debt of the family has been paid off! And also bought a house, how many years! We finally have a home again! But I didn't expect that the child suddenly had such a thing. If it was usual, the house would collapse again

Poor husband and wife can't be more sad than this. If you can help, you still need to give a hand! Some things to do personally, perception of nature is different! "Did you have a look at my chest? It should take a certain time, at least one month less. If you go back alone, it will be quite dangerous! In order to ensure the safety and other issues, three months should be the most secure. Fortunately, he is still relatively young! "

I got a glass of water and put it in front of him!

"If it's not possible to delay the course, if it's convenient, can I ask why?"

"He has been a strong man since he was young, and he has planned what he says! What's more, we don't know what kind of courses to do with the tutor after the school starts! What we can do is to give him the greatest support

Ding Yu clearly nodded his head, "I know the general situation! If there is no big problem, then let him do the operation first, and then solve the problem after the operation! ...。”

In the middle of the story, Ding Yu's mobile phone rang. The middle-aged man sitting beside him took a look. Ding Yu's mobile phone is completely different from his common mobile phone, and he can't see what brand it is. At least he has never seen it before. However, although the smart phone is convenient, it costs too much electricity for him! It's really troublesome to charge every day!"Director Ding, I went to dinner earlier! I didn't see it. I'm sorry! "

Ding Yu echoed with a smile, "Hey, it's a trouble for you! The patient's father is with me now! It's a person from my hometown. Life is not easy, but I didn't think that such a thing happened to the children. I just want to ask if I can't delay my children's study! "

"Director Ding, I just had a look at the situation. It's not a tumor. Unfortunately, it's lucky! But the situation is also more dangerous, the main reason? It is the improper diet when I was a child, and it is also caused by extremely irregular life. The operation problem is not very big, but it needs to be adjusted after the operation! " Lin Lin said a lot of things!

After all, Ding Yu's name is in the system's internal system, which is listed on the list. If you can get this relationship with director Ding Yuding, who knows if there will be a day to ask for help in the future, it's hard to say! But as long as you can get into this relationship, it is to tie an insurance on yourself! No one will refuse, not to mention this is not a matter of anger and resentment! Easy to do, at most is to spend a little time just!

"It's a nuisance to all of you!"

"That's very kind of you! If anyone else knows about this! Don't know how to envy me? " The doctor over there also said enthusiastically, "in this way, director Ding, I'll arrange it now, but it's definitely not possible in the afternoon. There's no operating room and no doctor! In the morning or so! I believe there should be a certain amount of free time. I will report good news to director Ding at that time! "

"Thank you for me. It's not in the capital anymore! It's not convenient to meet you, but there's no problem in inviting you to have a meal! I'll send it to you and thank you in person if you have time in the future

It's not polite. It's just reciprocity! It is not to say that they are internal to the system and can be unscrupulous, or even arbitrarily scold and intervene. In that case, it is simply damaging their own reputation!

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu looked at the one in front of him, "I have already asked clearly about the matter! Tomorrow morning may have surgery, the time is a little late?! The main reason is that the operation has already been arranged quite well. It can only be taken time to do the operation for the child. I think there should be no problem, but the academic aspect? We still need to take a look at the specific situation, and then we must pay attention to this aspect in the future. "

In this regard, Ding Yu is very patient, "after all, this is the first time. If this problem occurs again next time, the operation will not be able to play any role! We must draw attention to this aspect! "

"Mr. Ding, when the child is well! My family is here to kowtow to you

"My God!" Ding Yu patted his head helplessly, "how old are you already! I am how old, kowtow to me, this is not deliberately fold my life? What's more, it's a new society now! We are not interested in this! "

Ding Yu didn't have many ways to deal with it. It's not that they are stupid and have nothing to do with it. This is a way for them to thank! "Good work, this is the best reward! Maybe one day, I may need your help! Don't push back then

"If anyone dares to do this, cut off their heads!" Ding Yu said that the man in front of Ding Yu was absolutely determined. Ding Yu could understand this feeling. After sending this man away, Ding Yu also explained to the manager of the farm! In such things, the performance of the farm is still very good!

The manager of the farm was newly promoted. He was still cautious and careful in front of Ding Yu. However, Ding Yu's words also affirmed his work, which made his spirit slightly excited!

"Well done! The farm should unite with everyone. In addition to their own work, they also need to do something to make everyone feel warm. They are all human beings, not tools! Strict requirements of this is the development needs of the enterprise, but also can not let the enterprise do not have any human feelings! It's all within our power! "

"Mr. Ding, we will do our best."

When the manager left, Ding Yu didn't stay in the farm for too long, and soon went back to his villa! However, just before evening, Ding Yu drove to meet Zhao Hongyang. He had promised him to have dinner together in the evening! I don't have anything else!

It's just like going out for fun!

The outside world is a little sluggish about Ding Yu's activities, but it soon reacts. This response does not mean that people will follow Ding Yu or visit something? We don't need to do it at all, even we don't have much action!

Why is this? Because although this kind of situation is special, but actually above has no any significance!

Since Ding Yu chooses to do this, it means that he doesn't care about the eyes of the outside world, and even is not afraid of other people's visit. You can do as you like! Of course, this has another meaning! I want to take it easy, so you don't get in the way! If there are really any problems and conditions, it is not good!You stay far away, no problem, I will take you as the periphery! If you stay outside, my people don't have to work so hard. Everyone is good to explain that you are also to eat! But if you want to say that you do any other small action, then I'm really sorry! My reaction may be extremely fierce at that time!

For such a thing, both sides are aware of it!

And Ding Yu comes out? Is there any other problem and situation? It's impossible! We have found quite a lot of news. He just came out for a little gathering! Nothing else!

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