Zhao Hongyang seems to have been waiting outside the door. When he saw Ding Yu's car stop steadily, he rushed forward! It's a little overkill! But it also shows Ding Yu's position in his mind!

"What happened today? Also personally welcome, I don't seem to have that big spectrum?! Who did you learn from? "

Ding Yu seems to be very dissatisfied with the words! But Zhao Hongyang will not take it as one thing!

"Hi, I can invite you to Yu Ge'er, I'm not just a matter of glory! How many people have red eyes? "

Facing Zhao Hongyang's politeness, Ding Yu shook his head, "what's wrong? There are many people today? "

"No! Just three guests, know you don't like lively, just come and have a meal together! There is no other noise, after all, our place is a little small, some things listen to the wind is rain, there are really so some difficult to do

"I hear it! It seems that many people have got the news! "

For such things, Ding Yu doesn't care! Even has the quite understanding! To a certain extent, this is also their own meaning! After patting Zhao Hongyang's arm, he didn't care so much about it. He didn't have the habit of eating. So when he had such an opportunity, I don't know how many people expressed considerable interest. For Zhao Hongyang, it was Alexander!

After all, he needs to consider a lot of things. First of all, he can't make Ding Yu feel bored, nor can he make the outside world feel unreasonable. This scale is really not easy to control!

Even if Zhao Hongyang is such a smart person with eight faces, after considerable consideration, he selects three people to have a meal with Ding Yu. At least Ding Yu's request is that, to a certain extent, it is also a signal to the outside world! Such things are not so difficult to understand!

As for the reason why Ding Yu wants to transmit this signal, there are not too many cases at least in the past. However, for many forces who have been paying close attention to Ding Yu, this is a good thing!

No nest at home, no nest in the farm, out of the activities! Is everything under everyone's nose? Isn't that enough?

As for what else? This matter is not everyone can care about! Anyway, there are so many people, can they just eat dry food? As we are at the forefront of our position, apart from observation, we need to do a lot of analysis? We can do everything, can't we? All the work is ours?

If so, how can we still be here? Why not God?

Therefore, quite a lot of people just responded to the situation, as for the follow-up how to deal with it, you arranged it above! We obey orders, great is to send to Ding Yu's tiger mouth, such things are not once or twice!

Looking at Zhao Hongyang behind the three people, they are also with Zhao Hongyang's pace together up!

You really know it! Ding Yu lifted up his hand and pointed to it, "feel a lot fatter? What happened? "

"Ding Sheng!" Looking at Ding Yu, the one who took the lead in speaking also laughed, "don't mention it! Listen to your words, sleep all of a sudden good up, associated with the quality of life is also high up, this is good! Appetite is also open, plus the Spring Festival this period of time a little careless exercise! These two days have been greatly reduced! "

"Good complexion!" Looking at the two people next to you? Ding Yu has a look at Zhao Hongyang!

Zhao Hongyang rushed to the front, "Yu Shao, I'll introduce it to you!" The background of the two people is interesting. One of them has an official background, but it is not so obvious. The member of the Youth League Committee! And it's from the Provincial Youth League Committee! The other one is a lesbian. What is her background? Ding Yu felt it more or less! Although Zhao Hongyang did not explain so clearly!

They shook hands with each other! "You! It's hard enough! "

Walking together, Ding Yu whispered a word! And then he took a picture of Zhao Hongyang! Zhao Hongyang is also very helpless!

"Don't mention it! Know this news, how many people are to come to the door, I am that one is not easy to refuse, but can not all please come, so I found a few representatives! You have saved me face

Zhao Hongyang has been wandering in the world for so many years. How can he not understand at all? Ding Yu patted himself in front of the three people behind him. What did he say? Explain oneself this matter to do well! I can understand the meaning!

Yu Shao has added considerable capital to himself, which is definitely a good thing for him. But he also knows how he got to this point. If there is no feather less, he is a fart, nothing, as for his own wealth? And the so-called social status, all will disappear!

To be more honest, I recognized Yu Shao. What about others? No one is easy to use, perhaps in response to the above, their performance will not be too direct, but the outer circle, the inner side, this truth I still understand!

It's not a bad thing. It's even comfortable! But some principled problems will never be committed by ourselves! Absolutely do not appear what so-called inner circle and outer side, then it will be all over! Pack up and leave! And to be able to have such a result, is already a lucky star!The three people walking behind obviously saw Ding Yu's action. They looked at each other. Although the relationship between them was not so familiar as imagined, they all knew the meaning of Ding Yu!

Everyone wants to keep a good relationship with Ding Yu, just like Zhao Hongyang in front of him! But the problem is that if you think like this, it doesn't mean Ding Yu will think like this. Why? I don't know how many people want to be able to have a good relationship with Ding Yu, but the question is how many people have really achieved this?

Some things slightly improper, may have the opposite situation, also is not said has not been! Really, if Ding Yu remembers in the heart, then not a word two words can say clearly!

Several people who came here have a certain understanding of Ding Yu, but to say the real understanding, it seems that not many people dare to claim to be able to do this. Are you kidding? This person is Ding Yu! Who do they think they are?

If they really can do anything, maybe they won't be in this position today!

"Yu Shao, it's a master of Shandong cuisine. Would you like to have a taste?"

"Yes! At ordinary times, the dishes cooked at home are all partial to Shandong cuisine. I grew up eating these things since I was a child! "

Give you the feeling, Shandong cuisine? Great quantity and great benefit! But for Ding Yu, who grew up in the north, he has a special preference. He grew up eating these things since he was a child. It is not easy to change his habits for many years! What's more, for Ding Yu, there is nothing to change!

Even the cook at home? Most of them are Shandong cuisine and Sichuan cuisine, plus Jiangsu cuisine and Cantonese cuisine. The latter two are superior to each other. Generally, banquets are better choices! Quadrangle has quadrangle's fastidious, but here, has not so many fastidious!

"Yu Shao, I'll arrange it."

When there were only three people left in the room, the person who had spoken with Ding Yu was also in a hurry to pick up the teapot! The first to open the topic!

"Ding Sheng, after listening to your advice, everyone suddenly realized! I always want to find a chance to thank you! But everyone is very grateful to know that you are busy with your work

"Thank you," he said! Everyone's situation is different! Hard living requirements! Did not cause the opposite effect, even make the sandwich rice! I already feel thank God! Thank you very much

Ding Yu's performance is very modest, which is also Ding Yu's consistent style! It's not because there are two other guests today!

And the two guests sitting there looked at each other for a while, and their eyes were immediately staggered! When they came, they were told by countless people that when they met Ding Yu, they should not be too rigid! Be generous. It doesn't matter if you say something wrong!

For fear of echoing, Ding Yu does not like such a person! He belongs to a doer! Don't like to shoot!

After all, Ding Yu's achievements have been accomplished, not boasted! What's more, his standard of employing and selecting people has always been the same! Make friends together, also follow this principle! If you do something wrong, just change it! If you are not a sage, you can correct your mistakes! Don't die, duck! That's not quite right!

"Director Ding!" The Youth League Committee's people did not deliberately pinch their own identity, also can not make such a mistake! I have been in office for nearly two years! The next step of work adjustment is also there! Even waiting for the transfer! It is precisely because of this reason that I have the opportunity to meet Ding Yu today!

The next step is to have more business with the farm! It is true that in the past two years, I have had a lot of contact with the farm, but the contact is very limited! The farm left a very good impression on myself. I have contacted many high-rise buildings of the farm, but I have never seen Ding Yu from the beginning to the end!

Ding Yu, the owner of the farm? It's so hard to see! As far as I know, he has basically no interference in the work of the farm, and Ding Yu's name can't be found on the farm. It's just that there's quite a bit of circulation on it! Everyone only hears his name but never sees him!

But to say that Ding Yu is not so important, this is nonsense. Ding Yu is the flag of the farm. He decides which way the farm will go, and at the same time solve the considerable problems and conditions in the process of moving! This is absolutely can not be replaced, other people are closely following behind Ding Yu!

All of us just saw the huge profits made by the farm, but we didn't see what kind of price the farm paid behind this. Even if we were ourselves, we felt that we didn't dare to look at it directly. It's a bit exaggerated!

These investments are not cost-effective. The laboratories are not established by one or two. There are also the treatment of experts and scholars. Some of them want to curse! Why didn't I choose to study agriculture at the beginning? Although it is only a trace of emotion after feeling, it can be seen that it is general!

From their work, very hard! But their hard work is not in vain, pay always have return, in their body reflect incisively and vividly! Along with two years of Agricultural University and professional, is also popular!These are brought about by the farm, and this is only academic. From the perspective of economy and environment, the performance of the farm is really speechless! Along with several provinces in the north, the economy has been greatly developed. There is no need to say more about transportation and logistics!

The change of the environment is particularly gratifying, because the farm for the environment is particularly high, and even has poured the harsh one! Developing the economy and protecting the environment have been done by others! And it's very good! There is nothing to be picky about!

What's more, in the process of implementation, the farm did not run rampant or even unscrupulous because of Ding Yu! On the contrary, it is constantly coordinating with the government and relevant departments. Is it that the farm does not have this force? Or the lack of financial resources on the farm is not, people just show respect!

The farm did not mention excessive requirements, and even took the initiative to coordinate. How can other relevant departments deal with this situation? Do we have to make it difficult for the farm, or directly bomb Ding Yu, the Giant Buddha?

What are the consequences of that? Although such a possibility is not so great, but not afraid of 10000, just in case, Ding Yu will not take these people seriously, but who dares to guarantee such a thing, when the wheels roll, it will not be one person or two people!

Ding Yu looks at the person who is talking, and his age is similar! What's the purpose of his coming? I have quite a guess!

So he nodded his head. He and the other one must have quite a task. Otherwise, it would never happen today. After all, it would be very difficult to see yourself in a normal way! I am not a very sociable person! This is obvious to all!

"Secretary Chen, let's have a hard time!"

"Director Ding, your work is quite busy!"

It seems very polite to talk to each other, but Ding Yu points out the meaning of it. When you come here, you are not well entertained? It's not my problem. I won't pay any attention to it, but is it coming? You don't need to be polite!

Moreover, Ding Yu didn't mean to tease him. If he couldn't, he was not a porcupine. He was full of thorns! If you don't prick people for a while, you'll feel sick all over! What's more? Ding Yu also told me that he didn't have any other problems. You can rest assured! At least it has nothing to do with the farm!

Chen Fang is clear, because director Ding Yuding has said it clearly and clearly! So it is said that Ding Yu's work is relatively busy, and it is not appropriate to disturb himself! Can only take advantage of this time to come! I also hope that director Ding will not be offended!

After hearing this, Ding Yu nodded! This one also knows its flavor well, good!

"How is the commissar?"

Seeing the female comrade nodding, Ding Yu did not speak! A question will do! Others do not need to be said, at least not suitable for today's occasion to say more! As for whether she has other things, I don't need to ask more now. It's not appropriate!

When Zhao Hongyang came back, the dishes began to be served one after another. In fact, it was quite boring to have dinner with Ding Yu. There was wine on the table, but no one wanted to move it! Ding Yu has never liked it very much. Since Ding Yu has no meaning to mention, it is even more impossible for other people to mention it!

However, having dinner with Ding Yu, there is not so much red tape, and it is very happy. There is basically no surplus of things on the table. This is absolutely different from the dinner of ordinary people!

In the past, I only heard about it, but after meeting today, I realized that it was like this. Director Ding never wasted money. As director Ding, would he still lack food? Not at all, even if every day there are no Manchu and Han seats, but director Ding has never despised this!

Even if it is a formal occasion, director Ding is the same! There's no shame in saying that!

Waste is the most shameful! To be able to eat and pursue something better, without any problems! But the pursuit of beauty does not mean waste, this is two things!

After dinner, Ding Yu motioned to Zhao Hongyang, and then there were two people left in the room: Ding Yu and Chen Fang!

"Secretary Chen, the place is relatively simple and crude!"

"Director Ding, only by hearing and seeing with my own eyes today, can I know one or two of them, which is worthy of admiration!"

What is the so-called? Ding Yu is naturally clear! "Used to it! It's also a common sense thing, nothing strange! Every day Longgan Fengsui, can be immortal? Take it for granted! It's not a bad thing to eat better and pursue higher. You can do it according to your ability! If you claim to be an ordinary person, you should work hard at most! "

"Director Ding, I have been taught!" Chen Fang is very sincere. Ding Yu is very straightforward when he gives his feelings. Of course, some hints between his words are another thing. At least on the table, Ding Yu has no other cover up!

What's your identity and what's the so-called thing? Ding Yu didn't ask, but after dinner, he met with himself alone, and even mentioned quite a few things. That's enough! At least after I went back, I also knew how to say it!I'm afraid director Ding doesn't mention anything, and then I'll be hard enough to do! Can you blackmail director Ding or use other methods? It's not the way to die!

We all say that director Ding is more difficult to contact, but when we think about it carefully, the so-called difficult contact is just because director Ding is not willing to contact, so we can say that director Ding is more difficult to contact!

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