Of course, there may be another reason. Director Ding is not willing to contact people who are quite official!

Chen Fang has quite a feeling for this, and he is also from the provincial Party committee! The farm has quite close contact with the provincial Party committee! After all, the farm is too big! Moreover, many things need to be coordinated with the government, but this contact is official. When did you hear that director Ding had contact with the government?

Director Ding was originally from the province. At least he grew up here! So there's no problem! But director Ding, let alone the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, did not have any contact, even the municipal Party committee and the municipal government of this small county, director Ding did not have any contact, this is his most intuitive feeling!

It's not that the municipal Party committee here can't get in touch with it. It's really not the reason for this. After director Ding returned to his hometown, he was at home! Farms and hospitals, in addition to this, basically no other activity track, today's meal, has been regarded as an exception! It can be seen that the general!

After Chen Fang left, the former female comrade came to Ding Yu's side and saluted Ding Yu!

"Report! Director! The commissar asked me to come and ask for instructions on my work! "

"I see!" Ding Yu said, "there are other jobs these two days, so there is not so much time! I'll get in touch with the political commissar and bring something to the political commissar when I leave. Everything is OK here! "

His speech is very concise, and even makes people feel a little too polite. However, his words still reveal his concern for the political commissar. The former Chen Fang had no gift to say, but what about this one? Although the gift is not for her, but let her take, but the meaning is different!

As for the last one who came with Zhao Hongyang! "How about it? Is it too restrictive? " For the last one, Ding Yu is not restrained at all! "You didn't even move your chopsticks today? Is it too tight? "

"Ding Sheng, it's really a little nervous. We didn't have such contact before! There is a saying how to say, dog meat can not be on the table, it is really, I come to join the head! It's a shame to you

"Two more contacts! I heard that I have already worked in the chamber of Commerce! Brother Zhao mentioned to me that since you have this idea, it's also a good thing. It's better than fighting alone! There is also pay attention to exercise, don't say so many excuses, I see! Just a little lazy! There is no other reason for that! "

"Ha ha! I said so! " Zhao Hongyang also echoed the sarcasm! You're welcome at all!

"I brought a little wine. Today you two are the foil. I have no choice but to share it with you! I don't care about it Ding Yu waved to them! It's boring and disgusting!

Also did not stay here too long, Ding Yu left at the first time!

But the signal is still received as quickly as possible! It's just this time that there's something strange about it! What does Ding Yu mean, even if it makes people confused? Why should we deliberately release such signals? It doesn't seem like Ding Yu's style! How stiff!

At least there is still too little useful information now! Let us not know how to judge! What Ding Yu has done is a little too ambitious! At least such a thing has never happened in the past, we lack of reference! If it's just guessing? ha-ha!

Speculation is a matter of considerable logic and context! And guess? It's just making up. It's possible that the blind cat will run into a dead mouse, but the greater possibility is that nothing will be achieved! The final result is not the same as the guess!

But this period of time, Ding Yu's action and performance is too weird! This is absolutely abnormal! But what is abnormal, do not know, also can not find out!

It's always been the case. We're used to it! Ding Yu will only let you see what he let you see. As for what he doesn't let others see, we may even talk about the same thing! It's a little too much of a bend!

It is not to say that many forces did not send personnel, that is, the so-called weasel, but how to say? Some people are placed on the surface, their every move is in the eyes of others, and some people are arranged in it! But basically not much action!

Of course, the security and staff team around Ding Yu are the ones that many forces want to enter, but what can they do? So far, we haven't heard any news in this respect, and it may be because everyone's position is too low! So I don't know!

It may also be because in order to play a better role, it's better not to have any exposure now, just hide it all the time, and when it's the most important time, one blow will kill you! Otherwise, it doesn't make any sense!

But no matter which possibility it is, at least so far, it is impossible to inquire about the so-called information from this road!

In fact, this road is the easiest way, but from now on, this road is absolutely not enough to go, even if you know that there will be considerable news, also absolutely dare not go! Then it can only be the choice of other roads! But is the other way so easy to go? Up to now? Did you find any trace of Kim?Nothing there? What else?

Ding Yu came back home. It was a little tasteless! The whole process did not happen any other things, not even a little so-called waves! When he came back, he saw that the lights were still on. Ding Yu said hello to his parents. His parents had just come back. It seemed like they were enjoying themselves!

For Ding Yu, as long as his parents are well, everything else is a little indifferent! However, his parents did not have too many hobbies. They did not like traveling. They did not have any interest in playing ancient books, playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting. At least Ding Yu didn't find much on this point! For food and clothing, there is not too much fussy!

Ding Yu is a little impatient about this. He is too much of a Buddhist system, and too much of a drifter!

People who don't know think they've treated their parents badly? But what about the actual situation? It's a little difficult to pick off the stars and the moon, but other things for Ding Yu are really not as difficult as you can imagine! But what?

"When doing things, don't try so hard. Take it easy. It's like surgery! The more anxious you are, the more likely you are to have trouble! "

Looking at his eldest son, Ding Lin is also shaking his head, but Zhao Shuying is very dissatisfied with humming!

"Don't listen to your father! To educate children, we need to start from childhood, develop good habits, let alone grow up? When I grow up, some habits have been deeply rooted! It's not that you can change it if you want to change it. There are too many pains. How many children in my generation have taught me have witnessed too many problems and situations in this respect! "

Well, on this issue, it's really hard to argue with Zhao Shuying. Every year, students come to see Zhao Shuying, and they are all in groups! Looking at is also really enviable!

What's more, it's already this time! Really argue? Where do you sleep at night?

Looking at his father's appearance, Ding Yu also smiles! "Dad, you should rest earlier! I'll go back first! "

"Well! You too! Don't work too hard

Wave your hand and let Ding Yu leave! However, although the eldest son is busy with his work, he really doesn't see that he has too much fatigue. His mentality is also very good. The important thing is not to grow old, which is very important!

In addition to the conditions of the family, with a good mentality, can maintain, is not easy!

He and his wife have been slowly keeping up for the past two years, mainly because there are no other things in the family. Most of the things are carried by the boss and Ding Ding. As for Ding Ding? With her is also may 8, without her is also 40, has no influence!

Ding Yu went back to his villa. Of course, he was not the only one in the house. There were also security guards and nannies. However, they didn't mean to disturb Ding Yu, because Ding Yu didn't like to be disturbed! And Ding Yu didn't feel how boring and tasteless such a thing was. It was very clean, and it was also a good thing!

Looking at the time on the watch, Ding Yu called the political commissar in the past!

The phone was connected before it rang twice! Inside came a very familiar sound! "Hello, director! I am Guzhuang! " I didn't expect that director Ding Yuding called me at this time! I have no rest! When I saw the director calling, I didn't have too many accidents!

"I've met the comrade who just came! But it's not so cool! "

"My chief director! What would you like me to say? It's nice to be able to breathe in front of you! What's more, she's not from my side, she's in charge of communicating with each other! " Gu Zhuang gave me some advice. I believe the director can understand what he said. Of course, this is not a complaint. There is no such problem!

"After saying a few words, let her bring you some things, which are all produced by her own side, and some drinks that you can't buy even if you want to buy them. It's a thought to keep them well!"

"Rare! Director, I always feel that this thing is not easy to collect! "

"Things are processed, and I deliberately mix them up. It's good for your body, but don't overdo it every day, activate your blood vessels, and save you what problems and conditions will arise. Someone will come to me to settle accounts, and I won't carry this black pot!" Ding Yu seems to be very magnanimous!

But Guzhuang has a special sensitivity to such things!

"Tell me straight, director! I can still carry it! " Since the direct expression of the original meaning does not play such a big role, then change a way! It's not a big problem! As long as the work is done well, other problems will not be problems. For this point, Guzhuang still has a very deep understanding!

From my own point of view, even if I ride a horse every day, as long as I do my job well! So for the director, he will carry the rest of the things for you, and you don't need to have any worries. Even for the director, such behavior is still a reflection of ability!

Although it is a metaphor, but this is the best explanation and metaphor!The director is such a person, just like his own side of the work, since the director took up this post, has he really been in office for a few days? Almost no, except to guide the general direction, other aspects? Basically, it's just a kind of question, just like a shopkeeper who shakes his hands!

If placed in other places and units, I'm afraid it would have been a mess! But on the director's side, the progress is very good! Abnormal smooth, their only worry is the seeds below, not to be able to bear! In addition, basically there are not too many problems!

"These two days should not be so quiet?"

"How are you?" Guzhuang also knew that this matter must not be concealed from the director! So there is not too much cover up meaning! "But there are not so many people. After all, this is a special department, and it's the one that doesn't file!"

"You! It's a good old man

As for director Ding's evaluation, Gu Zhuang was naturally wrong to do something. There was a saying that he didn't do his job. What did director Ding involve? It had nothing to do with himself. He didn't want the military to be involved in any relationship!

We should know that although director Ding is a good talker, he is not ruthless in general! When the blood flow to the ground, but there is no way to clean up! So don't mix it in at the beginning! I don't say anything. It seems that I have cut off the military's contact line, but it is also for their good!

I have seen with my own eyes how cold the director is! And I can be sure that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with the military! In this case, don't be too curious! Not everyone has nine lives. If you are careless, you will be filled in by your own life!

Within the scope of their own ability, I try my best to keep these guys from falling their heads, but if I can't stop them, then I have no way!

As for the director's phone call, I know it now! Is to find their own accounts! I brought some things to myself. What do you mean, I want to stop my mouth! What about this time? That's it! But if there is a next time, then I'm sorry!

Guzhuang has so many exclamations, at the same time, there are some worries in my heart. It is true that I have blocked many people, but I can't stop everyone. This is also a common thing! Just don't know what kind of situation those people will be! Even if their heads don't fall to the ground, at least they don't have to think about this hat!

"By the way, director! My side also has the quite situation, but has not been able to find the particularly good time, I think has two players is very good! It's true that they lost the election at the beginning! But the next performance was amazing! I also personally went to a trip, for two people's situation carried on the further audit! "

"Well?" Ding Yu blinked his eyes. This political commissar is good enough! He said to him quite a thing, but he came with his own hand, but he is really not too good to refute what!

After all, he is responsible for this aspect of work. Now he reports to himself about his work. If he refuses him, he still doesn't know how many troublesome things will come to him. Don't doubt whether Guzhuang has this ability, he definitely has! As long as he is willing or not!

At least from the current situation, the work between each other is still very good! I don't need to worry too much about the red tape problems, but if Guzhuang really gives up, then I need to be accountable to my director!

"You have a good time." Ding Yu snorted, "tell me about the two of them?! Can let you value, even personally run two times, it shows that your expectations for them are very unusual, but I do remember, you are more interested in Pepper! What's the matter? "

"No! You are already the chief director! Still interested in such trivial things! How gossipy Guzhuang can't pretend to be quail. For Guzhuang, it's not his character. Moreover, he knows that director Ding doesn't like this habit, so he doesn't hesitate to hate it!

"But the pepper is really growing! Progress is very fast! Now, at least at the entry level! But Guo Kai and his people are a little too brutish! It's hard to be the director. You've picked them out! "

For this, Guzhuang has the most say! Because all is oneself sees with one's own eyes!

Although they have not yet reached the point of success, but their impact is really too great! Many of the chief officers of the army have called to express their thanks!

Of course, there are other meanings behind thank you! No one dislikes such a large number of people, because the more people, the greater the impact! But director Nai ho Ding's eyes are really so high, and he himself is a little difficult to deal with, so we all wonder whether we can pass the ancient political commissar and think of other ways!Even if you can't think of any good way, at least we can have a good relationship, right? You can also get quite a bit of grapevine!

The main reason is also because we are not very good to grasp the context of director Ding Yuding, this one! It's really a wild horse. It's a bit out of the way to do things. It's hard for people to feel their heads! Now, with the ancient political commissar, it is much better! At least this one still has a thread to follow!

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