"I've heard about pepper! Fight with Guo Kai! But the possibility of catching up with Guo Kai is not so big, Guo Kai! It's a monster, too

You also made the monster! However, there is no direct statement about this, there is no need for it! And I am really interested in this. For the military, the more the better, the more the better!

But the problem is that there are quite a lot of outstanding talents who are not suitable for Ding Yu's way. This is especially fucker!

What's more, the cost of this training is not mentioned by the director, but it has been calculated by someone here, which is a bit unbearable! That is to say, director Ding has a big family and a great career, otherwise? ha-ha!

But director Ding's money is not windy, but also earned one cent!

It's not that the military doesn't want to take over, but it hasn't figured out a suitable idea. What's more, the director's side is a kind of person to person! For each person, different people have different plans, which also increases the difficulty!

What the military needs is a system! It's called batch manufacturing!

If that kind of specialization, to a certain extent, it is not so suitable! But it's not that there is no use at all. On the contrary, it is absolutely beyond imagination!

Just like now, let's experiment! Then let's talk about the next step! If you can't say that you can't walk, you can start running directly! This is not a realistic thing!

"Pepper, these alternatives did not abandon themselves because they lost the election. They still played a very important role, and the impact was also very good! As for the previous time, the effect was not so good? There are also many other reasons, and we can't attribute all the problems to them! "

"Quite a lot of work needs to be handled by the political commissar. It's really inconvenient for me! However, I have already sent all the relevant materials. As for the two candidates you proposed, I need to investigate for a period of time! "

It's not that Ding Yu doesn't sell the face of Guzhuang. On the contrary, Ding Yu gives Gu Zhuang this face very much. If Ding Yu doesn't give face, he refuses, or doesn't give any consideration. Guzhuang can't help it!

But now Ding Yu has made it clear! I will consider this matter. This is not only as simple as being in the eye of the law, but also needs to make a considerable follow-up arrangement. It seems that the number of two people is not so large, but it needs a lot of investment from other aspects to join these two people, and this is Ding Yu's unilateral investment!

But for this matter, Guzhuang did not have any selfishness, if said that he had selfishness, he would not sit in this position! I am recommending two candidates for director Ding. What will the director do? I really don't know!

What the director said about the investigation was definitely not to come and have a look, or to ask a few questions casually? How is it possible? The director's investigation seems to be very casual, but it must have profound meaning! Even before we started, we were quite ready!

"Well! The work there is troubling you! "

When putting down the phone, Ding Yu looked at the faxed information, and he still had a considerable impression of the two people. However, this matter could not be touched by the security personnel at home. He still needed to be someone else! Hesitated for a moment!

Ding Yu is to call his uncle in the past!

When Su Quan received the call, he was surprised that his nephew called him at this time? What's the situation? If it's OK, he won't take the initiative to make this call, but it certainly won't be a particularly important thing! If it is an important thing, he will never be so calm!

"Oh, my great nephew, is the sun today? It's the moon now

"Uncle has not rested yet?" I have a microphone in my hand, but the other hand is reading the information. I need to communicate with my uncle about this matter! Although I have done it myself, no one dares to blame, but I need to pay attention to the rules in doing things!

Ding Yu certainly has the confidence to break the rules, but the problem is, after a long time, how do you look at yourself? At that time, people will regard themselves as a person who does not obey the rules! This is really not what Ding Yu expected!

Since you want to play the game, you need to abide by the rules of the game. You can be violent and unscrupulous, but everything should be based on principles. If you break this foundation, then everyone will stand up against you, because you have caused damage to the game! It affects fairness!

Is Ding Yu a good man? This topic is another topic. At least Ding Yu hasn't thought that he can raise the whole earth on his own. He doesn't have this ability. Maybe he has some small abilities, but it doesn't mean that he can ignore everything. He can't do this. He is not a God or an immortal. He is just a man!

Since he is a human being, he needs to abide by some rules of others. It doesn't mean that Ding Yu has never fouled. Even a lot of times, Ding Yu has violated the rules. However, Ding Yu has always stepped on the red line, which is not to say to break the rules, trample on the lines and break the rules. This is a matter of two natures!It is precisely because of this that it is not easy to give Ding Yu to some hostile forces? If you break the rules, Ding Yu is a vegetarian?

"I still have some work not finished. Let's go! What's the matter? I'm busy with my work! "

Bullshit! My uncle's work is very busy, but it doesn't mean that he has no time. This is just two things, OK? But Ding Yu did not want to refute his uncle's meaning!

"From the team, I choose two people to run errands!"

A word, let answer the phone Suquan can't help but stupefied up, even have so some silly eyes, what situation is this? Did you hear me wrong? Or did he take the wrong medicine? Did he take the initiative to mention it to himself? What do you think?

So for a moment, Su Quan didn't know what kind of reaction to do!

"They trained in the past, and I heard the effect was very good! They're all black and blue! "

There is no need to satirize their nephews. They are blue and blue, even their legs are broken and their arms are broken, which shows that their nephew's security is doing their best! If they are perfunctory, what can they say? But now such a situation, the intelligence department is really very happy! Ding Yu didn't mean to fool everyone!

"Too tender! What a rookie

You don't have to deny your own, right?

"If they are all old birds, they don't have to go to your place. However, they are quite different in nature, that is, let them learn a lot in the past and let them gain some so-called experience!"

"From the current situation, it's still good, but there are limited things that can be taught and transmitted!"

"Boss, how do you feel that there is something in your words?" Su Quan obviously has the meaning to guide this aspect! But I also want to see my nephew willing or not, if he is not willing, I am very helpless about this!

Sometimes is able to force his nephew to do something, but can't show too much! Enough is needed!

In many cases, his nephew still gives this uncle the face. It is true that there are many frictions between the words, but that is more for the outside world to see. The cooperation between himself and him can be said to be very tacit understanding! With the outside people to look at them, they both feel that each other may be very nervous!

But from Su Quan's point of view, I'm very clear that it's not bad to have a tense relationship with my nephew. After all, I'm in such a position. What about my nephew? Location is also quite special, in such a case, need to consider a little more things!

At least the current situation, for both people have considerable benefits, and can do a lot of meaningful things!

"I need people to help me investigate the situation. It's mainly because my people can't walk away. Moreover, it involves some military affairs. It's inconvenient for outsiders to investigate!"

"Well?" Su Quan has a little bit of movement, he soon thought of what! After all, Ding Yu entertained some people this evening, but I still know it! It's not that I stare at Ding Yu all the time. I don't have so much time and I don't have so much free time!

The main reason is that Ding Yu's attendance at the dinner party today is so unexpected that some people reported it and took a look at it! As for the people who attended the party, the others had no interest and didn't want to know what they were. But one of the female comrades really attracted her considerable interest!

This is mainly because of her background. She is a member of the military! When he thought of this, Su Quan suddenly had a feeling that his nephew seemed to throw himself a bait, but the taste was strong. He really didn't know how to refuse?

"The political commissar has recommended two new people to come out. They were defeated in the past. I heard that their performance was very good, but I didn't see the actual situation, so I need to investigate one or two. But if it's people from the military, their observation direction must have many problems, but let other people to observe, one is the problem of identity, the other is the problem of identity It may not be so careful to observe. Someone is right here! "

Got it! Su Yuan twisted his mouth! It's important to say that this matter is important, but it's not important to say that it's not so important, because it doesn't have much to do with the intelligence department, and it's very likely that mutton has not been eaten! On the contrary, it has made a lot of trouble! Why? I am the Department of information management! It's part of the military!

"I said, nephew, you know this is a pit, and you want me to jump in it? It's a little too much! "

"No one's forcing me! I'm just suggesting that if you can, arrange two people. If you can't, I don't care! I'm looking for other people, but it's a bit time-consuming and laborious, and there are a lot of problems! ""Ten minutes for me!"

Su Quan can't make this decision alone! Need to have a meeting to make a decision! Those people went to Ding Yu's nephew to study, not to be a waiter for him!

It is impossible for Ding Yu's family to use the public tools for private use, and let them run errands for Ding Yu. This is basically two times! What's more, there is really no way to refuse this matter!

Why? Hou Tianliang's example is placed there! He was taken in by Ding Yu at the beginning! Then to stay at the side of the position, and then began to jump up, simply can not stop that kind!

No one can guarantee that there will be a next one, after all, Hou Tianliang, everyone looks too hot! Everyone wants to come over and rob people. The emotional management department also has a lot of trouble. Anyway, Hou Tianliang has been protected! And Hou Tianliang's performance and action, also did not let everyone down, even beyond everyone's imagination!

Here, we really have to say that Ding Yu's means are different from others, especially in understanding people! Distinguish people! And even the trainer and other aspects, no its left and right! Now he mentioned this matter. Even if he wants to refuse, will the intelligence department refuse? Will the military refuse? Even willing to take the initiative to do this thing for Ding Yu!

So clearly know that this is bait, but there is no way, can only take the initiative to bite it!

Of course! After receiving Su Quan's report, the intelligence management department has some imagination. Ding Yu's doing this seems to be a bait. But is it possible that some of these personnel are taken in by Ding Yu?

So even if it's bait, it doesn't matter! Director Ding Yu's affairs are not so difficult to do, is to investigate the relevant situation, truthfully say it can! What's more, it's not taboo to help!

Of course, the necessary report still needs to be done! And it must be done! It's not trivial for the intelligence department to investigate some personnel independently. If it really causes any unnecessary vibration, it will be bad! Do things need to think about a bit more comprehensive, it is true that the intelligence department occupies a very important position in the military! This is true!

But it doesn't mean that the information management department can do whatever they want. This is impossible!

Soon, Ding Yu also received a phone call, and the Information Management Department agreed, but Ding Yu said that he knew! Did not mention who they want to transfer! This thing? Need to see their own mood!

After getting up in the morning, Ding Yu went to the farm to have breakfast on the farm! This seems to be a more normal thing, at least can not see that there are too many different! After all, such things happen for a long time!

Not only Ding Yu, but also his children and even Ding Yu's parents will eat in the canteen. The food on the farm is very good, which is not enough to explain everything! After all, there are nannies in the family. Anyway, they are used to it. They fight with the people on the farm, and don't mention too much!

After eating, Ding Yu came to his office. Looking at the people waiting outside, he said hello to his hand!

"Director!" The visitor took two steps and came to Ding Yu's side! It's very respectful, but it doesn't mean anything humble! And the mental state seems good! The first sense is very good!

Nodding, Ding Yu took the lead, and then someone closed the door! Security has considerable experience in this, after all, this is their job! If there are so-called mistakes in this area, then they should not continue to stay! Hurry up and cool down and go there!

"Do you know?"

"No specific notice has been given!" Ding Yu sat down, but the visitor did not. Instead, he stood in front of the table with a straight waist! Have quite military style!

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "I need you to investigate some of the two people's information, you will also see! At that time, quite a number of people will assist you, including the military regions and units where they are located, and the same is true. But what I need you to see is not to say that it is what you see with your eyes! "

"Director, if you don't have to look at it with your eyes, it's hard to make a proper judgment!"

"What the eye sees is the past, because reflection takes quite a while!" What Ding Yu said is a little mysterious. "What you need is to make a considerable judgment on their next time, and even make certain predictions. What I mean is prediction, not so-called speculation. These are two problems of nature."

No! My God! This is a bit of a kill!

It's not only for them to investigate, but also to make quite a report. These are two kinds of questions, OK? In other words, the future of the respondents is in their hands!

If you say that your side move as a crooked brain, then the subject of investigation will never come to a good end! But again, what kind of follow-up problems are waiting for, which will also be a very distressing problem!

However, there is no experience in this aspect in impartial investigation! In what direction? What kind of approach is needed? No idea! It's a bit difficult to take over now!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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