In Ding Yu's side has not finished, the desk phone rings, security informed Ding Yu, the other two also come!

"See you! It should be all your colleagues! "

Ding Yu didn't mean to hide it! "You are all from the same group. I believe you know your identity. However, this action means that your identity will be exposed and there are too many people staring at you, so you are not suitable to stay in another team! Cutting must be done! "

"Yes! Director I didn't say that I had been told such things when I came. There is no need for the director to say so, that is to say, some things can be said, but some things, you need to keep your mouth shut! It's not negotiable!

After the other two came in, the security guard closed the door again!

Ding Yu took up the remote control and opened the screen!

"I'll give you a week to investigate specifically the two people on the screen. They both belong to the same military area, so you don't need to run around! The environment of the military region is relatively fixed, and there will also cooperate with your investigation! "

"Report, director, what do we need to investigate?"

It's very bold! In front of his face mentioned this problem, Ding Yu took a look and then slowly said!

"Some people said that their performance was excellent and recommended them to me, but I don't have time here, so I need you to have a look at their situation! I need to see the reports of the three of you, and submit them in a week! "

After a pause, Ding Yu took another look at the three men! "First of all, in this process, you need to attract not only your superiors from the military area command! It includes the eyes of the intelligence and governance departments and even the whole military, as well as some eyes from the outside world. How can you look at your own performance? "

"I need to make a point here, because of your special identity, so this time the task will be very difficult! Therefore, I will give you considerable authority, but especially remind you that there are too many temptations! I don't know if you can handle it yourself! "

When the matter is over, Ding Yu waves his hand! You can go now!

Quite things do not need me to deliberately explain what, there will be someone to explain you, and explain more carefully and seriously than I, as for the follow-up things? I believe that there should not be too many people to intervene, if there are people to intervene, then it is bound to cause some strong reactions!

Three people left Ding Yu's office and looked at each other!

"I just went in a few minutes ahead of time. It's not as long as you look for it. I'm confused now."

Seeing the other two people looking at themselves, Yang Chen explained a little bit! Although there is not much need to say, and even a little cover up meaning, but the thing is like this! I was just a few minutes ahead of time! It's not any different! And the director said it! Let them observe by themselves!

There was no mention of who was the leader of the three of them! Obviously, there should be director Ding's consideration in this!

Reports still need to be reported, but now? The director has already reserved tickets! They just need to get to the place!

The intelligence management department got the news soon. They were also in a fog. They wanted to account for quite a few things, but they couldn't grasp Ding Yu's context! What does Ding Yu want to do? No clue!

About their three people's information, we all quickly recite, but not much use!

What's more, the three of them were released by Ding Yu. Does Ding Yu have no arrangement at all? Maybe everything is in Ding Yu's eyes. If he doesn't say it doesn't mean he can't see it. This is two times!

If we say that the intelligence and governance Department has made considerable arrangements, will it reduce the image of the three of them in Ding Yu's mind? Hard to say! At the beginning of Hou Tianliang, we can say that nothing has been done!

So, do you need to make proper arrangements for the three people now? No way! Don't even do a good job! Because once there is a hint in this respect, then the next three of them can not be autonomous! If we say that they are not autonomous, what is the significance of director Ding's letting them go?

Everyone knows that Ding Yu's vision is not generally high! At least in terms of selection? It's not enough to describe with eyes higher than the top! And he is particularly reluctant to get involved in other aspects! Everyone knows this from the heart!

There is Su Quan there, although he is also listed in the meeting, but now there are not too many words, a little old God in the appearance! As for the reasons? Everyone is also very clear!

Now really can't ask Su Quan too much! The relationship between each other is too complicated. Although Su Quan is said to be Ding Yu's uncle, the intelligence department has already collected too much wool from Su Quan, and the whole person has been stripped! Now this time to continue to mention the requirements of certain aspects, this is really the common indignation of man and God!What's more, the location of Suquan is different now!

After making a considerable explanation, the intelligence department has paid close attention to the three people, but there is no guidance in other aspects. You can do things by yourself! As for the others? There is no arrangement on the top!

The so-called not to make arrangements is to inform the three of them that this is a test for you. What about us? As a parent, it's impossible to cheat in such a situation. How many points did you get in the exam? That's a reflection of your ability. It's the person who sets the question this time, which may make people feel a little uncomfortable!

Hope you can test out the best results! But what will happen? No one dares to make this guarantee, after all, the examiner is Ding Yu! This guy is famous for his cold face, trying to curry favor from his hands? It's not that easy!

For so many years, many people have sent them to the past, but Ding Yu doesn't really care about them. Hou Tianliang is not sent by the emotion management department at all, but is selected by Ding Yu himself! Now three more of them? Think about it, I feel that there are so many itching in my heart!

Of course, it is possible to let the three of them run errands!

Ding Yu is a very cautious person. This time, he can't make a trip in person. In this case, he should be recommended by Guzhuang political commissar over there. Although he trusts the commissar, Ding Yu needs to take a look at some things in person before he can make other judgments!

Trust this is a thing, but you can't ignore others because of trust! This is an irresponsible performance!

If it's something else, Ding Yu really won't be like this. Since the political commissar has already made this decision, then if something happens at that time, you should be responsible for it! But not now, these students will become seeds in the future. If there is any situation, the impact will be too great!

Since these students have been selected, they need to be responsible for this! For the military signboard, even if it is not for many years, Ding Yu's feelings have not changed!

But standing in Ding Yu's position, some problems can not be expressed too clearly and clearly!

Some things can be done by themselves, but can not have any voice, also can not have any expression, because send out their own voice, then it is easy to cause considerable taboo! This is Ding Yu is not willing to face, too much trouble, but also easy to affect some of his layout!

However, the military area command received a briefing, and was a little confused! Earlier, when Guzhuang political commissar personally came to inspect, he was more satisfied with the two students, but even after the investigation, he did not make any other mention! The military region asked about the follow-up, but there was no word from Guzhuang commissar!

But who ever thought, this is only a few days? The second wave of assessment is coming! It was not director Ding Yuding who came, but from what I heard, the person who came to investigate was arranged by director Ding Yuding. This is a big event!

"Are they here?"

The political commissar was very helpless to smile, "things are a little bit biased, there are so many problems with the identity of the visitors! You can see it at a glance! " Said is also handed over the information in the past! "The visitors are from the information management department. I heard that two of them were still trained by director Ding, and the other one was transferred. Director Ding called the roll in person!"

"Roll call in person?" Looking at the document, the above information is more clear, because they belong to the same department, for this department, we are really clear! This point is quite strange. Why should we let the people from the information management department come to investigate? This is obviously a little wrong! "What do you think?"

"If we can, we will try our best to cooperate and not make other arrangements! You know, the identity of these three people is special. They were sent by director Ding. I have heard of director Ding's name! His personal roll call, it is obvious that the one who came here, even if he is not of great status, will be very outstanding in his ability! "

Senior military leaders basically know Ding Yu, and even have a good understanding of it. However, most of the time, people's understanding of Ding Yu is so one-sided, because Ding Yu is not sociable. Even if you want to talk to him, you can't find too many entry points! This is really a little annoying!

But this does not hinder everyone's attention to Ding Yu, especially this time, there are many people participating in the selection, but not many people are selected! But director Ding said it! No selection, does not mean that they are not excellent, just not suitable for their own way!

Said very level, is also quite gratifying!

At least at that time, everyone thought so. When these students came back and saw the specific situation, we knew what was not suitable for director Ding! This is not so simple as self abuse, OK? Not one of a hundred people is suitable!What's more, the way they learn is basically self-study. You can ask for advice. There are special people who are responsible for answering the questions, but they will not teach anything deliberately! But asked about Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin, they said! It's not that they don't teach them, but their current level and there is no way to reach the pass line! Since

has failed to pass the pass line, it means that impatience and impatience will lead to their ignorance. The essence is wasted. In other words, if you have done useless work, what else will you talk about?

Talk of Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin! Let the military area command have such silly eyes and dullness. Are you kidding? As far as their performance is concerned, they can't even pass? What is the standard of a passing person?

I've heard of Guo Kai. He's the best among them. But we haven't seen any real people. What's more? Guo Kai is from the naval ship academy, which also makes boss Lu feel a little unbalanced!

"I haven't seen Guo Kai. Those ducks are under very tight care now. If you move Guo Kai, it's just like touching their hearts! Even the watchdog is not so fierce, who is near! They will show their teeth

"My chief! You moved Guo Kai. Did you move someone else? Who doesn't have a baby pimple like, say Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin two people, we are not the same? I'm afraid someone will pick the cover! At that time, we would like to cry without tears. Anyway, according to the news I have got now, quite a few people want to start! "

"If you give them some color, you really want to open a dyeing house, don't you? Beautiful them

It's OK to move, but not both of them! This is not as simple as protecting food!

Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin play a very good driving effect! At the beginning, we thought that if we did a good job in ideological work and training, there might be no other problems! But from the point of view of the modernization of the army, these are not enough, and still far from enough! The military also has considerable consideration for this!

Director Ding Yuding here can be said to be another way! His way is suitable for the whole military, because the conditions are too harsh, which is not what ordinary soldiers and officers can do. However, such elite training will certainly have a very good effect in the future, which is certain! And there's no doubt about it!

"I have seen the situation of Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin on the whole! And carefully studied, to be exact, a little scalp numbness, if we are to cultivate, we need to mobilize too much manpower and resources! The resources needed are also huge, and we have not achieved it at all, because our funds and resources are limited! "

About this! Two people are also very helpless, because they need to stand in a higher angle to consider the problem! Can't just supply to Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin, then how can the whole military region live?

"I really want to see Guo Kai and their staff! What kind of spectacle will it be? " The words are full of exclamation, because they are satisfied with the performance of Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin. It is true that there are many colleges ahead of them, but it is good to be able to eat in the mouth!

"You are a typical person who has won a long and prosperous future in Sichuan. Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin are two people. We are very lucky to be able to stay here! What's more, we have not resorted to deception. Their performance is a manifestation of their own ability. On this issue, I, as a political commissar, can be sure of it! "

"No use! I don't know if director Ding will value it? This is the most important thing! " He sighed and then said, "since it's the inspector sent by director Ding, it's like what you said! If we don't make any other arrangements, we will expose all the problems and situations, and if we don't do any face project, I won't believe it! What else can you do? Who makes a problem, I punish him! Absolutely easy

"Then it is decided! Do not do any face project, let them check the performance of Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin, but do you need to tell Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin something about it? "

"Don't tell them! Look at their own alertness. You should know that they are also members of the army. If they do not have this alertness, they will be "forgetting their roots."

Come on! The commander is "bad" enough, but they know the situation of the two of them, and they are still closely concerned about it. The quality of the two people can not be said, and they are not delayed because of their study! There is even a considerable improvement!

Their heart is a sincere expectation, they two people can go further, but the final result will be what, their heart does not have too much confidence! Because the right to judge is not in his own hands, but in director Ding's hands! Who knows what kind of decision does director Ding have?

No one else can interfere in this matter. Guzhuang political commissar recommended two people, not to mention the friendship between them. Why didn't he recommend other people, but Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin?There is no problem with the performance of the two people, but this is just their own idea, recommended by Guzhuang political commissar! Director Ding will send someone to check it and make the final decision! Now is really anxious! Need to think about it!

What's more, even if you want to think of other ways, can you really pass through director Ding Yuding? Things we haven't seen! There will even be counter effects! It is said that he is the nephew of the Su family, but it seems that the Su family does not have much say in this matter. Although we don't say something, we all know it from the bottom of our hearts!

It's decided! Ding Yu is sitting on the fishing platform. He doesn't know how many fish he can catch this time. No one can say clearly. Now he has done what he needs to do! As for the follow-up will be what kind of development, and what kind of reaction, now it is not known!

Of course, the reason why they do this, there are other purposes! Since someone has put their eyes on their own body to come! So I can't refuse everyone's kindness, can I? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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