The arrival of Yang Chen and the three of them was warmly welcomed by the military area command. The eyes of the three of them were different! This makes them feel more pressure! What is this?

Why? Are they not clear enough in their hearts? We should know that they are here for the purpose of censorship, not to say that they are in order to show off. What's more, they are from the Department of information management. They have a natural resistance to such things as being in the limelight, but it is not easy to directly reject them!

Obviously, the three of them are cautious. Their eyes have a little alertness! Fortunately, it's just a welcome party. There's no other operation!

Soon the three of them entered the normal work process. After all, director Ding Yuding gave them a week! From this point of view, time is too tight! And has not given any direction, in such a case, how to audit? This is a problem!

No one gave them advice, and their superiors didn't have any words. All of them had to be solved by themselves? But how to solve it? Know this is a pit, but they have to jump in it!

You know, they come here, but they carry a lot of things! It's not that they can ignore others. If they have any special performance, then waiting for them will definitely have a good future, which is certain!

After seeing the performance of the three of them, people in the intelligence and governance Department hate them. Don't you know why you went there? In this case? You've been calculated! What about the next work?

It can be said that we are quite anxious about this, but it is of no use to worry about it, because they are not good at having other actions or hints. Who knows if Ding Yu is watching from a short distance? It is true that the intelligence department can use many other ways and methods to hide Ding Yu's eyes! At least temporarily cover Ding Yu's eyes!

But what's the difference between such behavior and stealing information? Ding Yu that guy ghost essence ghost essence, he can not feel this aspect at all! It is true that the three of them went to Ding Yu for a short time, but who can guarantee it? Don't Ding Yu know their details?

If you interfere with them, it will definitely have the opposite effect, which is certain!

"What do you think of it at dawn?"

There's no way. Now they just have to pull Hou Tianliang back. After all, Hou Tianliang once followed Ding Yu. He has a certain understanding of Ding Yu. Now he doesn't ask him to pay any attention. He just hopes that he can give a fair judgment! At least he is much better than the others!

It's true that we deal with Ding Yu many times, but the relationship between them is not so harmonious! At this point, you can't catch up with Hou Tianliang! They still have a good relationship with Ding Yu!

When Hou Tianliang entered the office, he knew that things would not be easy to handle! Because he has got quite a rumor, but did not expect things will be so difficult!

However, Hou Tianliang is also clear that he does not have too many choices now!

"My personal opinion, if feasible, it is better not to have other actions!" Hou Tianliang's answer is very cautious, and even some mature, this is obviously different from his usual style! Because the things involved are different!

"Why do you say that?" Su Quan asked a rare question!

"I worked as a Secretary for the director for a period of time. The director once said that it was fate! It's natural, fate has done, a hundred, fate has not arrived, can not be forced! That's the general meaning

Hou Tianliang's answer is very clever! But the words also reveal their own attitude! It's hard to say, and it's hard to say! The director must have a good intention to do so!

More frankly, it depends on Yang Chen's personal ability. If they can show this ability, I believe the director will surely see their flash point!

If they don't have this fate, the emotion management department will push them by force! Then the result may be counterproductive. If you want your director to talk about the so-called affection, at least in such a matter, the possibility is definitely not as great as imagined!

Because Hou Tianliang really knows Ding Yu too well! Other things may be easier to say, but when it comes to this aspect, the director will never be lenient! Also do not have any sentiment to say, this with whether or not will corrupt own reputation not to have too many relations!

But although Hou Tianliang understood this matter, he would not be very straightforward about it. He was not stupid! If you say so, it will embarrass the heads!

So I used the director's words, not only can explain more clearly, also won't let oneself fall into it! After all, I am the chief Professor, and this matter has nothing to do with the principle! You don't need to be so serious!All the people in the room were quite surprised by Hou Tianliang's answer, but at the same time, they were so happy. How old is this guy! Even the answer is perfect, we really can't find any problems! It's not easy to be able to judge the situation!

It is worthy of Professor Ding Yu's coming out. It is really extraordinary! It's amazing!

"At dawn, from your personal point of view, which of the three of them is most likely?"

As soon as this question was said, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Everyone also looked at Hou Tianliang and wanted to hear his comments. Hou Tianliang was also complaining in secret. As for this? I have some achievements, but I don't have to do that, right?

"I don't have enough information, I don't know much about their situation, so I can't give a proper judgment! However, from my personal understanding, the director must have a lot of knowledge about the situation. To a certain extent, all three of them should have considerable opportunities! "

What Hou Tianliang said is also very straightforward. If the director doesn't have the meaning in this respect, he will never let the three of them go together. There is no need for him. The director can't play with any so-called tricks on such things!

The performance of the three of you is pretty good, at least with considerable potential. Under such circumstances, I would like to give you a chance. The opportunity has come! Can you catch it? If you can catch it, then the next thing will be easy to do! But if you can't catch it, I'm sorry!

Su Quan looked up and down Hou Tianliang. He learned from Ding Yu very well, which was very oily! I don't agree with Hou Tianliang! But no strong opposition! No need! Look at his performance, too!

It was unexpected that he gave himself such a surprise! We had put the target on him, but he quickly moved the target! Really did not suffer too much of the target!

After a few words, they successfully transferred the target to Yang Chen and the three of them, and also explained the reason why. Now the continuous inquiry of Hou Tianliang is a little too aimed at his meaning! This is extremely inappropriate! Everyone knows this. We all know that Hou Tianliang's ability is good. We didn't expect that his political wisdom is also so excellent!

At first, it was valued by Ding Yu. It was not for no reason! It's not that Hou Tianliang only has ability, but his personality defect is not really like this! Outstanding ability, and can be a good unity, this is what people expect!

"There's quite a chance?"

Although the words are like this, but when it comes to the actual situation, can the three of them grasp it? At least from the present situation, the three of them have never been able to seize such an opportunity! Because they are about to be bound by the movement of the military region!

But is this a military region problem? It seems that we can't say that! At least from the normal process point of view, there is no problem with the performance of the military region, everything is reasonable! Welcome to Yang Chen, and then provide them with the most convenient conditions. As for what kind of performance you can have, this problem is not with us!

So this can not be regarded as a victory, only to say that Yang Chen and they have not experienced such a situation! So it's hard to deal with it for a while! I've seen a little bit of the world! If it goes on like this, it is very likely that they have gone through a scene in the past this time. If this is the case, it would be a pity!

Everyone is in the eye, anxious in the heart! You three are fighting for us!

Is Ding Yu such a good mouth jerk? He is now a golden mouth, what a rare opportunity to know that the outside world does not know how many pairs of eyes are looking at it! Now given such an opportunity to the intelligence management department, if it is said that the emotion management department can not grasp it, it will not only be shameful and so simple!

There is no need to try to hide such a thing from the military. What's more, the intelligence and governance Department has already made a report on this aspect. The leaders of the intelligence management department are also some gnashing teeth. They are all brother departments. Your military region can't provide any convenience for Yang Chen and them to put them on the fire? Really good?

But is cursing useful now? There are some people who want to shift the responsibility to others!

Hou Tianliang hesitated for a moment and whispered a word with Su Quan beside him!

"At dawn, do you have any different opinions?" There are people with sharp eyes nearby, and they point out Hou Tianliang directly!

Su Quan took a glance, then slowly said, "can this be a test of Ding Yu?" When others say it, they must say director Ding. Not many people will directly call Ding Yu's name, but Suquan is different! Let him call director Ding, this is definitely a manifestation of disharmony in the family. Admittedly, the relationship between them is a bit awkward, but they will not tear down each other on such occasions. Isn't that a joke for everyone?When this word comes out, everybody can't help but be stunned! Yeah! Will this be the test of director Ding Yuding? It's hard to say. Their intelligence department is a member of the military. Isn't the military region there a part of the military?

There is a considerable relationship between the intelligence department and that side. Can't Ding Yu have a good relationship with that side? And such things do not even need to deliberately arrange what? Just push the boat along the river!

It's obvious that we all care too much! In the game, you can't see from the sidelines!

"Ding Yu, this bastard, can't play any role by guessing from nowhere! How did they perform? It determines how they will develop in the future. Those of us who are in charge of the family are confused when they care about it! After all, we can't play for them, that would be a shame

Now that I have taken over this topic, I would like to express my opinions and ideas. Hou Tianliang's performance is very good, which can be called excellent. Moreover, he is still a student of his nephew. In this connection, he also needs to be surrounded by others! What's more, he has been very optimistic about him!

After a lot of discussion, the situation is really like this. Previously, we were a little too anxious, and our whole mind was driven up. Su Quan said something, and we all woke up!

You know, director Ding Yuding has always been vindictive. He sent two teams in the past, which means taking advantage of the fire! Does director Ding really think that nothing has happened? For him, would he really swallow his anger? The possibility is not as big as you think!

Isn't it? Retribution is coming! Even if you don't know what he is doing, you can only say it on purpose!

What if not? Personal end? Or ask Ding Yu to come over and confront. Are you kidding? Really, if you find out what happened! Then it will be really naked! It's a shame to turn around!

But on the other hand, although Ding Yu's character is a little bad, the people who went to him had a great harvest. Even many people who had been sent to him in the past, no matter whether they were patients for recuperation or specialized training, Ding Yu did his best. He could not say that he had everything, but there was absolutely no reservation!

This is praised by everyone, after all, there are not many other people who can do it!

Because Ding Yu there is not a state department, but private! He could have refused! Why is he more popular there? We all like to focus on it, because Ding Yu also made a large sum of money. The people under his hand are not as many as imagined, but they are absolutely sharp, which is beyond the imagination of many people!

But Ding Yu is not always a complacent person! And also don't like display, so everyone for Ding Yu may be worth seeing the surface of things! But who is the intelligence department? How could they have no idea what was going on?

If you really don't know anything, it is absolutely irresponsible to the country and the people! It's better to hang a rope directly on the beam of the house, which may be better!

It is because of knowing! The intelligence department always looks for opportunities to cram people there, and most of the time they let Su Quan act as the villain. Anyway, Ding Yu is your nephew. You uncle, you can't have any strength!

Every time it's like this! Su Quan didn't refuse too much, but we also had some bad intentions! People? You can be cheeky, but you can't be shameless, can you? People live a face, live a skin!

After the meeting, we separated, Hou Tianliang reported to the leaders one by one! When he came to Suquan, he was the first to salute Suquan! Su Quan looked up and down! Slightly hum a voice, "like a grasshopper, skipping, where to get away quickly! Stay here

"What's more, your work is very ordinary, and you have made a lot of common sense mistakes. I really don't know what happened to you? What about Ding Yu? It's not humiliating enough! "

If other people say this, Hou Tianliang will not be too happy! But the meaning of Su Quan's words is absolutely different! There are other meanings in it! Hou Tianliang can still hear this!

This matter is not you Hou Tianliang, this small arm and leg can be mixed in it! I transferred you earlier. On the one hand, you need to report your work. On the other hand, what about the other? It is also because of your performance that some people have other thoughts!

Fortunately, after you come back, all aspects of the face of you or merciful! With the maintenance of others, what would it be like now? It's really hard to say!

Now your work has been reported! What's more, Yang Chen's situation is not something you can mix with at will. Get out of here and get out of here as soon as possible! Don't be fragmented, it's too late to repent!

Hou Tianliang knew all these things in his heart, so he saluted Su Quan, straightened his chest, put on his hat, and left quickly. However, when he left, he could not help shrinking his waist, and his chest collapsed!Looking at Hou Tianliang's action, Su Quanxin was particularly satisfied. He understood his hint and immediately made a response. It was very good! I even have other thoughts now!

We all know that the future of Hou Tianliang must be bright, but it is not appropriate to promote him to a certain height now! At the same time, it is extremely inappropriate! Absolutely can't cause the situation of high vision and low hand!

What's more, he needs practice now, and he is not in the rear! Now let him rush in the front line, is for the future! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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