For the Wangs, the news came a little late!

Although the military blockade of information is very strict, but quite a number of people still got the news, but it is very clear that the news is not leaked out by the military on its own initiative. It is too late for them to block the news! How can you disclose the news! It can only be said that the relationship between some people is so extensive!

The news must be traced, but the capital revealed the news to the Wangs, and the reason is very clear!

Ding Yu is even interested in the people in the Department of emotion management. It seems that he still wants to cultivate them deliberately. I'll let him go! This is a big deal!

And it's a big deal! Any other things can be put on the table, but this thing is absolutely not enough for the military to be expert in the front! Absolutely not. Why?

But we all know that because of this, he went to find Ding Yu and was beaten out of the house, even beaten black and blue! I'm afraid it's all light! If it is heavier, the leg will break and the arm will break!

After all, Ding Yu's temper is not as good as expected, everyone is very clear about it! Hard to find Ding Yu, but also for such a thing, Ding Yu does not explode just strange!

The collateral reaction is that the whole thing is broken! This is absolutely not allowed!

I don't care how strict Ding Yu is, or whether there is so much insight for this matter. As long as Ding Yu's golden mouth is opened, there will never be any refusal if he can promise! Because Ding Yu has used countless people to prove his ability, there is no doubt about it!

But how to let Ding Yu open this golden mouth? There are also so many years of time down, Ding Yu training personnel is not a small number! From the first echelon to the following song Tianren and so on, a top excellent! Everyone is envious!

But on the whole, the number seems to be a lot, but on average, the base is really too small! Poor little one! It's not enough! If we want to expand this scale ten times, maybe! Reluctantly! May meet the requirements of everyone!

Is it a bit too long to look forward to Sichuan? Pooh! What's the use of having a face at this time? You know, their back strength is the future! If they stand up, the impact on the whole faction will be huge!

What's more, Ding Yu is in the cultivation! Always spare no effort that kind! He never cares about the gains and losses in this respect, and he doesn't mean to form cliques, which is quite appreciated by everyone!

Since the intelligence and governance departments have such opportunities, they can't discriminate between each other, can they?

"How shameless is that?"

Su Yuan was angry when he heard the news! Have not seen such shameless, deliberately to the message to pass over, this is to do what? Think the Wangs are really bullies, aren't they? I don't think the Wangs will feel uncomfortable if they don't have something to do with their boss, right? This is too bullying!

When Wang Changlin came back, Su Yuan's anger did not dissipate!

Wang Changlin took out a box of cigarettes and lit one for himself! I really just heard that. If my wife didn't tell me the news, I really didn't know it. But the news came a little too suddenly, so I didn't have any preparation!

Smoking by yourself? It's not that you are in a bad mood, but you need to consider and judge this matter! Now swearing does not have any meaning, also can't play any role! Su Yuan can vent like this, but he can't!

"It's been a whole afternoon! It's interesting that I don't know yet! "

Also smoke two, Wang Changlin is to press out the cigarette!

"I didn't make any response either! There is no need to make a fuss about it! But this thing is very strange, and also slightly strange. Look at this meaning, it is deliberately let me know, that is, deliberately let you know! This is an obvious thing Su Yuan said with hate!

"That's why I said these guys are shameless! What is the relationship between the boss's affairs and them? This is obviously to see the benefits, all want to be able to go forward and bite! If you don't give them a bite, they will feel that they have lost! What do they think in their heads? Can't be a man like this? "

The wife is very dissatisfied, can oneself hear out? And heard of this matter, I am also very dissatisfied with this! What do they think of their eldest son? What do you say? How about that?

It's true that the relationship between the boss and his family is special, which also has many historical reasons!

In other words, the boss has not been too concerned about this matter, the family also did not care about this aspect of the matter! Because some things are over! But now you're all around again. What's the matter? I think Wang family! The Zheng and Su families are really bullies, aren't they? Think we have no temper, do we?

At the beginning, when something happened at home, how many people helped and how many people fell into trouble! These things do not care about themselves, but does not mean that their hearts really do not have a point! They are not small bellied people, but you can not be too much!Wang Changlin is very angry, but did not lose calm! The matter told his wife, it is obvious that these guys have a considerable plan and plan, but I do not mean to call the eldest son now! There's no need for that!

It's not a bad thing to wait a little bit!

"I know! Wait a moment. Don't rush to express any opinions and suggestions. You don't need to pay special attention to this matter. What do they say? It has nothing to do with us. After all, we can't stop their mouths! "

Before Su Yuan lost his temper at home, mainly because he did not tell the object, for her husband can keep calm now, Su Yuan also has no intention to force him, now he can not arch fire, because he only considers one aspect, and it is a very small aspect, the husband needs to stand on a high level to consider the problem!

"They already have a good operation. We can live calmly here. What about the boss? Don't you really need to talk to him? " Su Yuan is very worried about this. After all, he is his eldest son! Although his relationship with him is quite embarrassing, but I can bully him, because that is his son, does not mean that other people can also!

"You know, since they have passed the message to the family, they will certainly send the message to the boss! This is their usual trick Su Yuan said it truthfully! Because I know them too well! For them, it is not difficult to use the so-called means! It's just a piece of cake!

Left hand up! Right hand down! Wang Changlin, holding his chest in both hands, couldn't stop beating his arm with the index finger of his left hand!

When he heard his wife talking, he laughed, but not at his wife, but at those guys! "Hum! I would be very happy if they did! You don't know our boss's temper. It's typical to eat soft or not to eat hard! What's more, you've got a hand like this? "

"How do they do it? Will you do it? I don't care about this problem. What I worry about is whether he will have other opinions and ideas if he doesn't communicate with him at home? You don't know what his temper is. He doesn't discuss with his family about anything. Who knows how many things he has hidden in his heart. What's more, the quadrangle incident has just passed, and he really has no other thoughts and opinions in his heart? "

Who could have thought that things would happen so suddenly! Now it's not a phone call, not a phone call!

Now the situation is, if you make a phone call, you will fall into the trap of those people! That's for sure! But if you don't make this call, who knows if the boss will misunderstand the family?

"Don't fight! I believe the boss will understand. There should be such a tacit understanding between each other! " Wang Changlin quickly made a decision, "there is this thing as what do not know, how they say it is their business, we just do not know! I'd like to see what happens to them? "

"But the wind is up! If we don't do anything, won't they

"They do?! But they are taking this step too much for granted! " Wang Changlin is very confident! "The family will never admit it. Even if someone asks us, we don't know what happened. At least we don't have any contact with the boss!"

"What kind of reaction will they make there? Lao Wang, do you mean that they will not disclose this matter to the public? " Su Yuan seems to understand something!

"It's not that I won't, but I dare not! Not at the same time! " Wang Changlin is very determined!

Other things can also be taken out to say, bright! But this matter absolutely won't have the person to get above the surface, also dare not to get above the surface, what's the joke? Really, if you get the face above, where will the military be placed? What's more, where should we put the information management department?

"Su Quan didn't call. He thought it would not be so convenient for him to come. After all, in his position, he would consider more things! It's not convenient for us to make a phone call, and it's even more inconvenient for him to make this call. I'm afraid some things will be difficult to explain clearly if he makes this call! "

It's easy to understand that if Su Quan made this call, it's easy to be caught by people. This is certain! So it's better to say nothing and do nothing! Look at it from the outside!

Wang family did not have any reaction, also did not have any movement! Let a lot of people feel disappointed! It's almost a curse! You wang Changlin can't stay out of this time. That's your son! What's more, you Wang family as nothing happened, so what can we do? As if nothing had happened? How could that be possible?

But how to discuss, but found that this time is really not good to give the Wang family? Because this thing itself is not easy to expand too much! You know, the military and intelligence departments have begun to track down quite a number of things! This level has not been very good! What's more, there are more wolves and less meat!If other aspects are involved, how will the personnel be allocated? What's more, can it be done in the end? Or two said things, still unknown! If it's too noisy, it's not worth the loss!

Originally thought of a very beautiful thing, but did not expect to start, the first card in Wang Changlin there! This old guy can really bear it. He has no interest in such a good opportunity?

Now we are faced with the situation is that mutton did not eat, but made a Sao! What's more, it's frightening! Wang Changlin knew this, that is to say, the Wang family, Zheng family and Su family should have been well prepared!

This NIMA! Some want to swear! No one thought that they were shaving their heads and being hot at the same time!

Things can't go on like this! If so, their plan will be completely defeated. Now the meat will be placed in front of them. If you don't bite, you can't wait for others to take away the dishes! When the time comes, I'll be really sorry! Therefore, the current situation, for all of us, is nothing!

No matter the final success or not, we must unswervingly go on!

"Just got the news, sir!"

While Ding Yu is having dinner, the security of the villa also feeds back the information collected to Ding Yu. Ding Yu looks at it twice and snorts slightly! The canthus of his eyes showed a little disdain. These guys are really in the right place. They don't even mean to give up such an opportunity!

But where on earth did they get the news? The possibility of their own side should not be so big, the military will also pay attention to the confidentiality of this information! In this case, that's really interesting!

"What's going on there in the house, but I haven't heard of the phone call over there!"

"Sir, Minister Wang's side should have been followed by the news, and the old lady was the first to get the news, but there was no action on the part of the old lady, and there was no action on the part of minister Wang. Now I think someone can't sit still!"

"Since there is no action in the house, we should treat it as if we don't know! Now we don't need to think too much about this! It's not the time to dig a hole! Do some preparation at best

There is no movement between father and mother, and Ding Yu doesn't intend to make any action. There is no need for this! It's better to be quiet. What's more, I don't focus on it. I want to have a look at Yang Chen's performance! It's interesting!

Yang Chen, their performance can only be said to be average! It's a bit clever, but it's too much to be restrained! Want to let them completely open up, from now on, it is not so realistic, and they do not have so much contact with their own side, so they lack of considerable judgment on their own situation!

In the absence of judgment, it is unrealistic to rashly make some decisions! All of us are human beings and have their own style of dealing with affairs. Moreover, the information management department will not pass on all the information to the three of them!

Now the three of them are groping and marching in the dark, with some trembling! It's not their fault, but Ding Yu didn't give them any reference. On the contrary, he gave them a big reference!

After all, Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin were placed there. They were like light bulbs, shining!

But now Yang Chen and they didn't find anything. Ding Yu didn't know what to say? It's impossible to remind them. It's a kind of test for them. They don't need to study now. But at least they should think about it. This is the purpose of letting them go!

To be sure, the three of them are within the scope of their own assessment. The people sent by this team still have a high standard. Other people haven't found a suitable way. However, Yang Chen and the three of them are still very suitable. I don't know if they can switch!

Why, after so many years of time, he did not teach too many people, they are very excellent, this point Ding Yu also admitted, but they are not suitable for themselves! Because there are not too many people who can persist in this way. If we give up halfway, the adverse effect will be too serious!

This is what Ding Yu doesn't want to see, but does it give an impression to the outside world? It's just that I'm too humble, but what's the actual situation? Hi! That's all! How they think, that's their own business, they don't want to interfere, also can't interfere!

Although the actions of these guys made him a little annoyed, Ding Yu really didn't want to tell them the same thing. In his own opinion, these guys were just toads, jumping on the instep of their feet, not biting, but a little bit responsive to others! Besides, there will be no other comments!

"Speaking of it, they didn't disclose the information directly. It seems that they were worried about my anger!"

"Sir, these guys are a little too aggressive!""Whatever they want! Too much force this matter, have no any meaning! If you argue with a fool, what consequence can you have? In the end, it's just a joke for others

Ding Yu shook his head, "I know what happened! We don't need any action here. There is not so much mess. Now we still need to put the target on Yang Chen and the three of them. I hope they will have a good performance. As for Ma Zheng and Tang Zhenling, are they two? There should be no big problem! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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