Why are Yang Chen and others suffering? They came into close contact with Ma Zheng and Tang Zhenling, and they even found out their identity, but there was no difference!

"These three guys are mallets! It's the big one

Ma Zheng said this in a low voice, not very wanton! But there is enough contempt!

"What a chance! The director asked them to come here to assess us. Are you kidding me

Tang Jilin also saw this matter very clearly, they were very clear, if the director did not have the meaning in this respect, he would not send someone over at all. In fact, this matter has been settled down, which is just a so-called cross-over!

The reason why we didn't send important people here is not that we didn't pay attention to them. On the contrary, it shows that they are highly valued! The reason why they sent Yang Chen to come here is that they want them to seize this opportunity as well. However, it has been several days now! Still do not have any reaction and action, look at them are very helpless!

"Do you want to give them a hint?" Ma Zheng looks at Tang Jilin! Now, the people who can interpret this matter are not as many as you can imagine, or even a handful of them! But other people's words, it seems that it is not so convenient, and even have considerable trouble!

"The director won't allow it!" Tang Jilin seriously warned Ma Zheng, "the director asked them to come over and show that they have good potential. However, it is one time that they have potential. How to play it out? This is another thing. They have already had a considerable opportunity, but it is not up to you and me to decide whether they can seize this opportunity."

"What a pity!"

"It's no pity that we are the same. How can we compare with Guo Kai? Even now we don't know what degree he has reached? Rumors from the outside world are just rumors. What are Zhang Piao and Wu Dong like? The director doesn't mean that we won't teach, but we can't keep up with the progress! "

Tang Jilin said this is very clear, not to say that the director does not want to give other people the opportunity, the opportunity is placed there, you can grasp this opportunity, is crucial! Has guided you to walk so many roads, is it difficult to finally put the cake in your mouth, you can eat it?

Can we do this now? What about in the future? Those who are not diligent in all aspects of sports and have no division of grain want to be able to develop better and maneuver among them? How can it be? The genius is not like this! OK or not?

After a long time of training and training, two people have today's ideas and achievements. They are very clear what kind of road they should take and how to develop, but they understand! It doesn't mean that others can understand it, just like Yang Chen and others!

Now too confused! Let them not know the way to go! Even if the delicious food is placed in front of them, it is more like a bait, more like a trap, and this is the fear that the unknown brings to them!

Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin are people who understand! They know the way and the reason, because they are already in it! Naturally will not feel how difficult, but for the outside world, this door is not so good to break into!

In their view, the process of entering the door is extremely difficult and difficult. It is a problem for them! When you haven't encountered difficulties, you should think of fear instead of problems! To analyze and solve problems, we don't know how they learned their philosophy? Maybe it's just swallowing the date and reciting it!

"Do you think we're a little bit of a success?"

Tang Jilin shook his head with a wry smile, "it's a bit too much to say that we're villains are successful! It is painful to see Yang Chen and their waste of opportunities. This kind of pain is beyond the comprehension of others. It is just like an old farmer who has gone through many vicissitudes and never wastes food! Seeing other people waste food, the pain from the content is beyond the comprehension of other people! "

"Let's not watch the Three Kingdoms cry here and worry about the ancients! Let's do our own thing well. " After finishing the words, Ma Zheng sighed again, "you said that we have already expressed so obvious! Why didn't Yang Chen have any feelings about this? "

Tang Jilin snorted, "as soon as you pout your ass, I know what kind of shit you want to pull! It's disgusting! "

"I'm not as good as you! You can talk to the political commissar. When the political commissar looks at me, his face is black. I admit that there were some mischief at the beginning, but the political commissar doesn't remember such a long thing in his heart, does he? Too much! "

"It's not the same as you tell the commander!"

Each other is made by heart, some things are very clear in our hearts, but if really said, there will be many inappropriate, this is certain, fortunately Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin two people are very clear about this, and this does not affect the relationship between them!Two people looked at each other, and then they also looked for their own leaders to report work!

"Commissar, this is what we think Tang Jilin asked the political commissar to report considerable work, "at least in our analysis, it is like this, but what kind of development will follow up, it is still unknown now! A week's time, say long or not, but say short is not short! Yesterday is a day, today is a new day. Three days have passed in a flash! Time waits for no one! "

The political commissar feels very headache about this. I believe the commander is the same!

Tell the intelligence department where they are? Not very feasible, because this is the purpose of director Ding Yuding! But if you don't tell me? After all, they are members of the military! All hope that everyone will be like a dragon in the future! This is a very contradictory thing!

"Today is the third day! Yang Chen, the three of them did not make any movement! On the contrary, we have to worry about it. This is really a problem, and it is still a big problem! "

The political commissar is very clear, after the analysis of Tang and Jilin, it has been completely presented! Now the problem is how to let the intelligence department know about the situation!

But it is also risky to do so! Even can cause quite the problem, this also needs to consider!

It's not about worrying about what will happen to the government departments? What we are worried about is what will director Ding Yuding think? I believe it's the same with the commander? So the commissar is now in silence! With the information of the intelligence department, this is no problem, but before this, we need to do a lot of coping!

Things certainly will not affect ma Zheng and Tang Jilin two people, their performance is always so satisfactory! But the military region needs to have some other considerations. We can't just look at the present, can we?

Soon, the two met in the office!

"These two bastards are giving us a lot of trouble!" When the commander sat down, his face was not good! But the voice of words is so proud, worthy of being soldiers brought out by themselves. Things can be seen so clearly and clearly. No matter how they develop in the future, they are the soldiers of Laozi. This matter can not be changed!

"What do you think of the political commissar?"

"What can I think? Look with two eyes He joked, "this matter still needs to be told to the intelligence and management department. Can they see it there? We all need to say something, and we can't make them have no preparation in this aspect! As for the follow-up, it has little to do with us! "

"From the understanding of the situation, the target of Ding Yu's assessment is Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin, but in fact, it is Yang Chen and the three of them. I hope they can wake up earlier. But in the Bureau, they want to break free. It is not a simple thing, but we can't say it yet!"

Really, if you say it out, there is nothing on the side of the military region, but Yang Chen and the three of them may really be destroyed! What others tell them is one time, what they understand is another! The weight must be made clear!

"Our director Ding is really good enough! It's impossible to prevent such a way

"What a normal thing! I think it's very good! Opportunities are given to them and even placed in front of them. Obviously, if you can't understand such things, even if you are a professor with hands-on, what role can it play? "

"Come on! We can understand, and understand, that is because we have considerable experience and experience, but Yang Chen and the three of them? Too young! Too little experience! Not so much experience! And the conditions are too harsh! "

After two people had a discussion, they also disclosed some information to the information management department. This was not a very difficult thing, and the selected time point was also very good! Of course, can't say things too straightforward! In that case, there will be no face for the intelligence department!

We have two excellent officers here, Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin. Their performance is very good!

It has been said so clearly! Don't your intelligence department understand? Therefore, quite a number of leaders from the information management department have already got the news! They didn't have a sudden change of face, but obviously, the news came so late, and slightly embarrassed!

Why? Because they have previously provided Yang Chen with a considerable outline, but from now on, it seems that the effect is not as big as imagined. If it is implemented according to the outline, there are not too many problems, but it is definitely not the best, and it is not what Ding Yu expected!

Because of Ding Yu's selection criteria? It's always right for me, not for me to cooperate with you!

Suitable for me, can continue to go down, if each other from the beginning did not keep pace with each other, so forcibly tied together, then the next journey, is absolutely difficult, and even will make other problems and situations! This is not allowed, any aspect, can not accept!When Su Quan knew the situation, he picked up his phone, "where is Hou Tianliang?"

"He just reported his work! It's supposed to be in the database now! "

"Let him come here! I have something to do with him! "

Knock on the door, Hou Tianliang pushed the door and came in! Su Quan looks so black! "You already knew about it, didn't you? You are able to bear it all, and you don't show any performance? "

Hou Tianliang looks muddled, some do not know why! Su Quan explained it for a while, and then asked about it!

"Don't tell me that you don't know anything. Do you know or not? You shouldn't do it like this!"

"Report!" Hou Tianliang saluted, "I didn't think of this problem. This is my fault! I have not been able to accurately foresee a considerable situation, and I have never thought that the director has such a consideration! "

Su Quan is not the only person in the room, but also the leader sits beside him. Regardless of whether he knows or does not know, he will not admit this matter. What a joke? What's more, he has mentioned earlier, Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin are two good objects!

This has been said very frankly! It's hard to say that they are two lights, just copy them! Do you want your own life? At that time, the director will never let himself go! This self-knowledge, they still have, so their side can only be a little bit bit!

And I've read that outline myself! The information management department has not concealed any information from themselves. It is already very clear that they can say these things. Under such circumstances, Yang Chen and they have not realized it. Is it difficult for them to shoulder the responsibility? In this way, there will be some too much bullying!

Su Quan looks at Hou Tianliang and pulls him over, not to blame him, but to protect him. Relatively speaking, he is still so weak! Fortunately, the intelligence department did not mean to suppress him, there was no need!

His future is still highly valued by the intelligence and management department. It is appropriate to give him considerable responsibility, but he can't be beaten down at once. Although the possibility is not very great, who knows? Training needs to be cautious and careful, after all, such a talent, not that you can recruit, impossible things!

So when you use it, you also need to think carefully!

Su Quan took a look at the people beside him!

"I'll tell you? This guy is also a smart guy. I don't know if he learned from director Ding? Anyway, each one has its own careful eye! It's not very decent! "

"Hey, you can't learn anything good with that asshole! I've learned all this mess Su Quan is very dissatisfied. The leader beside him laughs. He looks at Su Quan's actions and performance. Now he calls Hou Tianliang over and even reprimands him! Isn't it obvious?

"It's hard enough for director Ding!" You said, "can't be too indulgent! At the same time, it can't be restrained! There are so many things to deal with! Because the indulgence of any link is irresponsible to the future! We are very worried about the situation of Yang Chen and the three of them. After all, they are our children, but director Ding is not worried? Is it really made of stone? Can't look at the problem like this! "

"Hard thing to say!" Su Quan is very suspicious of this. It is true that Ding Yu is his nephew. But he knows one or two of his nephew's virtues. There is no way. This bastard has dealt with himself too much!

Ha ha! The people sitting there laughed happily!

"You are the only one who dares to say that. Who else dares to say it! However, director Ding has paid a lot for us. He can't always think from our own point of view. We also need to think from director Ding's point of view. We don't need to be too eager! "

"What do you mean, old man?" Su Quan looked suspiciously and asked Hou Tianliang to pour tea. Don't stand there like a puppet. Didn't you see yourself winking at him?

Got the hint Hou Tianliang performance is very attentive, such a thing for himself, there is no problem, even so some willing! My heart is very clear!

"We care a lot, but the same is true for director Ding. Even director Ding is more concerned than us. But raising children is totally different from educating children! Two concepts of things! "

"Yes! Education of children, we are slightly biased, but our department is like this, for the sake of the country! We have no choice! " For this matter, Su Quan has the most clear understanding, of course, there are considerable problems with their own education methods, but there is no way, who let them be born in such a family!

Since born in such a family, there is no choice!Ding Yu's way is of course good, everyone knows that they also hope their children can get this chance, but if it goes on like this, it will become a compulsion at that time, which is definitely counterproductive! Don't you know Ding Yu's son of a bitch? extreme pettiness of character! You must report it!

Of course, he doesn't like to make trouble, but it doesn't mean that other people can look for him! If anyone provokes him because of something quite serious, he will definitely know why Lord Ma has three eyes!

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