Although the information management department had a considerable discussion, there was no action after the discussion, because they also knew that if they had any action, Ding Yu would directly abandon Yang Chen and the three of them! No hesitation!

This is certain, even if there is a day of love, it is not easy to use!

As the saying goes, a toad with three legs is not easy to find, but there are many people with two legs!

Just like those people in the first echelon, why did Ding Yu follow? Because they can still be shaped, so Ding Yu is reluctant to take over. But when it comes to the second echelon, there is a mixture of good and bad. Why? Because they can't adapt to the way of director Ding Yuding!

If you can't adapt to it, don't try to do it! Because the consequences are too serious!

Of course, there is another reason. I'm not unwilling. What can you do?

Yang Chen and they are the same. If we say that they are not made of such materials, even if it is to drive ducks on the shelves, can they really do a good job? What they haven't seen, they are excellent in themselves, but they don't know whether it is suitable for director Ding! But this road can not go, does not mean that other roads are also impassable!

All roads lead to Rome. This is not a joke, is it?

This is not laissez faire, but a kind of happy performance, can not be forced to require children to have such performance, have that performance, children are good children, but the way each teacher teaches is different! After they entered the information management department, they have already adapted to the way and method of the information management department too much!

Want to get rid of the marks and marks on them? How could it be? Under such circumstances, mentioning too much request, instead, let Yang Chen and they don't know which foot to take next! Even when they take steps, they will fall to the ground directly! The opposite is true!

"I have to say that director Ding is very powerful and really frightening. Now I am eager to see how children will grow in the future? Relatively speaking, he is not the best among those children, because he came in a little late. It is not so easy to catch up with him! But fortunately, he did not cause any rejection. On this point, we need to praise director Ding's tutoring! "

This words aroused everyone's resonance, but this is not the responsibility of Tong Tong, he has been very hard! And the character is perseverance that kind, change to be other children, I am afraid already already already inferiority complex with little white rabbit now! Yes, of course! It also needs to be admitted that Ding Yu's education has really played a crucial role!

"It's just too much for them to gain from this trip."

"We have broadened our horizons and have a good understanding of the world. From this point of view, we may not have too many problems in implementing it at home, but it is also easy to cause many misunderstandings from others."

After all, what kind of unit is the emotional management department? Everyone's heart is still very clear! What's the difference between letting people from the intelligence management department inspect the operation of the company, or even know the operation of some companies, and putting their own account books in front of the public?

But Ding Yu's situation is different! There will be countless people who want to let Ding Yu come and have a look. After all, Ding Yu has a consortium of Noda. The consortium can find problems in time! It is obvious that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages for the observed companies to analyze and solve problems!

Different departments have different responsibilities. At this point, it's really hard to evaluate!

"After reading the report written by Tong Tong, I can see that it is a little immature, but can I write such a" running account "? When I graduated from University, it was very difficult to do this. Even now, I don't understand it very well. If I were to deal with these things, it would be a complete mess! "

"We don't have this brain, what's more, we haven't been exposed to these things. However, children can be so civilized at such an age. I have a rough estimate that the cost is so large that ordinary families can't accept it. It's quite a family that can't accept it!"

"Education costs too much! The education in the eldest son's house, to a certain extent, is paved with gold and diamonds! Anyway, I have never seen other children do this! It's just one aspect that can't afford it. There are other reasons! Must have a good parent, can guide the child very well! Set a good example for your children, and then

Lin Lin said a lot of things, of course, there are quite a lot of exclamations. Of course, there is also a part of the reason, because children are the children of the emotional department, but also the heart of the Department of emotion management. It is not easy for anyone to come, and no one can take away the children. If there are any problems with children, the Department of emotion management will go crazy!

And the emotional management department is really crazy, and even angry! What kind of results will there be, think about all feel so terrible!"How is Wang An?" Su Quan asked a rare question! "We can know about Tong Tong, but not many people know about Wang An. The boss has a strict blockade of information about this aspect! I have no way to be an uncle! "

"Don't even think about it! It's impossible! How many people are looking forward to, Wang An's future is bound to hit a certain military trace, this is certain! We are part of the military! Moreover, we have already had children. If we want to see the dragon in Sichuan, the result will not be too good! "

With Tong Tong, you also want Wang An and Ding Yu's disciples to become your people! So what do we do? On the look, protect food can not be used in such a way! If this is the case, the emotional management department will be attacked by all at that time, I am afraid it will be something sooner or later!

So it's good to keep a good relationship at this time! Anyway, the relationship between Wang An and Tong Tong is very good, which is enough! But it's really greedy. It's not a kind of boasting!

As for Ding Yun and Ding Chang, their two children, ha ha! Don't think about it! Wang An and Tong Tong can think about it. They even have quite a few moves. But if someone moves between Ding Yun and Ding Chang, God! We don't even know what kind of prediction we should make!

"I hope Yang Chen and the three of them can pass this level. If they can, they will wake up laughing after thinking about it. But judging from the current situation, it is difficult! From the truth, Yang Chen and their performance is also good! But from Ding Yu's point of view, there are still some difficulties! Hi

The discussion between the two did not avoid other people, so it spread quickly in the Department of emotion management! We all have some exclamations about this, but after the exclamation? Can only hide this matter in the bottom of my heart! Now we can never tell Yang Chen about the three of them, because telling them is not to help them, but to harm them!

There was no response from the military area command. They had already told the intelligence management department of a considerable amount of things. The intelligence management department did not make any response. This is also expected. If they really made any response, it would be so strange!

"Sir, it's the fourth day! There is still no reaction there, they are still a little confused and stiff! "

"Give them a week, and don't say they failed until the last minute! A week's time is not short, but it is not so long. If you give them a month, I believe they will have some insights, but our requirements are not the same! I hope you can change your ideas! "

Although this is also a matter of a few words, but really detailed up, how difficult it is?! They are already adults! A lot of ideas have been formed! In the absence of too much guidance, they are required to change their concepts. Moreover, it is a kind of denial of self, which is not accepted by many people!

Now all people are quietly watching, so that people have so many guilty, but also some worry!

The storm will come. Now is the last calm before the storm comes! But this atmosphere is absolutely oppressive, even let people gasp! Yang Chen, the three of them felt it! Because they are in it!

The greater the pressure, the more people can not be themselves, they do not know what kind of problems they have, but to be sure, they have appeared quite a situation!

Know that you have a problem, but you don't know what the problem is! It's a pain! Or just muddle along, anyway, it's just a week, it's not a big deal! What about it? Is to change their own ideas, find out where the problem lies!

Yang Chen was the first person to find Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin, standing in front of them! The expression has so some pain! "I don't know why, but now I feel like I'm a kettle, and everyone in the pot is going to be dried up! But there's still firewood down there

"There are no people in these two days. I believe you can see that! To be sure, we didn't add any more people, and you didn't reduce any people? It's all the same! "

"But it feels very different! It's a hard feeling to say! If it goes on like this, then it will not only be placed on the fire, so simple! The whole person is going to be dust

"Reserve is a normal choice. It's almost dried up! Just want to find water to drink, this itself is a kind of stupid behavior! " Ma Zheng is not polite at all, said very wantonly! Even a little presumptuous! "But it's not the best way to ask for water. To give you is the place of love. If you don't, you can't do anything about it."

"Go back! It's OK to have a visit! "

Tang Jilin did not hesitate to drive people out! Even almost got up and started! This let Yang Chen is very puzzled, but when going out, Yang Chen did not have any anger, but fell into thinking! Because this kind of behavior is very abnormal, we all are soldiers! It's just different departments!Under the present circumstances, they will never fall victim to their own brothers, and they will be despised by all the soldiers. This is certain. Therefore, if they do so, there must be other implications. But what is it? I need to think about it!

After coming back, Yang Zheng was stiff, but he didn't mean to rest. Instead, he repeated what happened to Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin just now. There was no omission in the details!

"I think there are some problems in this, and they are still quite big problems. They must want to tell me something, but what is involved? My head is a little confused, very confused, and some of them are not clear for a moment! So you can help me analyze it! " Yang Chen said truthfully!

We should know that the three of them are a whole. At this time, we can't have any other thoughts. If we say that we can sum up the small nine in our own heart, it may be outstanding. But what's the significance of that? At least in Yang Chen's heart, it is absolutely impossible to pass this level!

Some things can be done by themselves, but there are some things, they will never be specialized in the front!

So I don't have any reservation, but obviously this layer of window paper wants to pierce! Absolutely not so simple thing, it seems to be a layer of window paper, but the cowhide has not had it thick! There is a knack in this, but it is not so easy to find it out!

"Did the director know what we revealed? What will happen? "

"We didn't reveal anything, we just gave them a hint! They are now in deep trouble, it is not so easy to grasp the straw! I hope they can fight for it. It's a sincere hope! "

Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin two of them are also eager to see the three of them come in. Although this process is a little bit cruel, it is really missed if you miss it! It's like they are! Only when we lose, can we know what kind of pain it is!

Compared with Guo Kai, they have fallen behind how much, is really no one knows!

They have experienced and deeply regretted. Is it really the problem of others? No, it's just their own problems. The director doesn't mean that they haven't been given opportunities, or even given them quite a lot of opportunities. However, some things can't grasp such opportunities because of their own abilities!

Now Yang Chen and they are the same! The director gave them a very good chance, but they just couldn't catch it!

If they succeed in the future, they may be better. If they fail to succeed, what kind of scene will it be if they look at themselves in turn? Can such a blow be sustained? This is not a day or two days, can solve the problem? Absolutely not!

"The fact that Yang Chen was able to come to the door shows that he is seriously thinking!" Ma Zheng said seriously, "that is to say, he found the problem. As for the analysis of the problem, whether their three stinking generals can top Zhuge Liang is really hard to say. If the analysis of the problem is successful! Then the remaining problems will be solved! "

"What we said is simple, but you and I have experienced it. At the beginning, we were also in the game! But did you finally wake up? Not at all Tang Jilin shakes his head, it is obvious that there are so some not very optimistic!

The so-called not very optimistic, refers to the three of them finally did not have to be able to pass the test, Yang Chen's performance is still good, but it is just one step ahead, as for whether he can break through the end, it is really difficult to say! Maybe because of many other reasons, it is not impossible to give up halfway!

What should be done has been done! Now all that remains is to wait!

The military region took everything into consideration. They were particularly satisfied with the performance of Ma Zheng and Tang Jiling! There is nothing more appropriate than the two of them! What else do you want?

It can be said that two people have set a good example for them, you just need to follow the example! If you can't even do this? There is no military area command. I don't know what to say!

The intelligence department is very concerned about this, but their attention does not have any effect. They watch eagerly. If people with heart problems encounter such a situation, I am afraid they can't do it by themselves!

There are two fat cakes. You just need to go up and take a bite, even if it is a small one! Stop dawdling! What time is it now! Wait a minute?! Don't you know that if you wait, daylily is already cold?

How many leaders in the family have already pressed down on the things inside and are waiting for your good news. After all, Ding Yu seldom holds his hand high once. Especially for such a thing, it's lucky for him to have such an opportunity. But the problem is that the opportunity is coming. You should seize it!

Now the outside world has a considerable voice, the intelligence department is still aware of this matter, but why there is not much movement? Everyone is waiting! If the intelligence department is destroyed, my God! I'm afraid they are all ashamed to see others!The so-called do not fight for steamed bread to fight for breath! You do a good performance, not to let us in charge of the head of the family, when we go out in the future, we all cover our faces! Don't make a clear and reasonable thing. When people say it in person, they have no face to deal with it. In that case, it's really too! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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