There is also the external situation, there are so many small troubles!

Quite a bit of information has been leaked out! This problem has attracted the attention of the intelligence department and even the military! The news was not leaked by Ding Yu! Because it's not hard to investigate! For the military, especially the intelligence and governance departments, it's easy to investigate this!

If Yang Chen and Yang Chen can be selected, then it is better. If Yang Chen and Yang Chen can not achieve anything in the end, then how can they explain it? They have something to say! People's people can't do it. We're just preparing for it!

Even if this matter is their own side of the reason, but how can't their own people, when the time comes to speak will not have any confidence! The emotional management department is also carrying a certain amount of pressure! Some leaders have been blazing at the corners of their mouths!

Is really anxious and angry! It's not a pose!

On the other hand, Ding Yu is totally blind to this. The performance of Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin is satisfactory, but also bold! However, it is very to their own appetite! It's not a bad thing to be bold! At least in this matter, it is not a bad thing!

They still know what the bottom line is! How? Yang Chen and his colleagues have never been able to see through this layer of window paper! Can't ask Ma Zheng and Tang Jilin to do something again! No matter how much, they can't bear it!

As for the outside world? Now it seems to be calming down, but in fact, Ding Yu still knows what's going on. He just doesn't care much about them! If these guys really kick their noses and face, they don't mind letting them know how powerful they are!

Some things can be done, but some things can never be done! Because it's against the bottom line!

Moreover, and most importantly, there is no suitable candidate! If they really have a suitable candidate, there is really no problem, at least not too big a problem! They really think talent is like cabbage in the ground! How much do you want? How could it be?

If that's the case, he will not be so hard to choose! This group of students and seeds, after how many selection, is simply carefully selected, but even so, from the base point of view, it is too small, so it can be seen that the general!

This can be done in the army, because it will not cause too many problems, but in the official career, Ding Yu is so afraid to imagine what kind of problems and conditions will be at that time!

But this problem Ding Yu will not deliberately to explain, the so-called on the good! What kind of virtue is there? It's hard to say! So I have never expressed interest in this aspect! And never open this mouth!

As for the military side, they use exercises to cover up, and can account for all aspects of the past! No one will use this to attack Ding Yu. You are joking. If the military knows about it, it will split the speaker!

Why? What else need to be said about such a thing? Why? Not at all!

"Sir! Now the eyes of the outside world have been shifted a lot! "

Ding Yu is to smile, "say directly, we this small place came a lot of people, don't get it!" For this matter, I still have some perception, and do not take it as a special thing! Because this is the most practical situation!

Even Ding Yu dares to guarantee that more people will be used in other places! I was shut up for a period of time before. If those guys don't understand the details and inside information, they will never sleep well! That's for sure! Because no one knows what is hidden behind this!

The unknown is terrible! For the unknown, we all have a considerable fear, this is inevitable, especially for people like yourself! Really, if something happens, no one can accept it. At least, it is very difficult for his opponents to accept such a thing, so they are bound to have considerable action!

But there are such things as action, also need to see how to act! Now, it's a preliminary trial to mobilize quite a number of people to come to our side to see what kind of reaction they will make. This is more effective and direct!

Do you need to be more straightforward?

That's the new comer here. It's the meat delivered to Ding Yu's mouth. If Ding Yu is interested in this aspect, eat all the meat?! As a confrontation force with Ding Yu, if Ding Yu can eat the meat, they will be very happy!

And they can also make sure that the meat is absolutely the cleanest and most delicious without any seasoning added!

The worry is that Ding Yu has no interest in the meat, and even lacks a look at it. So for Ding Yu's opponents, he seems to be a little impatient! Even a little uneasy!

But judging from the current situation, Ding Yu did not mean to start with them at all!It's a thing to put the meat there, but if the meat stinks and directly affects Ding Yu, then the nature of the matter will change! You guys come to the small town? No problem, good food, good drink, good living, as a contribution to here! After all, you need to spend money! Right?

Are they all robots, don't eat or drink? It's impossible!

What else? ha-ha! If there is any action, Ding Yu will be very happy, afraid you do not have any action! If there is any action, I promise that I will let some people know that although I don't eat this meat, it does not mean that they have no other role!

To a certain extent, Ding Yu takes a laissez faire attitude. He hopes that someone can step on the line or even cross the line. But from now on, the possibility is not as great as imagined! These guys are true cannon fodder, but it doesn't mean they are stupid. This is two times!

As for drawing up the cannon fodder? Who knows how many mines are there? What's more, are there any talents among them? It will not be as much as you can imagine. If it is a talent, will it be sent as cannon fodder? So Ding Yu didn't mean to do anything. He just looked on coldly!

Of course, if they can make themselves happy, they will throw two yuan reward!

"This is the fourth day already!" Slightly sighed, "at noon, I suddenly want to eat a fork! Let's go out and eat! " It seems that Ding Yu suddenly has a considerable interest!

"The season is very suitable, sir."

"Then go and get ready!" Ding Yu is very interested, but the security is to make some arrangements. After all, the fried fork needs yellow clams, which can't be cultivated. All of them are wild. If you miss the season, you can only use frozen ones. The taste is absolutely different! Now eat up, time up, pour is quite appropriate!

Go out to eat at noon, things seem not big, but also to attract some people's attention, because Ding Yu rarely do so, once such to do! It must be quite profound! When I think of a lot of people coming here, it's obvious that there is a very delicate relationship between them! Just don't know what Ding Yu will do next!

But no matter how to deal with it, Ding Yu has come out! However, there was no big publicity. He found a familiar restaurant. Ding Yu asked for a fried fork and ordered two dishes. As for other security personnel, they were at will. At this point, Ding Yu never made any forced demands!

Rules are in the heart, not on the surface, revealed on the surface, are perfunctory!

The shop owner is also very familiar with Ding Yu, "I said Dingsheng, you just eat this thing, is it too cheap?! But this is our small restaurant. If you really want the delicacies, I don't have them here! "

"What do I eat?" When Ding Yu looked at the shop owner, he didn't mean to be angry at all. Although he said that he was "mocking" himself, he could talk to each other in such a way that he did not put himself in the top of his head, but felt that he was a normal person! I am also happy to accept!

"Delicacies? Longgan Fengsui Ding Yu can't help shaking his head! "In addition to the needs of the body, there is no harm in eating more roughage and vegetables. You are also a chef, and you can't know it?"

"I'd like to, but what about those things? I don't see how good it is! "

"I said that you are also a chef. When you are in the middle of the day, you will come out to chat with me?" As he spoke, he looked at his arm and said, "it's a little swollen! You can't make money without worrying about your own body. How much you love to protect yourself

"My God! You can say that, but my arm is really swollen! Good guy! I've got three chefs now! But there is no way out. I'm still busy, especially when the takeaway is open. I'm busy at noon. Many people like this one! Just like Ding Sheng

"Who said it all? Why do you want Ding Sheng Ding Sheng? Don't you call me Ding Yu or Dr. Ding? " It seems that Ding Yu is also quite dissatisfied, even a little angry and angry!

"I don't respect you enough! What's more, it's called that way in TV dramas. Everyone thinks it's unique! " The shop owner is very happy! "If it had been earlier, I wouldn't have had a month! If I can get five thousand yuan, I will really burn incense and worship Buddha every day. I think in a small county like ours, I am already a gentleman! But now? okay? I've got three cooks already! "

"If you don't make money, are you going to the farm?"

"No, my daughter-in-law has gone! Say nothing to stay at home! Said that the family does not make money, I originally thought, at home also does not want her to earn money, but OK? Sometimes people earn more than I do, so there is no place to reason! What about us? It's OK to stir fry a dish, but let's serve those things. It's not really that hand! "Ding Yu ha ha ha's smile, is very happy appearance, points to the shop owner!

"You just say you're eliminated! As for it? It's not a shame. Some people are suitable for this job, but some people are really not suitable for it. However, it should not be so difficult to find a place to eat now. What we have developed here is quite good! "

"Absolutely! Otherwise, how could my business be so good? Around the whole farm, other industries have been promoted. I dare not say anything else, because we don't know, do we? But there are more people to eat! Although I am a small restaurant here, I am not afraid of Ding Sheng's jokes. The business is absolutely good. Otherwise, how could my arm be swollen? Together with three chefs, it turns out that they are all things we dare not think of! "

"It's because I can't make money and I feel mental pain, but now? Because there are too many visitors and feel tired on the body! It depends on which one you choose! There are advantages and disadvantages, but pay more attention to your body! "

"Absolutely The shop owner moved his arm, a little sore! "It was only when I first came into contact with cooks, but now? When we are busy, we can't take care of it at all. It's very comfortable to earn money. It's a little tired. For us, it's never a matter. We're afraid we can't make money. This is the big thing! "

"Good! How's the house? "

"The old man is very good. Now he is busy at home, picking up a child and making a meal! As for children? A son, a daughter, daughter can not see too much now, next year should go to kindergarten! As for the silly boy at home, he's not a scholar, but he's OK to be a man! "

Oh? Ding Yu couldn't help but hehe, "how do you say this? It's a little different! "

"I can't do it by studying. I learned a chef's skill. My father told me that the cook would not die of starvation after three years of drought. At that time, I didn't have so many ideas. My daughter-in-law was the same, either not learning or not! Yumutou, in any case, is ignorant in this aspect of learning, but his hands and feet are relatively flexible. So is the son of our family. If he fails to learn, he can't even have problems in life, right? Right? How to mix up the society in the future

"Your opinion is very rare in modern society! You'll be scolded! "

"Pull! This is my practical experience! " The shop owner was very confident and said, "in those years, many of my classmates were admitted to university, but how about it? It's all out of town now! It seems that each one is bright and bright, but actually what about it? Mortgage! Car loans, children and other issues, pressure on them are breathless! But they didn't dare to move their nest and let them do office work. Now they can't bear to let them go back to the farmland to work! Now, I'm still more moist

"That's a problem! A very serious problem

"Right?! I'm not saying that reading is useless. I think reading is very useful. However, as a child in our family, it's not that material at all. I've found a lot of make-up teachers. Most of them give me back the tuition for making up lessons. It's what people do! Can we be difficult for others? Right? Children are good children. We can't force them to go to the end of the road. We can't be people who contribute to our country, but it's OK to be a law-abiding citizen! We don't give the country any trouble! Isn't it good? "

"Your insight is extraordinary! We put too much hope on the children and at the same time give them too much restraint, son! They all hope that they can grow up healthily and happily, but there will always be some problems in the process! "

"Anyway, our son is doing very well. We don't have too many requirements for his studies. We try our best to finish his homework and unite with our classmates. As for others? Whatever he wants! However, we can see that there is something different. The students like it very much. Along with the parents of those students, they are also very interested in our children. We all hope that the children in our family can get on well with our children! "

"Ding Sheng, I don't know why? A little silly

"Communication between people is a very interesting thing. Your son should be like this. Maybe he is still ignorant. If he really wants to say the so-called truth, he really knows it when he doesn't see it. If he studies well, he thinks your son is very free! They will be very envious, learning poor, think your son is very tolerant, very kind, in the long run, everyone is willing to close to him, because your son does not have that kind of secular vision! In a materialistic society, there are not so many such people, so we all cherish it very much! "

"Anyway, I feel that he is happy every day, and I am satisfied with my father! It's nothing to suffer a little loss. It's a blessing to suffer a loss. As for other things? muddle along! That's what I'm capable of anyway

Ding Yu has no other intention to eat here. He is free! It's not out of the ordinary to chat with the shop owner. As for the feelings to outsiders? Ding Yu didn't mean to put it in his heart at all!How they look at themselves, and how to judge themselves, such things their ears have been cocooned! But has anything changed? It can be said that nothing has changed! At least Ding Yu will not change because of them!

After eating, Ding Yu checks out, which is what you should do! Fair trade!

Ding Yu didn't stay outside for a long time, so he went back to the farm. He didn't have much food, so he thought he was going out to relax! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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