Ding Yu here is to take up the phone, without any hesitation! There was no pause!

The call was made after a period of time! "Hello! It's me Ding Yu's phone call, Wang Jianguo still knows, "is the sun coming out from the West today? It should be a celebration to receive a call from your Dean! At least one more bowl of soup at night should be

Ding Yu laughs, but his voice turns immediately! "Is there anything I can do for you

"I'm in the office! After coming to work a little bit busy, running for many days at the grass-roots level! Have a look at the situation! In the past two days, we are sorting out quite a lot of data! "

"Have you heard about things in the capital?" Ding Yu asked, and then he said, "there is a training class for middle-level cadres coming to my side these two days. I'm responsible for giving them two healthy lectures. If you have time, come and listen to it, it's not bad, but the number can't be too large!"

"Isn't it?" Wang Jianguo's heart can not help is a surprise, "feather elder brother son, you this is to put me to the fire above the frame!"

"I'll let you know. It's your business to save you the trouble. It's your business to do it. If you want to, come here. If you don't want to, you can forget it! I don't want to be blamed by you afterwards. After all, it's on the ground here! If there is anything, I still need to take care of you! " Ding Yu said with some jokes!

"When I was in the capital, the third brother and the sea took care of me! Now you are still taking care of Ding Ding Ding. Now I come to the door of my house. If I refuse to do so, I can't get over it. Anyway, I've already said everything! You have some confidence in yourself! Let me tell the fat man that he has a lot to do with the farm! And he is my old classmate, there are quite a lot of things at home, he came to help! The other students are no longer administrative! "

"I see!" Wang Jianguo has quite a sigh in his heart!

When he took care of Ding Yu at the beginning, it was because Ding Yu saved the sea. Was it only later? To say that you take care of Ding Yu is just the opposite. Relatively speaking, I don't have too much hand on my side. At most, there are some explanations on Ding Ding Ding's affairs!

But actually speaking out, who doesn't know that Ding Ding is Ding Yu's sister, this identity? Who dares to provoke?

Said to help, at most is to help Ding Yu get a medical college identity, but the return is really too much! He can get up, what kind of operation does Ding Yu do behind his back! I still know something about it! But Ding Yu has never made any mention of it!

At home, it should be, but Ding Yu's efforts, this is the personal friendship problem! The two cannot be confused at all!

"I can't promise now. After all, I have come here to work! Some things need to be reported. If you eat alone, it's too much to be hated! " Talking to Ding Yu, you don't need to hide too much. On the contrary, it will make two people quite estranged. What's more, there is no need to hide such things from Ding Yu!

The reason is very simple. Why? Because Ding Yu has always been not so concerned about such things! Although the relationship behind Ding Yu is extensive, he never means to be involved in it!

I don't know how many people want to have a good relationship with Ding Yu! But what feather elder brother son never gives any attention, even met all did not hear very much! This is a manifestation of attitude, which has nothing to do with other aspects!

It is also because of this, so we keep a good impression on Ding Yu!

The relationship between the farm and the government is very good, but they never do anything beyond that! Just this one, also enough to let a lot of enterprises have so some face shame! After all, what kind of contribution the farm has made is still very clear and clear to everyone!

Farms solve a lot of land problems! Peasant problem! Along with it, countless jobs have been added! Derived from a lot of enterprises, and these enterprises are now booming! From the tax revenue of these two years, we can clearly feel the change!

With tax revenue, the government can solve many other problems! This is complementary!

What's more, the farm side is engaged in agriculture, and has not gone to the horizontal barbaric development!

Now assuming that the farm really horizontal development, is also nothing to blame! It is also the direction of enterprise diversification, other aspects are really not good to say what! Even the government can't stop people, right?! However, if the farm really does, it will certainly cause considerable impact on other industries, and even cause considerable confusion!

Why do you say that? The power of the farm is a little too huge. If he really wants to biased in a certain direction, the power behind it is really not that other enterprises can resist!If the farm is really to hurt people with this, then who can carry it? The farm has this capital. After all the forces have been cleaned up, the farm will become the dominant one. Then all the rules will be made by the farm. What can you do?

But the farm did not do so, people simply do not care about the situation! In addition to a few small enterprises which are closely related to themselves, there is no movement! And people are also strengthening their own power, investment in agriculture can be said to be increasing!

This kind of enterprise, do not know how many peep to other provinces! If possible, we all want to be able to bring farms to their own provinces. After all, China has developed its own farming civilization! We have a love for agriculture!

What's more, the agricultural development of the farm is not a random so-called. Large scale enclosure and horse racing are really different from this one!

The farm takes great care of the land and the environment, and is extremely willing to invest. If the requirements of the land are not up to the standard or not, they would rather continue to be pregnant, and they will never be reckless for the sake of interests. What's more, the environment! For the construction of the whole city and the country, but also contributed to their own strength!

Want to know to be able to achieve this step, rely on more than effort so simple! The funds and resources needed are huge! Farm to sort out and accept! There are also quite a number of departments to join it!

There is no such thing as farm. It will never be specialized in the front. It has a lot of imagination with Ding Yu! Basically no time to eat alone, everyone is really good! isn't it?

"That's your business. You're responsible for the coordination! I'll let you know! If you come here, we'll have dinner together! Anyway, the distance is also relatively close! I'll see you later? "

"Well! We'll see you later! "

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yu made a call to the fat man! "Hello, fat man? I'm Ding Yu! Come here if you have time these two days. There are quite a few things on the farm that need to be communicated with each other! "

"Come on! I understand! " Although Ding Yu didn't mention it, the fat man still realized some of the implications! So very happy to agree to come down! Ding Yu will never dig a hole for himself. He knows this well!

"Be careful, don't disclose any information. When the time comes, the third brother will call you and let you call a front station! Some things I can't tell you directly! But he's different! The two of us have different identities! "

"Don't worry! Do a good job

Fat, anything else? It may be "careless", but in such things, it is absolutely reassuring! In the past few years, he hasn't made great progress. Why not? It doesn't mean that someone is pressing on him. It has nothing to do with it. The main reason is that the fat man feels his foundation is unstable, so he is playing steadily now!

Ding Yu can understand and even agree with this. Why? If fat people want to have better development in the future, it is not bad to be stable now. They can provide considerable help, but after all, they are still external forces. If we say that they have considerable internal power, then the situation is not like this now!

"How about the old man? How are you doing now? "

"It's very nice. Now when you're free, take a walk! Fishing, the mood is very good, the children are also their care! I want to go to your place, but I always have considerable concerns, and I don't know whether it will disturb you. I have said it many times, but you also know my father's situation, the people of the older generation! "

"I'm afraid there isn't much free time in this period. Can we wait around May Day? If you have time, come and have a seat! My father is also a person of his whole life. They should have quite a lot of communication. We don't know what we can say clearly. Let them communicate with each other! "

After putting down the phone, Ding Yu is also thinking about some things, although these things are in the past!

At that time, who was right and who was wrong about the affairs of the Ma family and the Song family. Now, with the disappearance of the Ma family and the Song family, there is no need to do too much discussion! Now mentioned, I don't know what kind of emotion it is!

Their resentment for the Ma family and the Song family has long been dissipated! However, I don't have any idea about it. It doesn't mean that other forces have no idea about it! Naturally, they all have a certain purpose! Although things have already dissipated almost! But some people? Always have no intention to give up!

Even the three families represented by the Wang family always have some "gnashing teeth" about this matter. Ding Yu is not good at comforting this matter, and even it has no effect on it! Since it doesn't work, why should I say such nonsense? In vain!

Hearing the vibration on the table top, Ding Yu took a glance with the rest of the light from the corner of his eye! Then I picked up my mobile phone!

"Hello! I'm Ding Yu! "

"Brother! Dear brother Listening to the voice and movement inside the phone, Ding Yu is slightly humming!"So intimate? What's the matter? Go ahead! You! It's always been the Sanbao hall where everything goes wrong

"There's no big deal, isn't it? I don't know how to arrange it at home, and there's no business! But someone found me! I don't have any good intentions or I'm sorry, but I'm a little uncertain, so I can only call you on this phone! "

"You know, I always don't care so much about such things. Naturally, someone will coordinate how to arrange it! I didn't come anyway! So it doesn't make any sense for you to ask me! "

"That's not the reason! I don't know your situation, I'm afraid to offend you! So find me to find out the situation. After all, I'm your sister, isn't it? It's a bit of a face at least! "

Hum! Ding Yu couldn't help but hum! "I have said it! It has nothing to do with me. I'm not in charge of this. I'm just responsible for giving two lectures on health. Don't make a mess of it! Is there anything else! If it's OK, I'll hang up here! "

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute Since Wang Li cried out! "There's another thing, which is not a thing. It's mainly Xiaowan, my best friend? I got married earlier than I did, and the kids are big! You see? "

"Look for mom!"

"Don't mention mom! There is no place left for her. Even the qualification of winter camp has been reserved. There is no way for her to go home! Xiaowan has not asked me to do anything for several years! When I went down with my teacher, Xiaowan gave it to Baoyuan. Whether it was in terms of food, drink, or cost, she came forward. Otherwise, we could only drink from the northwest! I can't bear to see Buddha's face! Big brother

Wang Yu's plan is clear now! The first thing I said, I didn't want to agree with myself, but I asked for one thing and I didn't agree. But I asked for two things, but I still didn't agree? It's a little too much!

After all, Wang Li is Ding Yu's younger sister, and she is still a pro sister. How can the outside world look at Wang Li if she doesn't give her face?! And Ding Yu can be sure that there must be someone sitting next to Wang Li and listening attentively. This is certain!

"You are very thoughtful! What else? Say it all together! "

"Big brother, can you tell me if this situation can be solved?" Wang Li said with a smile, she is very clear, this matter is a little difficult for her big brother! Even a little too self willed, the previous thing I did not take as a thing, I also expected that big brother would not open this golden mouth, but this thing behind still has considerable operation space!

"If I don't agree, what are you going to say? Just say it

"All right." Wang Li seemed to sigh helplessly! "It's quite simple! When I have time later, I'll talk to you again! "

"All right! You can find the housekeeper yourself?! Don't embellish me

After that, Ding Yu hung up the phone! Wang Li sighed a long sigh!

"Xiao Wan, there is no problem with my daughter, but you know, that's the only thing I can do! As for the family affairs, I will not be involved in it, and my elder brother will not allow me to participate in it! "

"I didn't expect anything about our family. I mentioned it when I came here! I don't have to have any expectations, but I can't help but come. As for the children's affairs, it's just the joy of surprise. No one has thought of it. But LIGO, is this really going to happen? "

Wang Li's arm waved, very arrogant appearance! "Big brother has already agreed! If he repents, I will tear down the gate of the courtyard! That's all! It happens that the children are also there, and I will go to the quadrangle now. Although it is still relatively hard to find the time for the summer camp, as far as I know, some preparations have already begun! Still need to grasp a bit! If you come back a little later, you will not make it! "

When she said that, she also pulled the little girl sitting beside her and held her in her arms. "How about being a daughter-in-law for a godmother in the future? You can choose the two of us? "

"Godmother, I don't like kids!"

Ha ha! Next to the two mothers are laughing, this is not generally interesting! Of course, Wang Li won't be angry. She even took a sip! This girl is really interesting! How to arrange the future of children? It's a little too early to talk about it now!

If you put this yoke on them now, it's easy to have some problems! After all, there are many precedents in this respect, and even some of them are not clear, so future generations! It's not too bad to think about it carefully. After all, there is still a lot of time to do now!

A group of people drove to the courtyard. It was not the first time for Wang Li to come here, but it was the first time for Xiaowan and his mother and daughter to come here!I've heard that this quadrangle is unusual. However, the number of people who can freely enter and leave 49 cities is definitely not as many as imagined, and they are obviously treated as "extraordinary" when they enter!

However, since Wang Li did not have any abnormality, Xiaowan's mother and daughter did not show any abnormality! The housekeeper for the arrival of the three people is very ordinary, not with a smile, but also not with ice! It's very cool!

"Steward, I've come to disturb you again!"

Xiaowan looks at her good friend. In her own understanding, when does LIGO look so low? It's not normal! But look at the housekeeper, that is, slightly nodded his head, did an invitation to clean up, took the lead in the front of the position! Is this housekeeper's score a little bigger?

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