Wang Li winked at her best friend and told her not to be impatient. When she came to the courtyard, it showed that there were not too many problems. But the more now, the more stable she should be, instead of showing her anxious mood!

There is also the housekeeper who walks in front of him. His position in the quadrangle is nobody except big brother! To say that the housekeeper is unique, it is a little exaggerated, but I don't know why, it always gives people a profound feeling!

It is true that I dare to open my teeth in front of the elder brother, but in front of the housekeeper? Let's forget it? I really don't have such confidence! Even lack of courage!

Big brother will give himself three points of face, but the Housekeeper will do this, no one knows! Even a great possibility, is not to leave too much face! So it's better not to die!

Through the shadow door, into the courtyard! Under the direction of the housekeeper, Wang Li and Xiao Wan take their seats respectively!

"Housekeeper, don't be busy! We are not thirsty either He is leading people to come over, but also have something to ask for, so really won't care about those red tape things! Of course, it means to test the housekeeper!

"Just a moment, please." After a look at Wang Li, who came to join the party, the housekeeper personally brought tea and cakes! Placed in front of three people, and then returned to their own position above! A little stereotyped!

"Housekeeper, I called my brother earlier! Big brother's business is a little busy, so I came here! "

"Sir called me! Generally, there are not too many problems, but you may need to input some information before this! I don't know so much about this! Specific will have the staff to be responsible for the details! If you can, you'd better accompany your parents! "

Wang Li blinked her eyes, slightly puzzled, "housekeeper, isn't that troublesome?"?! Xiaowan is my best friend. I know more about her family than she does. If you have any questions, just ask me! " With that, she also picked her chin to Xiaowan, which was very arrogant!

The housekeeper didn't mean to look at them at all! But slowly speaking! "It is mainly to know whether there are any accidents, their own diseases or family genetic diseases from the birth to the present? What's more, is there any education and influence in the family, including checking the body and blood type, any hidden problems, and any allergens? wait! What we do now is to prevent the children from having problems in the process. We will deal with them as soon as possible! Instead of waiting for things to happen, we will rescue them! "

Wang Li is looking at her best friend! Looking at her silly appearance, I knew that she did not pay much attention to this aspect. "Xiaowan, aren't you? Do you keep our daughter free? "

"No! We are also very concerned about murmuring, physical examination, very healthy, as for the others? "

Looking at Xiaowan, Wang Li sighed helplessly!

"Housekeeper, Xiaowan is my best friend. She may not know this very well! More investment in education! However, there are many details that are quite neglected, but you can rest assured that I will be responsible for this matter! "

The housekeeper knows that Xiaowan's mother and daughter may be a little bit abrupt, so she doesn't know much about it, but she doesn't mean to be involved too much! "Second miss, please introduce me. I'll get something ready!"

When leaving, the housekeeper bowed slightly and stepped back half a step, and then turned away!

Xiaowan is very familiar with this action, but she just stepped back. She doesn't dare to look directly at her best friend. She just glances at her eyes and finds that her best friend has no dissatisfaction!

"If you want to see it, just look at it honestly! It's no big deal! " Between the words, is very helpless appearance, "this is also because you this outsider came! People don't give me this face, but give my elder brother this face, otherwise, hum

Looking at Xiao Wan covering her mouth, Wang Li is not angry to continue to say!

"I gave the courtyard to Huo Huo so much earlier! Big brother is not a housekeeper, so the housekeeper doesn't like me coming here! I'm very proud today Wang Li slightly bared her teeth, "huohuohuo thing? If it's really valuable? There should be no big problem in rebuilding several such quadrangles? "

"Oh, my God Xiao Wan exclaimed, but then covered her mouth! Obviously quite shocked! "No! LIGO, you're a little too big for this joke! "

"Hi! Big brother has never been so concerned about this. We all know that, but no one is willing to mention it! " Wang Li waved her arm. "I got a lot of good things from big brother, but they were all in the museum. I didn't mean to do it! okay! Don't say that! But what's the situation of our baby and how did you become a mother? Doesn't it feel a bit incompetent? ""What and how? Every year at home, she is given a physical examination. What's more, it's about education! "

However, the more said, the smaller the voice is, it is obvious that there are some difficulties!

Because the housekeeper mentioned the situation, I really did not cause too much attention!

"Physical examination is not fooling. It is easy to make a fool of yourself now and in the future." Since my best friend does not know the situation, then I can hardly explain it! "Our country doesn't pay much attention to it, so it doesn't cause a large-scale spread, but on the big brother's side? These are already very systematic things! It's very important to understand these for the development of children! "

"After all, these problems and situations can be avoided! I wonder how the baby grew up? Do you have a mother? I don't feel any difference! "

"I saw it grow up with my own eyes! But I didn't expect to ignore so many things! "

"Forget it!" Wang Li waved her hand, then pointed her finger at her daughter, "when the housekeeper comes back, she will surely bring you some small gifts! Don't mention it

"LIGO!" Xiao Wan called in a low voice! "Isn't that good? I came so abruptly. I didn't have any preparation. If I did this again, how could I behave in the future? If the family knows about this situation, we should really say that our mother and daughter don't know etiquette! "

After looking up for a moment or so, Wang Li leaned her head against it. Xiaowan was the same as Xiaowan. They bit their ears together! "You don't know the rules of siheyuan. Even if you send Jinshan Yinhai to us, the housekeeper won't take it as a thing! What's more, I caught up with the opportunity today, otherwise I would not be able to come over! I'm going to ask the housekeeper for something to use. "

"Are there any other questions?"

"Look at the situation. Besides, the rules here are quite strict. Even the elder brother himself or his children are the same. Fortunately, I didn't go to the study or the pharmacy. I couldn't get into those two places. Don't think about it! What we see now is just some of them! "

As he spoke, the housekeeper came, holding a tray in both hands and placing a small box made of brocade on it. He couldn't see what it was, and then he put the thing in front of the girl!

"Thank you, uncle. Thank you, housekeeper!"

The two words are a bit out of tune! But Wang Li said it in a hurry! Xiao Wan, sitting next to her, immediately understood and patted her daughter! "Thank you, uncle Ding Yu. Thank you, grand housekeeper!"

The girl looked at her mother and godmother, and then looked at the housekeeper. Then she stood up and bowed down to express her feelings! "Thank you, uncle Ding. Thank you, grandpa!" Then he stretched out his hands and picked up the brocade box! From this point or can see, the little girl is more sensible, at least this tutor is good!

If there is no such education at ordinary times, the little girl is absolutely not aware of the hands to receive things!

Wang Li is very satisfied with this, and Xiaowan is a long sigh of relief! Although it is a small action, but the meaning is quite different! My daughter didn't disgrace herself or her family!

If my daughter is really rude! I don't know what face I have in the future. Goodbye, LIGO!

"Honey, eat something first, and mother will come back soon!"

She made a color at Xiaowan, and Wang Li immediately chased her out! She walked quickly to the housekeeper, but the housekeeper didn't stop. The little girl took the brocade box in her hand and looked at her mother!

"After I go home, it would be very impolite to open it now! Do you know? "

"Second lady!" The housekeeper stood still and looked at Wang Li. There was no other problem. If there was anything, you could say it! I will not take the initiative to do any mention!

If you take the initiative to mention this matter, you will lose your initiative. Now waiting for Wang Li to say, then you will master this initiative. After all, how to do things and deal with them is to focus on the courtyard. I am the housekeeper of the courtyard, not Wang Li's housekeeper, or the housekeeper of the Wang family. These are two things!

"Steward, I want to borrow one for two! When I just talked to my elder brother, I didn't mention it, mainly because Xiao Wan was also there. If I mentioned this matter, it would cause considerable leakage. Maybe there won't be too many things, but I need to keep it secret! "

"Second lady, it's against the rules!"

What does Wang Li mean by saying this in person? Naturally, the housekeeper is clear. If it is simply to call two people, there is no problem. But from Wang Li's attitude, we can see that the person he wants to transfer must carry equipment! This thing is so big!Even the so-called frizzling ball can not be counted, too much over over! So the housekeeper refused the first time! I don't even mean to contact my husband!

"I know! So I said to the housekeeper. I will call brother personally in a while. The superior has a considerable arrangement for this matter, and they have quite a few people who will join in. But the number of people will not be so much, but the external situation is not so reassuring! "

The housekeeper looked deeply at it, didn't speak, and the expression on his face was also very serious!

Wang Li is to take out her mobile phone, and again dial up his brother's phone!

"Brother, I have something to do with you. I just blocked the housekeeper here and told him something. He refused, and even very unhappy!" Wang Li has no tricks on this matter! Otherwise, it is difficult to explain later, offended my brother, but there are not too many problems!

But if you really offend the housekeeper, there may be quite a problem in it!

But obviously the housekeeper doesn't mean anything to be appreciated! Still quite serious, do not know, still think he is going to eat people! So Wang Li also turned her body! I don't mean to face the housekeeper directly! A little bit careful!

"What? Say it! "

"I want to borrow two people. There are quite a few actions in the hospital. This time, the Ministry of public security will send people to assist. But their staff are not enough, and the confidentiality of the information should be noticed. Therefore, I am not sure about the peripheral aspects. I need your brother to borrow two hands for me, and I need to have a considerable equipment!"

"Wang Li, do you know what the nature of this thing is?" Dingyu's voice is also very serious. "You should know that my affairs are special cases, but even if so, it is caused by many reasons. Moreover, things can not be disclosed. All weapons and equipment have been reported. Now you mention this matter to me? It's not that simple to joke about! If it's my own, there may be some possibility, but you can't! "

"Brother, I don't want to discuss this with you?" Wang Li, hey, laughing and saying! "The hospital has reported to the public security department! I have asked a few people about it. They will be on the status of consultant! This is a better coordination! The main thing is this time that involves quite a problem! I need to be sure! "

"I need to answer accurately, not to speak equivocal! And that is this thing. You are a bit leisurely. After all, you are both the mother of two children. I don't say some questions. You should know yourself! "

"Well! I asked the dean to call you. I think you will have a better communication with you

"I don't care about other things, but this time it will be very big! You're a little bit more leisurely! " After a moment of thinking, Ding Yu continued to say, "give the call to the housekeeper. I have something to say to the housekeeper!"

"Sir!" The housekeeper answered the phone, and he was very respectful!

"From the courtyard of the quadrangle to mobilize a few people, form a group, to Wang Li! Don't go to other people! And I need to know the details, so wait a little bit of time! You are responsible for this! Don't let Wang Li have any problems and conditions over there! "

Although Wang Li is not so satisfied, but from Dingyu's words can still hear it, Ding Yu for his sister, or more worried! I was really afraid of her accident!

After all, I came through the wind and rain, and I have never let it down in these years, but what about her? Different origins! Experience different, who knows if there will be other problems and conditions! It's hard to say!

The housekeeper hung up the phone, and returned the phone to Wang Li again! "I need time, and this time, I am responsible for it, but I need to be clear in advance!"

There is no minutes to talk, Wang Li just returns to the back! And when I came back, I saw several people around her, as if they were asking about what situation! And Xiaowan is slightly confused to sit on one side!

Knowing that Wang Li slapped her, she suddenly turned back, and for a long time, eyes recovered to Qingming!

"Are you ok?" Wang Li took a sip with the tea bowl, and the taste was very good. The things in the elder brother's house were pure, "it's a big surprise! These are very common, there are many things waiting in the future! But this expense may be a little bit big, and these guys in Beijing have always been a bit of a self-contained business! "

"I heard the rumors, but I didn't see it in practice! Today is really open the eye Xiaowan is very sigh! Hold Wang Li's hand and you won't let it go! "But brother Li, you are also, you know that you have such a big brother, why still hide and tuck, but also can not fat the water flow of the field!"

Wang Li is also a fool! It was a long time before I came back!"My God! Are you still the gentle little Wan? It's not a different person, is it?! Why don't I go and ask my elder brother, who should still be interested in you? " But then Wang Li sighed in distress! "But it may be a little late! My big brother has no interest in this kind of thing! "

"Anyway, I've been to the courtyard many times, but I really haven't seen anyone except my sister-in-law. I haven't heard anything about this in these years. It's a pity!"

"That's what I say. If you pass this on, do I want to be a man?"

"The pursuit of freedom and happiness? Hee hee! I know it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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