"Auntie! When did you come? "

The children didn't fight when they came in, but obviously, they were all in the mood! So before people arrive, voice comes first! Seeing Wang Li, they are all enthusiastic and active to say hello! Then, she also put her eyes on Xiaowan's mother and daughter beside her, and guests came to the house! I haven't heard of it!

After Ding Yu's training, the children's eyes are sharp. Xiaowan's mother and daughter's dress is not very ordinary, but it's not a kind of bright clothes. A little luxury is revealed in the faintness. The watch on the wrist has already explained quite a problem!

But each other is a sweep, and did not do any stay, everyone's preferences are different! There is no need to be aggressive and show your attitude at the first glance!

Although now is in their own courtyard, but there is not much need!

"It's time to come back. Come here and let me introduce you to each other."

Xiao Wan was very happy, but she looked at the children awkwardly because some of them came in a hurry! I don't have any preparation at all, even the so-called meeting gift! This is a big deal!

What's more, I really don't know how many are still at home! If it's true, you need to be prepared for everything you say! It's not just a matter of face!

But the girl over there hasn't finished the test yet, so Wang Li's voice is much lower!

"Auntie came in a little bit of a hurry! No preparation After experiencing quite awkwardness, Xiaowan nodded her head with a smile at the children's faces, "it's disappointing! This is my aunt's fault! "

"Auntie, you are so polite!" Ding Yun laughs! Then I put my eyes on the girl next to me!

"Aunt, what is this? Why so many people? "

"My daughter is going to take part in the summer camp, but I haven't made any preparation before. It's not like you who have so much experience!" Wang Li is not taboo at all, even a little deliberately show off the meaning!

"Aunt?" Ding Yun called out angrily, very coquettish, "dad just thinks we should be more lively, not like him, too boring! That's why we were invited to participate. We also contacted a lot of children! "

"I know you are big kids!" Naturally, Wang Li heard her niece's meaning, "Nannan is your little sister, so you need your help in quite a while. You need to help aunt Xiaowan and take care of Nannan more!"

Ding Yun neither agreed nor disagreed! Playful response!

As for Wang An and Ding Chang, they said something in a low voice in the back, but the voice was very low and could not be heard at all! But obviously, it can make two people communicate with each other, and still communicate like this. It really makes other people feel that there is so much itching in their hearts!

Xiao Gang seems to be involved in it! It was Tong Tong and the little girl. They were watching. Tong Tong was always like this. It was a little quiet. As for the little girl? Because of her identity and other reasons, she seldom reveals her emotions when there are people outside!

Because of my brother, I can stand here! If the children in the family don't have too many problems, they take good care of themselves, but when there are people outside, they also behave too wantonly. This will lose their brother! This is extremely inappropriate!

This has nothing to do with age! Some of them are told by their brothers, some are what they want to understand! After all, I have experienced quite a family ordeal, in such a case, the understanding of society is also earlier!

Although he is not uncle's apprentice, but Uncle Ding has never been paranoid because of this aspect. He has never enjoyed the same treatment as his brother, but some things he can't understand! It's really hard to understand, not to say that there is no teaching!

"Are you all right at night? I'll take you out to dinner?! It's just that your aunt Xiaowan is here

Ding Yun's small mouth immediately began to swell up! "Auntie, Auntie Xiaowan, I'm afraid not today. In the evening, we'll visit three grandfathers' house, otherwise we'll stay with great grandfather and great grandmother! My grandmother took us with her before. Because she was going to go to my third grandfather's house, she came back to prepare for it all at once! "

Who is the third grandfather? Wang Li understood immediately. Come here! Looking at his best friend's look of suspicion, he shook his head slightly at her, "no wonder! But you can hang a thermos in your little mouth! That's not right! "

Hee hee! Ding Yun is laughing again. The things in the house are very good. But if you can knock on your aunt, you are still very happy. However, there is no such time at all and there is not much leisure like this!

Fortunately, the preliminary test of Nannan side is also relatively fast. After the end, she also came to say hello to these children, because it is obvious that Ding Yun and her parents are waiting on purpose, and they have not left first!Of course, even if they do it like this, Xiaowan's mother and daughter can't say anything? It can only be said that their own identity is not enough, and there is also that the girl has not been able to enter into other people's eyes, complaining, but they did not leave, on the one hand, because of Wang Li, on the other hand? The quality of the children is very good!

Although this is a small matter, but the details of the quadrangle family education reflect incisively and vividly!

Because they are children, Siheyuan did not intentionally neglect or neglect some aspects of education. It is precisely because of this that Ding Yun and his colleagues have performed extremely well! These are all water grinding Kung Fu, not can be practiced overnight! How could it be?

Originally, I thought that my daughter was very good, but now compared, the difference is too far!

People die more than people! Compare the goods and throw them away! It's true!

"LIGO, I admit I'm a little sour!" Looking at the leaving child, Xiaowan holds her daughter and says with envy!

"You envy me, and I envy you? But no way! But the good thing is that our girls are outstanding, aren't they? " Then also pulled over the child, knead her small face, meat toot! It was so much fun! It's so much more fun than that bastard at home!

Forget it! We won't wait for them! Wang Li called out! After greeting the housekeeper, he left the courtyard immediately! Xiao Wan didn't ask who the so-called third grandfather was! Although there is considerable speculation in my heart, such a thing is absolutely not enough to say!

After all, Xiao Wan still has a lot of things to deal with. Now what is needed is time. Some things can't be borrowed at all! We have to deal with it by ourselves. It's also a kind of protection for the baby!

It seems that the information about girls is not so important now, but who knows what will happen in the future? So the quadrangle staff there, also made a considerable reminder, the province will appear in other aspects of the problem!

If it is a quadrangle problem, then the courtyard will be responsible for the end, there will never be any shirking, but the same if it is not the responsibility of the quadrangle, then I'm sorry! Siheyuan is responsible for quite a lot of things, but you are irresponsible as the head of your family. I don't have any way, do I?

"I feel like a toad sitting in the well looking at the sky!"

Xiaowan's family is not ordinary. Otherwise, she will not be a good friend with Wang Li. Her personality is quite different. Xiaowan is like a woman from the south? It is the inheritance of the northern forthright, but it is such two people with different personalities, but get along very well!

"All right! Will you be content?! Our two sons of bitches are at the same level now, but there are so many envious girls. At least there is no problem with her in summer camp! However, Xiao Wan, if you want to say a few more words, we need to do a lot of preparatory work now. What's more, don't spread some things out! "

"Don't you trust me, LIGO?" Xiaowan pretended to complain, and then she also laughed, "you can rest assured! I have a good idea in my heart. I will never tell you about the big brother and the quadrangle! "

"Wrong understanding!" Wang Li said rudely, "I don't mean that at all!"

Then Wang Li explained, "why hasn't there been any news about summer camp and winter camp? On the one hand, we should pay attention to confidentiality. What's more? I'm afraid that everyone will lead to face-to-face by point, because the staff here in the courtyard are all carefully selected. The expenses of elder brother are not generally large, but they are quite systematic. Our people only understand one of them. Under such circumstances, other errors are likely to occur. This is the reason why it has not been spread out all the time! "

"No wonder! Shall I say it? " Xiao Wan finally understood. Come on!

"But you have just said that we are all self-employed?" Xiaowan looks at her good friend with suspicious eyes!

"There are some things that can be revealed, but quite a few things can't be taken out, because the personal family doesn't have any manipulation, which is certain! It's just because of other reasons, so we keep it secret! I just want to give you a wake-up call. After all, big brother doesn't have many ways to deal with this matter, you! Don't break it

Xiao Wan understood it immediately, but after thinking about it, it was clear that some people did not dare to do it by themselves, but it did not mean that they did not have other aspects of mind and were complex enough!

"Are they all so afraid of big brother?" However, Xiaowan said with a smile, "think about it, it seems that the real situation is like this. Zhong Yun and Xia Yang have disappeared completely now! How many years? Now there is no sound or movement at all! "

"They're gone! It's mainly because I'm old! What we need now is a steady development, not to mention that in those years, there were so many people who could not help themselves! Nothing else"Yes, I heard that Wang Jianguo and Wang Sange are developing best now! At that time, he was very famous in the 49th City, but now there is not much movement and voice. He is a typical prodigal son who never changes his money. However, big brother still has some "mischievous" behavior now With that, Xiao Wan also began to laugh!

"On purpose, isn't it?" Wang Li snorted, "the relationship between the third brother Wang and the elder brother is very good, but I don't know the specific situation. The elder brother saved the little life of big brother Hai, and their relationship has also started from that time on. However, the relationship between them is very good in the later period."

For some of the details, I still know, and even quite a few families here in the capital know how things happened. The name of the eldest brother began to spread slowly from that time on. But even so, the elder brother still has some reputation which is not obvious. Why? Because big brother does not have this aspect hobby at all!

On the other hand, big brother is a little too hidden! If big brother really shouts, it's hard to imagine what kind of situation it will be. This refers to the current big brother. The people who come to help the field will not be as few as imagined! Even quite a lot of people are the ones with great weight!

"I didn't mean to. If it had been placed on other people's heads, I'm afraid it would have been famous for a long time! Although big brother has a good reputation here, how to say it? It's like these children who have entered the 49th city in the past two years don't even know much about big brother. At most, they are told by their families! "

"The people who have entered the 49 cities now are the same as the original ones? It's quite different! They're too young! And the development of modern society is also relatively fast, the relevant media is also more rapid! We media, for example, are very outstanding! "

There are many differences between we media and traditional media. On this issue, Wang Yang and Xiao Bao have a good understanding. At the beginning, Xiaobao started video websites, absolute cash cows, and landed early! Wang Li still knows what she is earning!

It is also because of knowing, so I have a good understanding of the situation! Although not so in-depth, but also not what do not understand Xiaobai! What's more, the farm also has a relatively large investment in this!

Because I am Ding Yu's younger sister, it is not difficult to know about this aspect. My hospital also has plans for this aspect, and even the running time is not short! Very good results have been achieved!

Everything has two sides, but the problem is how to guide! This is the key! If you don't know anything, you will have a lot of problems!

"It just feels like we're a little bit older?"

"Come on!" Wang Li snorted, "it's not something we should be involved in. Now the important problem is Nannan's business. I'll show you the door. But it depends on the operation of your family. Things can't be borrowed. This is responsible for the future of Nannan!"

"My family is more anxious than I am. You can rest assured of that."

Speaking of this, Xiaowan seemed to think of something, "LIGO, I have seen all the children of the elder brother! It's a little too abrupt to come here today! "

Talking about several children, Wang Li bit her lip! It took me a long time to shake my head!

"Xiao Wan, I still don't want to give up my ideas! Things will be very difficult, you just came a few days time, from the big brother had a child, to now Wang an! Tong Tong and Xiao Gang, too many eyes staring at! You're not the first to think about it, and you won't be the last! "

"They are all good children." Xiaowan said a word quietly!

"Everyone knows they are good children! Wang An's army is watching, Tong Tong's is watching by the intelligence department. What about Xiao Gang? Watch at home! Who dares to reach out? Even if we express our opinions in this respect, all the forces of all parties may be in a rage, which is certain! As for Ding Yun and Ding Chang? "

At the end of the negotiation, Wang Li spread out her hands! "Big brother doesn't have much to say about them, but everyone knows that they don't have too many opinions and ideas, which means that he has considerable expectations for them, which is certain! Because of this, no one wants to be the first to eat crab

The first person who eats crabs will choose what to do. If you don't eat them, you will be stabbed! Serious words may even endanger your own life, such a thing is difficult to say! Right?

As a good friend, Wang Li thinks it is necessary to remind her not to have any problems and situations at that time. What can she do? Now it's mentioned! Even if there is anything in the future, don't find it on my head! I have mentioned this aspect of the matter very early! So don't say I don't reach out and help!I can't help you!

Listen to people's advice and eat your fill!

I believe that my good friend can understand his own pain, because I have said it clearly and clearly! If she really insists on her own way, she has no way. After all, after all, she can't force herself to stop others, right? It is extremely inappropriate to do this! It's also abnormal and inappropriate!

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