With Ding Yu as the center, there are several people sitting around! There are a little more people coming to train!

It is not the first time that we have seen Ding Yu, but such close contact is really the first time!

In terms of age, everyone's age is similar to that of Ding Yu, and there are even quite a few people who are older than Ding Yu. However, in terms of achievements, Ding Yu has covered everyone's face! I can't afford to lose that man! Don't make any mention of this! In this way, we may have a better face!

"The farm welcomes you all. In the past two days, we will have a good investigation here. If you feel that there is plenty of time! I can write two reports. When I have time, I will have a look at it. If there is still time, I will go to study more, and the farmers will still work harder! "

Ding Yu's words are not much, but to get to the point, do you have this ability, you need to rely on your own to speak! More performance is not a bad thing, if all the things are hidden and tucked in, I have no way!

I'm not your parents. I won't be used to you or depend on you! You are not any children, everything needs to be taught by yourself! If that's the case, just go where you want to go!

More to the point, go home to milk! This is not for you!

This is not very nice to hear. Ding Yu certainly won't say it directly either! But between Ding Yu's words, still revealed this aspect meaning! What do you think? It's your own problem, it's none of my business!

Seeing everyone nodding, Ding Yu just ate a piece of corn cake in front of him. As for other things, Ding Yu didn't mean to move! This is also their own consistent habit, want to correct, is not so easy a thing! Now it's much better. In the past, it's just a cup of coffee!

After lunch, Ding Yu left! Also did not let other people send off the meaning! But Ding Yu stayed for a while! Because Qu he and Yang Chen ate a little more food. Yang Chen felt a little shocked. Why? Because there are a lot of things in front of me!

The director's finished! I haven't finished eating, isn't it a bit inappropriate!

Next to Qu he is laughing, but Yang Chen doesn't know the director very well! Now it's time to eat! There is no need for any doping! It's Yang Chen who thinks a little bit more! It's hard enough for him. If he gets used to it, he will turn around!

After Ding Yu left, people soon gathered together and discussed with each other. At this time, eating was not as important as imagined! The director has assigned quite a task, which seems to be to write an investigation report. But how should the investigation report be carried out?

Obviously, this investigation report is an inspection of director Ding! Let's see how the level of everyone is!

This is not to say that this report can determine the fate of all, it is not so! But at least can play a considerable effect, this is certain! So no one will ignore it! Because to a certain extent, this is the beginning!

"Director!" In front of Yang Chen, Qu he doesn't address Ding Yu as Mr. basically, but Qu he is very clear that he is already a person of Wang an! This can't be changed! So for Mr. Ding Yu, there is no problem!

"Something?" Because has not entered the office, therefore Ding Yu slightly pauses own step!

"Director, they have reported to me that some of them need in-depth investigation, but under such circumstances, there may be other involvement. Although we are relatively small here, the scope of the farm is still somewhat large."

In front of Ding Yu, Qu he has raised quite a number of questions! Some problems need to be in front of others. You can't wait for the director. In that case, it's your own problem! It's not so bad to be smart!

"It's not a bad thing to let them move. Have a good look! If they have any needs, just promise them to pay attention to the scale as far as possible! " For such things, Ding Yu is not so concerned about! "One more thing, to remind them that they are here to investigate, not to visit mountains and rivers!"

Not only is Qu he Leng, associated with the side of Yang Chen, but also into the middle of the puzzle, why? Why does the director mention this sentence deliberately! After all, these people came to the farm, and that's the main purpose! Now the director mentioned again, who is this going to beat?

On the relevant information learned, it seems that there is no such thing happening!

After they came to the farm, almost everything was under the attention of the farm! And they are also very clear in their own hearts, under the director's eyes! If you really make something, then it will not be so simple to ruin your name and death!

"Director, is it possible for them to bear such heavy pressure? Even a small wave? " Qu he thought about it for a second, and said it from another angle!Ding Yu snorted, "you're smart!" Then he explained, "these guys! One by one, they are smart, and even now they are united as one. If you want to break this circle, you need to move some means! The way we adopt also needs to be a little new, not enough to treat them in the original way! "

Qu he and Yang Chen understood immediately!

If these guys are always together, it is very difficult to distinguish them! So the first thing is to break them up! Let them take the lead in chaos!

"Yes, director! I'll get down to it at once Two people and Ding Yu promise to say!

"Qu he, just do it! Yang Chen, you have other things to do! " Ding Yu then said, "your selection has touched many people's nerves. Obviously, everyone will come to you to learn from you. This is a very normal thing, and some information about you needs to be disclosed."

Director has said so clearly, how can Yang Chen not be clear? After all, I am the best example! It's like a lamp in the dark! Thinking of this, Yang Chen couldn't help laughing! It was fun!

Ding Yu walked around two times and went back to his office! There are many things waiting for themselves, as for Yang Chen and Qu he two people on their own action! Qu he informed the monitor and secretary, but Yang Chen? Soon there are people to come to the door, communicate with each other, it is not difficult!

All together are in an orderly way, as for the capital side? It is able to receive quite a message, but there is no feedback! Why? Now the teacher is assessing these children. If you are the head of the family, it may play a role for a while, but then?

What to do afterwards? You know, the last thing you need to see is the progress of children!

You are the head of the family, it seems that the results are better, but for children, it is useless! This is quite different from the previous situation of Yang Chen, so we can only watch helplessly!

Because you can't play for these kids forever!

To put it another way, we don't dare to have any actions. We are joking. We really think that Ding Yu is a vegetarian, isn't it?

What's more, what kind of personality does director Ding Yuding have? Other people don't know. Don't they know what kind of family leaders they are? In my heart, I'm really afraid. No one knows whether it will be committed to Ding Yu's hand. If such a thing happens, director Ding Yuding is a little too cruel! It's a little overwhelming!

To say that director Ding's main force is not in the official career! But he can make everyone suffer, even the kind of pain! No one is willing to continue to provoke Ding Yu at this point, the consequences are too serious!

Anyway, to sum up, we really love and hate Ding Yu! I want to be director Ding's friend, but sometimes I feel that this guy is really too personal! It's so different!

But on second thought, the Wang family is still director Ding's home! Ding Yu is still the eldest son and grandson of the Wang family, but what about that? Did director Ding give Wang family any face? Or did director Ding give any benefits to the three Wangs? Not at all! Even director Yu Ding is totally indifferent to the three!

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are nothing at all. A man can be promoted to heaven. Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are not even chickens and dogs. What's more, are they promoted to heaven? Not at all!

At most, Ding Yu has a little blood relationship with her. She has taken care of her for a while, but she has taken care of her! And it's only economic! As for the three Wangs, they didn't drink Dingyu's soup at all. They didn't even see a drop of soup, let alone meat!

The reason why the three Wangs have been able to have such a development is that they have a considerable relationship with Ding Yu, but the relationship is not so big, and even they are very clear about each other! From a long-term point of view, it seems to be a very good thing!

There is no immediate benefit! This also avoids the prying eyes of other interest factions, very good! If we take this opportunity to play steadily, there will never be any problems and conditions in the future!

Don't think about stepping into the sky!

Going to the sky is such a fun thing. At the bottom of the winner's feet, it is absolutely white bone. Now the three Wangs can show such stability, which also makes people feel at ease! This is great!

Each other knows what is heavy and heavy! Ding Yu is so, so are the three families! Maybe after 30 years, the three families can't be stopped! But that's 30 years later, now you don't need to worry so much!

Ding Yu is not fighting with other big men in the air, but you are very concerned about the progress of Ding Yu. Although we all know that Ding Yu can't be partial, we are all worried about each other!

After all, they are their own cubs. If they can do it, they will have a try, but they can't enjoy the so-called unfair treatment. This is absolutely not possible! It is also extremely inappropriate! Even if you Ding Yu is sitting there, you can't do it. You must ask for a statement at that time!In the evening, several children jumped to the farm side, there are a group of students!

"Dad! We'll be on this side of the farm in the evening Ding Yun sneaks into Ding Yu's office and discusses with Ding Yu, "as well as my grandfather and grandma, we won't eat at home if they have something to do in the evening! The food in the canteen is also good! "

Ding Yu tapped his cheek with his finger and looked at his daughter suspiciously, "what bad idea do you have?"

"Hee hee, it's not a bad idea. It's just that there are more people! In a few days, school will start! We need to unify, some students did not get very good use of winter vacation, we should unite and help each other, convergence of mind, better prepare for the new semester?! Yeah! That's what it looks like on the whole

Taking a glance at her daughter, Ding Yu's mouth slightly twitches. Seeing her cunning eyes, you can see that there must be something hidden in it, but Ding Yu doesn't mean to get to the bottom of the matter!

"It's not a child anymore! Pay more attention to yourself The admonishment said, "there are also those small partners, they are not up to your height, even difficult to keep up with your pace, unity and fraternity, understand?"

Ding Yun was very naughty and saluted her father, "yes, Dad! We'll help ourselves tomorrow night. Would you like to come? We are all quite ready for it

"See if your grandparents are free? If they have free time, you'll be together. If not, don't eat on your own, OK? As for your father and me, I'm not so sensitive to your things after all, so it's better not to make a comparison to save my bad stomach at that time

Hum! Ding Yun is very dissatisfied with this! With his nose up, he stomped out of Ding Yu's office!

Looking at her daughter's slightly angry appearance, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing. Although she said that she was a little black hearted cotton, she was still warm in general! Not too many questions! I don't know whose son of a bitch will be cheap in the future!

In the evening, Ding Yu didn't share the table with many children, but deliberately ordered the canteen to add two dishes to these children. "Wei Lai, what did you eat this winter vacation?" Seeing these children, Ding Yu pressed his hand, "how did you grow so high? Didn't you put it on? "

As soon as he got up, he noticed it! At least half a head! How long has it been since I saw you?

Ding Yu may be serious to others, but he is kind to these children. These children are also very fond of Ding Yu, and they can't help laughing around!

Wei Lai was helpless and opened his hand, "Uncle Ding, I don't know! The family thought that something had happened to me, and they took me to the hospital. After a good examination, there was nothing wrong with me! "

Ding Yu patted him on the shoulder, "OK, look at everyone's body, keep good! Good study, this is your main task at this stage, healthy growth is also important, absolutely can not be ignored! And Xu Ge, you look at your little belly, pay attention to exercise! Do you know? We should supervise him at the beginning of school! "

Everyone laughed, every student, Ding Yu did not let go! If they are encouraged, a large circle down, but also spent a lot of time! "All right! You're all hungry, too! I won't talk nonsense! Congratulations on your unity in the new semester! Love! Go ahead! Step forward! Ride the wind and ride the waves

Other people in the canteen are very envious of Ding Yu and these children. There are also parents of the children. They are very grateful to look at Ding Yu! Also realized that their children can with Ding Yun and Ding Chang they become classmates and friends, is how lucky a thing!

If it is them, can they be so comprehensive? May be able to remember most of the children's names, but do not forget one, this requirement is a bit too high! What's more, Ding Yu treats these children equally! There is no difference, this is enough to make many parents have some shame!

Because they really can't do it. They have no prejudice against any child!

After quarreling with these children, Ding Yu returned to his position and began to eat again! It's on this side of the canteen, not anywhere else!

However, those new students who saw this scene with their own eyes had some thoughts! We looked at each other, the canteen is not only them, but also a lot of farm workers!

It can be seen from the performance of farm workers that such a thing is very common, even used to think so! Obviously, this is not the first time this has happened! Show off? It seems a little too much! It's not like that! But if it's not a show, then it shows! Ding Yu attaches great importance to these children at home!

Personal end with the children playing together! Let the child maintain a relaxed and happy attitude! Not everyone can do it! Don't even think about it! They have their own children! How can you not know the heartache?When we educate our children, it's common for us to have a good time! Want equal communication, or maintain a healthy and happy attitude? Oh, my God! Even in a dream, such a thing never happened!

But look at the children!

The contrast is really so big. At least, the image of director Ding in people's mind is similar to that of Yan Wang, but now? I don't know, which is the real director Ding?!

Another thought, if their children can become classmates with Ding Yun and Ding Chang, what will it be like?

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