Although Ding Yu eat more, but the speed of eating is still relatively fast!

Before leaving, I said hello to these students and left! But it has no effect on the people in the canteen. Except for those who have come to train, they are relieved!

Although the meal with director Ding was not on a table or even far away, it was always under pressure, and it was not clear what the reason was! What's more, there are always some criminals muttering in their hearts! Why don't these staff feel at all?

Are you really unmoved? Or is there any other reason why it is not clear?

In the evening, Ding Yu came back a little late. After saying hello to his parents, he went back to his villa. The staff of the villa came up to ask for a question. They all know that Mr. Lin will not have anything to do with him. No matter whether he has something or not, they will never relax!

Because that's what they do!

You know, this may not be their first job, but everyone hopes this will be their last job! Because whether it is the old man and the old lady, or the husband and wife, or the eldest young master and the eldest young lady in the family, there is one to count as one! They are impeccable!

Maybe everyone has his own personality and characteristics, but in dealing with people, it is absolutely not said that kind!

There must be Yu Qing in a good family. The old saying is not unreasonable!

If we say that all the rich families are like Mr! So many things will not come out! Those guys don't accumulate more virtue, but they want to live a long life! Generation after generation, how can it be!

But in Mr. Zhang's home, we really hope that the Duke and marquis will be forever!

"Go to rest! There's nothing wrong with me! The children won't have breakfast at home tomorrow! There's no need to prepare theirs! "

After a simple explanation, Ding Yu is to wash and gargle, and then go to the study, he still has a lot of things to deal with! These are not to be delayed! It's not to say that Ding Yu likes work and loneliness, which is irrelevant to all of these. Since some responsibilities are borne on his own body, he can't abandon it!

Or pretend not to know, such words are too self deceptive! At least Ding Yu can't do it!

What's more, after doing quite a lot of things, for their own spirit is also a kind of tempering, although said that he has been a long time did not walk on the operating table! But one thing that can be confirmed is that even if he is on the stage again now, Ding Yu's technique and technique will definitely be more superb than before! There won't be any retrogression!

People are different from each other. It is not accurate at all to say that it is due to hard work. It is not a fact to be analyzed by objective reasons at all! Ding Yu can have the present achievements, efforts are inseparable, but absolutely not the most important!

Objective analysis of the problem, can have the most clear understanding of their own, constantly to analyze themselves! Knowing yourself and being able to sort out your own income are the reasons why you can make continuous progress.

It's like an operation. After one operation, there will be no other attention, and then go to the next. For Ding Yu, it's not like this. He will carefully study, sort out, and further infer and understand!

Of course, Ding Yu has such a convenient condition, and his own situation is a little special, so he can make progress today! Maybe it's really different from person to person, other people really can't learn! But this does not prevent Ding Yu from transmitting these to other people. The question is whether other people can accept it! This is a problem!

In the morning, Ding Yu was the same as before, and the children also ran back from the farm, without any intention of slack off. Yang Chen's scalp was numb, although the distance between the farm and the villa was not so far! But the self-discipline of these children really makes them feel speechless!

I can't do the level of these children, more than their own efforts! More professional than myself! It's really hard to imagine what kind of brilliance these children will burst out if they grow up to their own age?

Even Yang Chen had some doubts about himself, whether he was sent by God to collect the number of people. Otherwise, why was the gap between them so large? You should know that they are children, and they are already an adult!

After the exercise, a few children were running away! There are also a few dogs following them. They are just as lively. Who are they really playing with? They themselves are like this, so are their pets!

Ding Yu helped the security guard at home correct the posture, but the sharp eyed Yang Chen noticed that after several postures were corrected, these guys were just like drowned birds out of the water?

What's the situation? It's just a couple of postures, so? Even if it is into the bathhouse, it will not be so fast? It's really sweat like rain. There are mysteries in it, and it's a kind of big secret! Yang Chen's curiosity came up all of a sudden!"Don't think about it! It's very simple to say that it's simple, but it's difficult for some people to understand it all their lives! "

Obviously, Qu he saw Yang Chen's meaning and explained it in a low voice!

Yeah? Yang Chen couldn't help but be stunned, "assistant Qu, what other aspects are involved in this?"

"If it was placed in the Republic of China or earlier times, if you saw these things, you might be executed directly, because it involves a lot of secrets that are not handed down. But the good thing is that the director believes you more and you are not a martial arts practitioner, so even if you know it! It's no big deal! "

"No! Assistant Qu, don't scare me Yang Chen is a little afraid!

"What are you doing? Every family has its own secrets. What do you think? In the old days, people practiced martial arts, for example, the master taught his disciples. Most of the time, they were in the middle of the night, in very quiet places, such as the old cemetery, or ghost to see sorrow, so as not to let other people know or see. If they were seen, they would be killed directly! Never leave your hands, even now there are many people, have such a rule! No kidding

"I've met some of you! It doesn't seem so serious! "

"What they're teaching is some killing tricks. They're cutting the crotch! It's a metaphor, no other meaning! These skills are very easy to use and very practical, but if you ask him to teach some unique skills, do you think they will teach them or not? One reason is that you are not martial artists, and teaching doesn't have much effect. Moreover, they won't impart it! You just know the tricks, but you don't know how to be lucky. It doesn't have much effect. But if you say that the people who have the heart know it, it's another thing! "

Qu he explained it patiently! "But there's a saying in it: fist is not superior, but man is high and low! All of them are the same Kung Fu, and the effects are different in different hands! It's like the two of us! If you hit me once, I'll hurt you for two days. If I hit you once, it may be a lifetime thing! Don't brag

Yang Chen looks at Qu he suspiciously! Look a little uncomfortable!

"Don't look at me like this. You can't do what I do. Those who learn martial arts have the rules of learning martial arts, just like your personal identity! You also have your own rules, rules can not be broken! Would you do something to the common people? It's impossible! Once you do it, you'll be waiting! It's not just that the investigation of leaders and superior departments is so simple that you will be killed when the time comes. This is all light. We are also the same. If such a thing happens, it may be really exterminated! Of course, there are scum, all walks of life, but unless you don't catch it, once you don't catch it! Hey, you can hardly imagine the result like that! "

Yang Chen couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva! "Assistant Qu, can't you?"

"Martial arts is different from other professions! We all abide by the law and the rules, but we also abide by the rules. Although in modern society, some rules have been broken and the times are developing. We can't always dance with shackles. We need to keep pace with the times, and we should be eliminated by the times if we don't eat the ancients! "

Yang Chen has never had such a profound understanding, so now is also very curious!

"I thought it would not be any different! It turns out that there is something wrong with my personal ideas! "

"Every business is the same! If we do not conform to the development of the times, there will be no future. We are more open-minded than we imagined, but we are also more conservative! " Qu he talks freely! "It's just like the chief professor's things. If you can't learn them, it's not true that you don't teach them to you. If you learn them, you'll have to strengthen your body or learn two killing moves. But after we learn them, the situation will be completely different!"

"Taught! I've really learned! "

"It's all rubbish! I also want to be able to personally end, but not too much use, my kung fu training is not home, basically is a shot down! Maybe another 30 years? The situation may be slightly different, but there will be no fluke after a meal! But who knows? "

When hearing this, Yang Chen suddenly moved in his heart!

"Assistant Qu, what do you think of the director?"

This question Qu he can not help but hit a smart! Suspiciously looked at Yang Chen, thought for a while, then said faintly, "I can smell some bloody gas from your body. Of course, I don't know about your situation. It's like you saw me. Even if we don't know each other, you will be on guard for the first time, which is certain! But you can see the director! Can you smell anything else? "

"I feel that the director's taste is very prominent. It's like a baby's flavor, like milk flavor, but it's not so special. If the nose doesn't work well, it's really hard! However, when you get close to the director, you will find that this kind of smell makes people feel very peaceful, and you can't tell what the reason is! "

Qu he showed his thumb to Yang Chen! "It's extraordinary to feel these things! Before you get close to the director, the director will already feel it! This shows that the director has been on a considerable alert, as if you are in danger, there must be quite a feeling, a truth! So you want to get close to the director, ha ha Smile at Yang Chen!"In general, I understand a little! But I really didn't think of it! "

"I didn't think of it. Telling you these is just a wake-up call. The director is even more powerful than he imagined, but you can know one or two of these things! It's not that you are not allowed to learn, but what you are learning now is totally two things. Is it certain that the result will appear in the end? It's not high but low! "

"I see!" Yang Chen really understood! They can understand some of the inside information, but it does not mean that they need to be continuous, and they can not do this! Qu he's words, to a certain extent, are what director Ding wants to say, but he says it through Qu he's mouth!

"Assistant Qu, can the children at home do this?"

"Are you kidding me?" Qu he murmured, "how old are they? How can it be? Do you really regard the director as omnipotent, or the children in the family as monsters! They are just more studious than ordinary children! Work harder! More self-discipline! In other words, they are all the same people! "

In the face of Qu he's rebuke, Yang Chen was stunned for a while, and then he was very embarrassed to laugh!

"A little bit of a shock! I can't do it myself for a while! "

"But that's what you're talking about, because the foundation they've laid is really good." Qu he's eyes also showed an envious look, "if I were a child, I could worship under the director's door! From the beginning of receiving this kind of education, to this age, although not to go sideways! Hum

You can clearly feel Qu he's "jealousy, envy and hatred" from his words. There's no way! I don't have such a chance!

But from another point of view, I can follow the director's side, and I have burned high incense. Every time I go home, I kowtow to my ancestors one by one! With the blessing of our ancestors, otherwise we may have such a chance? God is really giving yourself food to eat!

The director has never concealed his own meaning. Whether it is his own Kung Fu or other aspects of Kung Fu, the director is careful to teach, but he knows that he is greedy and his ability is relatively limited!

But fortunately, he also found himself an iron rice bowl. Wang An is his own iron rice bowl, and he is the first person! However, at any time, I need to maintain a modest attitude! Although I said that I was the first person, but from my own point of view, my ability is still a lot worse!

That is to say, the director is relatively loyal to himself, otherwise he would have been cool and stayed there!

"Director Qu, your present situation is too much to describe

"Stop talking about me! I was hit by God's grace, so I have such a chance. I now offer sacrifices to my ancestors every time I go home But before we finish speaking, Ding Yu over there is already busy! Qu he doesn't mean to talk! Hurry to Ding Yu that side to walk past!

Yang Chen is closely following Qu he's side position! No hesitation!

"Breakfast is just a few of us! Those bastards are with their classmates! They won't be too different! "

After washing and gargling, Ding Yu came to the dining table. The parents didn't come over. The children were not there. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were not interested in it! What's more, Qu he and Yang Chen are there! If they are together, they may be more comfortable!

However, after breakfast, we still need to go to the farm to see if these children have enough food, or whether there are other things. As long as they are good, others don't matter!

"Yang Chen!" After dinner, Ding Yu called out, and then pressed his hand, there is no need to be respectful at home, I don't care about it! "Qu he tells you some digressions. There is no problem with this. Your mutual communication and communication in this aspect is also good. I have made a plan for you. If you have time, have a look at it!"

"Yes, director. I will study hard and make progress together with assistant Qu!"

"Common progress should be made, but you and Qu he have totally different directions! It's no problem to help each other, but it's a disaster to let him go to your department. I'm afraid it's a mess for you to do his work! " ,

because he was in a good mood, Ding Yu also said a few more words!

"I don't know how effective this plan can be, because everything is just the beginning. I'm not a fairy. I can't do everything. You are not the same as dawn! So will gradually adjust, if there are any problems and conditions, timely feedback! That's one of the reasons I chose it! "

"To the director of your trouble!"

"Nothing is worthy of the country! Worthy of the people! The national emblem above your head and the national flag in front of you are worthy of it! This is my only request for you, so-called unpredictability! If I find you have this problem, I'm sorry! I don't care what you're from, no matter what kind of power you have behind you, no matter where you are in the earth, even if it is to pay a big price, I will certainly frustrate you! ""Director! This is my oath

Yang Chen stood up in awe and gave Ding Yu a military salute! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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