Get Qu he quite of the guidance, otherwise rather move is absolutely not so fast to realize it!

These things seem to be small things, but only Ning Dong is most clear about what kind of situation he is now, and seems to be a whole body of glory, but in reality? The eyes behind are too eager! If you are a little careless, you may be stabbed by these eyes!

"It has nothing to do with me, but the director is more optimistic about you! I didn't read much. I was always fooling around in the society. Later, it happened that I was able to come to the director's side. I was taught by the director. I had a lot of emotion. In some people's eyes, it might be a trivial matter, but in the eyes of others, it was not so! This is the same thing I give you. Don't do it for the good and don't do it for the evil! "

After saying that, Qu he smiles slightly, "don't be so nervous, the director won't eat people!"

After Ning Dong left, the heart is also a considerable feeling, but other students in the know quite the news, have been boiling! Some of them can't come in time, but they can still call back!

We are all the same batch of students, the relationship between each other is still in!

"When I went to see the director, I was taught a lot. I was not afraid of saying wrong or doing wrong. I was afraid that I would not do anything. Moreover, I would take a long-term view and think more about it. I would soon find out the advantages of it."

At present, people prefer to move rather than say too direct, some things themselves understand! But it doesn't mean everyone understands! Of course, we also saw the box inside! The blazing eyes are about to melt Ning! It's not that everyone has such a chance! What's more, you have other gifts!

Although you are the first to eat crabs? But I can't give all of them to Baoyuan, right?! Too much!

After thinking about it for a while, Ning Dong took up the box in his hand. "When I went, the director was preparing a school gift for the children at home. For the gifts from outsiders, the director was not so attentive. What he did was the most appropriate one! I went early, so I asked for a safe card for my daughter. I hope she will be safe in the future

Some words directly say it, save everyone to suspect what, not to mention so to do, but also mentioned a considerable thing, you! Don't think about anything else! There are no doors for impossible things!

But if you perform well, things may be different! At least now there are quite a chance, after all, the director can't wait for you all the time, so it's early?!

Soon Ning moved into his dormitory with his own things, and then put the things in the safe. The dormitory provides absolute security. If there is any problem, the farm will be responsible for it! People have this confidence!

Then rather move is to take out their own mobile phone, to the boss of their own call in the past!

"Ning Dong, I heard that!" Big guy ha ha's smile, is very happy voice, "the performance is good!"

"I just went to see director Ding, who told me something about it!" Then he repeated the conversation with director Ding again. Basically, there was no leakage. "When I came out, director Ding asked me to think about it. Then he would take me out to dinner in the evening, and at the same time, he gave me a card of nothing to do!"

"Nothing?" Big guy feels his head is a bit not enough! What is this?

"Yes! When I went there, director Ding was preparing school presents for the children at home. What others gave didn't mean much! I just caught up! So the director gave my daughter a safe card! "

The old man hesitated for a little time, which just reflected. It was not director Ding's poaching, but a big surprise to himself! You know, Ning Dong? At the time of coming, I have seen it, and I can only say that the performance is OK! To say that really excellent to a certain extent, there are still so some can not see!

But after hearing the things that Ding Yu explained to him, he felt quite moved!

I have some contradictions with this director Ding. This matter is not so shy to see others. But the things and problems mentioned by director Ding and Ning Dong are all dry goods. Compared with them, they really make me have so much shame!

"You should also know that there are some contradictions between director Ding and me, and there are not so many opportunities to meet each other. But this matter has nothing to do with you. Do you understand what I mean by saying this?"

"Understand!" Rather move heavy point own head! "I respect director Ding very much!"

"He is young, similar to you, and even much younger than you. There may be some differences in the concept between director Ding and me, but there will be no adulteration in the cultivation of the next generation, which can be trusted by director Ding! It's not easy for you to get into his eye, but guard against arrogance and rashness

"I know, I will do it! We will live up to our expectations"Ha ha! That's a bit too much to say! " The big guy is really happy, "you're in director Ding's eye, this is just the first step? From the beginning, I didn't really believe that you could be selected. Even in the end, you didn't get to be selected. Today, with this proposal, you've got your luck! "

Ning is very clear that he really ate the pie that fell from the sky. People can't be too dissatisfied or ambitious. If they are dissatisfied with their desires, what will happen to them? Does this problem still need to be said?

"But to speak! I should have called director Ding, but director Ding will never answer this call! "

I'd rather move than know what to say! How can I answer this? You are both big guys. If you have such a small hairy head in the middle, I'm afraid it will become powder by then!

However, this big guy really is not the intention of intimidating Ning Dong. Although he also has the meaning of this aspect, he is definitely not the main body! There are not too many problems in learning with Ding Yu! But you need to pay attention to your identity! This is the main reason why I said this!

"I will study hard

"Director Ding! well! I don't know what to say! If I mention any direction, you don't like it, and it's not suitable for you. Since you have such an opportunity, you can be a little bit more daring. Director Ding is a brave person! "

"Don't frighten me! After we came here, we also met director Ding several times, but his face was not too loose all the time. In front of him, sometimes he didn't dare to give out the atmosphere. I really don't know what the reason is? "

The big man laughed and said, "OK! Don't waste your time! I wish you all the best

After understanding Ning Dong's considerable things, this big man is also let go! Some things can be interfered with by themselves, but it's better not to interfere with other things! Who doesn't know the temper of director Ding Yu? Turn over is the matter between the fingers! I won't give you any chance at all!

It's impossible to be friends with Ding Yu!

The reason why the concept does not conform to this is to cheat a child like Ning Dong. Under the domestic environment and conditions, the people who can become friends with Ding Yu are definitely not as many as imagined!

For example, Wang Jianguo and Ding Yu meet at the end of the day. If it is Wang Jianguo himself, relying on what he has accumulated in his family, it is impossible for him to go to such a position today! How much help did Ding Yu help? It's not true that we don't know anything!

But the same, Ding Yu's help? It's not to say that he directly interferes with Wang Jianguo, but Ding Yu's help has solved some of Wang Jianguo's worries, so that he can rest assured and go on at the same time!

Forget it! Don't think about it! Think is also white, there is no role and significance!

In the evening, Ning Dong first joined Qu he and then followed Ding Yu's side!

It's the children that Ding Yu follows here. Let Ning move have some unexpected things! When they saw themselves, they didn't have any cold eyes. They were very happy to say hello to themselves. They were very polite. Instead, they preferred to move here. It took a long time for them to slow down. They didn't expect director Ding's family style to be so good!

"Some of them are making a fool of themselves. They must follow me when they hear that I come out to eat!"

Ding Yu is helpless to shake his head at Ning!

"Director, I also have a daughter. If I go home, she will follow me, especially to the supermarket downstairs. Sometimes when I go to the night market, I can't get down on my neck! But when I come back, I can make sure my head is full of oil and water! "

Qu he can't help laughing. At this point, Ning Dong is a little similar to the director. They are all daughter slaves! In front of the director, Ding Yun is very popular. On this point, no matter Wang Yang and Tong Tong, or Ding Chang, who is his own son, can't compare!

If they're in trouble! Or what happened, other people are not as good as Ding Yun, can quickly calm down Ding Yu! Even can turn the crisis into safety, such a thing Qu he encountered is not once or twice!

As for today's situation? Children must follow. It's definitely Ding Yun's attention! Is it true that the food at home is not delicious? It has nothing to do with this! OK or not? They just enjoy the process of following director Ding!

The dining place is a little far away from the farm. Although several children said they came out with their father, they were not in a room at all! They have their own rooms! Because they are very clear, father and Ning Dong Ning uncle talk about things, as for dinner? It's secondary!

"Director, don't you need to take care of the children, do they?" Rather move has so some worry asked a!"Hey, I'm here, and they introduced me! They are quite delicious, and there are even quite a lot of research, but we don't need to pay attention to them! " Ding Yu waved his hand, "do you drink? Don't look at me, I don't have a hobby in this area! "

"Yes, but not very much!"

Under the sign of Ding Yu, he sent two bottles of beer! Ding Yu took a look and was stunned!

"Oh, still fine wine!"

"Here comes Dr. Ding! I have to take out the things I watch at home! At least give you a long face! But this thing? That's just one thing. Now the craft wine is a little off track. It's bitter and strong. It's not very good. But now it's very popular in the city. However, we local people still feel that old beer is better! "

Ning Dong looks at the owner of the shop very warmly greeting Ding Yu, without any pinching or tension, just like Ding Yu is an ordinary guest! This is to let oneself feel very strange! It's interesting, too!

"You know I never drink!"

"I don't care whether you drink it or not. Anyway, I'll send you good things. If you don't, this is my problem. As for whether you want to drink or not, this is your problem! Isn't it? "

"Was it unintentional?" Ding Yu ha ha ha! "It's OK to look at it today. I have a bigger stomach and more food to eat in the evening." Finish saying a word, Ding Yu to shop owner nodded a head!

"Just look at it!" The shop owner is very happy to leave!

Dr. Ding Yuding comes to eat here and has nothing to do with money, OK? Please come here if you want! It's impossible!

Because Dr. Ding doesn't come to eat in the city, along with some big bosses in the city? Except for banquet guests, they seldom come to eat in the city. Even when they have dinner, they will find a cleaner restaurant and the food will be better!

If you are good at craftsmanship, then there is no problem!

Now the people here in the small town, the pockets are basically bulging up! But there is no big five big six disaster! Director Ding is second to none in the county, but do you think someone else is in trouble? Have you seen the Ding family's people flaunting themselves? Never!

The Ding family has set an example, others will follow!

Cold dishes are faster, in duplicate, sent to Ding Yu's side and children's side!

"Try it, it's still very good!" Ding Yu took the lead to pick up the chopsticks. Qu he and Ning Dong, two people next to him, picked up the chopsticks. However, Ding Yu didn't eat a lot of cold dishes. At most, he adjusted his appetite! It's full of a large plate of sauced beef. After Ding Yu waved a few chopsticks, he could only see the bottom of the plate!

The Quhe beside him didn't give in too much. The speed was very fast, but he didn't gobble it up. However, he felt that he could not accept what he ate. It was not in line with common sense, OK? If you eat like this, your stomach will explode!

My stomach is full! But Ning Dong was also frightened a lot! Where is the meal? It's shocking, OK? Now my little heart is still beating, aiming at these two people's meals, no family can accept it!

Ding Yu wiped the corners of his mouth!

Have you said something else Ding Yu's opening speech first!

However, Ning Dong also noticed that during the meal, Ding Yu's waist was still straight without any looseness. What's more, he noticed that although director Ding ate more! It's faster, but there's no waste. It's very regular!

I am now mixed with too many emotions and problems! For a moment, there are so many difficult to speak!

"Director, my head is a little confused!" Ning Dong didn't cover up his problems and situation! And in front of Ding Yu and Qu he, Ning Dong has not felt that he has reached such a level! These two eyes are not generally sharp, why play with these so-called smart?

"Scared!" Ding Yu takes a look at Qu he, and it is obvious that this remark has a deliberate flavor!

Qu he is very helpless. It seems that he has no too much relationship with himself. The main reason is that you are the director?! If you want to know that two pots of beef of that size, you should pay attention to two pots, but two plates. What's more, even if it's two plates, there are some exaggerations, OK?

But can Qu he argue with Ding Yu? It's impossible! At least now the living is still very moist!

"Sir, it's not because of this. The main reason is that I don't think much about it now! Things make people feel a little confused, I suddenly want to ask a lot of questions, but I don't know where to start! "

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, "confused, which is the most important reason? It's because there are too many temptations in front of you. You are so confused, but you haven't lost. It's not easy! ""Director Ding, let you laugh!"

"What a normal thing. I'll make an analogy! A million placed in front of you, you do not heart, close your eyes, there are not too many problems, 10 million? If you bite your teeth, you can persist, but what about 100 million? Even if you close your eyes, there will be a devil to help you to actively open! Let's talk to each other. If I take out 100 million RMB and put it in front of you? What about you? "

"Crash!" Rather move without any hesitation, "absolutely will collapse!"

"That's the problem! If 100 million yuan is placed in front of you, you will collapse. What if more? So you're not ready at all now! You haven't thought about it clearly. It's appropriate to use it in any aspect. Impulse can't solve any problem! "

"Director, I think this test is a little bit big!"

"Big? Not at all , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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