Ding Yu is not satisfied with these situations! Even sneer at it!

"I just talked about money, and I'll tell you about the right? You are all department level cadres by and large now! There's even another deputy secretary! Deputy hall! How about giving you a so-called department level cadre? Even if the front gives you a vice provincial level, how about you? The road to the sky is in front of you? Will you still be able to be reserved? "

"Director, I'm not that addicted?"

"A little insincere But Ding Yu didn't want to laugh at him! Instead, he said with emotion, "if not, it's hard to understand what the temptation is like! Not many people can refuse? If we want to say the truth, we all understand, but the actual situation is not so! If I give you a guarantee now, can you be self-sustaining? "

The corners of Ning's mouth twitch. After thinking about it for half a minute, he shakes his head helplessly to Ding Yu! If director Ding really gives himself a guarantee now, he absolutely can't refuse, and there won't be too many people who will refuse!

"Director, I'm afraid I can't refuse it!"

It's just the truth. It's not a hard thing to do! It will be the same for anyone! There won't be too many exceptions!

"Yes! No, you can't. what about the others? What kind of situation is it! Although this is not as practical and effective as money, many people will be deeply involved in it! Have you ever thought, why is this so? "

Yeah? Better shake your head!

"I have thought about it, but some dare not think about it!"

This answer is very ingenious!

"There's nothing you dare not think about, or temporarily in such a position, you have not experienced a considerable test, but now you need to think about it, because you and even the students in your class have begun to face this problem!" When talking about this, Ding Yu couldn't help sighing!

"It's not an easy thing for you to get to this position today. Maybe you don't know that it's a long-term process to train you. The cost is definitely more than that of pilots or other industries, but your time is longer, so it's not so obvious! And the elimination rate is also higher than other industries too much! The higher you go, the higher the elimination rate will be! "

"Director, I presumptuously ask, is there any quick and effective way?"

Ding Yu snorted and laughed, "is there such a way? yes! And I can guarantee that it's fast and effective, but it doesn't apply to you, because you can't resist it! "

"Director, I want to have a try?"

"I can arrange such an opportunity, but your big man will never agree. Even he will choose to fight directly with me, because he knows my way, but he dare not. If we say that there is no other way to save one, then this kind of way can not be saved at all! And there are other consequences! "

Ning Dong looks at Ding Yu suspiciously, but finds that director Ding is very leisurely. It seems that he doesn't mean to put this matter in his heart at all! I don't understand some of them! What is the situation of the director?

"My way is very simple, that is to put it on the battlefield, and the country is very calm. But behind this, how to pay? Not many people know. If you put it on the battlefield, you will have the most profound experience! But because you have not been trained, you are more likely to die in battle than ordinary soldiers

There are some impulses in the corners of Ning's mouth. No wonder director Ding said that his boss would fight over and put it on anyone's body. It's absolutely true that director Ding came here to learn, not to go to the battlefield. This is two times, OK?

"Director, your way is a little exaggerated."

"Exaggeration? Maybe! But I don't deny that this is a better way to solve many problems, but this way is not applicable to you, so I did not want to add this item to you! However, I can give you a try. Don't worry. I'll let you know some of the taste! "

For director Ding's bad intentions, Ning Dong has some palpitations! Boss, let's not play like this, OK?

"Director, what if you can maintain self-reliance?" Ning Dong in Ding Yu's words, but also relaxed quite a mood, at least not previously so nervous, the head is not a paste finally!

"Are you saying how can I stay calm all the time? Is that why? " Looking at Ning Dong nodding, Ding Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "have you seen my information?"

"I've seen some of them, but I don't know all that well!"

"I've been calm for quite a while, so to speak! The source of my first fund is a huge amount, which is also the capital of my foundation. If it was you, what would you do? " Ding Yu asked, "but I didn't do anything at that time. I just kept calm and didn't have any operation.""No operation?" Ning Dong looks at Ding Yu suspiciously!

"Yes! No operation! Even though I have countless plans, I still don't do anything. I keep my heart in check! "

"Director, can this be maintained?"

"Most people, I can say more than 90 percent of the people, are very difficult to maintain this restraint. One is without guidance in this respect, and the other? Even if there is guidance in this respect, there are not too many people will pay attention to it, because the whole person has been unable to himself! It's like you are now

Rather move and sip your lips! I seem to understand the meaning of director Ding!

If you say that you have finished your study in director Ding! The road to the sky is under his feet, and the infinite light is waiting for him. Under such circumstances, how can he be hesitant? It is the best time for him to show his strength!

Calm down? How can you calm down? And even if they are calm, will others calm themselves down? When I think of this, Ning Dong feels his back is getting wet! I have never been so afraid!

Looking at Ning Dong's appearance, Qu he can't help but sigh in his heart!

At the beginning of their own, is not it like this? There is no use in saying nice words. When faced with such problems, how to make a choice? It's not easy! The fame and wealth placed in front of you can be obtained by burning your hands!

How can I sit down and think about it carefully and even take the initiative to step back? And even if you want to step back, how many hands are pushing behind, even if you don't want to go, someone will actively push you forward! Not even if you don't go!

But under the promotion of others, what direction is it going? At that time, I couldn't help it! It looks like flowers, but maybe when it will fall into the sky, and then fall into the cliff, and finally no bones exist!

I had such an experience, now think of it is still chilly, but rather move? He has never had such an experience. Who knows what kind of result he will be? No one dares to make this guarantee! As for his fear now? Whether it is intentional affectation, or really belong to the heart, Qu he is not good to make this judgment!

"Director, isn't this too hollow?"

"Pit?" Ding Yu asked back, "what's more, is this matter that I've trapped you? You've already eaten the pie? I also think about other beautiful things. Are all the good things your own, and all the bad things and junk things belong to others. How could it be? Have you ever heard a saying that life is not as good as it is nine times out of ten! "

"Director, I don't mean that!" Rather move appearance is very urgent, "this also too..." I don't know how to describe it! "No one can carry it!"

"No one can carry it? This is a little too biased! It's also something you should have faced. Why can other people do it? Why can't you do it? Don't tell me that other people have backgrounds, other people have abilities and have something to do with these things. But specifically speaking, the relationship is not so big! "

"If you ask me, I'll give you one or two of them, but it doesn't mean that I need to solve all the problems for you. You are not my son. What's more, even if you are the children in the family, I give them considerable training, but I won't interfere too much in what way to go in the future."

Ding Yu made it clear. I have already taught you what should be taught to you! But the road is out of their own, others to pave the road, who knows what will encounter? If you can't cope with such a situation, what's the use of training you? You think you're a flower? Is it for people to appreciate?

"Director, if, I mean, if, I'm going to finish my study here, I'm afraid I won't be able to be independent by then?"

"That's your question today?" Ding Yu said in a deep voice. Looking at Ning Dong's nod, Ding Yu took a breath slightly. "It's not a difficult thing, not even a big problem! For a considerable number of people, you are asking such a stupid question, but judging from your appearance, you should be too frightened! "

"Director, there is no such experience! At the same time, I have no experience in this field! "

"Experience is very important, but if we say that all things depend on the so-called experience, I'm afraid you don't know how you died at that time!" Ding Yu snorted slightly, "you really think politics is a joke, philosophy is a joke, not to say that you recite the book is over! There is no use for learning to apply it, which is the right way! They're not knocking at the door! "

"Director, do you study this too?" Ning Dong has so many doubts!

"Nonsense!" Ding Yu was not polite at all. "I have written a lot of notes alone. Not only me, but also the children at home have learned some philosophy, not to let them become nerds and world outlook! They have mastered the values and methodology! It's not a complete puzzle! Let them have a clear understanding, more useful than to give them wealth! It also saves a lot of trouble! ""Director, they are children. Let them learn philosophy now? Is it a little

"Contact some, let them have a considerable understanding, there is not too much harm, let alone learn to apply, let them have more profound experience, as for your body? I have seen some, but it is far from enough, but fortunately, the heart is still very good, can bend down their own body, this is not easy! It's not a bad thing to dip some soil on your hands and feet, as long as your heart is clean! It is rare that the heart is clean! "

"Director, is it worth your doing so?"

"I never said I was a good man! Relatively speaking, I'm a bad guy in the standard sense. Even the big guy behind your family, I don't know how many times I've scolded in my heart. It's a normal thing, but your big guy cares more about face. What about me? A little bit vulgar a bit, carrying the stick on! I just don't want to scold you. I'll just beat you down! I am bullying you

Get it! Ning Dong understands what director Ding said! Director Ding is also a big man! I don't like to make waves, but when I do, I'm not very polite. I'll start knocking on my head with a stick to see whether your head is hard or mine!

This is why we are not willing to deal with director Ding all the time. We are unscrupulous! Such a style of work makes people have so some can not accept, after all, sitting on the top of a considerable position, who will personally do it?

But now the director Ding sitting in front of him will be like this! I don't care who you are? If you don't have a good movie with us, then we'll have a good one! It's so simple!

But the problem is who dares to open a film directly with director Ding. This one came out of the blood and fire. He can stand on the stage with a knife, gun, sword and halberd, but what about the others? Can you carry it now? What's more, even if it can be carried, what can it do? Director Ding, he is a martial arts student!

Let you have one hand, you have never seen to be able to fight! Not to mention anything else!

Of course, the most important point is that director Ding? There are not too many conflicts of interests with you. Although we say that we are not used to this director Ding, it does not mean that we can not really accept director Ding. This is two times!

"Director, I'm a little embarrassed to see people like that!" Ning Dong is very sincere!

"The farm is not big. Compared with the whole country, the small one is so poor. I feel very satisfied to do something for the common people and the country under the circumstances of my ability. What about you? Ning Dong, can you do something for our people? Can you do something for our country? "

This rhetorical question lets rather move for a while don't know what should say is good! Can we do something for the country and the people? Director Ding asked about the words, let himself again into the middle of confusion!

"Keep this faith in your heart! Do something for the country and the people, it is very simple, even a little light, but want to do this, absolutely not as easy as you imagine, in this process, you will face countless temptations and dangers, if you can not keep your faith, then you will be dragged into the water, once some of the good will disappear! ”

Ning Dong is very clear. Director Ding taught himself a lesson. It seems that there is not much practical content in this lesson, but it is very important for him, because it may run through his whole life!

Money! Power and faith! Ideal and so on, all placed in front of their own, depends on how to make this choice, director Ding did not ask himself to make this choice, or must let himself do other choices, no!

The road of life is different, it depends on how you go!

"Today's food is OK! I don't know if there will be such a chance in the future Ding Yu knocked on his desk with his hand!

It is also a small summary of today's events! He didn't mention too many things. He just gave Ning Dong a wake-up call. As for what made him leave a deep impression? Or that is to let Ning move three minutes of blood, no one knows! No one can say, because this right is not in Ding Yu's hand!

What's more, even if this right is in Ding Yu's hand, Ding Yu will not have any move!

Force Ning Dong to make a choice, such a thing or forget it?! Although he is not a good man, Ding Yu is not willing to get involved in quite a number of things, let alone such a sensitive thing!

Ning Dong went back alone! Obviously, having a meal with Ding Yu made him feel a lot! Now it is necessary to let him calm down for a while! And Ding Yu is with Qu he, along with many children!

"I said you should be more leisurely!" Looking at the store where the children rushed, Ding Yu called out in the back! But it seems to play a role is not as big as imagined!Before long, I saw these children come out with ice cream! Ding Yu felt his brain's blue veins beat a little bit! It's not summer yet, OK? It's not even spring. You're good! Ice cream left in hand!

However, looking at the ice cream handed over by her daughter, Ding Yu's twitching mouth is also put down, and Qu he beside him has the same treatment. Although both of them don't like it very much, they will definitely not refuse the offer at this time, especially when Ding Yu doesn't want to go back at night, endlessly!

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