Who knows you best? What you haven't seen is your parents, and what you haven't seen is your bed mate, but your enemy is definitely one of them! It can even be said to be out of the ordinary!

Boss and Lao Zhang! To a certain extent, it can be regarded as an opponent! Each other has so many not to deal with!

But on this issue, two people stand together! Even two people did not meet, or even did not have any communication, and even if it is the end of Ning Dong! No matter Ningdong succeeds or fails! Two people will still be like strangers! There won't be any connection! That's for sure!

Although Su Yuan knew something about it, he also knew the power of it! Don't mention it now! When my husband comes back in the evening, let alone that he has already understood the problems and the situation!

Make this call yourself? Just want to prove it? And Ding Chang, the child's words and desires, has been very clear!

"Qu he, find this guy!"

Ah? Ah?! After Qu he saw the list, the corners of his mouth were so crooked? Why? How do you say that? He is selected in this group of candidates, the lowest level, to a certain extent, he is just a foil, whether it is outsiders or the director side, there are no records!

Qu he was a little puzzled, but he drove to find the young man at the first time. Compared with Qu he, he was really young!

"Assistant Qu!" The young man looked at Qu he, and his expression was a little silly, even puzzled! Qu he is also the same, carefully looked at a time, also did not find any strange place! "You want me?"

"Don't look at me!" Qu he looked disgusted. "I don't know why Mr. Zhang wanted to see you. I have read the report you wrote. Compared with other people, it is very ordinary. I don't know why the director wants to see you? I can't think of it! "

There are so many wanton, people look at Qu he's attitude, heart is also estimated, if it is a good thing, Qu assistant will never be like this! But I don't seem to have heard of anything else? A little strange!

"The director wants me?" The young man touched his head, and then he looked at the people beside him. Everyone could understand him. But looking for himself was not too much? What happened?

"How do I know?"

People look at Qu he dislike the appearance, know this with Ning move certainly is different! If it is really really a way to help, it will never be such a way. Director Ding has never used such a way for the following students! Today's young man is really the first one!

"Follow me!" Qu he walked in front, the young man was helpless to follow the position behind!

Outside Ding Yu's office, Qu he looks back at the young man! Issued a warning look, and then knock on the door! The door pusher walked in! "Sir, I've brought people here!"

Ding Yu looked up and nodded his head slightly at Qu he. "Let's talk to you. What about him? Not in the list of this assessment! I'm too young to say, and I don't have any experience and experience. This time I'll take it as a piece of insight! The rest of the province is guessing

"Yes! Sir Qu he is ready to turn around and leave!

However, Ding Yu waved his hand, "let the people below inform you! Save the trouble of running around! "

Qu he took a suspicious look at the young man next to him. The director paid a little attention to him!

"Do you have any children?" When Qu he informs others, Ding Yu cleans up the things on the table and asks casually! "I didn't look at your file, but I saw your face, it should be married!"

The corner of the young man's mouth twitched. After Qu he put down the phone, he stood on one side! It is very suspicious to look at, from the gentleman's speech, obviously can feel quite unusual!

"Director, I'm married! I got married after I graduated from college! " The young man replied cautiously! "But I haven't had a baby yet, but it's on the agenda!"

"Well!" Ding Yu looked at Qu he and thought about it for a while. Then he opened his drawer and took out a box from it The expression on the face is not so serious! The voice is not harsh!

The young man couldn't help but stare at Ding Yu and scratched his head. He didn't know why! But step forward!

"I don't care much about you. I know about your marriage! I don't have the past, the past words caused too much noise, for you personally, is not so appropriate, did not think the more ignore you, you still more jump pedal! I don't know how to describe it. You even jumped in front of me! I really want to give you a slap

Ah? Qu he feels his head can't turn! What is this?

Did you have any children? Now he said he knew about his marriage! How do you feel a little bit gossipy?"In terms of seniority, you should call me uncle! It's more appropriate! "

Ah? The young man couldn't help touching his head, and Qu he took a deep look at the director?

"This is a wedding gift for you. It was a pity that it didn't go there at that time. However, it still failed to hide. Fortunately, when you came here, it was better than nothing!"

The young man couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He felt a little exaggerated. Director Ding Yuding was actually his uncle. I didn't hear of it! What's more, how old is director Ding? Where should this uncle talk about?

"Lord... Uncle Ding!"

The young man couldn't help shouting! Ding Yu sighed!

"I've seen your father for many years and made one or two things. Fortunately, it's not a big problem. I asked people to deal with some follow-up problems, but I didn't expect you to come out. Although I never paid any attention to it, I still kept a considerable attention, including your entry! Marriage and so on! I didn't expect you to come to me! "

"My father-in-law means it!" The young man spoke cautiously!

"I know! At that time, your father-in-law was very grateful for his work, not only your work, but also your marriage! He didn't have any problems, otherwise, he would focus on the events of that year! Hum

Hearing director Ding's hum, the young man also made a big jump!

"This time it's also because of your father-in-law that you joined this training course. It's just a coincidence! I wanted to get rid of you, you are too young! In the whole class, the position is the lowest, the youngest is the youngest, and the ability is very good, but we should not take the lead at this time. Maybe it will be OK in a few years! "

"Uncle Ding! I didn't think about it! " The young man was still a little stiff, "I..."

"If only I understood! Come and eat when you have time! My parents and children are here too

Hesitated for a period of time, Ding Yu is to take up the phone in the hand! It took a long time to dial the phone!

"Your grandson is with me! Among the students, he has already attracted people's attention! So it's impossible for him to show his head. I'm going to suppress him for several years. Can't you see it? Say something

Liu Daolong over the phone didn't speak for a long time! "He! It's done

"Take it easy! Everything that needs to be done has been done! " When he spoke, Ding Yu also looked at the young man in front of him. "I have been looking at the things in my home all the time. By chance, he has come to me. I am an uncle? We can't turn a blind eye to it! I don't care about your son, but he can't be indifferent enough, right? "

"Yes! Not bad! " Liu Daochang ha ha's smile, "this is it! We'll talk about it later! "

"We don't take one like this?" Ding Yu said that he had some complaints. When he spoke, he took a look at the young man standing in front of him. "In the future, you still need someone to carry the basin for you?! Is it difficult to let the urban rail transit

"It's not impossible. If I know you are busy, I won't tell you more!"

Get it! Ding Yu has understood what it means! Put down the mobile phone, upside down on the table, looking at the confused young man, slightly hummed, look so embarrassed! "You boy! Hey, it's a real hassle

Young people, the whole person has so many stupid eyes! The director's conversation is in the ear! What is this? Grandfather? The problem is that I have never said that in my impression!

"Your grandfather doesn't want to see you very much!"

"Director, I haven't heard much of it!" The young man said it cautiously! It's true that I haven't heard of it. I didn't mean to cheat. What's more, I didn't know where the grandfather came from. Why didn't the director know what was involved in it!

"Your father doesn't look into your grandfather's eyes. Some things make him a little angry, so he is a little unpopular! To put it bluntly, it is out of sight and out of mind! But when you got married, I talked to him on the phone. I didn't see him for several days. I don't know what to do! It's an interesting thing to say! "

"My grandfather is still alive? I never heard of it

"How strange, your grandfather is certainly alive. In the early years, he lived very hard. He was my brother-in-law. After I found him, I raised him in the capital! Your grandfather mentioned that if you have a chance, take care of your family. I've seen it, and it's also covert! I don't believe your father didn't feel anything about it at all! "

The young man licked his lips! "My father vaguely seemed to have mentioned it!" Having said that, the young man is very careful to look at Ding Yu. He is verifying some things, but in his own opinion, there are still some fantastic things!"Your father! It seems a pity, but in fact? His ability is relatively limited, and he is always hesitant about things. If he is really placed in the top position, it will be a disaster rather than a blessing. In addition, there are other things, so your grandfather will completely let go, so this matter will fall on your head! It's up to you to choose! "

"Uncle Ding, I don't quite understand what this means!"

"You see, smart people can pretend to be confused, but it depends on the time! Look at the opportunity, missed this time, maybe the next time, you need to wait for your son, or your grandson! I promised your grandfather to look after you when I have the opportunity, but I don't mean to be a nanny for you, your grandfather! I'm old! But the mind is still very smart, he does not want this favor to fall on your father's head, as for whether it will fall on your head? He's a little uncertain! "

When talking about this, Ding Yu suddenly changed his words, "do you know what Duan pan means?"

"Not so clear!" Young is a cautious answer!

When he saw his husband looking at him, Qu he said in a deep voice, "the so-called Duan basin is the throwing basin, which can not be used by anyone. Throwing the basin means that he becomes the filial son and grandson of the deceased. All or most of the deceased's property is inherited by him. If no one throws the basin to the dead, that is to say, he will be reduced to a bad end When the earthenware falls, the barber lifts the bar! If you don't fall the tile pot, you can't go on the road! "

Young people understand it!

"But look at the old man's meaning, the man who threw the basin? It should be someone else! I'll leave you a favor! If you really leave everything to your father, it's a disaster. If your father can't, you can have a try, OK? Would you like to have a try? I can guarantee that the city rail will never be a problem in it

"Uncle Ding, I'm a chicken now! Don't make fun of me

"You think I'm teasing you on purpose, don't you?" Ding Yu snorted, "I don't have that mind. I don't feel good about your father, but do I treat you? However, if you don't want to break the family and die, then this matter can be recorded in the mind! Understand? "

"Uncle Ding?" The young man looked at Ding Yu pitifully!

"After all, your grandfather is my uncle. I won't do it, but no one can guarantee that there will be outsiders. I have a good relationship with your grandfather, but it doesn't mean that I have a good relationship with your family, so take it easy! This is a good word for you

Waving his hand, Qu he stands out and takes the young man out of his office!

Ding Yu picked up his mobile phone again, "uncle, it's me, Ding Yu!"

"You Liu Daochang sighed, "how about that boy?" Can still see from the talk, for children's care!

"It's OK. I can stand up. I don't pee my pants! At his age, it is already very difficult! There is still quite a way inside my stomach. I can't scare you. I showed you my face. It's not bad! But are you really so cruel? That's your grandson, after all

"At present, it's OK. It's much better than that one that doesn't adjust!"

"Uncle, your vision is so high! It's good to be alone and to be able to mix up to the present level! Some personal problems are unavoidable! Don't say it's him! Even for me, I also have some problems. Although I claim that I have never been a good person, who doesn't want to be a good person? "

Looking at the Quhe who came in, Ding Yu pointed out the position in front of him and continued to talk to his uncle!

"It's because of this that I've eliminated him. If I stay here, even if there's any news, it's not a good thing or even a fatal blow to him! He's too young! It's true that I have some thoughts and abilities, but I can't do it now! What's more, the power behind him is still too weak! Can't protect it

Liu Daochang naturally understood why Ding Yu did this. Now, to get rid of him is not to harm him, but to better protect him. After all, his age, experience and experience are too lacking!

Now to be able to join it, is already very good! Along with Ding Yu this side is also connected! Under such circumstances, Taoist priest Liu is already grateful! How can you continue to ask for something?

"I understand, don't get used to him too much. Although he is a little clever, there is still a big difference."

"I look pretty good, I can deal with it. I'll see you when I have time!" Ding Yu comforted and said, "at least from the current situation, the child is still very good!"

"Don't say I haven't seen it, I've seen it, but I didn't say hello, but that's it?"

"OK, take care of yourself, martial uncle. I'll see you when I go back!"After chatting with his uncle for quite some time, Ding Yu looked at Qu he! Qu he sits up straight.

"Don't be so nervous, it's not a great thing!" Ding Yu said placidly! "Uncle Liu's son, when he was raised by his sister, was still OK."

"I didn't hear you mention it, sir!"

"Uncle Liu and I have already mentioned it when we first met! At that time, I just came back! How many years have passed! Uncle Liu's old sister is dead! But because there are so many things at home, it's not good for uncle Liu to mention too much, and so do I! "

Why don't Ding Yu mention it too much? The reason is very simple. After all, it's uncle Liu's family!

If you want to know that you have not been able to handle your own family affairs, or if you are involved in other people's family affairs, what do you think? What's more, Ding Yu had some resistance to such things. It's hard for honest and upright officials to stop housework! What's wrong with yourself? I feel like I'm amazing, don't you?

"Can he keep a secret, sir?"

"Don't know?" Ding Yu shook his head. "For him, it's a test. Other people's face can't be given, but Liu Daochang's face must be given! If he can't, then let him live a stable life, which I think can be guaranteed! "

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