When the young man came back, we also noticed that he was in a trance! There are so many faltering steps! Although still holding things in the hand, but the face is abnormal ugly!

As for why? The reason is not well understood, but it is obvious that he has been kicked away, and this matter is still known to all! Although he is not very old, even his position is not high, but after all, he is young!

But I never thought that the first person to be eliminated was him!

But the matter is arranged by director Ding. Director Ding must have his own reason!

Ningdong in front of us gave us quite a shock, but now the little brother in front of us, also let us feel a basin of cold water, poured down, it is really piercing cold!

We comforted the little brother, although he said that he was forced to get rid of, but to a certain extent, it is also liberation! But now that I'm here, I'll study hard next! Anyway, this little brother is very young, this time long experience! Also expand their own circle of communication, is already very good! Can't ask too much!

Soon, the capital got a lot of news about the elimination, which was not so strange. As for the one who was eliminated, he was so young and did not have much experience and experience. To him, it was not a kind of experience, but a kind of torture!

Now we should take him out and give everyone a warning. Besides, there is also a reason to protect him!

From this point of view, director Ding Yu Ding is still very authentic, there is no first time to clean up! It's already quite OK! After Ning Dong, he was cleared away, but he didn't mean to be expelled! You just don't have the qualification to be selected, but you can still study on the farm!

You know, it's an extraordinary beginning to stay on the farm to study! What's more, you are really young now. With such insight, you will surely have many opportunities in the future! After comforting for a while, they agreed to leave! Because we still have quite a lot to do, not as idle as we imagine!

Towards noon, the young man's mobile phone rang, looking at the caller ID, the young man immediately put the mobile phone in his hand, "Dad

A calm voice came from the phone, "I got the news earlier, and someone called me. I didn't know the specific situation very well. People said to do this for you. You are too young! Plus experience is a serious shortage! Now given down, it is also a kind of protection for you

"Dad, I'm ok. To be sure, I've got a lot of knowledge to be here. I've got a lot of contact with director Ding. I don't know if I haven't seen him. After seeing him, I'm really shocked! The feeling of man in heaven

"I haven't seen director Ding, and I've heard very little about director Ding, but he's highly praised by the above. In addition, you've said that director Ding is definitely not an idle person."

"It's a pity, but if you think about it carefully, in such an environment, you don't have too many reserve forces. Now it's very dangerous to push you to that position! Now a lot of other people are worried, if you have any good performance

Because is own son-in-law, so well ran said more! Is also very patient, because I am worried that the son-in-law will have so some can not understand! He is still very young, not so much experience, even not as calm as imagined, under such circumstances, if there is any problem, it will be a disaster!

It is also worried about this, so I deliberately in the understanding of the situation, call over!

What I didn't think of was that his son-in-law was not depressed and his will was fading. From his words, he was still relatively calm. Could he have made considerable progress after encountering quite a lot of things? If so, it is a blessing in disguise?

"Dad, I understand what you said. Although it happened suddenly, the rest of me was OK. The director didn't want me to leave. Since I came here, I must wait until the end of my study! What's more, other treatments are inconvenient. It's also an eye opener here. It takes quite a long time to digest them. "

"Well! It's good to keep a good attitude. Although we say we can't be selected, we should cherish the opportunity and pay attention to the relationship with our comrades! Do you understand what I'm saying

"Yes! Because of age and other reasons, big brother still takes care of me

"Good! Whether it's doing things or being a person, you need to lower your mentality. You are young, which is an advantage, but don't let him become your proud capital, especially to show off in front of the public, it's even worse! "

"Yes! Dad, don't worry, I will adjust my mind! "It didn't take long to hang up the phone, but the young people received a message. Some people added themselves in wechat. It should be intentional! After I agreed, I watched the video that was sent to me. I stretched out my shaking hands and connected the video!

There is an old man in the video, watching the young people have a lot of silly, a look of immortals, this dress makes me feel like a TV play! What's the situation? Blinking, young people have some doubts, because they seem to have some vague impression!

Although the impression is not as deep as imagined, but there are still some feelings, I seem to have met at the wedding, although it is a very short side, because the old man's dress is quite different! Hair and beard are gray, but the spirit is very good!

I remember that I said two words to myself, that is, the words of blessing. I remember that there was an old lady next to me. At that time, I also expressed my thanks, but I didn't expect to see you again today!

Liu looked at his grandson and nodded slightly after looking at him for a while! It's not bad. It's better than your father, but it doesn't disappoint people. Speaking of it, I have a lot of responsibility. The times have changed. Now I mentioned these things, but it doesn't have much effect. I thought that you could live a safe life! I didn't think about it, but you jumped out

"Are you my grandfather?" The young man smacked his lips! It's unbelievable! Even the voice of his voice trembled! Is there such a thing under the sky?

"In terms of blood relationship, it is. But if we consider the actual situation, what about me? I'm not qualified. I left everything to your aunt! Fortunately, I still have some luck to send your aunt away

The young man seemed to remember something, "no wonder at that time, so many doctors were invited here, and even doctors from abroad didn't notice at that time. It was mentioned later that my grandmother was very lucky! Because later, quite a lot of people found their homes and wanted to get a doctor! They didn't get what they wanted

"Speaking of it, I am Ding Yu's martial uncle, and his master is of the same generation. Later, he found me, and I have been staying in the capital. The living conditions are good! I don't have any problems in other aspects. As for your side, if you have a bad life, I'm concerned about it. But I don't have this idea when I see you! "

"Grandfather, I've never heard of you before!"

"I asked your uncle Ding to do a test, such things as blood drop to recognize relatives, forget it! Fool the fool Liu Daochang is not taboo at all, "now do a DNA or very simple thing, there is nothing difficult to do! But that's it! I don't want to disturb your life, but who let you come out! "

"Grandfather! I'm a little confused now! "

"Just accept the reality! If you didn't come out, I really don't want to recognize your grandson. There are a lot of backwarders at home, and there's no use for eggs! " Liu Daochang's speech is very vulgar! Even a little impatient!

"Eh?" Young people really don't know what to say!

"I know some of the things your father did, but I didn't interfere. It was your uncle Ding who ended up! But fortunately, did not do what angry things, is also fair! As for your father-in-law? It's just OK, but it's not enough to protect you! The inside information is not enough, will you be operated till now? It's the limit! Even beyond his ability

Young people can say clearly where their father-in-law is! But I didn't think my grandfather couldn't see it at all. What's good for me? Or don't mention anything! I have been about to be hit by his grandfather!

"When you come to the capital, come and kowtow! You uncle Ding there to maintain a good relationship on the line, but you uncle Ding this person! The eye is not generally high, quite a person does not enter his law eye, you are also because of other aspects of the reason, so you ding Shuduo looked at you a word! Don't think you're really amazing! As you are now, uncle Ding is not interested in carrying shoes for you! Don't waste such a chance

Other words are just foil, the last sentence is the key! Don't waste such a chance!

"Grandfather, I can feel that uncle Ding seems to be a little bit

"It's normal. Uncle Ding can't look at people with his eyelids, but it's nonsense to say that he is rather harsh! It can only be said that his requirements are very strict, which is why it is difficult for ordinary people to enter into his law. He is strict with others, and is the same with himself! But many people can't keep up with your uncle Ding! "

"Grandfather, I know!" The young man said respectfully!

"I'll tell you two more words. You can know your uncle Ding's affairs, including mine, by yourself! Too many people who know it will hinder your future! Especially through your mouth! Even more so! When the time comes, everyone will coax you, compliment you, and make you unable to get down in the sky. Your father and your father-in-law can't carry it. Don't let me even have a chance to save you at that time! ""Grandfather, can it be so serious?"

"More serious than you think! Who is your uncle Ding? There are too many people staring at him! What about me? It's not worth mentioning, but in terms of your uncle Ding's face, there won't be too many man-made times. But not daring to make a mistake doesn't mean that you can't use other means, so you can take it easy yourself! "

Taoist priest Liu took a breath and said, "let's talk about something after we meet."! Now it's just a purpose. Keep your mind steady. Things like pie falling from the sky won't happen for no reason. What's more, how do you know that this pie won't kill you? I still have some expectations for you. After all, it's still my grandson, but that's it

Liu Daochang or not quite at ease, deliberately explained after a few words, this just put down the phone! Put down the phone, a little sigh! Then he sent some information to him by wechat. He deliberately explained that after reading, he deleted and didn't stay. He would make other things happen. He was not afraid of 10000, just in case!

Looking at the information sent by their grandfather, young people see one item and delete one item. There are quite a lot of information related to themselves, as well as some about their father and father-in-law. The content is very detailed, but it does not involve anything messy, but if you let other people know, it is definitely troublesome!

At noon, I didn't go out to dinner. Maybe in other people's eyes, it was a blow, but in fact, I was sorting out my thoughts. Everything came too suddenly, so that I didn't have any preparation. Under such circumstances, a little calm is not a bad thing!

What's the matter? Feel that you have the so-called dependence? Can be unscrupulous!

Uncle Ding sells his grandfather's face, but he will never give himself any so-called face. As for protecting himself, he is totally looking at his grandfather's face! If it's not for my grandfather, which scallion and garlic are you?

"Sir, the performance there is relatively calm. Generally speaking, there is no problem. However, the people below clearly understand that there are some mistakes. They are more attentive now."

Why? Because the examples are already in front of you! What's the matter? You have to get rid of it by director Ding, don't you? Kill the chicken, the chicken has been killed! The monkey didn't react at all. Did he really think the knife wasn't fast enough, or did he feel lawless?

You know, it's director Ding, not someone else? He will not have any so-called scruples. If anyone is not angry, then it will not be the end of that little brother. It will definitely be more miserable than imagined! That's for sure!

"I heard that the capital has been very quiet recently, hasn't it?"

Asked Qu he is helpless to spread his hands, sir, this matter you ask yourself, really good? Or if you ask Yang Chen, the effect is not better. I believe that the intelligence department will never ignore Yang Chen!

"Yang Chen, what do you say?"

"Director, I don't know so much, but obviously, everyone is very concerned about your situation. The matter of Ning Dong has made many people feel so excited. As for what happened today, we may consider it!"

"Too smooth!" Ding Yu slightly hummed, "but these guys here, after all, there are so some fidgety, it's time to add some material to them! I really think you can eat and drink for nothing, don't you? What are you thinking of? "

Get it! The director is obviously not very happy! However, it is not clear what is the cause of unhappiness, but those students will never be too happy! It must be, since it has already begun! Then things need to be further developed! I don't know if they can carry it or not!

"What do you want us to do, sir?" After all, Yang Chen's identity is different. He is not suitable to say this. To a certain extent, he also came here to learn!

"Even though they are all fighting their own way now! But how? It's not fierce enough. Let them eliminate two people by themselves. I don't care what kind of way they adopt. I just need to know the final result! "

Hearing the director said so, Yang Chen could not help but hold his chin, this move, is not a bit too cruel? Let these students eliminate two people by themselves! This is to make people angry, OK?

And when the time comes, these students will not just fall apart, they will play their own dog brain!

Is it a little too cruel? Yang Chen looked at his director, but did not get any response, Qu he is very interested in rubbing his nose, things are a bit interesting! It's really a gentleman's style!

When the news came to the capital, everyone was furious. NIMA's was like cold water falling into a boiling oil pan! It's called a bustle!

Although it is said that those students have been handed over to your director Ding, when you do something, should you have some so-called propriety? You put quite a lot of problems in front of many students. It's bloody and cruel! For these students, it is a kind of devastation!I know you're a tough guy, but you also need to pay attention to ways and methods, don't you?

But the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't pay any attention to people's clamor. How do you call it? It's your own business. How can I do it? It's my business. Don't you like me? No problem! I didn't force you to send people to me. If you are dissatisfied, you can pick them up for me. If I stop, I am not a man with a handle!

The question is, are you going to do this? Forced nagging, there is no use for any eggs, at least in my Ding Yu here is not easy to use!

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