"Time is too short!" The person who said this, is from the heart feeling! How many still have a little bit of regret! "What's more, the whole thing is going too fast! For these students, they are too passive! "

Ding Yu is definitely a good teacher, this is true, but he took the way and means, so that many people were eliminated! This is not to say that these people are not excellent, and there is not much to do with this!

Although we all know this, but when things come, we still hope to pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages. Not many people can avoid vulgarity, and Ding Yu just takes advantage of this! It's hard for us to have a flash, not to mention, or even to be deeply involved in it!

Now video conference is very convenient, so there is no need to gather together! What's more, there is nothing we can avoid about others, and no one will take the initiative to disclose the information! It is true that those who can sit in this meeting are not big men, but they are also the pillars of each family!

"It's no big deal if we are in a hurry. The problem is that the situation is urgent. Director Ding has already issued a notice. From what we know, the students are about to get into chaos. It's very difficult for them to control their emotions and drop the pie from the sky. Some of them are too delicious!"

The speaker is a female comrade. From her locked brow, we can see that the matter has reached a certain degree. Ding Yu's hand is really hard to resist!

From the development of the matter, Ding Yu is absolutely intentional, and we can be sure that this is a trap!

These old comrades can resist and even see that there are quite a few problems. But what about the people below? They face such temptation, what kind of choice will they make! After all, they are already adults! With their own thinking, it's not a puppet!

"If, I mean, if, let them make their own decisions, is there any controllability?"

After that, all the people in the video frowned because they were worried about it. If we let go completely, could things be controlled? If it is out of control, then how to remedy it?

If it is other people, there is no problem, no matter what it is, they can circle a little bit!

But now we are facing Ding Yu, and the relationship between Ding Yu and everyone? How to put it? At most, when we meet, we nod our heads, we are familiar with each other! It's not that we don't really know how to adapt, but director Ding Yuding! This guy is a freak, OK?!

It's as if there's always frost on his face! It makes people far away from three feet away, but I can't help but shiver. Moreover, he is always a kind of true color. Anyway, it gives people the feeling that it is difficult to get along with!

As for the socialists in the hospital, they are not interested in any other places! He's a weirdo anyway! There are too many differences with ordinary people!

"If the following students are allowed to recommend themselves, they will further split up. Everyone who wants to fight for such an opportunity will show their own!"

This is half hidden and half obvious, but we all know how it happened, because the people holding video conference still hope that the following students can unite and not be too scattered. But now that the pie has fallen, even if they want to be forced to knead together, there are some improbable! not to the point!

Now there is something wrong with the action, but nothing to do, watching helplessly, we are also quite worried!

What's more, time is too short! Tomorrow, there will be recommended candidates. The students below will have little Jiujiu in their hearts. Can't those who are in charge of their families have no so-called "Xiaojiu"? It's the same!

Ding Yu doesn't have so many worries here! He is now rushing to work. The school gifts for the children at home can be finished basically! Along with Wang Xiaogang!

After simply cleaning up, Ding Yu asked Qu he to send it to Wang Xiaogang! I'm sure I'll get it by night! Although the distance between the two places, but Ding Yu for this nephew, never any bias!

When some of the children came back, looking at their crazy appearance, Ding Yu shook his head and put the things on the table with their names written on them. It was impartial!

After taking a bath and looking at the things on the table, Ding Yun takes the lead in shouting. Ding Chang is helpless and takes out his ears. As for such a ghost talk? But looking at the things in the box, Ding Chang's mouth is also cocked up, and then tightly held in his own hand, absolutely can't be snatched by Ding Chang!

She has this problem, Wang Yang and Tong Tong are not good there! But it is a little girl, a face of ignorant, things are like not fake, but brother and sister, is not a little too careful?Until the elder sister Ding Yun took the little girl's gift in her hand, the little girl felt bad. Her mouth was shriveled and she was pulling the corner of Ding Yun's coat. Her uncle gave her something, OK? What a bully!

Wang Yang looks at Ding Yun and his sister, is very headache, put the things in his hands down, no way! If you don't let Ding Yun appreciate it, she won't give up!

When Ding Yu comes out, Ding Yun is like a big devil. He stands in the middle of the room! With her stepping on the tea table, it's really a bit of a mountain king's feeling! Not reserved at all!

However, when she saw Ding Yu, Ding Yun did a stretching action on purpose. Look at that meaning, she was moving her body. But such behavior was too intentional! Ding Yu aimed at the same! Ding Yun was holding his own gift and came to his father's side!

"Dad! Thank you

Ding Chang and others are helpless to look at each other. If they can, they really want to record Ding Yun's performance, so that their father can have a good look. When she was just now, she was crazy to what extent, and now she looks like a gentle kitten! It's intentional, OK?

Holding Ding Yun's head, Ding Yu kneaded it. The strength was a little heavy!

Maybe it's something. Xiaosiyan stands up and bares his teeth, aiming at Ding Yu. His mouth is also growling. Obviously, Ding Yu's action makes it feel offended! Ding Yu is really a little bit angry, this bastard!

That's your own daughter. You're so familiar with her. What do you want?

Ding Yun knew how to deal with it as soon as he saw it! Quickly ran to the side of the small four eyes, holding it like a lion's big head, a force to pacify! Even explained what in a low voice, for fear of small four eyes misunderstanding! What is this and what is it? Ding Yu felt that he was about to smoke!


Ding Yu looked at the things on the table and sighed slightly, "take them all! For you to prepare the opening gift, Xiaogang's things I have been sent in the past, tomorrow will start school! I hope you are ready to restrain your mind. Relatively speaking, you have made considerable progress, which is a matter to be proud of! But we can't be complacent. The so-called "big rivers and lakes" and "hidden dragons and crouching tigers" emerge in endlessly. If you don't see it, it doesn't mean there is no such thing! "

"Dad, I've seen a lot of them from Uncle Dongfang. They are very powerful."

"They have a family background!" Let these children sit down. "Even you get a lot of things from there, but after a series of fine-tuning, what is suitable for them is suitable for you. The so-called boxing has no distinction between high and low. People have high-level and high-level people. Every kind of boxing has been improved and inherited for many generations before today. These are all experiences, but how to learn them To use, if you find the most suitable for yourself, it is the most important! "

"Master, what we are learning now is actually laying a good foundation for ourselves."

"Yes! Everyone wants to be able to soar into the sky. I once thought about it, even most people would think so. But imagination is different from reality! The imagination is too beautiful, but the reality is too cruel. Some people are trapped in it, and it is very difficult to extricate themselves. It is a very difficult thing to do well in yourself! "

Because school will start tomorrow! So Ding Yu deliberately told them a great truth!

"What you have learned in school will not be as much as you can imagine in the future! But these are just appearances! I believe all of you have encountered it. Once you have reached a certain bottleneck, it is difficult to break through it! "

Looking at the reaction of several children, Ding Yu continued to explain and said, "you see! The knowledge structure has been hindered. It's up to you. If you want to break through this bottleneck, it's impossible. When books are used, they hate less. Then you think about the importance of books! The book in this is a general reference, worth knowledge, but knowledge does not mean that you can get it by flipping through the books. What you need is the accumulation of time and the use of your thinking! Wait

"Dad, our study in school is actually a process!"

"There is a little deviation in understanding. What about the school? It should be said that it is a better place. It can't be said that everything is under the sun, but there are still some shadows, but most of them are beautiful. There are more pure and sincere feelings, endless friendship, and expectations of the world! These may affect a lifetime

"Naturally, you can get better teachers at home and even give you better education. But if you are placed in such an environment, what kind of people will you become? I think there are some of you who dare not imagine it! "

Ding Yun couldn't help but shiver, "Dad, it's a little too terrible! I think it's just right now! "

Other children also kept nodding, "let you see the complexity and changes of society, at the same time let you know about the warmth and coldness of human society, don't be superior. In fact, you are the most common children after leaving the family. On this point, you should not deny anything, but you don't need to care about anything deliberately!""Dad, why do you say that?" Ding Chang is thoughtful!

"Family background brings you a lot of resources, including you can go to another part of the earth at will, to see things that many children can't see, and even many adults can't remember in their whole life. But is this your proud capital? No, it's just to add some details to you. In this, I'd like to extend a little bit. It's a very simple saying that there must be Yu Qing in the house of good deeds. How can I understand this sentence? "

"A good family will have more than a good harvest, and a poor one will have more misfortunes."

Little girl is very sensitive to say!

Ding Yu gave her a thumbs up! Praise!

"What about literal understanding? A good family? There are bound to be more auspicious occasions, and those who do not do well will suffer more disasters. However, from an extended point of view, affairs are gradually accumulated, and finally quantitative changes cause qualitative changes! This is the so-called principle that we should not act on the basis of good and evil on the basis of smallness. "

Ding Yu's explanation is very popular. If you want to explain it to other children of the same age, you can't really find a name that can be explained. However, for these children at home, there is nothing difficult to understand, and Wang Xiaogang over there nodded incessantly, which is not difficult for him!

"Return to the topic again. What kind of performance do you have in school? This question is entirely up to you. External factors will have an impact, but this influence also depends on how you choose. Now that you have passed a considerable period of adaptation, what do I expect? It's a little flat, or? Become a legend! But from the present situation, you want to calm down, basically impossible things

"Dad, why do we want to be legendary, not plain?" Ding Yun scratched his head! It's hard to understand! The other children have the same expression! What a surprise!

"It's not easy to return to mediocrity! It's impossible for you to return to the plain. It's very difficult for you to maintain the so-called blandness. You don't have any interest in all the foreign things. It's a meal of simple food and a meal of Longgan Fengsui. It's no different! Just you? "

Ding Yu has a look of contempt! "Your father and master anyway!" Ding Yu pointed to himself, "I can't do it now. In another 20 years, I won't be able to do it. Let's make an analogy! Now let you eat simple food every day, for you, too harsh, and nutrition can not keep up, for your own will cause inexplicable impact, perhaps can not see now, but will appear in the future! At that time, it was so difficult to think about mediation. I really didn't see too many people! "

"Dad, because of our physical needs, we have no way to make the so-called choice!"

"There are not too many mistakes in this saying, but in fact, there are two different directions, one is the spiritual hardening, the other is the physical hardening. But in the end, we all come to the same goal by different ways. We live in such an era, which is really a very lucky thing, the so-called thing of arriving at the other shore? It's not very realistic, but we can break through our own limits

Break through your own limits! The eyes of several children can't help but light up!

Looking at a few children, Ding Yu slightly took a breath, "since you are not plain, then go to become a legend! Leave a legendary name, for your own, and even the school, even the city, have inexplicable benefits! I don't know if you can reach this level! I'm just giving you a little expectation! "

Some reasons can not be too profound, they do not understand is one aspect, and it is easy for them to produce obstacles! So Ding Yu just mentioned some surface!

Ding Yun directly threw himself on his father's body, and the little four eyes, who had already been eager to try, sat down directly, without giving Ding Yu any face. Without leaving his own legs, he was already giving face!

Looking at the small four eyes jumping on his body, Ding Yu almost didn't come up. This bastard is definitely intentional! Its impact force, if changed to ordinary people, can be sitting dizzy at once! After all, the tonnage is there! I don't care about myself. I don't have any problems with my body. But this behavior is provocative!

For Ding Yu, this is a little intolerable! What do you want?

Coincidentally, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying walked in. When they saw this scene, they were all overjoyed! However, the small lazy people who follow them do not have the courage of small four eyes! Are you kidding? This big guy is not the existence they can afford!

So it's a good place to go to the theatre! Who said that dogs are not smart, they are more intelligent than imagined! Don't you see they're all very quiet?

"Stop when you're good!" Ding Yun is comforting small four eyes on one side, have already sat in the air of his father for a while, still want how? I must make my father angry! What are the consequences? Unimaginable!Now grandpa and grandma come here and hurry down the steps! Otherwise, there will be no good fruit to eat!

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