Although Xiao Siyan came down from Ding Yu's body! But still is the tiger's eye covetously stare at Ding Yu, is very angry appearance! If it wasn't for the old man and the old lady? Will let Ding Yu know that his weight is not in vain!

Ding Yu is also the same, all jumped on his body! What else do you want? Mutual gaze for a period of time, or because of Ding Yun and Ding Chang two people's comfort, small four eyes just lie down, this Ding Yu give gas!

"Well, how old are you? You'll see the big bear! Children? "

Looking at her eldest son's appearance, Zhao Shuying is very dissatisfied with a shout! Big bear is the patron saint of grandsons and granddaughters! The family is very rare, even if it is the eldest son of the family also can't!

Wang An and Tong Tong have some twitches at the corners of their mouths. Why? It's rare to see Shifu like this, and even quarrel with the bear. This scene is really rare! Of course, Shifu didn't see that he was really angry. However, from the performance of his grandfather and grandmother, we can see that the status of the bear in the family is extraordinary! This time is really a new understanding!

"Ready to eat! School starts tomorrow! It's all spiritual! "

Zhao Shuying made the final summary, the children are also busy up!

However, the capital is not so leisurely as Ding Yu. They are now very headache. Their previous intervention has decided that they still need to intervene this time, and it's no good if they don't interfere! These students have been making a fuss. We can say that they are not giving in to each other, and they are about to become a pot of porridge! It's not as calm as you think!

No one wants to waste such a quota. After coming here, there will be no other people except for the move! Take a look at the treatment Ning Dong received. How can we not be envious? If we can only rely on our ability, it doesn't matter. But obviously, if someone wants to make small moves, we can't bear it!

The capital also saw this scene. This is Ding Yu's revenge. It can't be clearer!

These students come to my side to study, there is no problem, I provide environment and other conditions, but what about you? Unexpectedly, I still mix up at will. What do you think of me as Ding Yu? Since this is the case, then let you know the power of it! You don't know that King Ma has three eyes!

Ding Yu's action is not big, but one after another, and they all hit the key points. It's really unbearable. What's more, the results will come out tomorrow morning. How can we not be in a hurry! But the problem is that the situation is a little out of control now!

Ding Yu didn't pay any attention there. What did it mean? It shows that he is not interested in this matter. He is watching everyone's performance. It seems that there is no action, but the fact is that Ding Yu's firewood has been added enough! The water in the pot is about to boil!

Counterattack? What to fight back with? Do you really think Ding Yu is a vegetarian? Right?

Who let the previous time, everyone reflected a little too much! Let Ding Yu grasp the handle, and then into the set! Now there is no way to break free. Can't you see your children in a mess?

But Yang Chen here, looking at the performance of many students, the heart has already been shocked into a piece! I'm afraid to kill these guys, they won't believe that the director already has a good target, and this object? Jun Cheng, who was eliminated!

There is no reason for this matter. I have studied it carefully. Jun Cheng's ability may not be the most outstanding, but it is absolutely the most balanced. Basically, there are not too many weaknesses. Unfortunately, he was eliminated!

It is absolutely a mistake to eliminate Juncheng, and it is also a big mistake. If Jun Cheng is still in it, he can definitely balance the relationship and maintain a certain situation! After all, his popularity is very good, but unfortunately, he has been eliminated!

Yang Chen now has quite a reason to suspect that the director has started his own business! But the problem is that they can not verify any information, so now I can only do a considerable suspicion, rather than to affirm a considerable thing!

But Yang Chen didn't mean to report the situation. Why are these students in this situation? Can't you see the situation clearly? If it is asked by the information management department, inform the director and then report it! There are still some possibilities. Otherwise, I will be honest and honest!

The next morning, Ding Yu took exercise here. Some of the children didn't go back last night. They just stayed at the villa. They didn't show too much excitement because of the start of school today, as usual!

When the exercise was over, they said hello to their grandparents and left after breakfast! Ding Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at his little four eyes! Support has gone! I forbeared before! You're left alone now! Shall we have a try?

Small four eyes is very angry looking at Ding Yu, it is true that it is not against Ding Yu, but it does not mean that there is no recognition of Ding Yu's strength. This is two times of things, a fox pretends to be a tiger, but if he really starts to fight, he is not an opponent at all, OK? It's not that I haven't tried it!But thinking of giving up like this, it is impossible, so the little four eyes planed the ground with his claws and looked at the turned soil. The crane twisted his mouth slightly! Yang Chen is very curious!

Always wait for Qu he to stab Yang Chen, Yang Chen this just reacts! But Ding Yu looked at the small four eyes and bit his back teeth. This bastard was definitely intentional. He knew this was at home! And if it really calls, it will definitely provoke their parents, then it is not easy to do!

What's more, its body is contaminated with soil, so it has quite a way to deal with it. But the question is, do you want the villa? So after a fierce stare, Ding Yu also turned to leave! If you have a chance, you don't believe it!

"What? Is that interesting? "

Yang Chen touched the back of his head, "how do you feel like a monster! How terrible

"Just get used to it! Big bear is the patron saint of Ding Yun and Ding Chang. The status of the family is unique. Moreover, the bear only recognizes them. Are others? All of them are the same, even if it is a gentleman! Often provocative, sir, but he didn't let it be too good! "

"No! Will the director be able to see it in the same way? " Yang Chen thought it was so funny!

Qu he helplessly spread out his hands, "but there is only Mr. home! No one else dares to provoke others and make jokes. Even if it's me, there are not many problems in defeating it, but it's really hard to say what will happen. Anyway, it gives me a personal feeling that there should be no problem tearing up the bear and splitting the tiger! "

"Just it?" Yang Chen looked at the bear suspiciously. Although he was very big, he didn't seem to exaggerate?

"Yes! On it, really don't underestimate it! In any case, you're a tough guy. Do you think it's normal to be able to compete with your husband, even though you suffer a lot from it, but is it normal to play with your husband? "

Facing this situation? Yang Chen had some doubts

after the director came out again, Qu he and Yang Chen followed behind!

"Sir, the two men recommended have come out! Not many people had a good rest last night! There was no big fight, but it was obvious that this event still caused considerable fluctuations! Everyone's mood is not as calm as you think. There are not many people who have a good rest last night! "

"What's the situation with Juncheng?"

"Good performance, praiseworthy!" Qu he answers truthfully! "Originally, he wanted to comfort everyone, but not many people could listen to his opinions. Many people have considerable opinions and ideas about him! If you think he has been eliminated, don't be a disgrace in the past! Some people even speak worse

Ha ha! Ding Yu said with a nonchalant smile, "a bunch of idiots! I don't know! "

Yang Chen couldn't help shrinking his body. He came to the director's side for such a long time. Basically, he didn't hear that the director would speak like this. Obviously, the director's opinion on some people is very big, otherwise, he would never say so bad!

But think about it, those guys! It's really unbearable. When has it been! Still think of those messy, have that time, it is better to calm down their own mind, just this point, has eliminated quite a lot of people! Because the difference between them is so obvious!

However, there are some people who show their teeth and claws, and naturally they are as calm as loose. Even Yang Chen can see that there are some people who have not shown too much outstanding performance, but their attitude is very correct. Maybe they can't see too many things in a short time, but with the change of time, they really can't cover up their glory!

"Since two people have been elected, they have lived up to their expectations, haven't they? Let them feel the enthusiasm of the farm After reading the list, Ding Yu turned his mouth slightly! Is the list recommended? That's just one thing! Some people really don't give up!

Since you do not give up, then give you some color to see!

"Let them choose five people on their own and give them two subjects, but after the selection? I'll give them a lesson in person. Is it specific? It's about the health care of the body, which is basically like this! "

Qu he nodded his head. He was not so clear about what he was involved in. He only needed to follow the orders of his husband! As for the selection of the five, this is not what we should intervene in! Look at their own choice!

Obviously, this is not as simple as a pit!

According to Qu he's understanding, the reason why the director did this was obviously to remove some people. If someone got on the bus, the end would not be too good! Sometimes luck is a part of power! Looking at the short cut, I want to get on the bus, which is so cheap!Qu he didn't go to the office with him, but went to say hello to the students! After saying hello, I also declined some people's invitation and left directly! It was the cheers of the students behind!

Five places per person! No one can refuse such a pie! I don't know how many people will fall into the pit. It's hard to say!

But the capital is already languishing for this! But Ding Yu here wave after wave, still like the tide general surge over, it is not you want to refuse to be able to refuse! And even if these big guys want to refuse, can the following students refuse? They've all lost their heads!

It won't take too long! There's no need for more means! Two more times, I'm afraid the students below will have collapsed! Don't say it's time to show yourself now! Can not save themselves, are two said things!

We have already felt the problem. After all, they are all old foxes who have practiced for thousands of years. How can they not understand such things? But see clearly! It doesn't mean things can be solved! Ding Yu's name is placed there and recognized. Who doesn't want to be favored by Ding Yu?

If we can get the favor of director Ding, we will be able to make progress in the future. No one can resist such temptation, even some old foxes can't resist it, let alone the students below!

So clearly know is a trap, or there will be many people actively jump in!

It's not that someone pushes them on their own initiative, but to jump on their own. It's very helpless to think about it!

All must be in Ding Yu's plan! You shouldn't have interfered from the beginning!

But now warn the students, can they listen in? Even if this ear hears it! I'm afraid it will go out from the other ear, which is the reality!

Can't we just sit and watch now?

But the problem is that they can't help themselves. Originally, everyone was watching the Opera under the stage and watching Ding Yu sing the play. But now Ding Yu is sitting in the background and watching everyone sing. How does the play sing? All depends on Ding Yu's mood!

The change of identity between each other is a little fast! And it's a little embarrassing! Of course, if we abandon these students, we will be able to step down, but no one knows what the consequences will be!

This is the result of rashly reaching out. If you don't, there may not be so many messy things! But after reaching out, he still thought that there was no such thing happening. How could it be that he would be caught when he reached out, not to mention Ding Yu!

Just because I used to think a little bit earlier, it has led to the consequences now. Who can I talk to?

We all know that Ding Yu is not easy to be provoked, but I didn't expect such a bad guy. I don't care who you are? Come to my land above, need to obey my command, since you do not obey the command, then easy to do! I didn't grow up as a vegetarian. Whose bones are harder?

Ding Yu to nearly joking way to deal with the immediate matter, but the big man in the capital can not accompany Ding Yu to continue to play the game! The children in the family are not so clever, but if it goes on like this, I'm afraid everyone will be eliminated by Ding Yu!

They went to Ding Yu to study. They didn't go there to discuss their seniority or to show their might and prestige!

So now it's time to make some decisions! What should I do? You have to tie the bell, don't you?

As for shame? Is face still important now? After those students went to Ding Yu, did they grow up? Another thing to say is that they have been playing around! Under such circumstances, don't let Ding Yu be disabled!

After all, he had such a precedent, it's really not a joke! It's too dark!

The middle-aged man who came to the door also blinked his eyes and looked for himself for everything. It's true that he and Ding Yu are good at talking, but he didn't do that, did he? What do you want?

What's more, the purpose of this organizational study is to train young cadres, but what have you done? So now I am very angry, although not as angry, but this speech did not leave too much affection!

However, at this stage of the matter, it still needs to be solved. If there are too many problems, some of them are not appropriate. What's more, Ding Yu is involved in it!

Why just look for yourself instead of others? Mainly Ding Yu! This character is really not too many people can bear to live, for a considerable number of people, are not fake color that kind!

Encounter the right eye, even ordinary people, but also look at the wrong eye, even if it is a high-ranking official tycoon, is not ignore, anyway, I am such a character, willing or unwilling, are like this, will not have too many changes!

Of course. What about these? It's just appearance. There are deeper reasons!Does Ding Yu treat these students? There are not too many to see!

If he had taken an eye on him, he would never have been in such an attitude. He would have known quite a lot about his attitude! But if he didn't pay attention to any of them, it's not sure, but who are they? This question? I'm afraid only Ding Yu knows! If he doesn't mention this aspect, it's not good for anyone to come forward! useless! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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