Jun Cheng left the experimental building, Qu he followed the position behind!

"Assistant Qu! You're tired

Jun Cheng is very clear, this assistant Qu is the director's side of the people! Red man may not be counted, but the relationship between him and director Ding is absolutely much stronger than himself! People follow director Ding every day!

What's more, if you say two more words, it won't do!

Qu he looked at Jun Cheng and shook his head with a smile! There is still some disbelief in the eyes! "No! At the beginning, I didn't understand why Mr. Zhang valued you. I read your information and files. Among these people, the performance was not the best, even the middle class! I was even very surprised at that time

"Sir, I asked me to transfer out your file. I have studied it carefully, and I have not found anything strange. Even I have carefully read your experience. There is no outstanding performance. I can only say that it is better to maintain it!"

"I didn't seriously reflect on my own problems!" After thinking for a moment, Jun Cheng gave a bitter smile!

"So it is!" Qu he patted Jun Cheng's arm. "I haven't been with you for a long time, and I don't know much about some of them. I can't say I don't know anything about it, but it's almost the same. So maybe there are some places that are not well cared for in the details. Please forgive me!"

"There, I don't know where the door is if there isn't a song assistant today."

"Hi! I seem to be omnipotent Qu he shook his head, "but don't let Mr. Hu hear that in the future! He doesn't like it very much. Sir, he still likes people who are more pragmatic! If the work is done well, it is better than everything else. If you can get into Mr. Zhang's eye, you are very different! Calm down your mind, don't be disturbed by the wind and rain and waves, do yourself well, this is fundamental! "

Jun Cheng took a deep look at Qu he and nodded his head heavily. This is not so much Qu he said, but director Ding Yuding! It is said that director Ding is cold-blooded, but what about the reality? It's just hearsay!

No contact, there is no way to verify, but director Ding is really so difficult to see!

What's more, is director Ding concerned about fame? It seems that I really don't care much about it. I can clearly feel what I have just said to myself. I have seen countless superiors and leaders, but none of them will be the same as director Ding! Clearly tell yourself that some things can be done, but some things, even if there is any contamination, can not!

Jun Cheng is really impressed by the warning of director Ding. Why did director Ding give himself a watch? The reason is clear. Let yourself always remember that if you can't remember, then director Ding doesn't mind letting time stop. What does the so-called time stop mean? Don't you know?

Other people may not do this, even if they do, it will be very obscure.

But director Ding will never, I just tell you clearly, you give me honest remember!

Bold! Have responsibility! Such leadership is also quite rare, but it is a pity that director Ding did not mean to develop his official career. This is a pity! But on the other hand, if you think about it, if director Ding develops in this respect, what kind of situation will he face at that time? He can't help but shiver!

On the whole, the director is quite satisfied with himself, and there are also the same batch of students, they! I'm afraid quite a number of people are also in the director's plan, but one thing Jun Cheng can be sure of is that the twelve people will definitely be eliminated by the director, but they don't know it yet!

Why I am so sure, the reason is really clear! But the director mentioned that he had destroyed his plan. Isn't it straightforward to say so? Do you have to tell everything?

Or the director is still in the process of selection, but with the passage of time, some people are gradually eliminated! But a one-time elimination of 12 people, do not know behind the big men know this situation, and what kind of attitude? It's hard to say!

As for my side, it's better to take it easy. I don't know anything and nothing happened. I'm still the one who is eliminated now. What should be done needs to be done, and what should not be done should be regarded as invisible!

After all, the director has his own plan. He can participate in it before, because he doesn't know why! But if we still participate in it, then we will not even know how to die? What's the matter? Think you're smarter than the director, right?

Previously, it was unintentional, but now if you do it again, it will not be so simple!

"Sir, Jun Cheng's performance is quite good."

After coming back, Qu he said it truthfully!

"His performance is fair, but watch it! Some people will come to visit us tonight! They're all human beings! If you want to deal with them, it's really not too simple. If you take out 12 people, many people will wake up. It's also a troublesome thing. ""They will wake up so soon, sir?"

"Yang Chen, what do you think?" Instead of answering Qu he, Ding Yu asked Yang Chen!

"There are still quite a lot of smart people among them, especially the previous recommendation. I believe many people have already felt something about Jun Cheng. I believe it is still touching for quite a number of people. At this time, quite a lot of people are very sensitive. Pies fall from the sky, but who knows what the stuffing is ?”

Who knows this word has not finished, Ding Yu's eye is a stand! Obviously, I'm not satisfied with Yang Chen's statement!

Seeing his director's expression like this, Yang Chen pauses for a moment, then opens his mouth and says!

"In the previous elimination and recommendation, quite a number of people chose to avoid it. At the same time, they would also think about why such a situation occurred. Obviously, they all clearly identified that this is a process of elimination! So a lot of people are doing their own things with their heart. They believe that the director will see this! They still have this wisdom. They will never lose themselves because of the appearance in front of them. This can be said to be experience, and it can also be said to be

For this answer, Ding Yu is more or less satisfied, perhaps a little rough, but the truth is this truth!

"Do you understand?" Ding Yu looks at Qu he, and Qu he nods clearly!

"I think this group of people have already understood how things happened, but they will not talk about it!"

"It can be said that they have seen the essence of the matter. Originally, I was still worried about whether any of them had been drawn in! But from now on, there is really no such situation. It can be said that Jun Cheng's appearance has some startling effects, but from another perspective, these guys are! Not for nothing

"Sir, you seldom praise like that

"Their performance is relatively calm, and the previous techniques are so conventional! In this case, then the end of their own good! Let's see if they're not afraid of fire? A little bit of expectation! "

"Director, are you going to die in person?" Yang Chen seems very interested!

"Someone made a report! What to do? " Ding Yu snorted, "what's more, these guys have been here for quite some time! We can't just drag them here and spend money on food and drink. They don't take any money. What good things do they want? I have nothing to do with them! "

Yang Chen knew that the director said that on purpose! It's not intentional!

"Just give them a lesson! Let them know how powerful they are, eliminate quite a few people, and remind others. As for the rest of these people? To a certain extent, they are really excellent talents. Let's see if we can find their direction. After all, this is a major event, and it can't be too vague! "

But Ding Yu did not leave the laboratory building, but met with the director of the experiment!

"Mr. Ding, it's not right to ask you to make a trip."

Ding Yu shook hands with the visitor, "no, don't say so. You are a student of Qi Lao. If he knows that I am harsh on you, OK? However, to knock me, the phone will also give me to scold the bloody nozzle, I am a bit can not stand, when Xu Peng also deliberately told me! You have quite a lot of knowledge, but who wants to come here! It's a waste of talent! "

"No, the main thing is that my research topic has a lot to do with the topography here, and has nothing to do with other things." The speaker looks a little old, but the actual age is almost the same as Ding Yu. He is mainly outside all the year round and exposed to the sun and wind, so now he seems to have some hard work!

Because of the good relationship with Ding Yu, this one has no hesitation. He is very direct with Ding Yu!

"Mr. Ding, I know that this matter is a little difficult to say. The main reason is that our experiment can not be in the laboratory! We need some experts in this field, but... "

"I see!" Ding Yu nodded, "I have read the previous report! Also made the reply, no wonder you are so anxious, but since you said it! So let me just say a few words. What about the scholars and experts concerned? I've sent someone to check it out! There are overall considerations on the farm side, so this matter will be a little longer, but in terms of human resources and resources, as long as it is beneficial to the country and the farm, we will support it! "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ding, but I'm a little too anxious!"

"No, I can understand. Although the place here is small, the farms are also concerned about some problems in aquaculture. However, the farms need to focus on agriculture. In addition, there are a little more problems involved in Shanghai foreign trade. Therefore, we can only make a considerable outline and make a large-scale march. From a temporary point of view, we should focus on agriculture, The possibility is not so big, but since we said it today! We can start here

"Sir, in that case, there are quite plans already!""Don't be so excited. Our place is relatively small. The so-called boat is small and easy to turn around, so it is easier to deal with it. What's more, the current aquaculture industry is not as hard as that on the farm side. However, I have read the report on this aspect and let me do some directional work without any problem, but when it comes to specific issues, I can do it No more! "

Do not need to cover up their weaknesses, there is no point at all!

"Mr. Ding, I'm a little embarrassed to say so!"

"After a while, the personnel will arrive one after another. For the time being, we can only provide them for you. What's more, what about the ocean? It's OK to know. Too much information is not suitable for the farm! "

"Yes! Don't worry, Mr. Ding. If something goes wrong, I'll come to see you with this head! "

"What do I want your head for? There are too many people staring at us now! And if you enter a field rashly, there will be quite a lot of problems and situations. These all need to be prepared and reserved in the early stage. It is not a simple thing! "

"Yes, Mr. Ding, I am in a hurry! Or I'll make it up to you! "

"Forget it! If you have time, pay more attention. If you look like this, I have no way to see Qi Lao! "

"If you do this job, don't think about being a little white face. The field is our foothold. If we don't have a foothold in the field, we are poor in the laboratory and never have much success. The situation in the laboratory is too right! And the situation between the fields is another thing, the specific analysis of the specific problems! "

"You can't work too hard! Otherwise, I can't afford to have trouble with me! "

After chatting for two words, Ding Yu left here. As for Qu he and Yang Chen, they were not around! They don't need to pay too much attention to farm related matters. They still know this self-knowledge!

"Do you need to let them know, sir?" When leaving, Qu he took the lead in asking!

"Tell them to have classes in the evening and tell them about the things that need attention in their health!"

No different from the previous topic, but what is the specific content? This is something to be discussed!

Ding Yu is ready here, and the students are also preparing for it!

But before class in the evening, someone found Jun Cheng! Ding Yu didn't expect anything!

"Comrade Jun Cheng, have you been informed of the course in the evening?"

Jun Cheng looked at the visitor, slightly nodded his head, "notice, but see everyone's interest is relatively high!"

"Detour, don't you? Originally, we were still confused, but it was also because of you that we woke up. We wanted to invite you to dinner, but we didn't have much time! "

You sincerely understand how a thing, but now no matter what kind of answer, or do not do any answer, are wrong! It's not a realistic thing to try to hide from all of them!

Because Jun Cheng is very clear, no matter what happened to them or to himself, they were just smoke bombs. Moreover, some less intelligent people were directly expelled from the office. Although he understood it a little later, it did not mean that other people did not understand!

Why do they want to find themselves? This situation is also very simple, the reason why they do not participate in the competition? It was chosen by everyone, not the director's opinions and ideas!

Apart from protection, are there any other reasons? The director deliberately! If so, there are quite a few things worth studying! So now someone found Jun Cheng's head!

"Don't you eat in the cafeteria at night? Everyone is still together! "

Jun Cheng's answer is not very clever, except for the twelve, other people are in, no one will leave for no reason, especially the director also mentioned! They will be taught in the evening! What's the director's mind? I won't guess it. After all, this is the director's territory!

The expression of the visitor was slightly surprised, or even shocked. Before he came, he thought about a lot of possibilities, but he didn't expect Jun Cheng to answer like this! I don't even know how to deal with it now! Jun Cheng did not feel difficult for himself, but felt quite a situation here!

For Jun Cheng, he didn't look down on him, but he really didn't look high. But he didn't think about it. Jun Cheng said such a thing. There are too many things in it! They really need to be careful to deal with!

"I know, Jun Cheng. I think everyone underestimates you a little too much."

The address changed all of a sudden!

Jun Cheng is a little smile, "too modest! I know my own ability, and students still have a considerable gap, I hope that in the future can make common progress! Although this time was eliminated! But I've learned a lot! ""Common progress!" The visitor took a deep look at Jun Cheng. He wanted to portray the impression of Jun Cheng in his mind. There was no mistake in his judgment. He eliminated Juncheng! What about itself? It's not what the director meant! It's just a trial from the director! It's a pity that so many people were buried with them!

Without the front of those people's cover up, then we will directly present in front of the director, this is a good thing, but the same is not a good thing, everyone knows that the director's eyes do not rub the sand!

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